“Is Bradley Cooper joining the cast of ‘The Great Gatsby’?” links


Is Bradley Cooper joining Leo DiCaprio for The Great Gatsby? That‘s not bad casting, honestly. [LimeLife]
Daphne Guiness denies slamming Victoria Beckham. [PopBytes]
The Bachelor and his beloved have probably already split up. [ICYDK]
Ke$ha‘s unflattering bikini. God, she‘s really thick-waisted. [ONTD]
One of Charlie Sheen‘s porn stars attempted suicide, sort of. [Crazy Days and Nights]
I‘d choose GOOD sleep over a good lay too. [The Frisky]
Neve Campbell is a feminist. [I’m Not Obsessed]
More from Rihanna‘s Vogue interview. [Bossip]
Mila Kunis is still super-skinny. [INFDaily]
Lady Gaga‘s tsunami support bracelets are selling well. [The Celebrity Café]
Alyssa Milano is expecting a boy. [Bitten and Bound]
Lindsay Lohan might get to go to cupcake jail, rather than prison. [Radar]
The young Hollywood cocaine video is coming! [Celebs]
Kate Moss, looking like a crackhead. [Hollywood Rag]
It‘s Adopt The Internet day! Something about puppies and kitties. [CityRag]
Selena Gomez, looking kind of tacky. [Starpulse]
A really good Robert DeNiro interview. [Moviefone]


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28 Responses to ““Is Bradley Cooper joining the cast of ‘The Great Gatsby’?” links”

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  1. Zelda says:

    I could very easily picture him as Tom Buchanan. But the stuff he says in that interview about the character is such total and utter bullsh*t that I hope he gets passed over. On principle.

    Also, while I’d normally find him handsome, he looks really, really odd in that header photo. Like Don Draper got hit in the face with a shovel.

  2. Relli says:

    I FULLY support this casting decision; Bradley Cooper as Tom Buchanan!

    I cannot help but love the dude. i lived in the dingy little apartment for one year with NO cable my main sources of entertainment were PBS and the WB where the Coop was my main man from Globe Trekker to Jack and Bobby, man paid his dues.

  3. Ari says:

    I never noticed until the top pic how much higher one eye is than the other. With that said, he is one fine ass man.

  4. Quest says:

    The casting is absolutely delish and super dupa sexy

  5. brin says:

    Should be an excellent movie!

  6. suki says:

    Did you see Bradley Cooper last night on Inside The Actors Studio? I have only seen that show a couple of times, but it was really good. He is the first former student of that college to return to be on the show. James Lipton got very choked up introducing him and Bradley Cooper had a hard time getting through the interview.

    It was actually very sweet.

  7. Heatheradair says:

    (I’m totally biased and *admittedly* love Ke$ha, but I’m digging that she’s built sort of like a “normal chick” and isn’t a stick-skinny bobble-head……weird figure, weird swimsuit, but I sort of like her for it)

  8. Jillian says:

    He should play Myrtle’s husband.

  9. Riley says:

    Ke$ha looks like Ivana Trump. She may want to consider drinking a list less and running a little more.

  10. Riley says:

    Kaiser, the link to the young hollywood cocaine video really depressed me. It kills me that people are still so hateful, careless, selfish, mean, and stupid. The link is really pointless especially because we know not for certain who is in the video, and it disparages a whole race of people. I hope if the video is real, that whoever is in it is exposed and her “career” (whatever it may be) is ruined for associating with such digusting pigs.

  11. KsGirl says:

    Wow, those pictures of Kesha (Ke$ha? Kei$ha?) are super, SUPER unflattering. She has exactly the wrong body type to rock that bikini. Part of me admires her bravery going out in public like that, knowing she would be photographed. I’d have hidden in my hotel room blubbering and doing crunches. 🙂

  12. TQB says:

    Hey, so, help me here – people who watch the Bachelor – she’s mad because he banged other chicks during the show? Hello? Was it acknowledged at all on the show last night that this is completely irrational? Did she not notice she was on a dating show where there was only one guy and a house full of women?

  13. TQB says:

    oh, and Ke$ha’s bikini would look terrible on anyone. That’s just bad. That’s just “honey, stop making things hard on yourself.”

  14. Fire says:

    TQB – it’s actually her body that looks terrible, not just that granny suit. There are more pics of her in a different bikini here http://www.popsugar.com/Pictures-Keha-Wearing-Bikini-Australia-11917005

    I have a better body than that and I am a 42 year old mother of two. BUT I don’t wear bikinis nor are the paps taking pics of my ass…

  15. normades says:

    That would be OK casting. But Tobey as Nick is a big NO in my book.

  16. ordinarygirl86 says:

    I hope he gets passed over simply because of the public ass-kissing and campaigning he’s been doing through the media outlets! Why couldn’t he simply audition for the role like everyone else or call Baz up for god sake?

  17. kimberly says:

    He has the best hair plugs!!

  18. bananapanda says:

    Ugh he was awful on Inside the Actor’s Studio. Crying and kissing ass and Lipton was even more sycophantic. Didn’t think it could get worse than P. Diddy but yeah…

  19. TQB says:

    @Fire, jeez, great for you that you look better, but what’s the problem with a fairly normal looking girl (neither obese nor stick thin) wearing a bikini with confidence even when she knows there will be photos? She looks fine in the normal suit you linked to. Not everyone should aspire to be completely fat-free, you know.

  20. Ruffian9 says:

    Nice one, TQB. Totally agree.

  21. Sumodo1 says:

    Best way to avoid the paps stalking her at the beach(in KeSha’s warped brain): wear an ugly Granny-panty bathing suit so nobody can sell the photos. Kinda backfired….

  22. Zelda says:

    I would like to see a celeb wear an old-timey bathing costume for one of these. That would be fantastic.

  23. arock says:

    if bradley cooper needs a shoulder to cry on, he can have mine. and by shoulder i mean lap and by cry i mean….

    hes lovely.

  24. BooBooBear says:

    damn that granny ass is ding dang dented UP i cant stop laughing
    thats the kind of thing that happens when you brush yo teeth with jack hahahaha you end up face down on the breakfast table with some granny panties on your bagel butt.

  25. Alice says:

    Wow. I already appreciated my nipped-in waist, but looking at Kesha makes me appreciate it even more. I love you, my waist. Thank you for not looking like Kesha’s tragic waist.

  26. curegirl0421 says:

    See here’s the thing about Ke$ha that, despite her horrible music and weird fashion choices, I love to pieces.

    She gives not one little sh!t about what we think of her. Not one.

    If she ever starts lipo-ing and doing crunches and starving herself, I will lose all respect for her.

  27. Zelda says:


  28. forex says:

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