Jennifer Aniston had lipo, claims In Touch

The only plastic surgery Jennifer Aniston has admitted to is a nose job to correct a deviated septum. In Touch states the 39 year-old actress has also had a less invasive form of liposuction, lipodissolve, along with injected fillers and botox to reduce facial wrinkles, and possibly a breast augmentation. They claim to have insider information that she had lipodissolve, and rely on photos to suggest that she’s had a boob job and botox. It looks like she could be exercising and dieting her thighs away, but if she did get a little help with it that’s her perogative. She didn’t need it, but if she has the money, why not? Her boobs don’t look all that different to me, though:

Following her breakup with singer John Mayer in August, the former Friends star reportedly dieted and exercised six pounds off her already thin frame. But insiders tell In Touch that Jen’s new appearance isn’t all-natural: She recently underwent a series of soft surgery procedures that melt fat from her thighs and backside, they say.

“The treatment she had is called LipoDissolve, and it gets rid of fat in unwanted areas,” claims an insider about the procedure, which costs around $5,000 per session. Jen’s rep denies that she’s used LipoDissolve.

Though the insider says 5’4″ Jen now weighs 120 pounds, “she’s particularly insecure about her butt and thighs,” and believes she used LipoDissolve for just that reason….

The insider tells In Touch that Jen may have had several cosmetic procedures besides LipoDissolve… [they claim] she’s had “at least one other nose job” and also speculates that she’s had regular Botox injections in her forehead and around her eyes, and the facial filler Juvederm in her cheeks and around her mouth. “The more weight she’s losing, the more gaunt her face looks,” the insider explains. “That’s why she may get the fillers.”

But Jennifer’s rep calls the claims “completely false – she has not had any procedures done.”

[From In Touch, print edition, October 13, 2008]

In Touch goes on to quote a “body image expert,” who says “When you’re as thin as Jen and you believe you need LipoDissolve, maybe you need some counseling.” The whole thing reads like an advertisement for LipoDissolve they name drop it so much, so maybe they’re covertly disguising product ads as articles. Aniston looks great and a lot of people want a body like hers, so why better way to sell an expensive procedure than claim she’s had it?

If all that is true, and it’s up to question because her rep so vehemently denies it, it’s just another example of a celebrity taking advantage of the latest technology to look fabulous. If I had the money and expansive free time to get thinner thighs, less wrinkles, experts to help with every little thing, and weekly spa treatments, I’d do it too. Those type of procedures can reach a point where they get too invasive and the results become phony-looking, but obviously Aniston hasn’t gone there yet, so why knock her for looking good? She works hard for it, even if she is getting a little boost here and there. We’ll never know for sure what Aniston has had done, and can only rely on tabloid speculation that may have ulterior motives to sell procedures to the rest of us.

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21 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston had lipo, claims In Touch”

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  1. SolitaryAngel says:

    How To Stay Relevant: Attempt #12,631.

  2. Roni says:

    Really, I’m NOT surprised! These actors and actresses will do anthing to stay slim and beautiful (in their eyes). I find it quite disgusting and I embrace my “lady lumps/bumps!”

  3. ~t~ says:

    Go back and watch the first few episodes of Friends and tell me she has not had extensive work done! True, she does look fantastic and you are so right, she doesn’t look phony – but c’mon, why do all these celebs deny having work done?? It is not like we can’t SEE!

  4. Zoe says:

    This whole plastic surgery thing truly confuses me. It just seems so wrong, so shallow and vain and damaging to ourselves and to young girls to see this crap, etc. etc. but on the other hand, I totally daydream about getting this little thing or that little thing “fixed” (like something’s so wrong, it needs to be fixed). The non-invasive stuff if so tempting, afterall, it’s “not really plastic surgery” right? Isn’t it all semantics? Take something as simple as laser hair removal. I’d love to get my legs done so I won’t have to shave anymore (what freedom!) but what’s so evil about having hair on my legs anyway? I don’t FEEL comfortable with hairy legs, that’s what’s wrong with it. My vanity keeps me from it. But if I thought no one else would notice or judge me for it, I sure as hell wouldn’t bother with the razor, would you?
    Sorry for the ridiculous ramble…am I making any sense? It’s a slippery slope, so I started with the first, most innocuous example I could think of. Every time I put on makeup or stress about plucking my damn eyebrows all this crap goes through my head…anyone else? 😆

  5. dumdee says:

    wow and just how reliable are these sources again? has it occured to people that maybe she’s been working out and she also could be wearing spanx. i call BS

  6. daisy424 says:

    So what if she has, better than letting herself go. Her $$.
    As I age, my wish list for the plastic surgeon gets longer…..exercise alone won’t fix it.
    Do I want a tummy tuck or a new foyer floor, decisions, decisions.

  7. Kaiser says:

    See, I think she looked really different last year, and beginning of 2008. Like she was trying out new cheekbones or she was getting those cheek filler thingies. It gave her a really puffy look – albeit, a YOUNGER puffy look.

    Now she’s back to deflated. And older.

  8. KERRI says:

    She once claimed that she would get some type of surgery done to keep her looks, so no surprise there. Of course her reps would deny. That’s what they’re told to say unless given the OK by the boss.

    If I had the $$$, I would be sitting in my surgeons office right this minute instead of commenting on this thread.

    Why deny these procedures? As one gets older, dieting and excercising doesn’t cut it if you want a perfect body. A little tweeking here and there cuts down on the workout sessions.:?

  9. JaundiceMachine says:

    A sad social commentary on how one can never be too thin, too rich, or have too many glossies on speed-dial.

    I bet next week, she’ll be a special guest lecturer at some “Love Your Body!” campaign designed to empower young women. And I’ll think that’ll be just awesome.

  10. Bodhi says:

    😆 Syko! My mom is torn between lipo & a new kitchen!

  11. debra77 says:

    If I had the money I would get a body overhaul in a minute. I do think she has something done. During the earlier day of friends, I thought she was so cute. Had a really curvy figure. She was very sexy then. Then she and Courtney went through the skinny thing together. I didn’t like them as much. Too many boney parts. But that was 10 years ago. Bodies change.

  12. Syko says:

    Sorry, Bodhi – that was Daisy. Me? I’m just Syko from the block, old and used and nothing hanging where it should be – but damn, I’ve had a good time!

  13. xxx says:

    Lipodisolve is not approved by the FDA nor is it regulated. It is not safe and is not proven to show results, just fyi.

  14. Granger says:

    First of all, I find it hard to believe she weighs 120 lbs. I’m 5’4″ too, and 120 lbs, and JA looks a LOT thinner than I do. And if she looks thin on camera, you know she’s even thinner in real life.

    All that aside… This is a woman who has always been obsessed with her body. The (second) biggest story that has ever circulated about her is about the infamous 30 lbs she lost before Friends. Since, she’s been the unofficial celeb spokesperson for the Atkins diet, and got so thin at one point during Friends that she looked like a bobble-head. She definitely exercises — her arms are awesome! — but I think that, first and foremost, she seriously limits her diet to stay so slender (along with every other Hollywood actress!). So I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s had lipo. Who hasn’t in that industry?

  15. sam says:

    No doubt she has had some work done (I don’t know if I’m for or against that) but i dont blame her for not wanting that publicised – I’m sure she gets judged for enough already.
    Those photos are nearly a year apart – anything can happen in that time: weight gain or loss. To me this just emphasises that we the public enjoy scandalous stories about public figures.

  16. whatevs says:

    Hmmm, she doesn’t strike me as someone insecure about her butt. Maybe she was way back in the day, but wasn’t she practically mooning the paparazzi recently? Sticking your ass out when you know there are cameras around is pretty brave. If she was really concerned with it she would have worn a sarong or something. Unless this was after she had the lipo crap done, which would make more sense. Who knows, who cares. If I had the money I’d do it.

  17. Bodhi says:

    Eek! Sorry Syko!

  18. Sofia says:

    What she did: Thermage and botox….cut the carbs…boobs are real.

  19. shazzy says:

    it doesnt matter what she did, it looks good. i would definitely have a few things done myself if i had the finances for it. some people go extreme, but who cares!!!!!

  20. Jeanne says:

    Lipo is soooo common especially in Hwood what’s the big shocker here? Maybe she can convince Vince Vaughan to get lipo. At least Jen looks like Jen if she’s had other work done, unlike Meg Ryan or Jennifer Grey.

  21. tenley says:

    Of course she’s had all sorts of work on her face. A woman doesn’t bake in the sun after the age of 20 every single chance she gets for the next 20 years and not have one wrinkle. That anyone even questions whether she’s had stuff injected in her face is hilarious.