Cele|bitchy | “Joe Jonas and Taylor Swift broke up” afternoon links

“Joe Jonas and Taylor Swift broke up” afternoon links

Joe Jonas and Taylor Swift broke up. Tweens around the world tear up a little bit [PopEater]
Katie Price performs at the UK’s Horse of the Year show. On an actual horse – this has nothing to do with her face [Dlisted]
LiLo is starting to look more and more like an aging prostitute [Lainey Gossip]
– Some of Obama’s supporters he’d probably rather forget [Bossip]
– And a little more Lohan skank for you [Fafarazzi]
– “Rachel Getting Married” review [Pajiba]
Sarah Jessica Parker’s son James is adorable and looks just like her [I’m Not Obsessed]
– It’s all about Miley Cyrus. She is all that matters. Not the city of Anaheim or its silly bedtimes [Celebslam]
Kanye told Ellen DeGeneres that he gets his inspiration from from American Psycho [Websters is my Bitch]
Anne Hathaway is finally over her ex. And to prove it, she donated everything the FBI didn’t seize. Just like at the end of most relationships [In Case You Didn’t Know]
– Everything you never wanted to know about Rob Lowe, David Crosby, and penises [Crazy Days and Nights]
Mariah Carey gives Nick Cannon a tacky birthday cake that appears to be made out of cheese [PopSugar]
– There’s a chance David Duchovny hasn’t been cured of his addiction in two months [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
– More info on why Aubrey O’Day got tossed out of Danity Kane. I’m pretty sure this outfit is reason enough [Socialite’s Life]
Hilary Duff releases a “that’s so gay” PSA [Just Jared]
Adriana Lima promotes Victoria’s Secret’s latest perfume. And I am insanely jealous (sorta NSFW) [Egotastic]
– Eek. Clint Eastwood is a huge Sarah Palin fan [The Superficial]

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7 Responses to ““Joe Jonas and Taylor Swift broke up” afternoon links”

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  1. notprfect says:

    Somebody tell aubrey o’day to stop publically supporting Obama. Seeing her wear that shirt almost makes me want to vote for mccain. 😆

    (Not really, but she should still stop that. :mrgreen: )

  2. vdantev says:

    Decided if she wanted to be a lesbian, she’d date a real woman instead, eh ? 😆

  3. Anon says:

    I loved the Fug Girls comment on Aubrey O’Day

    “Somewhere, there is an Obama staffer tasked with writing a very tactful email that essentially says, “OH MY GOD CUT IT OUT YOU ARE NOT HELPFUL.” Somewhere, there is a hair dresser who is composing a very kind email that still basically reads, “OMG WHEN YOUR ROOTS ARE THIS BAD DON’T WEAR YOUR HAIR LIKE THAT.” And somewhere, there is a very small, overly accessorized dog learning to write so that he can leave Aubrey O’Day a note that explains where he’s gone and why he’s NEVER COMING BACK.”

  4. Codzilla says:

    Which one is which, again?

  5. mandee says:

    haha that was funny anon 😛

  6. Roxy says:

    somebody has Joe jonas messenger??….. 😀 pleaseee..

  7. -learn a little-party alot- says:

    ♥Yay i heard it but didnt belive itnow confirming it il give him a call!!♥