– Joe Jonas and Taylor Swift broke up. Tweens around the world tear up a little bit [PopEater]
– Katie Price performs at the UK’s Horse of the Year show. On an actual horse – this has nothing to do with her face [Dlisted]
– LiLo is starting to look more and more like an aging prostitute [Lainey Gossip]
– Some of Obama’s supporters he’d probably rather forget [Bossip]
– And a little more Lohan skank for you [Fafarazzi]
– “Rachel Getting Married” review [Pajiba]
– Sarah Jessica Parker’s son James is adorable and looks just like her [I’m Not Obsessed]
– It’s all about Miley Cyrus. She is all that matters. Not the city of Anaheim or its silly bedtimes [Celebslam]
– Kanye told Ellen DeGeneres that he gets his inspiration from from American Psycho [Websters is my Bitch]
– Anne Hathaway is finally over her ex. And to prove it, she donated everything the FBI didn’t seize. Just like at the end of most relationships [In Case You Didn’t Know]
– Everything you never wanted to know about Rob Lowe, David Crosby, and penises [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Mariah Carey gives Nick Cannon a tacky birthday cake that appears to be made out of cheese [PopSugar]
– There’s a chance David Duchovny hasn’t been cured of his addiction in two months [I Don’t Like You In That Way]
– More info on why Aubrey O’Day got tossed out of Danity Kane. I’m pretty sure this outfit is reason enough [Socialite’s Life]
– Hilary Duff releases a “that’s so gay” PSA [Just Jared]
– Adriana Lima promotes Victoria’s Secret’s latest perfume. And I am insanely jealous (sorta NSFW) [Egotastic]
– Eek. Clint Eastwood is a huge Sarah Palin fan [The Superficial]
Somebody tell aubrey o’day to stop publically supporting Obama. Seeing her wear that shirt almost makes me want to vote for mccain. 😆
(Not really, but she should still stop that.
Decided if she wanted to be a lesbian, she’d date a real woman instead, eh ? 😆
I loved the Fug Girls comment on Aubrey O’Day
“Somewhere, there is an Obama staffer tasked with writing a very tactful email that essentially says, “OH MY GOD CUT IT OUT YOU ARE NOT HELPFUL.” Somewhere, there is a hair dresser who is composing a very kind email that still basically reads, “OMG WHEN YOUR ROOTS ARE THIS BAD DON’T WEAR YOUR HAIR LIKE THAT.” And somewhere, there is a very small, overly accessorized dog learning to write so that he can leave Aubrey O’Day a note that explains where he’s gone and why he’s NEVER COMING BACK.”
Which one is which, again?
haha that was funny anon 😛
somebody has Joe jonas messenger??….. 😀 pleaseee..
♥Yay i heard it but didnt belive itnow confirming it il give him a call!!♥