Josh Holloway vs. Joel McHale in hotness showdown on Community finale

Here’s some good news about my favorite sitcom, Community. I should say it’s mixed news because it reminds us that this incredibly funny, highly watchable show is about to close out its second season. It’s going to do so with even more man candy, though, so I guess I can live with that. Lost’s Josh Holloway (who is featured in this week’s Hot Guy Friday) is going to guest on the two part season finale as some kind of hunky competition to the snarky boyish hotness that is Joel McHale’s Jeffery Winger. It looks like this won’t be airing until mid May, though, so we have around five more episodes to look forward to.

Potential mild spoilers in quoted text below
I didn’t watch last night’s episode of Community yet, so I would say no spoilers in the comments yet, but it still won’t spoil it given how much they put in that show. That episode is on the DVR waiting for me like a box of truffles after dinner. One of my favorite parts of last week’s episode was when Abed and Troy explained that they’d had to stop hanging out with Jeff after Britta told them Jeff liked nipple play – then Troy mimed like he was stroking an imaginary Jeff’s nipples. They’re so great at riffing off same sex relationships in that show (remember when Annie tried to kiss Britta?), and given all these funny comments by the stars I think we can assume that Josh and Joel will have a little homoeroticism going.

Joel McHale is used to being the resident hunk on the set of “Community.” Now, a challenger emerges from off the island.

Josh Holloway is slated to guest star in the survivor paintball-themed second season finale of the NBC comedy, and series co-star Alison Brie said that the “Lost” alum caused quite the stir on set.

“Josh Holloway from Lost makes an appearance and he and Joel have a “handsome off,” as I like to call it, between the two of them,” Brie told NY Magazine’s Vulture blog. “That was kind of the vibe on the set, as well. Everyone on set — guys and girls alike — were fawning over Josh.”

Brie said that the vibe of a relaxed set changed a bit, in honor of the handsome star. “Everyone was on their best behavior, looking better than ever. Our male producers would talk to Josh for five minutes and then they’d walk over and say, ‘He really is attractive, isn’t he?’ It was so funny. There were a lot of man crushes, absolutely.”

Holloway has had this “problem,” before; he bemoaned his sex symbol status in a 2009 interview with Company Magazine:

“‘[The] whole sex-symbol thing is really strange,” he said, adding that he, “wouldn’t wish it on anybody. I appreciate the opportunity to work, the cash it gives you, and other things it provides are wonderful. But the celebrity thing… I don’t like attention.”

Still, McHale didn’t seem to mind the good looks of his “rival.”

“Josh Holloway is as sexy, as dreamy as you would expect, even more so than he was in ‘Lost’ I think,” he recently told TV Guide. “You really get to see his comedic side. He nails it. He’s so funny. He was such a good guy, great to have around. I would follow him on to any set and then they would handcuff me and escort me out.”

[From Huffington Post, sources are TVGuide and NYMag]

I like that they’re reprising the paintball scenario that was last year’s brilliant finale. This show rarely gets it wrong – excepting that bizarre stop motion animation Christmas special. I didn’t even watch the whole thing. Did anyone even like that? (My mom did so don’t be ashamed.)

Oh and I also have to mention how much I like relatively new guest star Malcolm Jamal Warner as Shirley’s ex husband. He’s great in that role, and they even work in the occasional Cosby Show reference for him.

Community has been renewed for a third season, hurray! We have plenty more to look forward to after this season wraps.

Photos are from NBC, where you can watch full episodes of Community for free if you’re in the US.



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34 Responses to “Josh Holloway vs. Joel McHale in hotness showdown on Community finale”

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  1. Jenna says:

    I love Community, but Joel has been looking really weird in recent episodes. I think it’s the emo-hipster hair thing he has going on.

  2. Celebitchy says:

    I think they changed his weave Jenna, I noticed that too. He’s still hot to me, but his bad hair has stood out recently.

  3. Rita says:

    This thread brings to mind that two of life’s best 10 minute experiences are a great laugh and great sex.

    They’re mutually exclusive as evidenced by my foray into sexy lingerie wearing a fancy fruit-laddened head-dress (took me an hour to get the raisins out of my thong).

  4. the original bellaluna says:

    Josh, pants down! (Hands, I meant hands!)

  5. Amandahugandkiss says:

    A hotness showdown versus Sawyer?

    Could anyone win that?

  6. Annaloo says:

    How. Did. I. Not. know. About. This. Show.

  7. meg says:

    Yeah- they messed with his hair and started putting makeup that’s an awful shade of orange on him. 🙁 Still hot tho

  8. Anti-icon says:

    This could be tough, ’cause funny guys are hot to me, and McHale is hilarious….but Josh Holloway is a LOOKER. DAMN.

  9. the original bellaluna says:

    @ Rita – Only 10 minutes? 😀

    LMAO @ “took me an hour to get the raisins out of my thong” – Girl, you are too funny!

  10. Roma says:

    Abed and Troy are the best couple on TV, hands down.

  11. Allison says:

    My Choice for Hotness Showdown Winner:

    Josh Holloway has more of the classic hunk look but Joel McHale has a more unique- still hot- look. Plus Joel’s got all the swag points. I vote him 😉

  12. nikki says:

    This show makes me incredibly happy

  13. notsoanonymous says:

    Erm. I did like the stop motion episode. Maybe I should hang my head in shame?

    Odd fact – Donald Glover who plays Troy apparently has three rap albums!

  14. TQB says:

    I cannot wait for this episode – – but I must also admit the secret shame (?) of loving the stop-motion episode. I’m late to the party and it was one of the first episodes I watched and was instantly hooked.

    I love MJW!!!!

  15. lucy2 says:

    Joel is cute hot, but Josh is HOT hot. And yeah Joel’s hair has been weird.
    I actually had a nice (unfortunately not naughty) Joel dream earlier this week, and at some point during it, he turned into Jon Hamm. Seriously. I blame HGF.

    I love Community, the writing’s great, it’s always clever, and the cast is amazing (esp. Donald Glover, who needs an Emmy for his Reading Rainbow mental breakdown). But I don’t always love the darker episodes – I appreciate them, but really enjoy the silliness more. Troy and Abed in the morning!

  16. The Truth Fairy says:

    I was disappointed in the Pulp Fiction episode – not funny or even entertaining.

    Josh is definitely hotter! He may have a muffin top, but I happen to love muffins, so ….

  17. nina says:

    The character’s name is Jeff Winger, not Wheeler!

    I ran into him at the grocery store two weekends ago. He bought some Girl Scout cookies from the girls outside and posed with them for pictures. It was really sweet!

  18. Celebitchy says:

    Nina I will fix it, I was working too fast to get out on a Friday afternoon! Thanks for pointing that out, ha!

  19. nikki says:

    Yes and he’s decent! I’m not into rap but I love me some donald glover but he actually does have some rhyming skills. Also he does stand up comedy and apparently it’s awesome.

  20. little girl lost says:

    team winger. 100%

  21. kg says:

    The Reading Rainbow episode was hilarious! When LeVar Burton said more fish for Kunta I almost lost it.

  22. Natasha says:

    I found no shame in loving the stop motion ep. I didn’t even realize people hated it until this thread. I think it was just meant as another hat tip to the shows nerdy fanbase. 🙂

  23. Marie says:

    Josh Josh Josh…Oh my gosh he gets my heart thumping.

  24. Becca says:

    Joel’s personality & sense of humor makes him way hotter than Josh.

  25. truthzbetta says:

    Josh is so hot I can’t believe he exists. He is an Adonis. A God. He is the sexiest man alive and if People Mag would crown him such immediately we’d all forgive and forget some of their low moments.

    How can he share the same chromosomal pair that gave us the Chris Browns and Oily Sheens of this world?

    He is so hot his dimples are a bonus, and not the main attraction. If they made male prostitutes that looked like him I’d work harder and go to jail regularly and repeatedly. I would not quit you Josh, and I’d sign my real name on the checks just like Oily Sheen. Sigh. A hard Josh would be so good to find. Why can’t he have a tacky sex tape? Cuz of his career and self worth or something?

  26. Violet says:

    ah Joel McHale so hot!!! and i loved the christmas episode, no shame here!

  27. poodlemom says:

    Joel is funny and beautiful. I’d hit it.

  28. Anti-icon says:

    #25 Truthzbetta: Funny. And you are so very accurate in your choice of obsessions. He is FINE…and well worth all the trouble one might find herself in…..LOL

  29. Mizz Tickles says:

    Josh – check out this vid – he is so hot.

  30. Amy says:

    I don’t see McHale’s appeal. At all. Holloway wins this for me.

  31. Camille says:

    Love the show and am very happy to hear it is being picked up for another season :D.

    And I vote for Joel as being hotter, Josh is too obvious (although yes a cutie). Joel is more interesting to me (and funnier!).

  32. Angela says:

    I like them both, but Josh definitely wins this hotness showdown.

  33. SFRowGuy says:

    Josh looking like that — no contest. Sorry Joel.

  34. loopygorilla says:

    OMG I WOULD hit Joel McHale like it was the last day on earth.

    Joel makes me misty.

    seriously, he is dorky HOT and nothing is hotter than dorky hot!