Cele|bitchy | Cameron Diaz covers her biscuit in Roland Mouret: cute or cheap?

Cameron Diaz covers her biscuit in Roland Mouret: cute or cheap?


These are new photos of Cameron Diaz in Las Vegas, presenting a screening of her new film, Bad Teacher. I think this is the best Cameron has looked in a while, isn’t it? And it’s not even that her outfit is cute (it’s not). It’s that she doesn’t look drunk, she doesn’t look orange, she’s not clinging to Alex Rodriguez, we’re not being overwhelmed by her new (A-Rod-approved) muscles, and her biscuit is covered. The dress is Roland Mouret, and the jacket is Elizabeth and James (the Olsens line). The jacket and belt is what’s throwing me off – it makes the whole thing look a bit dated. That being said, Camy’s makeup and hair look good!

Camy not only screened Bad Teacher, she was also named Female Star of the Year at this event, CinemaCon. I actually want to see Bad Teacher! I think it looks funny. Here’s the red-band trailer (NSFW language):




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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37 Responses to “Cameron Diaz covers her biscuit in Roland Mouret: cute or cheap?”

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  1. lisa says:

    She has the best legs around.

  2. Quest says:

    She always looks so much better without the unnecessary accessories named “Alex Rodriguez”

    Likey dem shoes

  3. brin says:

    I have to agree, Cam looks good here and the movie looks funny (despite JT in it).

  4. EdithP says:

    It looks a little 80s to me but she’s still cute. Love her shoes.

  5. Rita says:

    The belt seems a bit too wide but other than that, I think the look is really good for her. The legs will probably last forever but that face….like sands through an hour-glass…times up.

  6. Bailey says:

    she looks great and her legs are hot!
    I like the belt too. its all about the 80’s revival.

  7. gigi* says:

    interesting…but the shoes needed to be a little smaller…love the jacket though! and the legs are going forever!

  8. insidescoop says:

    I love the outfit! Looks great

  9. Sassy says:

    I agree w/Rita…the legs are GREAT, but the face is def losing it’s “charm,” especially the pic where she’s got a big smile on her face…her chin has a “witch-like” quality. Anyhoo, I agree Cameron doesn’t look drunk in these pics…which is def more flattering. Alcohol doesn’t do celebrities ANY FAVORS, that’s for sure. Also, maybe “I’m no fashion plate,” that being said…I think the outfit is cute. The shoes are killer.

  10. beth says:

    ol’ dopey face looks nice!!! 🙂

  11. Jaded says:

    That nose of hers just keeps spreading and spreading….in another few years it’s going to go totally W.C. Fields on her…

  12. LadyBert62 says:

    How old is this woman? I dont know much about her – but she looks “hard” and ‘used” to me – her face looks weather beaten and tough like leather. The little bit I do know of her, I dont really like – she seems slutty. Perhaps I am being overly harsh – what do you think?

  13. MikeyAngel says:

    Love Cami. Love those shoes too. She looks really good here.

  14. Faye says:

    Like the outfit, not wild about the shoes.

  15. beth says:

    its a medically known fact, your nose is one appendage that never stops growing.

  16. Bailey says:

    LadyBert62: #12
    I think Cameron is about 38. and she spends a lot of time in the sun surfing. I don’t care how much sunscreen you use, you can still get that weather beaten look. one of my friends puts on sunscreen repeatedly when she sales for years and her skin looks tough.
    also genetics play a roll.

  17. luls says:

    haha! i LOVE the trailer for this movie!!! for once, Hollywood comes up with a NEW idea!! 🙂

  18. Micki says:

    She looks good but she usually does anyway.I find it refreshing that she didn’t do anything to her face even when some close shots are not flattering.

  19. She looks fabulous. Love the outfit, the shoes and would give a kidney for those legs. Good to be Cameron with or without a man accessory.

  20. danielle says:

    Love the shoes!

  21. she rocks. that look – just AWESOME. she does look dated but that’s the hook, I love the jacket and the feeling this look is giving me.

  22. pinns says:

    Lovely legs – equally nice arms!! Good to see a slim built woman who has nice arms for a change, NOT all veiny, gristly and horrible!!
    Film looks funny, added to the list.

  23. Trace says:

    I love her shoes.

  24. Brooke says:

    the frock and the shoe are killer.

  25. girl says:

    She looks good and the clothes aren’t horrible. Can’t say I love the shoes but she does look lovely and decidedly un-orange.

    I still trip on how different she looks as compared to her “The Mask” days. And I don’t mean her age either because she has aged rather well. Her face just looks so different.

  26. Ari says:

    she is someone who desperately needs to GET plastic surgery because her face is definitely not aging gracefully meanwhile the rest of her is…its sad tbh

  27. the original bellaluna says:

    Must. Have. Those. Shoes.

  28. Jeri says:

    Her cheeks still look lumpy & droopy – injections?? They didn’t used to be like that, otherwise she is looking good.

  29. RHONYC says:

    it would be %100 great, except for that weird puffiness in the chest.

    cameron is like a minus -A cup…what gives?


  30. Merry says:

    Ahahahaha, loved that trailer, think I’ll see it.
    JT can’t act for his life, though.

  31. Ally says:

    Wow, a trailer that didn’t make me cringe, from beginning to end.

    Will totally see this one. Good casting.

  32. Dhavy says:

    toooo funny! I always love her in comedies. She does look better w/out the tan and she looks great for her age

  33. Anna says:

    She looks good and that movie looks HILARIOUS!

  34. Becky says:

    I think she looks great-I admire her for not getting all ‘toxed up. While I don’t think she’s the greatest actress, “Bad Teacher” looks really entertaining and fun. It’s nice to see a comedy (not a romantic comedy, an actual comedy) with a female lead.

  35. sandy says:

    ha ha!!! i love Cameron, she is cute, funny, i like this style on her and i am going to see this movie.

  36. Runs with Scissors says:

    She’s hot.

    Even hotter because she isn’t so vain as to get plastic surgery. Her legs go on for miles and she seems healthy and really comfortable in her body.