Colin Farrell says he started drinking at 14 and it nearly killed him

Colin Farrell has a long reputation of being a bit wild and unruly. Aside from the very public bedding of pretty much anyone he wanted, Farrell has a fairly well documented party past. More recently, however, Colin seems to have become a lot more introverted and introspective, proving to be a phenomenal father to his disabled son, and no longer being seen on the party scene.

In a recent interview, Farrell reveals that he started drinking at 14 and realized a few years ago it was going to kill him.

“It was a fairly drunken life for 16 years so it was a tough life change, but I was dying and I’m one of the lucky ones in that so far I’m out of it,” he said.

“For me there was no choice. I was pretty sick. I went away for five or six weeks and that was a very safe environment and I began to come out of the haze that I had burrowed myself into so deeply.

“I came back into the world and everything was in a degree of focus that I hadn’t experienced.”

[From Belfast Telegraph]

Throughout Farrell’s problems his fame continued to grow, which undoubtedly added to the situation. Although his movies rarely earned critical acclaim they made him a bad-boy sex symbol, a reputation he fueled with his wild ways and which put even more stress on his psyche.

He now claims, however, that during that time he felt he was always on the verge of a meltdown.

“Desperation will allow you to do incredible things in the name of survival,” he told BBC’s Friday Night with Jonathan Ross.

“So much of the work that I did I was struggling so hard to keep my shit together. A lot of my energy was going into trying not to have a complete meltdown. By the end of Miami Vice I was just done. ”

While his career was hugely successful, Farrell says that internally he was “in pain” and that his nature was the cause of much of his behaviour. “I had created an environment for myself, a way of living for myself which, on the outside, seemed incredibly gregarious and vivacious.

“I don’t believe I have any chemical predisposition towards depression, but let’s just say I was suffering from a spiritual malady for years and I indulged it.

“To be in pain, if it’s self-perpetuated, can be very sweet at times. You can feel very alive when you’re in pain, and I also know that from another perspective, like when somebody who I love in my life has passed away.

“There is something incredibly internally vivacious about feeling pain or mourning, even if it’s something as egocentric or self-indulgent as mourning for yourself, or pitying yourself.”

[From Belfast Telegraph]

It’s been heartwarming to watch Colin Farrell turn into a thoughtful man and devoted father. He’s been in a relationship with Emma Forest for nearly a year and says he’s out of the dark cycle he was in and he’s very happy. His recent weightloss was a bit alarming to see, though, and led to speculation he may have fallen off the wagon. Farrell said it was for a role, as a photographer in war-torn Bosnia for the movie, Triage, and that he had done it in a healthy way.

You know what’s even sexier than a bad boy? A reformed bad boy.

Colin Farrell is shown out in NY yesterday, 10/14/08, in a grainy photo below. He is shown in the header at LAX on 10/10/08, credit: WENN

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19 Responses to “Colin Farrell says he started drinking at 14 and it nearly killed him”

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  1. KLO says:

    I couldn’t agree with you more on those 2 last sentences 😀

  2. geronimo says:

    Great interview, very intelligent and funny. I like reformed bad boys but only when they’re like Colin (and Robert Downey Junior) where they still retain enough of their ‘old’ edgy bad boy selves.

  3. RAN says:

    Yep, I’m with the crowd here… love the edginess, but am won over by the tenderness beneath. Great article

  4. Kaiser says:

    Loved him when he was bad, love him when he’s good. And you’re right – it seems like he’s a phenomenal father.

    Did anyone see that “In Bruges” movie? Was it any good? Does anyone recommend it?

  5. geronimo says:

    Kaiser, I loved it, Colin and Brendan Gleeson are brilliant together but, for me, it works beautifully until Ralph Fiennes (channelling Ben Kingsley’s deranged psycho in Sexy beast) enters the frame. I would definitely recommend it but the tone IS uneven – black comedy to farce to something really dark (and jarring) and then back to farce again. But well worth it for C & B, the cast and the gorgeous Bruges backdrop. And the dialogue is to die for – so un-PC!

  6. Kaiser says:

    @G – Thanks for the recommendation. Will rent it. Besides Colin, I’m pretty obsessed with Ralph in any form.

  7. Bodhi says:

    I really should start thanking god everyday for the gift that is Colin… I love him!

    I second that, Geronimo. “In Bruges” is awesome!

  8. Nova says:

    I watched the interview yesterday and it was really really good. He’s come a long way and seems to be doing really very well. Oh…and he plays with his hair the whole interview too and it was super sexy. ;P

  9. breederina says:

    Third it, loved ” In Bruges”. Then again, find Mr. Farrell
    imminently watch-able. Clint if you’re out there, how about a ensemble western with Colin, Clive, RD jr.
    and a few select others ? I am available to be casting directrix.

  10. Allie says:

    I watched the interview yesterday as well. He’s an extremely interesting person and I really enjoyed listening to him speak about his life.

  11. vdantev says:

    Smug jackass, springs to mind.

  12. Mairead says:

    I’l… er.. fourth? … the recommendation for “In Bruges (it’s in Belgium you know) 😆 Colin was hilarious and Brendan was wonderful, warm and brilliant as ever.

    The Ralph Fiennes bit was different – but I think he’s trying to channel Michael Caine in Get Carter. It’s the “I’m Michael Caine” voice he’s doing anyway 😉

    I actually was in Bruges recently, but only for half a day (still got 92 pics though) – but it really is gorgeous. Didn’t see any falling ex-cons falling out of any of the towers thankfully. 😯

    But as regards the story – I lived in Dublin from the mid-90s and know people who knew him back in his raver days, and his reputation is well-earned.

    There was a huge drink culture even then, with some drug-use, although this was mainly hash and E. Thank goodness that he’s not 14 nowadays as the place is heaving with cocaine and he could well have gotten into it at a very early age.

  13. geronimo says:

    Careful, no spoilers!

  14. Kaiser says:

    Wow, has everyone seen this f-cking movie? Why didn’t we have a BADette committee meeting on this one?

    Or did you have a committee meeting and no one told me?!? ZOMG BITCHES. 😆

    Seriously, I’ll rent it this weekend.

  15. Diva says:

    In Bruges is fantastic! I loved it, and the city is like another character in the story. I fell in love with Bruges watching that movie, it’s first on my list of must visits when I move to the UK next year, and I TOTALLY want to go during Christmas. I’ll be just over the water from it! Can’t wait!

    Oh yeah, and Farrell is yummy.

  16. Mairead says:


    I know Diva, I only spent a few hours there and can’t wait to explore further. When I finish loading my photos onto Flickr I’ll try and get the link to you via the ever-patient CB 😉

    But bring LOTS of money. Belgium is feckin’ expensive anyway, but Bruges is a tourist trap. Having said that, there are places on ‘t Zand square (at the edge of the town) which are reasonable enough.

    (Don’t forget to go to Ieper/Ypres to visit the WWI museum and hear the Last Post at the Menin Gate).

  17. lulu says:

    kaiser i recommend you to see it you would love it, it’ll make you laugh alot, makes you sad in some part of it’s a suspend movie it’s one of those the movies that stays with you for while the greatest movie of the year and i promise you would love colin by the end of the movie he was magnificent.

  18. lulu says:

    and i saw his interview he looked great, so Sincere & a very funny guy.

  19. Jeanne says:

    He’s a mess and a bad boy but I like him. Love those eyes and he’s got that magnetism, charm. Long hair, short hair, dirty hair, sober, drinking, whatever.