Madonna’s controversial killer Chanel stilettos

Madonna loves to court controversy and provocation, whether it be in song lyrics, stage shenanigans, or… fashion choices. At the premiere of her new movie, Filth and Wisdom, Madonna again ignited the controversy by wearing a pair of Karl Lagerfield for Chanel stillettos with pistol heels called “Miami Vice”.

Madonna is drawing the critcism of victim’s rights groups for her fashion sense. UK Mothers Against Murder And Aggression (MAMAA) spokeswoman, Lynn Costello, has issued a statement regarding what the group sees as the irresponsibility of the shoes.

“I am horrified that Madonna can see these shoes as fashion. As a mother herself I would have thought that she would have paused for a second and thought about all the young people here and in her own country that have died because of gun crime. She should have thought about all the young people that have died because of gun crime. We need the whole of society to take responsibility and action in stopping the glamorization of weapons. Celebrities have a massive part to play and an icon like Madonna should have more sense. It’s uncaring. Surely she reads the news and realizes that young people are dying every day.”

[From LA Times Blogs]

Madonna is being skewered for “glamourizing” guns, being called irresponsible and and a bad influence. I think it’s ridiculous. Stepping on tiny, fashioned guns is hardly promoting gun violence. If someone wants to get wound up about the social ramifications of handguns they should watch one of Guy Ritchie’s movies or a Bond movie, maybe play a couple rounds of Grand Theft Auto. But getting this worked up about a pair of Chanel stillettos is just for the press. Which puts you exactly where Madonna wants you!

The shoes aren’t classy, but they’re edgy, which Madonna had always tried desperately to be. This is actually the first truely edgy thing she’s done in years. It’s almost a little too authentically edgy to be intentional for Madonna.

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37 Responses to “Madonna’s controversial killer Chanel stilettos”

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  1. Mairead says:

    Somehow I think Madonna is more concerned on how she’ll manage to retain her aloof and regal ego during the fall-out from hers and Guy’s separation which is apparently to be announced within the next few hours..

  2. Mairead says:

    Oh dear – my last comment went straight to spam – so I’ll try this link:

    Basically, I think she’s going to be more worried about this than gun crimes amongst the little people.

  3. Celebitchy says:

    We have the divorce story coming up Mairead. MSat covered it and it should be up in about 5-10 minutes. I’m sorry that there is a delay in posting in the mornings for European readers. We try to time it for the American visitors as most of our writers and readers are from the states.

    – edit –
    plus I like to get started a little later in the mornings. 8)

  4. insidescoop says:

    I love her shoes, I want a pair!

  5. Anna says:

    Love the idea for these shoes, hate the execution (no pun intended). If they were better made they would rock! For Chanel shoes though, I just think they look a bit cheap.

    Nevertheless, this is hardly truly controversial and I should think this women’s association would be better off getting their panties in a bunch for really important things. It’s not like she’s wearing a t-shirt saying “child soldiers are the best!”, she probably just thought the shoes were a fun accessory.

    Seriously, is it me or do all these protect this and protect that associations lately seem to have troubles picking their battles wisely? It makes them seem ridiculous and petty and nobody will listen to them once they truly have something to say.

  6. Handbags says:

    What are wrong with those shoes they are hot, I wish I was able to ware shoes like that without killing myself.

  7. geronimo says:

    Agree, Anna. Interesting concept but badly executed.

  8. Kat says:

    Get a grip, they are only shoes. I’m sure they aren’t loaded.

  9. RAN says:

    They’re just tacky. I’m not offended by them and I guess one could say they’re unique, but I just think they’re tacky.

    To each his own though. It’s silly to have people focus on her shoes as a ‘bad influence’ – I agree, let’s focus on the murder and mayhem in some of the movies out there today.

  10. Julia says:

    They aren’t even edgy. She just tries too hard. That is like the “Hot Topic” version of edgy, like the hot pink skull and crossbones baby tees so popular with today’s not-so-edgy youth.

    Also they are ugly shoes.

  11. Jackie says:

    I wish people would stop blaming the celebrities and their music, fashion, behavior, etc, etc for the state that the world is in. Sometimes the whole PC thing goes too far. I’m sure she’s not advocating going out and shooting someone. Whatever happened to personal accountability? Let’s go find the people who do use guns to kill people rather than criticize the ones who use them as a fashion accessory.

  12. bc says:

    i think they’re great! =)

  13. elisha says:

    Totally agree, Ceildh. All of these groups like to give themselves acronyms and appoint themselves some sort of authority. Most of the time they come across as media whores (I’m looking at you, Parent’s Television Council). Madonna is so not promoting gun violence and this MAMAA group should hold themselves more accountable instead of blaming others for their children’s deaths.

  14. sauvage says:

    I find them funny.

  15. jennifer says:

    Anna: Seriously, is it me or do all these protect this and protect that associations lately seem to have troubles picking their battles wisely? It makes them seem ridiculous and petty and nobody will listen to them once they truly have something to say.

    Agree 100% I think they’re necessary and I support many of them, but yeah, sometimes it’s like “OH FOR THE LOVE OF…THEY’RE JUST SHOES…” etc etc etc. 😆

    And I agree with whomever said they look cheap. I love the IDEA behind them, but yeah, they look crappy. Too bad, could have been really cool.

  16. KattyBitch says:

    I. Want. Those. Shoes.

  17. Jess says:

    “We need the whole of society to take responsibility and action in stopping the glamorization of weapons.”

    Hrm. Madonna wearing a pair of shoes is not going to encourage violence. That $60 video game that your snot noesed kid just has to have, though, just might. You know, the one that glorifies cop killing, rape and excessive violence. The one you as a parent stood in line and paid for the day it came out.

    Worry about that, moron. Not a pair of shoes.

  18. kate says:

    i don’t think they’re that bad.

  19. hannabanana says:

    Yeah, the wacky Brits ban t-shirts with PICTURES of guns on them, too…I guess they don’t realize that pretend weapons and pictures of weapons can’t actually hurt people…

    They are shoes. Ugly shoes, but still shoes. Controversial? Puh-leez.

  20. Mairead says:

    Hey CB – sorry if it seemed like I was being critical – I just happened to hear it on the News (this morning’s light relief after yesterday’s draconian national Budget – next year is going to be tough 🙁 ) and then came on to CB.

    Honestly there was no criticism of the site meant as I realise that many of your contributors are US or Oz-based, and that you have a very tough boss that takes up much of your morning 😉

    But anyway back on topic – I agree that these look cheap. One would expect more from Chanel, even when run by mealy-mouthed-moaner Karl Largerfeld.

    I wonder if they were a Freudian choice considering events since then? 😉

  21. Allie says:

    People are so wussy and annoying sometimes.

  22. chris says:

    i belong to the MAWoMD ( mothers against weapons of mass destruction) and i don’t oppose to these shoes

  23. Diva says:

    I’m going to assume that the shoes don’t photgraph well. Alot of dresses you see on the awards show carpets get that, the people there say they looked fantastic in person but didn’t translate on film. They’re Chanel, I’m just going to assume that in person they’re hot. lol

    And, so, I want em! lol MAN, they would be PERFECT for my Halloween costume, lmao. As much as I like em, I honestly can’t think of anywhere else I’d wear them.

  24. Chamalla says:

    @Kat – bwahahaha!

    Ya know, if Madonna’s shoes make anyone go out and shoot someone, they probably had an issue or two before they saw the picture.

    I like them more than the hideous bootie and bondage gladiator sandal trends that have been offending my sensibilities recently, but yeah, it’s still a powerfully ugly shoe.

  25. I choose me says:

    They’re f-ing shoes! 🙄
    Call me when they shoot real bullets.

  26. Jaclyn says:

    those shoes are awesome!

  27. Exiled says:

    Lock stock and two smoking barrels theme?

  28. Gracie says:

    Was that advocate group formed to counter the Mothers for Murder and Aggression?

  29. vdantev says:


  30. lanette says:

    i luv the shoes……..

  31. kh says:

    they’re not stilettos, the word stiletto applies to spike heels only (and knives in italian). these are just heels, learn the difference 😉

  32. Codzilla says:

    My ankles would buckle and snap after only a few steps in those shoes. Christ, how do these people walk?

  33. Codzilla says:

    Ps: Has anyone heard whether or not Madonna’s new movie is any good? Given her track record, I’m guessing it probably sucks, but stranger things have happened.

  34. snappyfish says:

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE The Kaiser and Chanel, but these shoes are so far off the mark it isn’t funny.

    From the chunky platform to the ridiculous ‘pistol’ heels.

    Sad when Chanel is reduced to a punchline in bad fashion

  35. hello says:

    Ugh…I saw noticed those in the Lagerfeld spread in white in this month’s Glamour. They aren’t very Chanel. I always thought of Chanel as classic fashion, not a cheap attempt at causing controversy. I am officially pledging my allegiance to Galliano for Dior. 8)

  36. Candy says:

    oh please. The shoes are lovely. Prudies, please. Take the sobfest to Payless.

  37. Jeanne says:

    Like the shoes, hate her!