Cele|bitchy | Did Jason Sudeikis dump January Jones because she wanted to get pregnant?

Did Jason Sudeikis dump January Jones because she wanted to get pregnant?


January Jones is getting pap’d non-stop since she announced her pregnancy, and these are the first photos I’ve seen where her bump is visible and evident. Nice. She looks good, I think. Anyway, yesterday we heard from Jason Sudeikis, who was cornered by a WaPo reporter over the weekend. Jason basically stuttered and fumbled when asked if he was the baby-daddy, which led some (me) to believe that he was the likely inseminator. Now Us Weekly is trying to piss on that theory:

Baby brouhaha!

A source tells Us Weekly that January Jones — who revealed she was pregnant April 28 — was so intent on starting a family that it drove a wedge between her and ex-beau Jason Sudeikis.

“She told him she wanted kids and it turned him off,” says the insider of the actress, 33, and the Saturday Night Live star, 35. “Jason was bummed out she was on the mommy track.”

While Jones has yet to reveal the father of her baby, the source doubts it’s Sudeikis: “If Jason were the dad, he’d step it up.”

Mad Men producers have reportedly yet to decide whether Jones’s pregnancy will be written into the show.

[From Us Weekly]

Here’s what I get from that report: 1) Jason is an immature douche who doesn’t like women to be anything other than dumb, sexed-up kittens; 2) Since Jason and January broke up in December/January, she probably hasn’t called him to catch up or to tell him about her pregnancy; 3) If she hasn’t called him, I suspect that he isn’t the father. I get the impression that January has already told the father, and that he either doesn’t want anything to do with her, or he’ll financially support her quietly. I just get the feeling that January made her announcement when she had already informed the father, and that Jason hasn’t been informed of anything, so he’s not the dad.

In other January news, People Magazine spoke to January’s Mad Men costar Aaron Staton, who told the mag: “It’s something that she’s wanted to do and that she’s excited to do… January is such a sweet person… I think she’s an honest person. I think she’s really going to be a great mother.” Good to know!




Photos courtesy of Fame.

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57 Responses to “Did Jason Sudeikis dump January Jones because she wanted to get pregnant?”

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  1. Jen34 says:

    She looks like she’s about 5 months along. I still think it could be Sudeikis.

  2. the original bellaluna says:

    I still think it could be Bobby Flay.

    Am I alone here? *crickets*

  3. fancyamazon says:

    I don’t think it makes him a bad person that he didn’t want children. It might make her a manipulator and not very nice if she went ahead and got pregnant by him behind his back though.

  4. Isa says:

    I can see where he’d be turned off from a relationship if they weren’t wanting the same things. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with him not wanting to have children.

    Here’s my guess: She’s due at the end of September/early October.

  5. Stephy2585 says:

    No, I think he dumped her because she’s a bitch.

  6. Alix says:

    I think she tricked somebody into being a baby daddy, which is not cool.

  7. dvz says:

    “Sweet person” = “dumb as a box of rocks” much like “great personality” = “unattractive”

  8. BostonGirl1612 says:

    If she was really on the “mommy” track maybe she used a donor. She certainly has the money & resources to make it as a single parent…but she’s probably just a wicked bitch that tricked some guy.

    How are guys always “tricked”? I mean yes she can say she’s on birth control but if you were having a casual relationship with somebody in Hollywood wouldn’t you wear a condom??? Seriously does somebody need to go give a sex-ed class out there? I’ve never seen so many people “accidentally” get pregnant. It’s really not that easy…my husband and I have been trying for 8 months!

  9. Cuddles La Rue says:

    Whoa. Isn’t this 2011!? What’s with the “she trapped/tricked him crap?” Men are responsible FOR THEIR OWN BODIES. If you don’t wan’t to get a woman pregnant, use a condom, get a vasectomy or just don’t have sex. Don’t blame someone else because you don’t understand how babies are made!

  10. mln76 says:

    Sudekis is a sarcastic jerk he could have just wished her well but he had to get some dig in I remember he had a similar douchetastic comment about Jen Aniston.
    Obviously the Dad is married could be Flay but I really doubt it more than likely it’s someone big time but married and behind the scenes.

  11. Marjalane says:

    God, I hope you’re being sarcastic about this guy being a douche because he didn’t want kids! They hadn’t even been dating that long. I give big props to any man who KNOWS he doesn’t want to be a daddy and then exits the potential situation. There are far too many kids out there already with absentee fathers. Plus, wasn’t January Jones the one who bashed up her car, and then walked away so she wouldn’t have to face the police shitfaced? She called Bobby Flay instead? Maybe this Jason guy didn’t want to have children with a train wreck.

  12. TQB says:

    My money is on Flay, and I agree with the assessment that Sudekis was completely blindsided by her announcement.

  13. Janna says:

    I have this weird daydream that she and Jon Hamm developed the hots for each other and had a brief but torrid affair and she’s pregnant, and he’s still living with his longtime love. Thus, the need for secrecy, “single mother,” so as not to hurt and destroy his relationship.

  14. fancyamazon says:

    @cuddles. Yes, it’s 2011, and yes, men should know how to block their own sperm. We don’t know the ins and outs of the relationship, how much testing they each had done, how serious each thought the relationship was, or what each of them was doing or saying or thinking that the other one was doing/thinking/saying. I was only commenting on the slant of the story and from the way it is written, it seems as though she wanted to get pregnant, he didn’t, and she did it anyway.

  15. mln76 says:

    @Marjalane it’s not that he’s a douche because he doesn’t want kids he’s a douche for talking shop(which he’s done before) and putting her down. He could have put it like a gentlemen. And eventhough we know that January isn’t exactly the most virtuous woman she’s got enough contempt from the general public without his put downs.

  16. Iggles says:

    If it’s not him, it’s kind of messed up that she didn’t warn him or come out and deny already. But then again, people say she’s a bitch and I can see that…

  17. TQB says:

    @fancyamazon, I don’t get how that’s the slant of the article – both the original article and Kaiser’s commentary suggest he isn’t even the father. You don’t have to want a baby right this minute to put off a guy who doesn’t want a baby, ever. Sounds to me like their relationship got serious, they had the “where is this going” conversation, she said she wanted kids and he was all, peace, I’m out.

    (All of which I find legit and non-douchy, btw. They just wanted different things. Refreshingly real worldish.)

    That’s miles away from she tricked him into getting her pregnant.

  18. Roma says:

    Men, if you don’t want to get a chick pregnant then use a condom even if the girl says she’s on the pill.

    Women, if you don’t want to get an STD then use a condom even if the man says he’s faithful.

    People should just stop having unprotected sex with people they hardly know.

  19. You don't say says:

    I feel that having children should be a shared wish. If one of the people in a relationship does not want children, that does not make them bad, even if the woman does not believe in the “you must re-produce to be a real woman” way of thinking which society beats us do death with. Some women don’t want children and that is fine. Sometimes relationships end because of that and it is OK too. Better to have it end than try to change someone’s mind or way of thinking. Maybe Flay is a friend she trusts, it does not automatically make him the sperm donor.

  20. Photo JoJo says:

    I hope it’s Bobby Flay, only because of the juicy gossip. And before you ask, NO I don’t have anything else going on in my life. :-\

  21. jennifer says:

    @Alix-Maybe you hadn’t heard but men are able to control their reproductive lives these days. It’s 2011. Nobody’s tricking nobody. condom-use tells women the same message loud and clear every time: “you aren’t having a kid with me.” Take control of your reproductive lives brothers.

  22. kazoo says:

    his statement smacks of, “wait until the paternity test.” as in, maybe he is or maybe he isn’t.

  23. dorothy says:

    Just another knocked up single celebrity. While it’s not mandatory, it is nice to see people that get married and then choose to have a child together.

  24. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I think Sudeikis is worried that it’s his, but I don’t think it is. I still think she doesn’t know, but I’ll cast my vote for Bobby Flay.

  25. WOM says:

    “Jason is an immature douche who doesn’t like women to be anything other than dumb, sexed-up kittens” — Seriously?

    How is he an immature douche for knowing that his priorities don’t include children? Breaking up with a woman who wants a child is the mature, appropriate thing. Better that then standing in the way of his partner’s goals. I think you are reading too much into Sudeikis’ inarticulate mumblings to the Washington Post reporter.

    I kinda like Jones a bit more if she’s so keen on motherhood that she’s willing to go it alone, even if it costs her professionally. Better that then whinging about it to the media for 10+ years, a la Jennifer Aniston.

  26. Cuddles La Rue says:

    @fancyamazon, you’re right we don’t know these people and we don’t know anything about their relationship, but that isn’t relevant here. The bottom line is that TWO people had ( I’m assuming) consensual sex. A baby was made. The end. You are the one who said she went behind his back (?) and got pregnant. I’m not sure how that is possible, osmosis maybe? I just find this kind of misogynistic attitude really offensive.

  27. Christine says:

    @cuddles la rue: I’m with you.

  28. Anna says:

    January broke up with this guy in January. She also got pregnant in January. It’s magic, you see.

  29. chasingadalia says:

    Well, I think everyone else has said what I was going to. Hmm.

  30. Heatheradair says:

    Let’s spin this around and give girlfriend a little credit – maybe it wasn’t a case of man walking out on knocked up baby mama who “tricked” him; maybe she discovered she was pregnant, realized the dude was NOT “stick around and play house like a family” material and she kicked him out before he even knew what was going on.

    ALSO possible, no?

    Just like to give a girl credit when there’s the possibility that she actually knows what she wants and didn’t get left by some scared asshat who’s scared of diapers.

  31. rose80 says:

    Thank you cuddles la rue!

    If you are man who is dating a woman who wants kids and you don’t want kids or don’t want kids with that particular woman…try not inserting your unprotected penis into her vagina. Problem solved. Furthermore, it’s no one business who the father is, she’s owes no explanation to anyone except the father himself and her child.

  32. jc126 says:

    She looks WAY farther along than someone who got pregnant in January. I wonder who the “source” is, perhaps Sudeikis himself, trying to make HER look like a slut who doesn’t know who her kids father is, which is awful. I do think she knows who the kid’s father is.

  33. Estella says:

    I so hope it’s Bobby Flay. She looks just like his wife though which is twisted. But I personally find Bobby Flay hot – not just in the kitchen. He looks like he’d be a passionate lover unlike Mr. Fug/SNL.

  34. janie says:

    here is the way i see it.. ive seen interviews with Jason sudeikis where he says he does believe in marriage, he does want kids, etc. However his career is literally just taking off this year. Now would not be a good time for him to be a dad when he has to travel so much to make movies, etc. I imagine if it IS true that the reason why they broke up was because she wanted kids, that he was just thinking about the fact that they were on again off again. She lives across the country from him and they only started dating last summer.. He probably thought about all that when he decided he did not want to have a kid with her. I really hope that the baby is not his. i want him to be happy and have kids someday but this isnt the right way

  35. Ann says:

    “I think she tricked somebody into being a baby daddy, which is not cool.”

    Dude. Men can’t be “tricked” into it. Put a hat on, you know?

  36. carrie says:

    sperm donnor?

  37. brenda says:

    Maybe what happened was Jason found out she was pregnant with Bobby Flay’s baby and left her.

  38. Lauren says:

    This is rather immature..to accuse JJ of tricking a dude. Both my children are “accidents”, I was on the pill both times. There is still a 2 to 4 percent failure rate with The Pill. Condoms have a horrible failure rate too. Sterilization is the only way to positively prevent pregnancy. I was an “accident” too, but my mom was so glad to have me, and I gave her & my dad two grandchildren. I refuse to pick on a pregnant woman.

  39. ctkat1 says:

    If she really wanted to have a baby, and her relationship with Sudekis ended because of it, perhaps this was an intentional pregnancy. As in, a guy agreed to be the sperm donor, or she went to an anonymous sperm bank.

    It’s much better gossip to speculate that it was a married lover (Bobby Flay!), or a famous one-night stand (the Piven!), but maybe this was all planned out and there is no scandal to it.

  40. Bill Hicks is God says:

    I think the top picture was taken when she just found out her computer salesman husband is really a double agent and he’s been playing with her head because he suspects she’s having an affair and will end up swinging off a helicopter. No wait, wrong person.

    Who is this woman?

  41. irishserra says:

    @fancyamazon: “behind his back”??? How does one go about getting pregnant behind the father’s back? LOL!!

  42. hatekyle says:

    I know there are extreme cases but when this kind of thing happens, it’s always the girl’s fault. And the girls are bashed more than what they deserve and need. The wheels of double standard!
    What happened to the simple rule that guys should follow: “IF YOU DON’T WANT TO GET WET WEAR A RAINCOAT!”

  43. anna says:

    I’m sure January Jones know very well who the father of her baby is, she just doesn’t think it’s any of our business! Why’s that so hard for people to grasp? I can’t believe the disgusting misogynist comments people make about her. Who are you to judge her? Her body is her business.

  44. Flan says:

    @Cuddles La Rue; you’re totally right. If they don’t want babies, they should take one of the many options to stop themselves from impregnating anyone.

    So simple, but so hard to understand for some men.

  45. Jean says:

    I’m just curious as to why she appears to only have the one pair of maternity pants.

  46. Isa says:

    I guess I’m the only one but I totally think a man can be tricked into producing a child. I’m not saying that’s what she did. Maybe I’m naive or too trusting. I dunno. I just remember dating my husband…it would’ve been so easy to quit taking my pill if I wanted to.

  47. Crash2GO2 says:

    @Jean: Best comment here.

  48. Iggles says:

    Bill Hicks is God – Wow! What the “True Lies” reference??? LOL

  49. Newbie says:

    Wow. She carries excruciatingly LOW.

    “January Jones is getting pap’d non-stop since she announced her pregnancy”

    Uh…perhaps that’s the reason she’s doing all this? I know some people are all over her, but I can’t shake the feeling that she’s an annoying twat desperate for attention.

  50. tapioca says:

    I don’t get all the “If you don’t want a baby, wear a condom” comments. If you’re in a monogamous relationship (which JJ & JS supposedly were), have been STI tested and your girlfriend swears that she’s on the pill/injection/IUD, then insisting on a condom suggests that you don’t trust her, and what possible quality of relationship can you have in that situation?

    So, how offended would all of you ladies be if your boyfriends/partners effectively said to you, “I think you’re lying about being on contraception, and I don’t trust you with my semen”?!!

  51. annie says:

    “Uh…perhaps that’s the reason she’s doing all this? I know some people are all over her, but I can’t shake the feeling that she’s an annoying twat desperate for attention.”

    Yes, I’m sure that’s why a 33 year old woman decided to become a mother. All because she wants more attention from the paparazzi, even though they’ve been photographing her incessantly for ages now.

  52. Shelley says:

    Starving yourself when you’re solo is one thing. When you’re pregnant, for the baby’s sake as well as your own (hopefully avoiding toxemia), you should eat. Do the OB’s in Hollywood not tell their patients that persisting in being skinny while pregnant is dangerous?

  53. bananarama says:

    to the last comment – she probably has terrible morning sickness for the last few months which means she is off food and / or vomiting what she does eat (happened to me with my pregnancies and my body was really skinny throughout pregnancy).
    leave her alone. she is having a baby on her own. that is pretty brave.

  54. S says:


  55. TQB says:

    @Tapioca – Not offended, but I would be concerned about the lack of trust in the relationship. If my BF did not trust me but didn’t bother to say anything about it, THAT would be a bigger problem.

    IMO, men absolutely have the right to question and confirm their mates’ birth control. It’s supposed to be a shared decision and a shared responsibility.

    Also, if a dude is more concerned about upsetting his GF by questioning her birth control than he is about becoming a father… well, then, that says perhaps he isn’t all that worried about having a baby, no?

  56. jacquie109 says:

    I guess maybe if I’d ever watched Mad Men I might know who this chick is or why everyone seems to care so much about her. She’s very plain and seems (just from the gossip pages) rather bitchy. I don’t know anything about the guy either but as a lot of people have said
    1: its not as easy as people think to get “knocked up”
    and 2: If you don’t want to either get pregnant or get someone pregnant, wrap it up….
    I don’t understand why so many people feed off drama?

  57. Zeddy says:

    From insiders source at X-Men: First Class location and re-shoot.

    One of these trios is the father.

    Guess who?

    James McAvoy – recently became a dad but grew close with Miss Jones during shooting in England. Jason was too busy to visit his girlfriend and James was there to ‘console’ the actress.

    Kevin Bacon – in full blown midlife crisis and loves blondes. Two Yanks in sea of Limeys tend to become close to each other. After all what would you do if you were invisible? How far would you go? Kyra was too trusting of the hubby and chose to stay back in New York.

    Michael Fassbender – ladies man. Has a reputation of shagging his co-stars. No different here. But did current flame Zoe was quick enough to insert between the duos before his frequent physical relationship with Miss Jones on the set erupts in long term consequences for poor Mike. He has a taste for exotic babes but nothing wrong going with ice-queens now and then.

    Two of them are ‘happily’ married. And we know chicks dig married men. Mike reminds her of Jon Hamm – someone she been attracted to for a long time.