Jennifer Lopez in a silver spiderweb catsuit: fabulous or ridiculous?


These are photos of Jennifer Lopez performing at Wango Tango yesterday. She’s wearing some kind of silver, web-like catsuit that is not particularly flattering, but even Spiderman is like, “Fabulous bitch.” Jennifer really is so dated, isn’t she? A diva-version of Spiderman’s suit? Big, gigantic hair? A “rap break” in your hit song? Yes, this is 1999.

The other night, when I was waiting for Bones to come on (sidenote: how much did Thursday’s episode of Bones make you cry? I was sobbing), I put it on Fox and watched the last 10 minutes of American Idol. I managed to catch the tail end of a performance by Jennifer Lopez, and while the performance was not technically “good” (or even really a vocal “performance”), I ended up admiring Jennifer’s hustle. That ass managed to hustle her way back into relevancy, didn’t it? Not only relevancy – Jennifer now has a new generation of fans who don’t even remember the original Jenny from the Block. And those of who do remember the J.Lo from a decade ago… well, maybe we’re muttering “This too shall pass (Gigli).” But I also think we should give it up for Jennifer. Her hustle really is awesome. She’s really working for this comeback, and we should just let her have it. Why not? She’s so much more fun than so many of the other marginally talented pop stars.

My point? I love J.Lo and I’m not ashamed of it.




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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91 Responses to “Jennifer Lopez in a silver spiderweb catsuit: fabulous or ridiculous?”

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  1. teehee says:

    She does look good for having had twins, after I just browsed that “shape of a mother” site this morning. 😛 LOL Man, he sacrifices and burdens women have to bear. :/ And all just to be compared to those photoshopped things and found inferior. 🙁

  2. Rita says:

    For her age and for this stage of her career, she’s trying way too hard which gives the appearance of desperation to remain relevant and in the spotlight. Fail. Bow out gracefully and with a little class or adapt your music to match the woman, not a fickle market.

  3. love says:

    I am sorry, but is she for real w/ this sh*T??? She must really be feeling like she is losing.. I mean she is trying so so hard… wtf?

  4. kasper says:

    What can I say this is just… rancid. I don’t think I’ve seen anything this disturbingly awful since Cher in “If I Could Turn Back Time.” I am now going to stab my eyes with a fork.

  5. Racheal says:

    Is the crotch grab necessary? The catsuit is pushing my irritation button enough. Props to her, though, for knowing how to work the system to come back into the biz.

  6. Zelda says:

    When I saw these photos I actually laughed out loud.

    The outfit, the poses, the faces, the extensions, the butt referencing, the oh-so-serious dancers…there is a whole lotta trying-too-hard going on here.

  7. Kaboom says:

    Do not want.

  8. Crash2GO2 says:

    It really is kind of awful. She has a great figure and all, but something like that is going to make you look heavy unless you are an absolute wraith to begin with.

  9. Kevin says:

    Hate the brain. Love the body that carries it around. Tee Hee, I agree with you. It sucks for you Gals to have to compete with us men’s expectations. A lot easier for us guys. We get credit for bathing, brushing our teeth and extra credit for being fit or in style. Oh well, it is what it is.

  10. shannonQ says:

    lame lame lame outdated outdated outdated

  11. cthlcgrl says:

    She looks terrible. Jennifer please dress your age; you are no longer 20-something. That outfit really accentuates her hips and thighs and makes them look even bigger.

  12. flounder says:

    I can’t stand her! No more JLo posts!

  13. Mick says:

    IMO, she looks hot! Flaunt it while you can baby!

    Who cares what the “nay sayers” think?

  14. Marc says:

    The best thing is that she is not hot/beautiful in the way she used to be. She is now like “She does look good for having had twins” or she looks great for 42 and my fav “Jennifer please dress your age”. Ooopps.

  15. dorothy says:

    Looks silly. She may think she’s still twenty, but everyone else know better. Dress your age, otherwise you just look ridiculous.

  16. The crotch grab shot reminds me of the infamous “Will and Grace” episode where she uses Jack as a back up dancer. It was HILARIOUS! She is almost a caricature of her former self here.

  17. Gigohead says:

    OMG! Thanks for the Sunday morning giggles. These pictures are hilarious!!! The crotch shot and the butt pics are rip roaring funny. I bet that’s that not the reaction she was looking for. but come on JLo. What’s wrong with wearing something that is NOT THIS!

  18. Rita says:


    I hope your last name is not Anthony.

  19. curmudgeon says:


  20. DGO says:

    Not flattering.

  21. arock says:

    chulo halloween

  22. futureperfect says:

    I think Jlo jumped the shark with this costume.

  23. Micki says:

    LOL Kevin(9), life sucks major time doesn’t it?

    It’s just that: there are many men with sagging whatever, from eyebags to ass cheeks and what is worse: THEY haven’t pushed a baby through any end as an excuse.

  24. Missy says:

    Oh, no. If it was her own private Halloween party, maybe it would be okay. Otherwise, it’s hideous and not flattering!

  25. P.M. says:

    On the top photo at first I thought the big beefy arm belonged to the girl back up dancer, luckily it’s the guy in back of her. Anyway Jennifer, honey, it’s 2011. Affleck is married with family to someone else and you have skeletor, so get a reality check and change your style.

  26. LunaT says:

    She’s totally got a hot body. Kudos to her on being a sexy mama. But she needs to stop singing. Really. Needs to stop.

    I wonder if she practices her “I’m sexy” faces in the mirror.

  27. mln76 says:

    I love JLO she is so ridiculous and blantantly egotistical…her swagger is the best.

  28. kasper says:

    Spiderwebs covering her crotch… Hmmm, is she trying to tell us something about her sex life with Marc Anthony? Not a very subtle message. She must really need help. Poor thing.

  29. Mark says:

    Why does her ‘Sexy Face’ look like she’s about to sneeze out the bug that just flew up her flared nostrils?

  30. Racheal says:

    I asked my 8 year old daughter if I could wear this when I chaperone an upcoming school field trip to the zoo. She was adamant I NOT wear it, and said, “That’s hideous. I will hide if you wear that.”

  31. really says:


  32. chasingadalia says:

    That catsuit would be attractive on no one.

  33. itstrue says:

    At least I don’t have to look at her stomach–so tired of seeing her stomach.

  34. Justaposter says:

    Well since the last catsuit worked so well..(eye rollllllllllllllll)

  35. Jana says:

    I can’t stand her posing tranny face that she does and thinks it’s sexy. Ughhhhhh.

    I do love On The Floor, her new single, and the girl does work hard. I give her that.

  36. Amanda says:

    Jenny LOVES her sparkly full body catsuits and jumpsuits.

    I don’t get it.

    Does she think they are sexy? Why is she always wearing them? I don’t think there is anything sexy about jumpsuits and catsuits. I think they are kinda the opposite of sexy.

  37. Crash2GO2 says:

    “Why does her ‘Sexy Face’ look like she’s about to sneeze out the bug that just flew up her flared nostrils?”

    OMG, that is exactly what it looks like! I couldn’t quite put my finger on it, but that’s it! Thanks for making my morning.

  38. Mari says:

    I loved Bones! It was a sad episode. I was actually waiting for you to talk about it 🙂

  39. hoganbcmj says:

    Without a doubt, ridiculous. She is so desperate, it’s sad. She needs to act her age and quit trying so hard to be something she’s not. She’s a mother in her 40s. Where is her dignity?

  40. kasper says:

    Her face looks like she is auditioning for one of the lizard roles in V.

  41. the original bellaluna says:

    Wha? I… Umm. I guess words fail me.

    @ Kevin – Don’t forget the extra credit for shaving! 😉

  42. beth says:

    i think her problem is, everything she tries to wear just cannot compete with her fabulously hawt body… and sadly, like helen mirren perhaps, she will remain fabulously hawt until she’s 99yo – she should just perform naked – she should just do EVERYTHING in public naked to spare our poor eyes – that should solve the problem ONCE AND FOR ALL.

    yup, i don’t know why a woman with a body like that thinks she needs clothes at all.

  43. Dahlimama says:

    Holy shit, I love that suit.

  44. bluhare says:

    IMO, Jennifer Lopez is the plastickest, entitled, no talent around, and her behavior makes it worse. Don’t like her at all. The only thing that gives my Jellus Hatrz Suit a chink is if that blind item about her husband beating her is true. Otherwise, she’s a waste of bandwidth.

    When I see her and Tyler, all I can think of is “oh, how the mighty have fallen”. Neither of them would have deigned to be an AI judge a few years ago, and now they’re hanging on like a drowning man on a lifeboat.

    @Kaiser? Bawled like a baby!!!! I don’t think Bones and Booth did it, tho. But nifty way to work in her pregnancy. And I wonder if the Big Secret on next week’s show is gonna be the finder guy coming back for her, and him getting her pregnant.

  45. Dana M says:

    Good for her. Everyone needs to make a living and pay the bills some how.

    AI probably hired her in order to bring in the Hispanic demographic (to watch the show).

  46. janna says:

    man, she’s need to just stop. stop. stop.

  47. jill says:

    she looks fine and has great energy. work it mama.

  48. jover says:

    Elvis became a caricature of himself in his later career, and so has JHo. She may have been hired to bring in the hispanic viewers, but my take is that most latinos that have taste in music and are familiar with her background have little use for her; musically, skeletor is a whole other ballgame; this shows what little musical talent jho has she can’t grow and progress musically but as others have pointed out, is stuck in this lame silly 1999 time capsule.

  49. junipergreen says:

    Look more closely. That’s not a crotch grab. She’s dancing and her arm and hand are swinging by very fast. That’s why it’s blurry.

    But yeah, she is trying way too hard. That outfit reeks of desperation. And it is really unflattering.

  50. Bunnywabba says:

    At #1, we don’t HAVE to bear children. Trust me, if more women decided they don’t want to devote the last couole decades of their youth raising a child, then the world would be better for it. It is overpopulated. Plus there are plenty of others willing to churn out the millions. Anyway, she looks great for her age. She looks prettier than ever and i am sure it is due to cosmetic surgeries and procedures. However she does not have the body type it takes to pull off this ugly skin tight suit. I think this would look better on britney circa 2004, ya know someone with thin and toned curves and a fake chest that could withstand the tight top. She is 41 no? She looks ridiculous in this.

  51. coco says:

    What the hell is this woman wearing? I mean does she really think this looks good on her?

  52. Mary Jane says:

    Although I REALLY dislike JLo, I do love the catsuit and think she has an amazing figure. The song, howe’er, blows…

  53. SoCal says:

    “I am sorry, but is she for real w/ this sh*T??? She must really be feeling like she is losing.. I mean she is trying so so hard… wtf?”

    LMAO, I totally agree and i like J Lo, but she is a too over the top and the crotch grab…0_o huh?

  54. Twez says:

    Put some clothes on, mom! You’re embarrassing us!

  55. TeeTee says:

    Lame and tired….sad really.

  56. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    There are pictures of her giving the gasface all over a jewellry store at the mall: Imelda help us.

  57. Lia says:

    Jennifer Lopez is fabulously in love with J-Lo as well. It’s kinda hard to watch….

  58. jasmine says:

    I too am a closet J Lo lover.but yeah, the spiderman suit is too much.enough already,we get it.shes beautiful,sexy,her body is out of this world,shes not young,a wife,mother,actress,singer,ect.shes awesome,totally!WE GET IT! shes trying to hard.

  59. Remember, she was voted most beautiful in the world.

  60. Cherry Rose says:

    I like spiderwebs and I like catsuits (shiny vinyl or latex especially), but have learned today that the two should never come together.

    Just like the New Years catsuit this one is a total fail.

    However, since my uncle worked with her on the set of The Cell, my opinion of her is very low.

    She was dating P. Diddy (or whatever he called himself back then) at the time and acted like she was black, and told the crew on the first day that if anyone said the word “butt” around her, she’d get them fired off the set.

    Diva bitch, she is.

  61. Shay says:

    I don’t know what it is with her and catsuits. Doesn’t she see that her body shape is classic pear and that catsuits are not suitable and make her arse look ten times larger in pictures?

  62. truthzbetta says:


  63. Camille says:

    Holy Fug Spiderman.

    That is one god-awful, should never be seen again outfit if ever there was one. I don’t care if it was made just for a show, its horrible and it does NOTHING for her body at all. *shudder*

  64. HotLatino says:

    I love JLO and come one everyone has rap breaks too, why single out JLO and call her 1999, Katy Perry has rap breaks too. Anywho, I love JLO, I admire so much!! I bough LOVE? and it’s amazing, she’s amazing!

  65. HotLatino says:

    Why should she dress her age!!!?!! Where does it say that when you turn 40 you dress like your grandma, WHERE!?! You put yourselves down, ladies, with that attitude. As long as you got it, flaunt it. I’m a 20 yo guy and she should never dress her age because she looks hot regardless of being 42.

  66. wunderkindt says:

    That’s just not working for her.

  67. Kisha says:

    She does have an amazing body. Only 5% of the population could wear that outfit and look good in it.

  68. Tanya Degano says:


  69. She looks like a budget Beyonce.

  70. Marilyn says:

    All the negative comments are from a bunch of ugly women that wish they can look like JlO. She’s beautiful and worked the satge last night! Like a true pro. We loved it! The crowd went crazy for her! She’s even more beautiful in person!

    Jealousy is a bad disease women.
    And she wasn’t grabbing her crotch that’s the way the pic was taken. Her arms were going up in the air and back down in front of her. JLO Rocks. Now go get a life skanks!

  71. hollywood101 says:

    Thank you Jlo, you’re always good for a laugh. She looks ridiculous. Give it up! Good grief. No way in hell is she most beautiful woman in the world. Yuck, yuck, yuck.

  72. vanessa says:

    She looks great! I love J Lo, she is a diva but she seems to have a good sense of humor, obvi with this outfit 😀 but seriously love her

  73. jemshoes says:

    LOL! I love your posts about JLo, Kaiser, especially all the references to 1999. Rap breaks really are so 1999!!!

    JLo has always described herself as a performer and entertainer. She reminds me of Kylie Minogue: not much real talent, but enough to get by with good looks, good costumes, good stage shows and great hustle. Like other posters have said, I can’t fault her for sticking with what she knows and still being able to make money and a career out of it in her 40s and after having twins! :O

  74. scarlett says:

    right on Kaiser: “That ass managed to hustle her way back into relevancy, didn’t it?”
    (& Marilyn 🙂

    wasn’t her biggest fan til American Idol – she is a hard working, well spoken, great advice giving artist. love her. BE YOURSELF! BE DIFFERENT! would you all love her if she was wearing Spanx and a lil black dress. ughhh.

    LIVE PEOPLE! Quit Hatin’.

  75. jennifer says:

    I love it! Who but JLo can pull off such a suit? She looks frikkin amazing!

  76. CeeCee says:

    sack your stylist JLo.

  77. Zelda says:

    *rolls eyes*
    Yes Marilyn, the only reason not to like something is jealousy. I am also super jealous of global warming, Hitler, and orange jelly beans.

    The fact that you assume everyone is seething with envy says more about what’s inside your head than in theirs.

  78. Pirouette says:

    Marylin, calm down. Jealous people accuse others of being jealous.

  79. Newbie says:

    I don’t mind her. But this look is absolutely hurting me.

  80. Ron says:

    Not sexy at all. J Lo usually has a pretty good sense of style but even with the bod, she’s not 25 anymore.

  81. B says:

    That top photo looks like it could have come straight from her “Waiting for Tonight” video. I really wish she’d can the “sexy-face”. That sh!t was tiresome 10 years ago. I don’t expect her to willingly fade into obscurity after having achieved the level of celebrity that she did… but her attempts to recapture it by rebooting her entire JLo act are embarrassing.

    Caricature indeed…

  82. PIX says:

    Why is our world’s sense of morality becoming overridden by FASHION. you are best when you are at least more decent looking. still a fan sha

  83. serena says:

    Still she should realize this is not 1999.

  84. Lucy says:

    #65 and 74: totally agree with your comments!

    Don’t crucify me, but here is my input on this…
    She is a performer people, it’s not like she is wearing this outfit on the streets like someone called Lady gaga does…
    Also, it sounds like she is outdated with this style, but she took a Brazilian music style (called lambada, to be honest the original rhythm is from a Chilean band back in the 60’s and I cannot remember what’s called) and gave a more “modern” style to it. Lambada was well known in South America and Europe in late 80’s early 90’s, which explains the huge success she is having with her video on youtube with over a 150 million viewers.

    In terms of her performance on Wango tango, I don’t think she was trying too hard…There was a technical problem with the sound, the music got cut off and she went back on stage and sang the whole thing again (watch the video and “judge” for yourself–> For me?! This is called professionalism, respect for her audience and respect for the performing arts!

    She did not choose a hiatus due to a nervous breakdown, use of drugs or sex scandal. She was/is raising her kids.

    Shouldn’t we all be proud of someone who cares about her personal life, but stil manages to have a career?!

    That being said, J.Lo might not be that talented, but she sure deserves her come back!

    Perhaps, Drunk a** Christina Aguilera, Slow motion Britney Spears, Lady Cut-the-c^ap-I-copy-everyone Gaga take some professionalism lessons with J.Lo.

    ps: I cannot believe for the life of me I would ever defend Jenny from the block…

  85. Nancy says:

    All I can say is just ewww!

  86. B says:


    OK-I won’t argue with you on music style, but really? “That being said, J.Lo might not be that talented, but she sure deserves her come back!” C’mon! Deserving of *another* go ’round? I’m still suffering J-Lo fatigue from the first time around. Both her acting and singing are so-so (her dancing ability probably surpasses both). She’s proof that you don’t need to be super talented. I think more than anything, she set the precedent for celebrity branding. Jeans, fragrance, and all that jazz.

    On a side note, I was half-ashamed to actually purchase a celeb shilled product, but her jeans *were* really great. I’ve yet to find any that compares as far as fit goes and it was very sad day that Beall’s quit carrying them. J-Lo: if you’re looking to revisit or recapture anything, your fabulous jeans would be the place to do it.

  87. Onyx XV says:

    I shamelessly love her too. Although I like her acting better than her singing. She’s made some cute, entertaining movies that I really enjoyed. She does need to stop wearing catsuits, however! Not a flattering look.

  88. jdao says:

    don’t like the outfit.

  89. Lucy says:

    @#86: I agree with you on what you said about her skills. She is a so-so actress-singer and a good (not great) dancer. But I still believe she deserves her come back!

  90. shirls says:


  91. Obi Von says:

    If Dazzler and Spidey had a baby it would look like her,ya?