“Gwyneth Paltrow deigns to join the Twitterati” links


Dame Gwyneth deigns to mingle with the Twitterati. YAY! You can follow her here. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Alex Chung’s Vogue UK cover. I really don‘t get why she‘s a thing. [Go Fug Yourself]
Kim Kardashian might change her name to Kim Humphries. [The Blemish]
Yard sale Marilyn Monroe photos! [Evil Beet]
Todd‘s Snooki haiku post cracked me up. [IDLITW]
Alessandra Ambrosio‘s baby‘s face is hilarious here. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Patrick Dempsey is quitting Grey‘s Anatomy. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Sean Penn was screwing around on ScarJo at the Cannes Film Festival. [Celebslam]
News about Benedict Cumberbatch. SHERLOCK! [ONTD]
Yikes, Audrina Patridge‘s bolt-ons look horrible. [Amy Grindhouse]
Arnold Schwarzenegger hires Jennifer Aniston‘s divorce lawyer. [Radar]
Adele is cancelling concerts! Prayers for Adele. [Bitten and Bound]
I‘m still not sure who or what Aubrey O‘Day is. [Celebs]
Reese Witherspoon will be getting the MTV Generation Award. [The Celebrity Café]
Nicole Scherzinger thinks she‘s hot stuff now. [Hollywood Rag]
Baby kitty & baby puppy! The kitty‘s crazy eyes are hilarious. [CityRag]
Everybody loves X-Men: First Class! YAY! [Starpulse]
The studio is already trying to drag out this Hunger Games stuff. [Moviefone]


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22 Responses to ““Gwyneth Paltrow deigns to join the Twitterati” links”

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  1. Trillion says:

    I don’t think I’ve ever noticed that Gwyneth is really pretty until just now seeing her photo next to Paris Hilton’s.

  2. brin says:

    Gasp! Gwyneth Paltrow is reading Gwyneth Paltrow.

  3. silken_floss says:

    I think I’m gonna follow her for the LOLs

  4. Mairead says:

    Y’know, I just caught up with her episode of the US “Who Do You Think You Are?” and, shockingly, she came across as generally quite pleasant. I’m not going to suddenly turn into a fan or anything, but she was a hell of a lot less irritating than some.

    (As an aside, the second series of the US WDYTYA is a huge improvement over the first. It still has the unnecessarily repetitive voiceover and stupid editing which marred the first one, but the extra time and allowing good presenters like Steve Buscemi follow more than one person in the family makes it
    infinitely more enjoyable)

    And YAY CUMBERBATCH and his Cheekbones of Glory!!! 😀

  5. Mairead says:

    Woops, wrong sign-in info 😳

  6. xxodettexx says:

    okay, long and slow day here at work today so i will ask everyone here for some advice:

    i need new books/series to get into… i currently have in my B&N cart the Stieg Larsson trilogy everyone has raved about; but i still have some $$ left on my various gift cards, so… any suggestions?

  7. Rhiley says:

    That Nicole girl is evil. She and her crotchless pants showed up with the other pussies to an interview my friend was conducting on the radio and was a total bitch. She was really really mean. And this is a pretty small city. We really don’t take to divas very well here. I can’t believe she still has a career because she is pretty damn talentless (well, at least as far as singing, personality, intelligence is concerned. She may have other talents that I know nothing about).

  8. danielle says:

    I bet Goop’s twitter will be very unintentionally funny. Also, I think I may need some cute overload today…

  9. lucy2 says:

    I love that kitten/puppy photo!
    I’m not going to follow Goopy, I’ll just keep checking in here for the updates. You KNOW she’s going to give us some real gems.

  10. fannomore says:

    b o r i n g elitest
    v a c u o u s vapidity

  11. TQB says:

    BENEDICT!!!! Hooray!

  12. Melinda says:

    This has to be the slowest gossip week ever.

  13. Brittney says:

    So we’re supposed to believe that she hails cabs?

  14. MoP says:

    That book cover is ridiculous.

  15. Shay says:

    Jesus Christ. If Gwyneth has a Twitter, she’ll overshare like no one else.

  16. Solveig says:

    I almost like her, she sounds so naive in her upper class rants, probably I’m going to follow her tweets.

    @xxodettexx, it’s hard to suggest a book if I don’t know what kind of books you love, but the first novel that comes in mind is Jonathan Franzen’s “The Correction”, it is a dense but worth reading novel that depitcs the life (past and present) of each member of a Midwestern family.
    I loved it.

  17. Solveig says:

    PS: It’s been published in 2001, so maybe you have already read it.
    In any case, the reception of Franzen’s last book “Liberty” was good, I haven’t read it yet, so I can’t talk about its quality first hand.

    PPS: sorry for the double post.

  18. Calli Pygian says:

    I personally would LOVE to go a week without a Fishsticks post. Thanks, Kaiser!!

  19. mln76 says:

    @xxodettexx I agree with Solvieg on the Corrections…I also just finished Orynx and Crake and The Year of the Flood by Margaret Atwood…really good books.

  20. original kate says:

    @ odette – i work in a bookstore and read ALOT. here are a few i have really loved lately.

    “the elegance of the hedgehog” by muriel barbery is the best book ihave read in the past few years. takes place in paris and the characters wax philosophical on life, death and art.

    “the story of edgar sawtelle” is slow and meditative and gorgeous. a mute boy and his dog and a ghost.

    “kings of the earth” by john clinch is gritty & dark about the suspicious death of a man who lived with his two brothers.

    “the lonely polygamist” by brady udall is a black comedy about a man with 4 wives and 28 children who has a mid-life crisis and starts an affair.

  21. badrockandroll says:

    @ Odette: I’ve been into “small” Southern lit lately – not epics like Gone With the Wind, or Gothic like Faulkner, but ordinary people with tough lives. I love Tony Earley and Silas House – larry Brown and Brad Watson are a little more “macho”, but still quite wonderful. But my mission this summer is to explore the world of Indian fiction – the authors that I have read seem to love the English language in an exotic way that I have not seen.

  22. tracking says:

    I find her intriguing only because I can’t figure out what she’s trying to accomplish. Why didn’t her PR person tell her Twitter was not likely to help her out-of-touch, often-ridiculed persona?