Cele|bitchy | Did Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt briefly reconcile over Norman’s death?

Did Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt briefly reconcile over Norman’s death?


As we found out a few weeks ago on the same day that Brad Pitt premiered his new film at the Cannes Film Festival, Jennifer Aniston’s beloved dog Norman passed away. It’s probably been about a month since Aniston lost Norman, and while she seems to be drowning her grief in Justin Theroux dong, she also appreciates when Norman’s former doggy-daddy contacts her. Yes, In Touch Weekly is all about how the death of a loyal companion can be twisted into the REUNION OF THE CENTURY. For real.


Not even the fear of Angelina’s displeasure could prevent Brad from connecting with his ex-wife at an emotional turning point. Here’s why!

As ugly as their divorce may have been, it sounds like Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston are still very much a part of each other’s lives. In Touch Weekly is reporting that Brad, 47, called Jen, 42, to console her over the loss of her dog Norman on May 18, and as you might expect, they quickly began reminiscing.

“They even talked about Brad’s parents,” a source close to the pair tells the mag. “Brad told Jen how much his mom misses her.”

According to the shocking report, Brad is also giving Jen advice on her big move to NYC! The source claims Brad is even planning on giving her a Ralph Lauren cashmere blanket and a Venini vase for her new place — which certainly wouldn’t sit well with Angelina Jolie. The source adds that Angie would be “livid” if she knew Brad was having secret talks with his ex.

“He may have more passion with Angelina, but he had more fun with Jen,” the source says. “He misses that.”

Jen’s rep denies the meeting.

[From Hollywood Life]

In Touch also claims that Brad might even “help” Aniston with her renovations to her NYC apartment. But I thought she hated his architectural and design style? And I thought Aniston preferred a home that looked like Ron Burgundy’s 1976 lair? Oh, but this part cracked me up, and I truly hope this little side note from In Touch is a fact. According to ITW’s sources, Angelina Jolie refers to Aniston as “The Valley Girl”. LMAO.

By the way, there’s a new trailer for Horrible Bosses (I really like her wig in this film):


Photos courtesy of HuffPo, Cover Awards & WENN.

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75 Responses to “Did Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt briefly reconcile over Norman’s death?”

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  1. lilred says:

    Oh,for FFS please give me a break.
    Of course they did*huge eye roll*

  2. mln76 says:

    I actually may end up seeing Horrible Bosses if the reviews are good. She looks so much better with dark hair it brings out her eyes and makes her so much less Valley Girl blahhhh…..Not commenting on the lame B.S. story.

  3. CG says:

    Look at her face in the top photo and then look at her face on the mag cover. No, she hasn’t had any work done *at all*.

  4. You don't say says:

    But, but according to People magazine, that day is the same one when she had dinner with her new man and Pitt was in France, but whatever floats your boat.

  5. Eileen says:

    That movie looks HILARIOUS

  6. TRT says:

    He would never go back! On every picture we see them these days both AJ and BP look radiant and happy. And why wouldn’t they be, they have everything happiness, beautiful family, money, fame….. Name it, they have it.

  7. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    Yea I am waiting for the reviews on Horrible Bosses to Mln. I mean it could be good, could be her “The Good Girl” but we will have to see. I kinda don’t wanna watch the trailer because if its good…blah. I think Jen looks like Courtney Cox on the poster…I am thinking she would look good with a brunette dye job.

  8. Laughternrain says:

    Oh…my….gd. These mags are so desperate for Brad to go back to Jen, that they will even use the death of her dog as an axel in the story. So sick.

  9. mia girl says:

    Most of this story is BS, but, this is the ONE time I am inclined to believe that Pitt might have reached out to Anniston. I don’t think it is farfetched that Pitt reached out with a condolence to her. She’s had that dog for a long time so the dog must have lived with them while they were married, right? I actually think it would be an appropriate thing for Pitt to do.

  10. Cheyenne says:

    @TRT: In Touch mag bases its whole existence on fake stories of secret Brad-Jen meetings, feeding the fantasies of its subscribers who are pining away for the day when Brad leaves Angie and runs back to his ex-wife pleading for forgiveness. They day they stop running those crap stories and admit it’s never going to happen, the magazine will fold.

  11. constance says:

    haha! She would be livid is she found out… not that anyone reads the rags, so I’m sure the secret is safe, right? These rag writers are so hack.

  12. lucy2 says:

    move on move on move on move on.

  13. Praise St. Angie! says:

    mia girl, call me crazy…but I agree.

    I think there was no meeting, no gift, no “plan to meet again”, but I could see that he’d be sympathetic enough to reach out somehow. either through their reps or perhaps a text/email.

    her dog was older, and I don’t know when she got him (as a pup?) but if she had him his whole life, then Pitt was a “dad” to him for at least a couple of years. any animosity you may have for an ex doesn’t usually extend to an “ex pet”.

    EDIT: isn’t that how these stories usually are? the tabs take ONE TINY part that’s true, and twist/exaggerate it to some ridiculous BS that make you roll your eyes.

  14. mln76 says:

    @Love Angelina actually I think it’s closer to her natural color (maybe a bit darker). As for Horrible Bosses it looks to be an ensemble comedy with the three employees in the lead. I think it’s more her speed…My favorite of her films is Friends with Money she was funny but she didn’t have to carry the whole film.

  15. should be working says:

    Mmm Brad was so fine back then. Remember that Vanity Fair spread with the pink paint? Mnh mnh mnh

  16. Rena says:

    Jen’s DAD was just interviewed and said there was NO contact of any kind between Jen and Brad, NONE AT ALL. Anyone who believes anything in In Touch re their 7 years of non existent never was triangle needs to see a mental health professional immediately, LOL. Brad has never looked back once he determined that his life’s path was with Angelina and their family.

    Mia girl, maybe if Jen acted as an adult re the divorce as most do there might have been some sort of occasional contact, but her dragging out a pity poor me for 7 years made that impossible.

    Brad says he is happy, he acts like he is happy, I see no reason to doubt he is. A 47 year old person knows what they want, and his past is the past, not what is the present.

  17. N.D. says:

    I liked the idea of THB but the trailer made me reconsider. It seems like they went for the most blah-hollywood realisation of it. Only Spacey looks like a real person not a cartoon.

  18. Sue says:

    This story is too funny on May 18th Brad was in France for the Cannes film festival, so he took a 22 hour round trip without being miss by anyone really there were photos of him all over the world during that time does US weekly really think the public is stupid.

    So according to US weekly

    Jennifer Aniston & Courteney Cox breakup

    Michael Fassbender is “shy” & Zoe
    Kravitz “takes care of him”

    Justin Timberlake & Ashley Olsen are

    allegedly having a casual thing

    Now Jennifer Aniston & Brad Pitt briefly reconcile over Norman’s death?

    Yet there so called sources miss the big story about Arnold Schwarzenegger affair until he made a statement.

  19. TaylorB says:

    I agree with Mia Girl and Praise St.

    They were married for like 5 years and he was the puppy daddy so he was doing what anyone would do. When someone you love or loved (in this case) is in mourning after a loss, reaching out and sending sympathy is the right thing to do. I can’t imagine that AJ would be ‘pissed’ about this, he was just being a supportive friend to his ex during a difficult time.

  20. Ari says:

    I am actually looking forward to seeing Aniston in Horrible Bosses – I really enjoy seeing her play parts outside of the comfort zone of rom coms – she sucks at those :L

  21. B says:

    Don’t forget Pitt is missing a sensitivity chip. LoL Sue, this is an In touch story.

  22. lisa says:

    I am not a fan of Aniston and actually think that stories like this are used to make her look Pathetic. The fools at sites like IUC that claim to be her fans just a few weeks ago were claiming she had gotten Brad’s frozen sperm and was pregnant. Then of course Brad was leaving and waiting to break the news to Angie..

    Cannes happened now they have fallen back. This is a sad commentary on women. If Jennifer is frozen in time waiting for a man that has moved one a long time ago then she really should be cheeped out about fans that think that is the kind of woman she is. I always wonder what idiots still buy these magazines.

    In over 6 years we have yet to see a picture of these two people together. And I don’t recall but ONE time Brad mentioned Jennifer since they divorced.

    IT IS OVER AND HAS BEEN OVER SINCE HE LEFT. TIME TO MOVE ON AND FIND NEW STORIES. This is so over.. People are exhausted with the lies..

    I don’t like Aniston..but I don’ think she is that pathetic.

  23. original kate says:

    norman was around when jen & brad were together so i would assume brad became attached to him over the years and probably feels bad that the dog died. a phone call to jen saying as much would certainly not be unheard of or out of line. if mr. original kate had a similar situation i would actually expect him to call the ex and say something.

    then again, we are dog people. *shrugs*

  24. Maritza says:

    Anything is possible, he may have called her. Doesn’t Angelina keep in touch with her exes? JA looks so much better with dark brown hair but then if she were to go brown people would say she is imitating Angelina. Calling Jennifer Valley Girl is not so bad.

  25. nnn says:

    I would beleive that her ex, John Mayer would phone her before I would beleive that story.

    Brad said he never talk to third party referring to her. Her own father admitted that they don’t talk to each other and that was POST Norman passing away since it passed aways MONTHS ago.

    So cleary the tabs are desperate because i don’t beleive in Brad reaching to any of his exes EVER.

    He doesn’t keep in touch wuth exes wether you have ups and down, he just doesn’t.

    The only time they were in a same room where at those Oscars where she invited Mayer who said himself he was there to support her. Pitt wasx at ease, Aniston not.

    Pitt has moved and has probably done so since the early 2000. Never looked back EVER wether your name is Robyn Givens, Thandy Newton, Juliet Lewis, Gwyneth Paltrow or jenifer Aniston.

  26. sapphire says:

    And you can clearly see she got her current set of bolt-ons post-Pitt!

  27. Melinda says:

    I also agree with Mia Girl, Praise, and Taylor B. It’s very sad when pets pass away. I’m sure he loved the dog and is sad as well. I don’t think they saw each other, but perhaps a message was sent. There is nothing scandalous about this, just kind of a sad situation.

  28. Cheyenne says:

    lisa: The fools at sites like IUC that claim to be her fans just a few weeks ago were claiming she had gotten Brad’s frozen sperm and was pregnant. Then of course Brad was leaving and waiting to break the news to Angie..

    OMFG you owe me new keyboard! I just spit out my Pepsi all over this one! ROFLMAO!!!

    TaylorB: I can’t imagine that AJ would be ‘pissed’ about this, he was just being a supportive friend to his ex during a difficult time.

    Agreed. Neither was Brad pissed when Billy Bob Thornton called Angie to offer sympathy and support after her mother passed away.

  29. foozy says:

    these people would do anything for money!!!

  30. sarah says:

    Slow news day, huh? I think a slew of men have been doggy daddies to Norman. Maybe all of them sent their condolences. Even so, that makes this story no less boring.

  31. Kara says:

    Brad may have texted or sent flowers. That’s no big deal. BTW, anyone that is a fan of JA’s would never want these two back together. It ended badly and humiliatingly for JA. They are much better off without each other. I wish the magazines would understand this fact and let this go.

  32. Solveig says:

    I’m so so tired of this kind of BS that I’m even unable to read the – usually – funny scary-crazy comments.
    That said I’m starting to wish for a reunion between the two, not because I hate AJ and like JA, nor because I care of the triangle of doom, but because the level of crazyness in a blog like this would reach unthinkable levels of nuts reactions.
    That would be fun.

  33. dread pirate cuervo says:

    I’m guessing his rep called her rep. He would be a dick if he didn’t acknowledge it, I think.

  34. Sakyiwaa says:

    looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool! wat a bogus stori!

    @Solveig, i know a reunion between those two is not going to happen, not because i love AJ and dislike JA, but because the level of craziness surrounding those three is still gonna be there whether a reunion happens or not.
    close to 7 yrs n counting… still gonna be fun.

  35. nnn says:

    You have to admit that “Out Of Touch” magazine cover is comic with a smiley Brad at his cellphone and Aniston at hers being attentive and looking hopfull.

  36. someone says:

    I didn’t hear the sperm news, but this story is ridiculous, as is the sperm story…will the media ever leave those people alone.? Im sure Jen is just as over Brad as he is over her…but the media is always looking for a story, and Norman passing away gave them the opportunity to stir it up a bit!!!!

  37. NJMDPS says:

    There are a lot of Jen haters out there….wow! I think Brad looks very happy with Jen. With AJ it looks like he is working at it. Sorry..my feeling.

  38. nnn says:

    @ Sakiwaa

    The most pathetic fact is that those three are MATURE poeple who are talked about like there are 20 something who still need to be babysat and taught about basic life lessons, sins (supposed or real), karma and lessons.

    Pitt is going on 48 THIS YEAR. Aniston is 42. Those two technically could have been grandparents already and are technically and statistically in the other side of their life already.

    When Jolie will turn 40, which will come more sooner than later, Pitt will be over 50, Aniston over 45, three of the JP kids would be over 10 and two well into their teens. Aniston would have dated even more young guys.

    And here comes the most pathetic part, I bet there would still be juvenile mature in age whiners and mourners about a 12 years old divorce preaching sins versus sinless while Pattison fans would have matured in that span of years….

  39. Solveig says:

    Ugh, my previous post may be misinterpreted! I didn’t mean that I hate AJ and like JA (I’m neutral on both), I meant that I don’t care much for the two, and I would wish for a reunion not because I take the side of one of the three involved, but because the crazyness is slowing down lately and a reunion would be a nourishing injection of nutness.

  40. skibunny says:

    He isnt going back to Jen nor does she want him!

  41. Blue says:

    I don’t know why I keep clicking on these stories. I refuse to believe JA is as sad and pathetic as people think. I’m sure she has moved on from Brad as much as he has from her. I don’t know why people insist on thinking this grown woman is still sitting at home waiting for him to come back. Give me a frigging break. I highly doubt her life revolves around him and that she does things to outshine him & Angie. I think people want so badly to believe the worst. I mean you really think she’s been “dragging on the pity party for 7 years.” if she had found a long term partner or gotten remarried I would hope people would let it go, but because she dates or stays single then she must still be pining away, right? * biggest kirsten Stewart eye roll possible*

  42. whitedaisy says:

    *Desperately waiting for an Aniston hiatus on these non-stories.*

  43. Strawberry says:

    That movie looks fantastic. I laugh thru the whole trailer everytime I see it. Can’t wait for it to come out. Of course, as with all movies JA is in, dosn’t matter if she is the star or not. IF its a hit it will be because of Jason Bateman, Sudukis etc etc and if its a flop it will become another Jen A movie. lol So whatever.. not a huge JA fanantic nor am I a brangaloonie. Personally I think Jen got the best of Brads years, as he dont’ look so hot anymore so dont’ know why she would even want him back. And I don’t believe there is still any triangle or that Jen cares about what they think nor does Angie care if Brad calls Jen to say sorry about your dog. But that wouldn’t sell mags now would it…….

  44. Amanda G says:

    Are we seriously still talking about Brad and Jen? Yo tabloids…it’s time to move on.

  45. your mama says:

    hear hear @original kate! I concur 🙂

  46. Kim123 says:

    Well according to People.com the dog died weeks before it was announced.So why is it BP reached out to her after it was announced . If they are so close he would have reached out to her right after the dog died not a month later when BP logged on to People.com GMAB. I’m still curious why her publicist went to People mag with this story. I can understand a celeb tweeting it or mentioning in an interview but making a statement to a magazine….On another note I wonder why the tabs never write about Jen and her more recent exes Vince or John having secret meetings. Thety were tabloid fodder too.

  47. mytbean says:

    ok – i love my dogs… she loved her dog (And come on, Norman… what an awesome name) but – Anniston is so meh. It’s so funny that people still want Branniston 😛

    But YAY! Charlie Day ♥ 🙂

  48. WOOT says:

    I thought Norman died “a few weeks…” before Jen’s press release? Of course that had to happen while Brad was in Cannes, for sure

    But wouldn’t Brad “psychically” know when his dear doggy’s actual date of died?

  49. RobN says:

    My husband called his ex when he heard that their mutual cat had died. It’s called being nice. Brad probably did the same, which is the kernal of truth in this story, and the mags ran with it.

  50. Valerie says:

    My guess is that if BP got wind of the dog’s death, he might have emailed her some condolences, whether they’re on good terms or not.
    It’s kind of creepy that the story came out in the press the same day as his premiere at Cannes, when the dog kicked the bucket a month before — I think Jen leaked it, and they’re probably not in touch much anymore.
    Also, I think she is trying to portray her idea of Angelina for her role in Horrible Bosses. Her wig is the same shade as Angie’s hair: the Evil Brunette.

  51. Whatever says:

    Agreed. Neither was Brad pissed when Billy Bob Thornton called Angie to offer sympathy and support after her mother passed away.

    Exactly. Exes call each other at times of loss. For some people, the experience is the same when a pet dies. I don’t get all the comments saying he isn’t going back to her. Of course not. I think he wouldn’t and she wouldn’t take him back anyway. She has moved on and the fans need to as well.

    So what if he called her? Why wouldn’t he? She wasn’t horrible to him at all, IMO. She had a bad reaction at first to their affair, (like most women when a marriage ends after an affair) but she moved on quick enough. Just because she isn’t married doesn’t mean she hasn’t moved on. Not everyone needs the same things and what people need in relationships changes at different times of life. And she isn’t throwing a 6 year pity party. Brangeloonies inventented the entire poor Jen thing and the tabloids feed it. Brad isn’t a god and I can’t imagine he’d be that hard to get over.

  52. serena says:

    I love Jason Bateman. Truly.
    Anyway I hate so say so, as it’s a movie Jennifer Aniston’s in it, but I actually find it funny and absolutely want to see it.

  53. HRH says:

    RIP, Norman. She must be really sad.

  54. Cheyenne says:

    someone: this story is ridiculous, as is the sperm story…

    But you have to admit that sperm story is hilarious. Every time I think IUC or Female First can’t get any lower, they actually take a shovel and start digging down. Several months ago somebody on FF tried to start a rumor that Angie was the head of a child sex slave ring. The fantasies these people dream up are off the wall.

  55. someone says:

    I admit Cheyenne, that the stories are hilarious, and also ridiculous. the idea that Jennifer is still dreaming of the day when Brad comes back to her, is nonsense..he seems perfectly happy with AJ and a house full of kids, and Jen seems really happy being single…this is a non story!

  56. proof says:

    Aniston cries over gray hair and press releases her dog’s death WEEKS later-such antics make it very easy to understand why Brad, Vince, John M, etc. all left her. That said, her Dad, a NAMED SOURCE said they never keep in touch- I believe the NAMED SOURCE.

  57. shay says:

    …after the brief reconciliation Jen went back to her single, beach-loving, water-selling, lifestyle..and Brad went back to being madly in love with Angelina and his six lovely children.
    Rather be Jen myself…don’t want a partner that cheats nor six children in six years to raise.
    But that’s just me.

  58. Cheyenne says:

    @someone: Of course it’s a non-story but as long as it keeps selling magazines, the tabloids will keep printing it. Someone needs to run a story on the gullible idiots who believe this bullshit. Apparently there are enough of them to keep the slag rags in business.

  59. Camille says:

    Ridiculous story.

    And I’m sorry, but Aniston looks HORRIBLE in that movie poster. All I see is her huge chin! WTF were they thinking with that? That angle is the worst one of Anistons face. Poor thing.

    I think Uma Thurman or someone like that would have been much, much better in Anistons role. Uma is a much better actress. Unless they wanted someone not that attractive/sexy and who could play man starved and desperate really well?? (maybe its a play on her tabloid image?)

    Aniston should think about dying her hair back to its natural brunette colour, it suits her so much better than the blonde.

  60. Charlotte says:

    I’m with everyone in saying that if he did send an email or a text or something, that would have been really thoughtful of him, and there’s no harm done. They had that dog together while they were married. It’s only natural, and doesn’t mean a thing. The rest of the story I don’t buy.

    Why is having a brunette wig a tribute to Angelina? Only Angelina has ever had brown hair or ever will? Seriously, people.

    And IF Angelina calls Jen “the valley girl”, that’s pretty much the most hypocritical thing ever, seeing as Jolie is the one that was born to famous parents in the heat of LA, California, and grew up there in a famous highschool. Pretty sure that’s the very definition. Aniston, if I’m correct, grew up in NY and Greece. Any way you look at it, it’s at least a case of the pot calling the kettle black. But then again, Jolie probably thinks that because she has a home in France as well as in LA, that makes her “French”, just like her middle name and the revamped name of her Canadian mom. I hope they don’t have that little tidbit right, it would only make her look really stupid.

  61. Louise says:

    It’s amazing that people believe this story. At most sending an email but long talks and Brad helping with the NYC apartment? Come on. I find it laughable that people keep claiming that Brad is in misery and was completely happy with Jennifer. If he was so happy he wouldn’t have divorced Jennifer. If he’s so miserable with his family he would have left them long ago.

  62. Charlotte says:

    That movie trailer looks hilarious. I hope the critics back it up, cause I really want to see it. Aniston’s rom coms generally suck, but this looks different for her, and different equals good. I liked her in The Good Girl and Friends With Money. Hopefully this will be better than her latest offerings.

  63. Jenny says:

    Jolie never caller Anniston a valley girl. However, Paltrow called her “that TV girl”, so again, wrong person, wrong quote. Angelina’s mother is from Chicago, not France or Canada, and Angelina never said she was. Jolie is her middle name, don’t blame her for what her parents did. Anniston’s father is an actor as well, so she also had that entertainment connection, and she did not grow up in Greece. She is always talking about wanting to visit there as it is her father’s heritage. Agree that if her father says she is not in contact with her ex spouse, then I would believe that over another mysterious no name insider.

    Let these people live their individual, apparently happy lives separately and apart and stop trying to re-kindle what ended years ago.

  64. Deven says:

    I like the brown color and great hair-style much better than her own hair and color.

  65. nnn says:

    Not only Jen did have a father who was an actor but there is no difference between Nancy Dow and Marcheline Bertrand.

    Both were actresses mainly on the small screen and both stopped acting to raise their respective kids.

    Both Jolie and Aniston were born from successful actors, both lived with a former actress of a mother and a both had an older sibling being a brother (or half bro in the case of jen).

    So it’s rather hypocrital to blame Jolie from being born from an Hollywood basis like she has it easier than jen who benefitted from the same opportunbities as the daughter of a couple of actors too.

  66. Cheyenne says:

    @Deven: The brown color is her own color. She’s been bleaching it blonde for decades.

  67. John Wayne Lives says:

    anything involving JA, AJ, or BP makes my head spin by the end of the comments.
    so Im just gonna say..
    @ Rena, cosign et,
    RoBN has a point, it is just being nice, but it was probably him telling his agent to send flowers or something to her agent but who the hell knows, because this is just dumb, dumb, dumb.
    JA and BP have nothing in common and haven’t for the better part of a decade except for the “fans” dying for this “perfect” couple to get back together. Ugh.

  68. Charlotte says:

    @Jenny: relax. I wasn’t blaming Jolie for her middle name. I was simply remarking on the hypocrisy of her calling Aniston a “valley girl” when she herself was born in the valley. That’s it, and that’s all. Yes, they both have parents in the industry, and they both live at least part time in LA, which is why I used the phrase “pot, meet kettle”. And yes, Aniston spent some of her childhood in Greece. Sorry, I thought that was common knowledge. If you don’t buy that, it’s easily looked up.

  69. Sue says:

    This story is just total and complete crap! I personally long for the day that these two are not connected in the tabloids. I don’t believe that either of these two really care to talk with each other or send gifts anymore. So tiring.

    The movie does look funny. Thank goodness we moved away from rom-coms.

  70. sally says:

    Ridiculous! The man has 7(?) kids and an all consuming wife/life. He doesn’t even remember the dog. And calling Aniston about it would be pathetic. It would be an insult.

  71. Addie says:

    @nnn Interesting similarities between Angie and Jen!
    I believe that under different circamstances they could have actually been -dare I say …friends. They are both unique in their own right,
    and they have more in commen than just their type of man.

  72. nnn says:

    Again i don’ beleive that story per see.

    Plus i don’t understand why the tabs or some of her fans would easily beleived that Brad might have called when she has other more recent exes who are more likely the ones who would reach to her.

    I remembered Mayer speaking about Norman several times. If anyone would have called her, it’s more likely him not Brad who may not even know that her dog has passed away (after all it was on american tab and not abroad where he was when the news went out), who according her own father doesn’t keep in touch and who according himself doesn’t speak to third parties, EVER.

  73. original kate says:

    “Jolie never caller Anniston a valley girl. However, Paltrow called her “that TV girl” ”

    that is so goopy. it’s funny, but in a thread where people are fighting over who is worse, jen or angie, i pick gwyneth for the win! who’s with me?

  74. Laughternrain says:

    I doubt very much AJ called Jen a valley girl. That bitchiness is more something Jen would do, not AJ. However, even if AJ was born in the valley girl area, she isn’t the one who acts like one as an adult. Jen is.

  75. michelle says:

    The comment is telling not for Jen but for Angelina.
    Brad says she is a great mom NOT a great wife. Someone should ask them How often he and AJ have sex since she is a mother with a litter.
    He did not say AJ was sexy or hot or his soulmate.