Cele|bitchy | Lady Gaga to Us Weekly: “The ideas are vomiting out my mouth”

Lady Gaga to Us Weekly: “The ideas are vomiting out my mouth”


By now, we’ve already begrugingly accepted that Lady Gaga, the “Fashion Icon” who has usurped Oprah Winfrey on the Celebrity 100 List and has inexplicably gone bankrupt to pay for an endless cache of crazy costumes, will be around for the forseeable future. As such, Gaga sat down for a chat with Us Magazine to fill the collective void that’s lingered after her most recent publicity tour that concluded with her album release for Born This Way, as if we couldn’t live without a few words from Her Wackiness.

Within this interview, Gaga covers a lot of territory, which encompasses her recent appearance on “SNL” (including “The Golden Rule”) and her relationship with boyfriend Luc Carl as well as the general accusations that she’s conveniently designed her “art” as sacreligious statements against the Catholic church. Gaga’s responses to these questions are well-rehearsed but still slightly illuminating, for what it’s worth:

Us: I obviously want to get all into the album, but I have to start with your recent appearance on Saturday Night Live because everyone is blown away with how hilarious you were.

LG: Well, it was a nice surprise all the support I got for the skits and for being on the show. I was really super honored that Justin [Timberlake] and Andy [Samberg] wanted to be a part of so many of the skits, especially Liquorville and the Three Way. Cause those are super iconic for both of them as actors… I swear I wet myself I needed a diaper on set I was laughing so hard…it is nice to be able to show my fans the other artistic outlets that I am in love with and what else I can do and I went to theatre school for so long so it is a tremendous part of who I am and I can’t wait to host SNL one day!

Us: Was it in your mind that you wouldn’t be able to top The Fame and The Fame Monster with your new album?

LG: Of course, that’s always in my mind and I’m always trying to push forward musically and artistically. But more importantly, I want to not rest on the laurels of what I already created. I wanted it to be super pop, I wanted it to have huge choruses, I wanted it to be fun and everything that my fans love about the music I’ve created already but I wanted it to be a big giant step forward for my song writing, for my compositional arrangements, lyrically, and I think I did a great job.

Us: I wanted to ask you about particularly the religious themes. What made you decide to sort of tap into so much of that this time and where did that come from?

LG: I am Italian and I grew up Catholic, so I grew up with a lot of religious imagery and I became obsessed, you know, during the Monster Ball with this idea of a quote on quote electric chapel which I think is going to carry into the next seas of the new tour.

Us: Did you feel that it was hard live up your image?

LG: I would say this album is just as over-accessorized as I am. You know there is something really epic and opus like about the record and its meant to be this huge celebration of a sort of grandeur in terms of you know self love and self worship. This record as a stand alone, I wanted when you listened to it to not only be transported to reality but also to know that I’ve licked and touched and kissed and made love to every single note and melody and lyric on that album.

Us: Did you know you were going to be this big, the biggest pop star in the world?

LG: You know what, I had already thought I had made it. I always did. I know that sounds so crazy but when I was singing in bars in New York, all the pictures that you see in the Us Weekly special issue that you created, you know, I am sure you can see all the joy and the bliss on my face and that was because I was just happy making music and happy that people were coming to see me live.

Us: There’s also expressing yourself in fashion. Do YOU ever feel your look is too much?

LG: No. I think it’s I’m just feeling so brave and secure and confident lately I really had to become the message of the album in order to put this record out and no. Lately I have been feeling very good. I’ve been feeling like I know exactly what I want to do, exactly what I want to say, exactly what I want to perform. So no, I know what I am doing and feeling.

Us: I know you recently said in London that you broke up with Luc Carl, your on-off boyfriend, again. Are you interested in dating again at all? Do you even have time for it?

LG: Well I would just say that I don’t like to talk about my love life so I sometimes skirt the questions and maybe not so honestly sometimes. And that’s all I will say.

Us: What’s next? Can you give us a little bit of insight on how the next tour is going to be?

LG: The next tour, I am already planning it, and it is going to be absolutely incredible and I am so excited. I was so afraid that I would never be able to top the Monster Ball but the ideas are just pouring into my brain and vomiting out my mouth.

[From Us Magazine]

Well, so much for Gaga’s fear that she’ll die before getting her ideas out, right? In other words, Gaga shall be only as selective as her handlers permit her to be, but I still can’t be that rough on her. After all, she just did happen to be born both Italian and Catholic, which is quite like Madonna but not purposely so. Or at least, that’s the case if we should choose to believe Gaga’s statements. I’m inclined to allow her at least that much, but as far as “creativity” goes, I wish she’d just own up to the massive team that helps her create all of her “fashion icon” looks. Ultimately, I still adore the bitch, but we all know that she’s not doing all of this on her own.




Photos courtesy of Fame Pictures

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18 Responses to “Lady Gaga to Us Weekly: “The ideas are vomiting out my mouth””

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  1. MarenGermany says:

    i am not hating her. really not. but i finally was able to put my finger on what drives me crazy about her:
    She needs to loose the god-complex. i would consider myself an underdog and outsider, and me /and all the other underdogs out there/ DONT NEED her to tell us that we are beautiful or loved or whatever. She fancies herself the queen of underdogs and by doing so she is achieving exactly the opposite. She is selfrightous, addicted, smug and entitled.
    But like I said, I dont hate her, I danced my ass off to “edge of glory”, so obviously Lady Gaga puts that much fun into my life 🙂

  2. Ben says:

    She’s not one of the ones who pretends she’s a one-woman show. I mean, people know about the Haus of Gaga. Her team has a name!

  3. neelyo says:

    She’s right. The ideas vomit out of her and I think that’s her biggest problem. I want to like the new album and I think there are some good ideas there, but it’s surrounded by so much noise, like she didn’t know where to stop. Editing oneself isn’t a bad thing.

    @ marengermany – I agree. I thought her HBO concert was good, but I wanted to throw something at her when she spoke because it was all faux-inspirational ‘We are all stars’ drivel. And I can’t stand it when any performer has a pet name for their fans.

  4. Quest says:

    Although I don’t hate Gaga, I don’t really find her that facinating – weird (yes) and she even have Eminen interest (lol), but Gaga’s ideas are indeed vomiting out of her mouth and spilling out on us all (ewww) my new jacket.

  5. machiavelli says:

    Please just go away.

  6. constance says:

    I give her credit for forming an entire entourage of workers under Haus of Gaga.

    Did she talk about them in her Fashion Icon award? Or just about herself and her ideas?

  7. Eve says:

    “I would never be able to top the Monster Ball but the ideas are just pouring into my brain and vomiting out my mouth.”

    It’s more like “are shitting out of your ass”. The diarrhea type.

  8. Blue says:

    Lmao @ Eve. Thanks I choked on my oj.
    Gaga is gonna hurt someone with those nails

  9. John Wayne Lives says:

    sigh…put on a f*cking shirt. Having your bra hang out isn’t “artsy”. It’s just so dumb. We all wear them GaGa. We all know what they look like.

  10. the original bellaluna says:

    I think that’s an apt description. I liken her stuff to vomit: Useless; repulsive; an unnecessary mess; and she’s just a gross, garish caricature.

    @ Eve – LOL!! Love it!

  11. Ari says:

    I watched her doc on MTV and I actually like her a whole lot more knowing where she came from and that she was always actually doing things a bit off kilter from everyone else.

  12. jover says:

    Oh please enough; sign on originalbellaluna you can only have real ideas if you read some books,studied, researched things,etc. otherwise as writer Paul Theroux once said you are just talking off the top of your head. Lady xerox’s views on religion are too trivial, childish and uninformed to be interesting – i despise it when pop stars affect the faux intellectual stance. And please #12, her off kilter schtick is corporate label created. For the love of GOd, people, go on youtube and watch that episode of MTV’s punked which she was on – totally ordinary mall girl. The marketing and pr that created this act probably exceeds in cost our national debt.

  13. NayNay says:

    I’m sorry but Eminem says it all about her in his new song:

    “Tell Lady Gaga she can quit her job at the post office/ She’s still a male lady,” he raps. “Wouldn’t f*ck her with her d*ck/ You heard it/ The verdict’s in.”

    And I friggen love it!!!!!! I don’t think it has to do with jealousy, but purely the truth.

  14. Cherry Rose says:

    She relays it to vomiting as she’s chewed up and swallowed other artists ideas, then regurgitates it to make it her own, but nowhere near as good as the original.

    I’m just so surprised that other artists haven’t called Gaga out on her bullshit and blatant copying of them.

    And this whole, I’m queen of the misfits things irks me to no end. True artists who probably were misfits and embraced the weird and ignored (i.e. David Bowie, Marilyn Manson, etc) never put it upon themselves to proclaim themselves leader of the downtrodden. They were just glad that their fans could be themselves and find a musician that they could relate to in a way.

  15. Madisyn says:


  16. Rebecks says:

    Hate the gaga……
    I couldn’t make it through more than 2 mins of that MTV doc.
    She is an uber pretentious and a Madonna clone and I’m starting to see red after I read these asinine self aggrandizing quotes. Just glad I am clearly not the only one.

  17. RHONYC says:

    “I wish she’d just own up to the massive team that helps her create all of her “fashion icon” looks.”

    hey BedHead…

    Gaga has always, ALWAYS, said from the jump (circa 2008-now) that she has a team of friends that she collaborates with called the ‘Haus of Gaga’ headed by her BFF & stylist Nicola Formichetti.

    they would get together & bedazzle, staple & construct her attention-getting looks from back when she was playing clubs on the LES.

    Nicola’s talents got him the gig as Creative Director of Theirry Mugler.

    google it. jussayin. 😉

  18. original kate says:

    bored now.