– Heidi Klum manages to make milk sexy. I drink about half a gallon a day and look nothing like this [I’m Not Obsessed]
– Mark Wahlberg is making some serious threats against Andy Samberg [Dlisted]
– Courteney Cox really needs to rethink her lipstick [Lainey Gossip]
– Howard Stern still thinks he matters [PopEater]
– Levi Stubbs of the Four Tops passed away today [Bossip]
– The much anticipated He-Man movie is now dead. I’m crazy pissed too [Pajiba]
– Poor Elizabeth Hurley can barely manage to restrain her breasts [Celebslam]
– Holly Madison looks like a normal person without makeup [In Case You Didn’t Know]
– This is NOT the kind of sleepover Miley Cyrus should be having [Crazy Days and Nights]
– Jennifer Garner and Violet Affleck are even adorable when they joke around with construction workers [PopSugar]
– Is Britney really headed back to Louisiana? [Socialite’s Life]
– Gwen Stefani looks adorable at the beach [Just Jared]
Friday advertiser love:
– Rent adult DVDs without having to go out or download from questionable sites with discreet and private SugarDVD.
– Cute and fashionable plus sized clothing at Belle Avenue.
– Check out Rock of Ages, a new musical playing in NY featuring your favorite rock hits from the 80s.
– Cool and inspiring videos of tech family makeovers featuring a digital photo wall and more at 2pointhome
– Learn about the misery of fur and commercial animal farming from PETA
Don’t drink low fat milk, people!
There is nothing better than an organic 3.8% fat milk (unless you have any allergies).
Trustiva’s right. Low-fat isn’t as nutritious.
I really frickin’ hate it when they play the German card with Heidi Klum – and then get it so stupidly wrong. She’s wearing a Dirndl, a traditional Bavarian costume (I was born and raised in Munich) and she isn’t even from Bavaria.
Why is it everything Americans (I’m talking mainstream here, good for you if you’re more discerning than those silly ads) perceive as typically German is actually typically Bavarian? Lederhosen, Dirndl, pretzels (in Bavaria they’re Brezn) – all Bavarian.
Anyway, this just majorly bugs me because she doesn’t care about catering to a total cliché and then it’s a cliché she doesn’t even fulfill. One more reason I hate Heidi Klum.
When I see such pictures, I want to tell everybody on the planet that I am NOT German, no no, really not, I mean I am, but, this Heidi (the story) image and Heidi (the other one)just make me really embarrassed for being German. We are NOT all like this. Not as good looking as Heidi (which wouldn’t be too bad…), and we do not all live in the mountains with our grandfather in a little hut where we drink fresh milk directly from the cow every day. NO we do not (ranting mode: off)
On the other hand we’ll never get to see that advert in Germany, so perhaps I should just enjoy it. It is quite funny (feeling-better-after-good-rant mode: on) 😆 8)
Scrolled up to the picture again – still absolutely hate it! But will just click on different link now – perhaps some Heidi and Spencer to cheer me up 😉
Yeah, and the moutains-cows-milk etc cliché is from the book “Heidi”, which actually takes place in Switzerland (which, ironically, is where I currently live).
You’re right reason, we are not all like this and even we Bavarians, who do often enough wear traditional garb, do not run around like this and in this kind of setting all the time.
It’s truly moments like this that make me insist: “I’m half French, really! I’m not entirely German! Noooo!”.
Besides, I don’t think Heidi Klum is pretty or, yuck, beautiful. She does nothing at all for me. Even her figure isn’t attractive to me.
Those pics are the reason i am embarrassed to admit i am german. back then in the uk, people started calling me heidi and even my american friends think we wear dirndls. hell, i am from hamburg. that´s like…another universe. we certainly don´t wear these silly frocks and nobody gets us to eat weisswurst.
I love milk! 😀
Oh, that’s milk on her lips! I thought it was the remnants of ‘services rendered’ to keep that dreadful fashion show of hers on TV.
😀 Dante 😀
That’s the way it goes with fashion: one day you’re in, the next day you’re out.
Anni: hey, Dirndl aren’t silly 🙁
I love them. But then again, I am half Bavarian. Another universe indeed.
LOL! Love Heidi’s milkmaid shoes! I think the ad is really sweet but then again I do also realise that it’s not representative of an entire nation of German or Swiss people!
Now if there were leiderhosen and some of that spanky dancing people might really start chugging the moo juice.
Yeah, um, guys? The clothes Heidi is wearing is a Halloween costume. In the print of the ad they make that pretty clear.
So, she wasn’t erroneously representing Germans with the Swiss Miss get up, it’s a costume, and except for the hair, a cute one on her.
That kitten should be very careful, though.
It’s a cute ad. It definitely works for the american audience although I would be surprised if anybody really thought all German ladies walk around like that in the street.
It’s the same with clichés all over the world: people imagine French always wear a beret and have a baguette under their arm, Americans are necessarily fat, etc.
As for you, geronimo, those shoes are from the current Azzedine Alaïa line. If you’re interested 😀 but it’s going to cost you the equivalent of a lot of Christmas presents.
Thanks, bellatrix, off to investigate! And yeah, I personally love all the cliched portrayals of other nationalities – most of them are hilarious!
Is it just me or does she look ridiculous in that dirndl? Looks like she is wearing a dirndl made for a 12 year old combined with nice red hooker high heels.
Anni, I think this is a beautiful add and never be embarrassed to admit that you are German. I am Mexican and I love everything about the German culture. Ich weiss dass Deutschland ist nicht Bayern! People are not very smart if they think otherwise!
You guys CHILL THE F**K OUT! It’s just an advertisement ok? It’s NOT supposed to represent all German people!!!! It’s meant to be exaggerated, just like they portray the French with a black beret and a baguette under the arm, or the Spanish with a flamenco dress (which is ONLY from Andalucia)
Don’t get all worked up about it JEEZ!!!!!
Her legs don’t look real, photoshopped to hell like that.
I like Heidi, and I think her and Seal are a great couple. I’d much rather hear more about their relationship and family than Brad and Angelina. Let’s get some other celeb couples in the spotlight.
Ich weiss dass Deutschland ist nicht Bayern!________correction_____ Ich weiss dass Deutschland nicht Bayern ist! Ein Bischen Ueben brauchen sie, na ja!!