“Earth welcomes you, Suri Cruise” Links

So I passed out early last night, neglecting the links. Sorry to my fellow gossip hounds. I should really do two link posts a day as there’s so much good stuff out there. I’ll give it a shot.

Here’s what happened while I was sleeping:

Suri Cruise was unveiled! The world wondered if Chris Klein could stop being a chauvinist pig long enough to care that his child and momma’s baby are being brainwashed and held in secluded luxury. [Bastardly]
Katie Holmes thinks that people shouldn’t be allowed to talk smack about her spawn. [Page One Blog]
Tom Cruise’s Vanity Fair cover is a rip off of a Paul McCartneys first solo album, and a certain popular blogger ripped off someone else’s find. No surprise there. [Agent Bedhead]
– Why does Suri Cruise look asian with a bad toupee? [DListed]
Heidi Klum, Seal, Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale had a high-profile playdate. Or their kids did. [Mollygood]
Kate Bosworth and Orlando Bloom broke up [Socialite’s Life]
Jessica Simpson admitted that her supposed relationship with golden shower-loving John Mayer was just a publicity stunt. Well, not really, but almost. [Hot Momma Drama]
Paris Hilton realized what payback feels like, and it hurts. [Haute Gossip]
Pajiba tells us the movies we really should be watching instead of the crap the studios shove down our throats. [Pajiba]
Rachel Weisz’s new movie got booed at the Venice Film Festival [I’m not obsessed]
– Is Lindsay Lohan engaged again? [PopSugar]
– Another member of the “Lost” cast got busted on a driving offense. [Seriously, OMG, WTF?!]
Bush and Cheney dressed in drag [CityRag]
Steve Jobs and Apple co-founder, Steve Wozniak, just can’t get along [yeeeah]
– Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock attended “The Lake House” Tokyo premiere, looked thrilled [Gabsmash]

Pictures from ONTD and Egotastic!

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5 Responses to ““Earth welcomes you, Suri Cruise” Links”

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  1. Angelika says:

    So, that’s the picture everyone was waiting for.. And I have to admit: Suri is an ADORABLE baby! She’s one of the cutest little babies I’ve ever seen, she’s gonna be a beautiful girl =)

  2. millie says:

    she looks cute here but I’m sticking to my Josh Hartnett theory 🙂 She dated him JUST before she met Tom.. interesting, huh? Here is a link to a pre-photoshop Suri (gawker). Her eyes look quite a bit different


  3. PRISCILLA says:

    She is adorable!! Beautiful baby, people should be ashamed for saying otherwise, live and let live already!

  4. Madison Pride says:

    Suri Cruise’s real mothe, and she knows how to call to Aliens! Because that baby does not look anything like Katie, or Tom crazy!


  5. Jon says:

    So, on the Tom and Katie thing, I don’t think it’s likely that Suri is Chris Klein’s kid, resemblance or not. Check out this post my wife did on it:

    Chris’s? Nah. Tom’s? Who knows? Just some thoughts :).