“Halle Berry is still taking Gabriel Aubry to court over custody” links


Halle Berry‘s in court right now, saying that Gabriel Aubry is a bad father. [I’m Not Obsessed]
I keep saying “The Larry Crowne Affair” too! [Go Fug Yourself]
Tia Mowry welcomes a baby boy. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Russell Brand is the sexiest vegetarian? [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Olivia Wilde looks baked. [Celebslam]
Still not getting the Kate Upton thing. [IDLITW]
Nerd Girl Porn: Hot Guys Reading. [The Frisky]
MUST READ: One Night with Quentin Tarantino. [Crazy Days and Nights]
Maddox & Pax Jolie-Pitt sail the high seas. [INFDaily]
Eva Mendes is tired of being so sexy. [Amy Grindhouse]
More Halle Berry/Aubry stuff. [Radar]
Michelle Bachmann‘s first flub as a presidential candidate. [Bitten and Bound]
NSFW photo of Beyonce‘s wardrobe malfunction. [Celebs]
Linda Hogan feared for her life. [The Celebrity Café]
Unflattering photos of Kate Moss. [Hollywood Rag]
GAH!! A soldier holding his kittens. Heart. Melting. [CityRag]
Justin Bieber does something really nice. Truly. [Starpulse]
Happy 45th birthday, John Cusack! [Moviefone]


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58 Responses to ““Halle Berry is still taking Gabriel Aubry to court over custody” links”

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  1. brin says:

    I wondered why I hadn’t seen pics of Gabriel in a while. Haven’t seen Halle with Olivier….maybe she ran him off too.

  2. Debsa says:

    I love all these actresses who want a child so bad and then proceed to bad mouth their baby daddies…ie. Padma Laskhi and Halee Berry

  3. endoplasmic_ridiculum says:

    Crazy eyes.

    Honestly, I think if he’d knocked up a Kardashian they would have handled all this with less drama/more class.

    I feel this is about Halle. Not so much her daughter…

    Plus I never forgave her for bashing Montreal…..

  4. whitedaisy says:

    She has revealed her true personality over this custody issue and is likely going to be an obstacle to winning any box office $$ in future endeavors.

  5. Ron says:

    Bitch is crazy. I feel sorry for him having to deal with this for the rest of his life.

  6. Leigh says:

    Hey Kaiser,

    Why didn’t you tell us first hand that you hooked up with Tarantino???? 🙂

    I swear, the sense of humor in that CDAN post is SO much like yours

    On a side note, would you believe my husband is a good-looking QT twin? Same strong features, minus the Frankenstein effect.

  7. 4Real says:

    It may be these pics but he made her look even better.

  8. ladybert62 says:

    She is a strange woman – I certainly get crazy as in “I am the most important person in this picture” vibes.

  9. tiki says:

    re: the bachmann flub story. just wondering if you covered obama’s declaration that he’d visited all 57 states during his presidential campaign? i’m guessing no.

  10. P.M. says:

    That’s why it’s been quiet on the Halle front, she learned to keep the crazy behind closed doors.

  11. Kaboom says:

    If Linda Hogan fears for her life she should stop riding shotgun in Nick’s car.

  12. lrm says:

    agreed on hallee front, but da*n, she is so unbelievably gorgeous-and that body! I know she works for it, but still…da*n….

  13. ! says:

    I still say if he’s gonna drag his kid around the Kardashian crowd, his ability to parent SHOULD be called into question. Their child shouldn’t have to be exposed to a constant revolving door of trash.

  14. mtb says:

    RE: The soldier with the kittah… The soldier’s name is Theo and he has been featured, via his writing, prominently on cuteoverload.com. There are more pictures of him with more kittahs on that website (posted yesterday I believe). The kittahs are cute, but Theo is pretty good looking too. What a great guy!

  15. Hautie says:

    I find her judgement to be the one that is questionable.

    With her blantant Daddy issue’s… one would have hoped that Halle’s daughter would be given the opportunity to have a solid relationship with her father.

    Gabriel going on a couple of dates with Kim K. does not make him a leper. It made him look dumb. It is a non issue. I believe it was proven that Kim K. was never introduced to his daughter.

    Yet Halle wasted no time in letting a man she barely knew, around her daughter. Letting him stay in her home for extended periods of time.

    I find Halle judgement to be the one that is questionable.

  16. WOM says:

    I’ve noticed a pattern to Berry’s custody issues. She gets a new role, she gets papped w/ Nahla being a doting mother, she tries to alter Aubry’s custody. Wish she’d lose custody once and for all — Nahla would be better off.

  17. Leticia says:

    @Tiki, yeah.

  18. Bill Hicks is God says:

    As far as I can recall, she was fine until that first idiot (what was his name?) the serial cheater she was married too. He did a serious number on her head I think. It happens.

  19. Hanh says:

    I’m thinking they’re both idiots. Both of them are control freaks over Nahla (poor girl) and can’t share custody or parenting for the life of them. Though I’m wondering if Halle wrote him a big check, would he disappear?

  20. Brin: Nobody else has seen Gabriel,either.He’s tied up in my basement.

  21. Violet says:

    Halle “One Drop” Berry is showing her crazy again. Poor Gabriel and poor Nahla.

  22. orl says:

    Tom Petty reportedly demanding Bachmann stop using his music. The right wing has no respect for intellectual property.

  23. Catherine says:

    She may be pretty but she has proven countless times that she is a full-on idiot. I have no respect for her. He was good enough to sleep with but now he is a bad daddy? Halle, one of these days that little girl of yours will resent you for what you are doing. Karma is a bitch.

  24. the original bellaluna says:

    You know, it’s one thing if your child’s father is engaged in a same-sex train while snorting coke off a stripper’s ass and holding onto his loaded illegal fire-arm with the other hand, all in front of your child(ren).

    But it is quite another to use a child as a weapon against a good parent, just because you want to be a bitch or a dick.

    Sidenote: LOVE John (and Joan) Cusack!

  25. Lucky Charm says:

    Why can’t she just give this a rest? Joint custody with Gabriel, ample visitation, no need to put her daughter or the father through this mess that’s only in her head. He loves his daughter and won’t give up without a fight, Halle loves a fight and won’t give up her daughter. Meanwhile, Nahla is going to grow up and resent her mother for not letting her and have a normal, healthy relationship with her father.

  26. ol cranky says:

    I think it’s amazing she had no concerns with Aubry’s parental skills or judgement when they were together and he was the primary caregiver. . .

  27. OXA says:

    I would like to see a few drops of her insanity exposed on Radaronline just like Mel Gibson. Then strip her of custody and let her feel what she is trying to do to Gabe the Babe.

  28. sunseeker says:

    If Gabriel was in it for the money Halle would have paid him off ages ago. Halle just wants sole custody Gabriel wants shared custody, who is the control freak here.

  29. eternalcanadian says:

    I seriously doubt Gabriel as the product of a stable and loving family in Quebec would be an unstable and neglectful parent to his only child. Can’t say the same about Halle who is simply whacked out. I feel bad for Nahla who is no doubt confused why she can’t see her dad anymore.

  30. sunseeker says:

    Last statement Halle made, “Our issues were never about fighting for her. We both know a child needs both her parents. But what I want to say about it is sometimes, as a couple, you reach an impasse. We needed a court and a judge to help us work out some of the delicate issues, and I’m so happy we’ve arrived at that place, because for her sake, this is the best way. We both love her more than life.” What a lot of rubbish.

  31. rose80 says:

    wow. talk about rush to judgements. Gabriel was just spotted a day ago with Nahla. Just because you haven’t see it doesn’t mean does not exist


    As for Halle taking Gabriel to court, I’ll wait for the reason why before I judge. I can only hope she has a good reason for it. Halle may be open with her crazy but Gabriel could be on the sneak with his.

  32. sunseeker says:

    After a seemingly peaceful period of time the nasty custody battle is back on between Halle Berry and Gabriel Aubry, over their daughter Nahla.
    Accusations are flying fast and thick as Halle claims her baby daddy broke the rules of their custody agreement – even going so far as to allege Gabriel has been negligent in his care of the three-year-old.
    Halle was back in court this morning, along with her powerhouse attorney Laura Wasser, who presented the custody judge with a thick dossier detailing all of Aubry’s alleged wrongdoings.

    A source close to the situation tells RadarOnline.com that trouble has been brewing over the past few weeks and that the situation between the ex-couple has been getting nastier by the day.

    “Halle has been coming down hard on Gabe recently,” the source says. “If he drops off Nahla just five minutes late or is not exactly on time when he picks her up, he gets it in the ear, big time.
    “Then he is criticized for not taking Nahla to the ‘right kind of places’ when he’s with her, not dressing her correctly, not feeding her the right kind of foods.
    “Gabriel said there was a nuclear level melt-down last week because he gave Nahla pizza on one of her ‘non-cheat days’. He’s basically being totally micro-managed and has no freedom when it comes to his daughter.

    “I’m not surprised this has happened, it seems Halle’s attorneys have been working on building a case against Gabriel for some time now, and every single time he doesn’t follow every rule, or do things by the book, he’s slammed.

  33. John Wayne Lives says:

    Jesus, Halle. Knock it off and act like a grownup.

  34. Mia says:

    Thanks for the update, sunseeker. Halle is definitely off her rocker. Those things she alleges are proof of Gabriel’s neglect are merely proof of his humanity. She be batshitcrazy.

  35. sassenach says:

    Gabriel needs to stop leaking info to RadarOnline. I get so tired of everyone saying that Halle is crucifying in the press when he has been doing to exact same thing. Notice there have been no leaks from Halle’s camp about what is going on but it took Gabriel no time to talk to Radar. I am sure that if Halle violated the custody agreement then no one would have a problem with Gabriel taking her to court.

  36. Eve says:

    That’s it: we’re f*cking done professionally, Berry.

    I already didn’t like her as an actress, for such a beautiful woman she is certainly VERY insecure and for the last months she’s been acting like a controlling bitch who’s willing to completely remove her daughter’s father from the girl’s life.

    She needs to get help before she ends up screwing her daughter’s life for good.

  37. mia girl says:

    “he gave Nahla pizza on one of her ‘non-cheat days’” OMG I thought it was the constitutional right of all children under the age of 18 to have pizza whenever they want! 🙂

    Obviously it is every parent’s prerogative to monitor and dictate their children’s diet and if Berry is trying to ensure a healthy lifestyle for her daughter, well I suppose that’s not a bad thing. But I seriously hope that terms like “non-cheat / cheat days” are not being used with little Nahla. That’s how unhealthy relationships with food/ body image issues can take root.

  38. gab says:

    She can look so lovely! Too bad she is one messed up biatch.

  39. Nancy says:

    Halle Berry = Psycho

  40. Sue says:

    sassenach@ The story first came from TMZ so if anyone is leaking info to the media its Halle who did it first and Gabriel is jumping on the bandwagon putting his side out there.

    Everything was quiet and Halle was happy and was seen with her boyfriend every were and she put out that statement about how her and Gabriel are getting along, now in the last couple weeks no boyfriend and she going to events alone again. I wonder if they broke up and now she unhappy again and what’s to keep Nahla to herself.

  41. Camille says:

    Mutton dressed as lamb.

  42. janna says:

    this is one fake, worked on, plastic, insecure woman. a terrible actress too, i might add.

  43. EduBois says:

    Wow. I’m surprised at how virulent the feelings are about Halle – this is Lohan-type language. But I guess she broke some rules dumping that model…
    Anyway, I am always suspicious of believing Radar as though it is some court record – who is the source quoted? They have been in Aubry’s back pocket from the beginning.

    It is just as likely that he used this woman and wants a pay out – as it is that Halle is wrongfully withholding the child from him. Why do you leap to one side first? I just find it curious….

  44. bluhare says:

    Does someone know what a “cheat” and “non cheat” day is for a three year old? She got mad he got her pizza on a non cheat day? WTF????

  45. mln76 says:

    Well I always have to rememeber that Halle met my Mom last year and told her she was beautiful because besides that kindness I think she’s all kinds of ugly.

    @BHIG that was Halle’s 2nd marraige the first one was to a baseball player who she says abused her (With her all kinds of crazy I kind of doubt that too). And did you know about the hit and run that magically went away because Halle’s got it like that???

  46. Charlotte says:

    Did Hulk Hogan’s alleged abuse of his ex-wife come up in court during their pretty ugly divorce? Wouldn’t there have been SOME mention of it prior to now? The former Mrs. Hogan appears to be trying to sell more books. Now obviously I wasn’t a party to the entire relationship, but it just doesn’t come off as real.

  47. Shay says:

    She is a psycho.

  48. Danni says:

    There are pics on Bossip recently of Gabriel with his daugther.
    Anyway, I do not understand why she needs to do this. I guess it’s all about HER. It’s not like he is going to take her to Quebec or anything and never bring her back. He goes wherever his child is. At least that’s what history has shown.
    As far as leaking stories, I do not think he is at all. Fact is Halle not only tried to vicously malign his whole character to turn his daughter and the courts against him, but she wants to completely ruin the guy, destroy his career and therefore, his reliable source of income. Probably because she needs all the power/money. It’s a trick and he happens to have a lot of friends on the East Coast who were very upset about this.

  49. Jag says:

    @ bluhare ~ I was wondering that, too. Halle seems to have a bad self-image, and I certainly hope she doesn’t have her 3 year old on a diet already!

    @ Charlotte ~ I think she got a restraining order when they were going through the divorce; my thought was that it was to keep him out of the house. Now that she has a book to sell, it’s a convenient attempt to cause drama and publicity, imo, because she always mentions the book.

  50. Shy says:

    Seriously Gabriel Aubry should file for sole custody. I hate those kind of selfish parents who don’t love their children. Because when you do then you care what’s best to your Child. But they divorce and only think how to hurt their Ex and take away father from kid. Not to mention that every kid need their father.

    And Halle biung bitch she is she only wants her daughter as her own toy. And doesn’t want to share her with anyone. When she wants to go to another town or country she doesn’t want to ask his permission. And doesn’t want to give her kid to him for days. I think that is the main reason. She wants to have child for herself. Well then you have to give birth to a child without father. Like Jodie Foster. Then you will not have a problems. But she gave births when she was in relationship.

    And I want to hear those dirty tapes that Gabriel has. Halle deserves to be thrashed in press. And if she is too crazy and in rage on those tapes then he should demand psychological test on Halle. That would be awesome 🙂

  51. the original bellaluna says:

    Umm…why does a pre-schooler have a “cheat” day? Why is a “cheat” day even necessary for a pre-schooler?

    A “cheat” day for a pre-schooler should be Easter (candy & eggs), Christmas (candy & cookies & tons of yummy food), and Halloween (tons of candy).

    Can someone please let Ms. Berry know this, please? Before she turns her daughter into the same neurotic train-wreck as she.

    (I have a very dear long-time friend who has been obsessed with weight her entire life. Long-time friend’s mother offered her plastic surgery for her 30th birthday. Long-time friend asked me about putting her daughter on a diet before she was 7 years old – I told her “ABSOLUTELY NOT” unless she wanted to plant a lifetime of body obsessions and eating disorders. Her daughter is now in her 20’s, and she is beautiful.)

  52. the original bellaluna says:

    Oh, and FYI: Nahla is a child, not a weapon.

  53. foozy says:

    no longer like this crazy woman. gabriel is a dream though…

  54. Ell says:

    When a woman and a man become parents, it doesn’t stop the day their relationship breaks down.

    Halle needs a reality check, Gabriel will always be in Nahla’s life, he’s her father. And if by some horrible twist of fate she manages to remove him – I’m sure Nahla will find him when she’s 18 and resent her mother for the rest of her life.

  55. Bill Hicks is God says:

    @mln76: Thanks for clearing that up and no, I didn’t know about the hit and run thing.

  56. really says:

    She is so DISGUSTING! what a piece of scum, and CRAZY to top. He does not deserve her abuse. I never thought she was a good actress at all, and now she makes me more than vomit! I hope he wins in the end, and has peace of mind and a truly beautiful woman to love him, not some pathetic twat nutjob!