Cele|bitchy | Drew Barrymore loves her curves

Drew Barrymore loves her curves

In an interview with Elle magazine, Drew Barrymore said that she likes her body and will never strive to be rail thin like many of her Hollywood counterparts:

“I’m never going to fall prey to that. I don’t have enough room in my life for the neurosis of other people’s expectations. If you’re too thin, they kill you and if you’re too fat, they kill you.

“There’s no such thing as perfection and someone else’s definition of it is not good enough for me.

“I love food too much to live in fear or starvation. If I could eat macaroni cheese every day then I’d be happy. I live for crispy tacos!”

She also said that Cameron Diaz is her best friend and that she is “totally into girl love.” She said her friends are her outlets for “dreams and creative aspirations.”

Drew certainly has a good head on her shoulders, and she seems like a fun person to hang out with. She was photographed with funnyman Jimmy Fallon in Punta Mita, Mexico on September 3rd. This doesn’t mean that Drew and Jimmy are together. Drew is most likely still with her longterm boyfriend, Strokes drummer Fabrizio Moretti. A commentor on Lime-Light.org, where we found the pictures, notes that it looks like Drew’s friend and business partner, Nancy Juvonen, is with them, and that she may be dating Jimmy.

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8 Responses to “Drew Barrymore loves her curves”

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  1. bitch says:

    well I think Drew is the only one who likes her curves. Everyone else wants her to put some clothes on.

  2. dupababy says:

    i’d love to be able to make some crass comments about her but i can’t.. it’s the damned line about not wanting to live up to others false idealisms that gets me.. go girl! eat your taco’s and screw hollywhoredom!

  3. kelley says:

    Put some clothes on? Why? What do you wear to the beach?

  4. b.i.t.c.h. says:

    fat people shouldnt go to the beach

  5. Ms. Gossip says:

    B.I.T.C.H you are an ass!!! Leabe Drew alone!!

  6. Viv says:

    Haha, I thought Bitch’s comment was funny! Meh, people will wear what they will…

  7. Chel says:

    wow. that’s about the most shallow thing I’ve EVER HEARD. I, for one, like Drew Barrymore. She’s NOT fat. Maybe you’re anorexic, but we who don’t have eating disorders consider that to be NORMAL. Go look it up. I’ll bet you all I’m worth that “skinny as a toothpick” is not mentioned under normal. I think it’s really cool that you don’t have to have an eating disorder to be a celebrity, what with all the stars turning into skeletons, these days.

  8. random says:

    i agree with bitch…..i like drew barrymore, her acting etc. but yes…she is fat.