Kate Winslet in Ralph Lauren, in China: frozen, fug or gorgeous?


Here are some photos of Kate Winslet in Bejing, China… two days ago…? And we’re just getting the photos now? Sure. So Kate was in Bejing for her role as the “face” of Lancôme (remember her crazy-cheesy ad?). Kate wore this asymmetric, black Ralph Lauren gown, a clutch by Sergio Rossi and jewelry by Tiffany’s. If I’m just judging the style part of this look – sure, it all looks nice together, the dress is acceptable, not groundbreaking, but not fug either. It’s decent ensemble.

So, what’s the problem? I think it may be a combination of things – first of all, I don’t think the lighting is doing Winslet any favors. Secondly, these photos might raise the ongoing debate about whether Winslet has gotten tweaked. I’ve been saying she’s tweaked for over a year now, even though she denies it, and many disagree. I’m not saying it’s Beyonce-level “Bitch Got Tweaked”-dom, but I certainly remember a time when Winslet’s face was softer-looking and not quite so… hard. She’s 35 years old, and maybe my problem is simply that I haven’t seen a natural-looking 35-year-old in a while. But I don’t think that’s it – I think the bitch is tweaked, and she’s lying about it.

You know who she looks like in some of these photos? Sharon Stone. Sharon’s got a good 20 years on her, so take that for what it’s worth.





Photos courtesy of Fame.

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32 Responses to “Kate Winslet in Ralph Lauren, in China: frozen, fug or gorgeous?”

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  1. truthSF says:

    This woman definitely had some work done. Her face looks frozen even when she’s smiling.

    That said, I love, love, love her curves. She has a body to die for. The main reason being she’s not a toothpick.

  2. Leprechaun says:

    A bit frozen faced but still very pretty.

  3. Bobbie says:

    I like this Kate OK, and I know this is mean to say- but she looks really terrible here. She doesn’t even look pretty. Her hair and face look bad, I don’t know why exactly sort of manly, and her dress is ugly. Plus, and this is really mean, she looks kind of large. Okay, that’s my venom for the day. Karma’s gonna bit me, I’m sure.

  4. Love says:

    Since she moved to NY this change started and I hate it. I want the risky “don’t give shit” Kate back. Now she is turning into a botox HW blonde. She so much better than that.

  5. She’s always gorgeous*

  6. B says:

    She got rid of her forehead wrinkles. She looks good.

  7. dr.bombay says:

    I’m on the fence with Kate. Sometimes I think she looks like an ice cube, and other times I think it’s just that her face is changing due to her getting older (not wrinkles, but just the shape of her face, it does happen). Either way, it really cracks me up that celebs look at their pics and think that this over-botoxing looks natural! They’re really being sold on it!

  8. Turtle Dove says:

    Tweaked as in fillers? I definitely think she had a nose job (haven’t they all), but I don’t think she’s done anything but injectionables. She does look quite fresh for a 35 year old single mum. I’d like to know that secret…!

    Meh… I like her regardless. She’s very talented.

  9. mia girl says:

    I am hoping that she’s simply mastered a “frozen face” pose and that explains why she sometimes looks like this. She is so naturally lovely and talented that it would be a crime to be jacking her face up with stuff.

  10. Rita says:

    Frozen fugsicle….actually she looks quite nice….the green shoulder clip doesn’t work though.

  11. marge says:

    I’m not entirely sure of tweaking, but to me, the eyebrows are too hard, and that’s what makes her look… funny

  12. spinner says:

    hmmmm…she looks the same to me except…she looks manlier?? I agree with Bobbi on this. She looks bulked up & husky. What??

  13. luls says:

    What you should be asking Kaiser, is why her face looks very manly in these photos. Her hair sux too!

    Btw, I see minor fillers only, no botox.

  14. Tt says:

    She’s got make-up on that covers any lines…make-up has always done that and these photos-ops are all about posing. I’ve never gotten the posing thing cuz they end up looking like mannequins.

    She looks the same to me. I have no idea if she has had anything done and I don’t care.

  15. ElleGin says:

    Hmm, I think the makeup is also to blame. She used to look a lot “kinder,” but now she is pretty in the evil-step-mother kinda way.

  16. original kate says:

    something looks harsh – bad makeup maybe? weird eyebrows? i dunno. love her anyway, frozen or not.

  17. bennyb says:

    I noticed the difference from about Jan-Feb 2010. She had work done. She’s had a lot of different make-up since then differen types of lighting — and she still looks like she had surgery. So if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck.

    I know Hollywood is tough in women. So many will do anything simply to keep working (not necessarily for vanity). But DON’T LIE ABOUT IT. As if you expect the world to believe that you’re some type of genetic goddess who doesn’t age naturally like all other women, or you can gain weight all over your body but your FACE will get thinner (jowls reduced). It’s the lying I don’t like.

  18. Skyler says:

    I can’t stand these women who are saying – i’m the real actress i’d never do botox or whatever, i need my face to move and then they are first to do that. And then they are lying about it.

  19. tango says:

    I think she looks a bit more masculine. I suggest she not wear her hair up. I think when it’s down, it softens her face. And she should go with softer, more muted makeup.

  20. UKHels says:

    make up too harsh, brows too dark for the hair

  21. Hautie says:

    “I am hoping that she’s simply mastered a “frozen face” pose and that explains why she sometimes looks like this.”

    I agree.

    Just like Jennifer Lopez has that ridiculous… mouth hung open/slow witted look down pat.

    They have decided that a certain “face” is their go to look. So they stop looking natural.

    Kate is trying in vain to keep away her natural wrinkles when she smiles.

    And sadly, Jennifer Lopez just looks like a fool. I am still baffled by her “face” she throws around on the red carpet.

  22. inthekitchen says:

    Her forehead does look suspiciously shiny and wrinkle-free and the horrible, harsh and heavy eyebrow pencil and lipstick are doing her no favors. Still love her though…

  23. Patricia says:

    Beautiful dress and figure!

    But her face looks like an egg – what a shame -she used to be so pretty.

  24. Truthful says:

    I love her figure though, that dress looks hot on her and she is not too overdone..simple and chic..

    uh, her face does look at lil stuck.

    still love her acting.

  25. gee says:

    Bad hair and makeup. A little tweaking. I know this is catty and she’s only human, but she has a mustache again. She has botox and a mustache. EXPLAIN, Ms. Winslet!

  26. TXCinderella says:

    Kate! No!!! Don’t mess with your face, you are a beautiful woman!

  27. Amanda G says:

    What is with with these Hollywood women and their cocked eyebrow? What a dumb pose.

  28. ADS says:

    This woman can do no wrong in my eyes but she does not look her best here. Unflattering dress and her face has a slightly ‘surprised’ look. I put this down to an off day. Nothing more.

  29. Aqua says:

    As much as I love her as an actress,if she were to dye her hair a dark color, she could almost pass for Joan Crawford in that picture.

  30. Aqua says:

    O.K. Everytime I’m in moderation I feel like I’m being sent to my room for being bad.Lol.

  31. Dannie says:

    She had some work done awhile back. This is not new.
    Anyway, other than the too ashy hair high-lights, I think she is looking really nice here. Just change the hair up. Bad high-lights can happen to anybody obviously.

  32. Tara says:

    The face is frozen solid and the hair is all wrong. Don’t know who slapped that Sherwin Williams lipstick on her. BUT the dress and body are great. She looks comfortable curvy and real woman sexy. The dress is elegant and the color suits her. Overall A-