Leonardo Dicaprio is a diamond in the rough

Leonardo DiCaprio looks like he’s hungover and is trying Cameron Diaz’s grease cure in these pictures of him getting takeout in Hollywood on 9/9. He has bedhead and a few day’s stubble but still manages to look cute while sipping a soda. In one picture I swear stars in the film “Blood Diamond,” which will be released this December. It is an historical fiction account of two men searching for a pink diamond that will change their lives, and is set in civil-war ravaged Sierra Leone in the 1990s. It has diamond companies running scared, as it reveals the human suffering that is the backbone of the diamond industry. They’re trying to run a PR campaign to counter the very real revelations in the film:

A new Web site about diamonds is also coming up to inform retailers and buyers positive things about the diamond industry, and to detail them about what’s been done to put a stop to conflict diamonds.

“We want to make sure that when people go to buy diamonds, they do it happily, assured that the diamonds they are buying aren’t tainted,” Contactmusic quoted World Diamond Council chair Eli Izhakoff, as saying.

In the film, DiCaprio plays a mercenary gun smuggler who takes up with a diamond buyer during the violent 1999 civil war in Sierra Leone.

Izhakoff further said that the film represents the way things previously were in Sierra Leone and other countries, but that the industry has worked hard since then to eradicate the problem, including supporting the Kimberly Process, whereby rough diamonds are tracked and certified. (ANI)

DiCaprio is well known for his environmental activism, and most likely welcomes the controversy over his new film. Here is DiCaprio getting takeout. [via]

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7 Responses to “Leonardo Dicaprio is a diamond in the rough”

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  1. Randi says:

    I’ve never understood this guy’s appeal. In Titanic he looked like a little kid. Now he looks like a fat slob.

  2. Angelika says:

    Haha, I love the burping picture, hilarious =P

  3. gabs says:

    it is hilarious! total package

  4. Poomking says:

    I think that Leo(nardo) Dicapio needs to comb his hair (with a little gel) to the side, and shave of that little fuzz, and he needs to lose that little tub tub by laying off the take out to make him look like the infamous Jack Dawson he once was. I think that when Rose died, he got so upset that he started to eat too much take out. Bad idea Jack.

  5. Poomking says:

    Bad idea again Jack, for burping of course… Jack.

  6. Angelika says:

    I didn’t like him as Jack Dawson, and I absolutely hated the gel he used back then – so I totally disagree with Poomking đŸ˜‰

    I like him exactly this way: wild hair, a bit chubby, relaxed, perfect =P

  7. Little Laydee says:

    He’s *STUNNING* ;o) *Kisses*