Pink’s ode to masturbation

Pink manages to keep herself in the news again this week. Let’s review the highlights:

  • A bonus track on her new album is called “fingers” and is her tribute to the joys of pleasuring onself. Not content to let people figure out the lyrics on their own, Pink has to explain them ad naseum:
    The ‘Some Girls’ rocker has revealed that ‘Fingers’ – a bonus track on her new album, ‘I’m Not Dead’ – is about her pleasuring herself.

    She revealed: “Everything to me is a visual. My favourite songwriters are those who can paint a picture with their words.

    “Maybe I don’t do it as dramatically or deeply or as poignantly. But I like to paint a picture. I just thought, why not?”

  • Pink has also “dropped out” of the race to place Janis Joplin in a new biopic, because she says it’s turned into a circus. She clearly wasn’t the top pick or she would have stuck around:
    However, Pink says she has now “dropped out of [the race to play Janis Joplin]”.

    She explained: “They’re trying to turn it into some circus pop contest – who’s the ‘it’ girl who wants to play Janis? Janis was so much deeper than that.”

    You’re not much deeper than that, Pink, so we doubt it had anything to do with that.

  • And Pink is going to play at a party for Prince Charles. She famously turned down a chance to perform at Prince William’s 21st birthday, supposedly due to the fact that William likes to hunt.

    Here is Pink on an amusement park ride in LA after shooting the video for “Who Knew.” [via] You can also download the mp3 of “Who Knew” from Faded Youth.

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