Last week, LaineyGossip talked about the activities of Michael Sheen, his ex Kate Beckinsale, and his current squeeze, Rachel McAdams. Oh, and Kate and Michael’s daughter, Lily. Michael and his girls were in Toronto, where I believe Michael and Rachel have made their home base, and where Kate brought Lily so that they could all go to the Canadian premiere of Harry Potter. To see those photos, go here. Kate and Michael have always struck me as the best kind of joint-parents. Both seem to actively spend a lot of time with Lily, and it’s always seemed to me that Kate and Michael still get along pretty well in general. Didn’t Kate dump him for her current husband, Len Wiseman? I believe there was some overlap.
Anyway, I’m kind of surprised it took the tabloids so long to create a controversy between Michael’s ex and his current, but better late than never. According to In Touch, Kate Beckinsale kind of hates Rachel McAdams:
He’s the king of schlub, but actor Michael Sheen, 42, has two Hollywood beauties fighting over him! Living with Kate Beckinsale, 38, from 1995 to 2003, the exes have been peacefully sharing custody of their daughter, Lily, 12, for the last eight years. But even though Kate has been married to director Len Wiseman, 38, since 2004, she’s got her claws out when it comes to Michael’s new love, Rachel McAdams, 32.
“Rachel and Kate make a point to avoid each other, and it seems like it’s Kate who’s the resistant one,” says an insider, though her rep denies it.
Just recently, Michael brought Lily to Kate’s hotel to spend the night, and Rachel was left steaming outside of the hotel!
“She couldn’t even go upstairs or inside with him,” reveals the source. And on July 17, he left Rachel home so he could bring Lily – and Kate – to the Canadian premiere of Harry Potter.
“There are opportunities where Michael could bring Rachel along, but he doesn’t,” says the insider.
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]
Part of me thinks it’s true just because Kate seems like that kind of woman – the kind of woman who “trades up” from a character actor boyfriend to a Hollywood director, then still wants her ex to be hung up on her and acts pissy to whoever he dates. But I’m going to give Kate the benefit of the doubt here – I think she and Michael just focus on being good parents to Lily, and maybe that ongoing relationship – because of their child – is rubbing Rachel the wrong way? I don’t know. I don’t see Rachel as the kind of person who would get pissy about it either. She and Michael seem genuinely loved up. And maybe THAT is what’s pissing off Kate. That her ex found professional success and a cute, younger girlfriend after Kate dumped him.
Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.
If the dress looks like a bloodied foreskin Rachel, then just walk away!
It’s from In Touch Weekly so…probably not true. But she totally thought she was “trading up” when she left him for Wiseman. Then her career stalled and she had to watch her ex-husband finding success and a new love.
It sounds believable that she may be jealous of his new (and better) life without her.
I would hope they are all above this kind of high school drama.
Not only was there an overlap between Michael and Len, Kate had the affair with Len when they were all working on the same movie. It was one of the Underworld ones.
Mr. Sheen’s certainly worth fighting over.
The gossip press is probably looking for a new triangle to replace old ones that no longer or never did exist. This one may be a bit too “British” and obscure to take hold here in the states though.
I’m holding out for Jen/Ben/Jen myself.
Kate’s probably jealous that Rachel is a better actress than her.
i don’t believe this story: McAdams is not the first Sheen’s girlfriend since their break-up and Beckinsale & Sheen always were friend after their lovestory and Sheen even did a cameo in UNDERWORLD 2(and he acted in the first UNDERWORLD directed by Wiseman)
I find most of us never truly leave the high school drama behind us… as evidenced in web sites like this- gotta love it.
I didn’t know anything about the Len guy. I looked him up just now. So he is directing Colin in Total Recall and he directed all 3 of the Underworld movies.
I thought she had more than one child. I saw that they (Kate/Len) have been married for a while, yet no kids.
I doubt the story, but when you have child with someone that is a life long connection.
I would bitch fight over Michael Sheen too. rawr
Really, Outta-Touch Weekly? KB’s been married to someone else since 2004 and NOW her ex dating is a problem?. NO.
Nah, not buying it. They seem to have moved on and been good co-parents for almost a decade, and seem very happy wiht their partners. The only reason this story is being written now is because his GF is famous also.
I don’t really buy it, but still – Rachel >> Kate
I’d bitch fight over Len Wisemen, not Michael Sheen. Michael Sheen looks like an elf to me.
I don’t remember reading anything pissy fights between Kate and his last girlfriend Lorriane Stewart. And the red head was with Michael for well over 5-6 years I think. I’m sure Rachael had to figure that at some point there could be baby mama drama. And I do get a feeling Kate would make a fuss about what woman her daughter was around, I think any mother (or dad) would. I too am surpise this kinda story is coming out this late. But I’d like to think *after hearing how wonderful charming Michael is* that he’s always, always going to put his daughter Lily before any woman or any film. He seems like a great dad.
I kinda doubt it. But Kate, man-she has completely done an extreme makeover looks wise. She used to be cute, and it’s like she did a megan fox to become a knockout surgery wise. And she’s talked about how she won’t wear sweats in front of her husband, cause she doesn’t want to become a boring wife, she always dresses up every morning for him. I don’t know, there’s a vanity there that wouldn’t put it past her to be a bit jealous of Michael having a younger, more famous, and naturally knockout gf now, especially one who is spending so much time with her daughter.
As a parent in the middle of a divorce, I get this one: Both parents had to go see “Harry Potter” with Lily because they were both dying to see it WITH HER. My daughter’s been on vacation with her Dad, the film opened last Friday, and I begged him to have her wait until they got back to go see this last one with me. This whole series was really important to her and to me as a mom and daughter who sometimes read the same books (we did this with “Inkspell,” too). The final HP movie has been so long anticipated, it’s the end of an era, and probably both parents were very excited to have this experience with her, so they agreed to be adults and go together for her sake. Just because families split up (and I heartily wish they didn’t) doesn’t mean they can’t still function as intact families when they need to. This was a good example of when it makes sense.
I don’t believe this at ALL. Why can’t the tabs pin the men against each other? Why would Kate be jealous to see Rachel and Michael together? Her husband is an accomplished director and hot as hell. If anything she would be happy to see him successful and in love. They have remained friends and Michael has always dated attractive women after Kate so I don’t think she is bothered by this.
I don’t think the parents should do stuff together with the child and leave out their new “significant others”. It gives the child mixed messages about the status of the parents. Together? Not together? Dating? With someone else? Possible to get back together? You can be friendly with your ex while keeping separate lives.
Kate’s husband is much more handsome than Michael Sheen. I wouldn’t blame Rachel for feeling jealous of Kate because she is a beautiful woman.
watch the Punk’d episode where Michael (her ex) punk’s her. You can tell they have a really good relationship. And I doubt that Kate thought she was upgrading with Len Wiseman because he was a first time director and it was Underwold for God sake, come on…
Rachel looks so much better with dark hair. The blonde is so fug.
sorry kaiser-but you always seem to suspect jealousy when an ex is dating someone “younger”-i dunno if kate hates rachel, doesnt seem so-but if so is it necesarily because shes younger?
okay, i just had to goole this len wisman guy, b/c i totally thought that pic with kate above was Balthazar Getty!
They do look a bit alike, dont they? At least that one picture on this thread-the angle….
i’m like ‘what does len wiseman look like?’ why is everyone saying he is hotter and an upgrade?
though i agree he is hot, there’s something impishly charming, debonair and sexy about michael sheen.
Still think kate b. is beautiful…she does not look too mangled to me, surgery wise….though in that pic above, she looks a bit like shania twain. think it’s the sparkly dress, too.
i just can’t stand kate b. she is a bad actress and seems kind of bitchy.
Kate was in Self magazine a few years ago (2008 or 2009?) and she talked about how they spent a lot of time together. Len and Lilly helped shave Michael’s beard or other facial hair.
She talked about her daughter and how she knows she has a unique family situation because her friends who have divorced parents have a lot of discord in their lives but she doesn’t.
It was really interesting, you should look it up.
I love Michael Sheen. Beautiful actor.
I just wish my hair would go into a messy bun like Kate’s. I think it’s so cute.
Great post urbanrube
UrbanRube: Your anecdote makes me happy. My parents still can’t stand to be in the same room and they’ve been divorced for 21 years. They’ve only had to be around each other four times since they split (when I was 7) for high school graduations and weddings of their children, and every time their resentment for each other ends up overshadowing the happy event and my sister and I end up stressed to the max. I have a lot of respect for parents who split up but remain civil for the sake of the kids (at least in front of them.)
Something that really pissed me off as a kid was that my parents didn’t realize that I understood exactly what was happening, and when they badmouthed each other using cryptic language, I still picked up on it. Kids are smart and they get it!
I feel that it is like as long as Michael didn’t have anyone that was a true threat to her “close after breakup” relationship with him, everything was fine. Rachel is a real threat because he’s head over heels and is no longer at Kate’s whim.
I totally buy it at least on Kate’s part she seems so insecure and I’d bet she’d be threatened by a younger actress with a better career. And the smut that went down on the first Underworld went smoothly because Sheen is a gentleman I don’t think there is any bitterness because he’s even done sequels.
“I totally buy it at least on Kate’s part she seems so insecure and I’d bet she’d be threatened by a younger actress with a better career. And the smut that went down on the first Underworld went smoothly because Sheen is a gentleman I don’t think there is any bitterness because he’s even done sequels.”
LOL! This is a load of crap. How do you whether Kate is insecure? You’ve even met the woman. As for the smut, Kate Beckinsale’s relationship with Michael Sheen was in the toilet for a year before she ever met Len Wiseman. They were only staying together for their daughter’s sake.
As for Rachel McAdams having a better career? Don’t me laugh. Kate Beckinsale has 3 films coming out in 2012, and 2 more in 2013. Kate Beckinsale’s career is just fine, and McAdams has never given a compelling performance in any film. Beckinsale has done so in at least 7 films.
I gotta say, im not down with all the Kate Beckinsale hate on here. She seems like such a lovely person and a great parent. And in the land of self absorbed neglectful parents, that is something to be praised. But whatever. And I love Rachel Mcadams as much as anybody, but as far as acting goes she’s not in the same leauge as Kate. But then again I tend watch more indie films rather than commercial films, and Rachel has had more commericial success
Meh. Not buying it. Idk just dont see a story here. They’ve been over for a long time.
I think this is a case of blowing things out of proportion. Like
“Just recently, Michael brought Lily to Kate’s hotel to spend the night, and Rachel was left steaming outside of the hotel!”
Was actually just Rachel letting Sheen do the hand-off by himself, in order to give the parents whatever space they needed to discuss what separated parents discuss at such meetings. In other words, Rachel wasn’t being a clingy, in-your-face it’s all about me kind of girlfriend. Same for not going to Potter.
She is not the child’s parent and her presence is not always required or welcome.
Rachel is simply the best. And uh, Micheal Sheen is not, but he’s charming and sweet I bet. He’s sorta like David Spade, who gets all the hot girls with no explanation. Its all a mystery.
Word Embee. I think you’re the thoghts are prolly the best one yet.
Bitchbelying – how very dare you! Michael is nothing like that skeevy short-arse!
I used to love Kate way before Michael cross my radar and I like Rachel, so perhaps I’m biased to not believe this. But others are right, Rachel is not MS’s first serious relationship after the breakup with Kate – he was with a successful ballerina for years!
@ Ell and Heb – oh I’d take ye and those two skinny malinxes down
Thanks, BB. I’ve been there (in both Rachel and Kate’s roles).
I’m inclined to not believe this story. I’d like to believe all these people are adults.
I’m not buying this. Michael and Kate still have a close relationship relationship and have said that they aren’t just friends for Lily’s sake, that it’s important to them as people too.
Rachel seems too level-headed to get involved in mean-girling. Plus, a Harry Potter premiere with Michael, Kate and Lily would have been a media storm that none of them would have wanted.
I wonder if Rachel will get Michael to marry her? Kate always complained when they were together that he wouldn’t propose. He didn’t propose to his last long-term girlfriend either..
Those pants that Rachel is wearing in the first pic? I LOATHE them.
Lots of tasty fashion here. Got confused by who’s with what or hates who so I just started looking at sparkly pretty clothes and was not disappointed.
I’m pretty sure Michael and Kate have said that their relationship was over by the time they were doing Underworld. They were and are still friends. I wouldn’t be surprised if Kate were jealous of Rachel’s career success and that maybe leading to some resistance on Kate’s part.
I don’t see a problem with a new girlfriend staying home. Fathers can hang out with the progeny without your clingy presence trying to horn in or prove something at every moment. She could be best friends with the exes, but sometimes (I can think of more person than one who could stand to take the advice), let a kid be with her parents and stay home once in a while, make a friend. Make you’re taking all of your chill pills with that genuine interest, the spectacle’s on the movie screens.
They look alike!
Rachel needs to understand he has a child with Kate – that will never go away and is a lifetime bond whether she likes it or not. Whatever he does to accomodate his child she needs to be ok with or not date him.
Aw, it’s Wesley Snipes!
Very true, Kim. Reminds me this Kelly-Daryl exchange in The Office:
Kelly: You have to choose between your daughter and-
Darryl: I choose my daughter.
What mayhem ensues shall be left to the gifted writers of ‘new girlfriend-snotty kid-gorgon ex’ episodes of very watchable sitcoms work out the percentages. Adults are entitled to personal romantic happiness, still, a young child is owed priority status. I guess that’s the time to pray hard that you won’t find yourself in a position where you have convince people as to why you should not be scourged.
pants like that should not exist
Michael Sheen is totally classy-I remember him really complimenting Kate as a mother and there is obvious affection there when he talks about the mother of his child.
Obviously some crazy stuff may have gone down between them at one time, but I think it’s been years now that they all seem to get along very well.
MJ, I’m so sorry that was your experience. My parents divorced, too, and we were definitely instructed by each one that the other was to blame. NOT helpful. In my case, I think he and I just recognize that our daughter did NOTHING wrong, doesn’t deserve to have her family split up, but, at least in my case, since it wasn’t my decision, there’s ZERO point in burning bridges and making things worse. We’ve managed to spend part of every major holiday day together in the year since the split, just the three of us. I hope that can continue for awhile.
It must suck to live in hollywood where everyone has literally dated or married everyone else. Divorced with children is already a lovely situation without having to worry about your ex dating everyone you’ve ever worked with or will work with. Even if it’s an exaggeration, these people are honestly only buffered by one or two degrees of separation. Nevermind that all of it has to play out in the media. Awesome. Said it before and I’ll say it again, I really don’t envy their lives. *shrug* If there has to be a catfight, I’ll pick Rachel over Kate. She pretty much wins hands down, imo.
Kate is not jealous. Rachel has always wanted attention and is a bad actor and is most likely the one spreading this hogwash. Kate and Michael keep it together for their daughter. If Rachel can’t accept that then she needs to grow up and get a grip. I think I’ve seen one of her movies or something and stopped watching because she sucks as an actor.
I really don’t think Kate is fighting with Rachel over Michael. She and Michael are still raising their daughter together, and as parents, they need to be there for their kid and have some alone family time. Len wasn’t with them at the Harry Potter premiere either. I think it was really a parents with their kid, regardless of the separation, moment. Rachel doesn’t have to tag along with Michael to everything. Lily isn’t her child. Also, as a mother, Kate might not want Rachel there all the time because this is her child and she doesn’t want Rachel to replace her as a mother. Or as some people have already stated, Michael has dated other women. Unless he marries Rachel, Kate may not feel welcome letting her daughter get so close to the women in his life because she doesn’t know if they are going to be permanent. Sounds less like catfight and more like parental negotiations to me.
Setting aside all the parenting stuff, which is true BTW, what I read somewhere is that Kate seemed to had been in a dead relationship with Michael Sheen when she met Len Wiseman. Contrary to common thinking, I believe it was probably Michael who became uninterested on Kate, not otherwise. That´s why everything is well between Michael and Wiseman. So, I still think it is just natural if Kate has some remaining feelings for the father of her daughter, it wouldn´t surprise me if she felt a bit jealous (she´s human too, you know), particularly when a Hottie as Rachel MacAdams is in the picture. I also get the impression that Wiseman, while handsome and a decent movie director, is not such an interesting character as Sheen appears to be in real life. So, Leave Kate B. alone, she has all the right to behave as a human being …