Neil Patrick Harris might get his own talkshow on Oprah’s network

Oprah may have messed up by giving shows to Dr. Phil, Sarah Ferguson and Rosie O’Donnell, but if the National Enquirer is to be believed she could be about to redeem herself. Everyone’s favorite awards show host, Neil Patrick Harris, is supposedly in talks to join the OWN network as host of a talk show. The way the Enquirer explains this, Neil contacted Oprah with his idea for a talkshow and got a positive response. I hope that this is true and that it works out for him. An NPH talkshow could be a real boost for OWN, which has yet to find its legs. I’ve heard some pundit talk about how Oprah should be worried since it could take years for OWN to take off.

Neil Patrick Harris has reached out to Oprah Winfrey about letting him host a show on her new OWN network. “After their initial conversation, Oprah was intrigued enough to set up two follow-up brainstorming meetings on Skype with Neil,” said a source. “Oprah is mentoring Neil while also trying to bolster her own brand.”

Since OWN launched in January of this year, its ratings have been on a steady decline.

“Oprah realized Neil’s mass appeal to TV audiences, as well as his unique perspective as a gay parent juggling home life and a high-profile career in Hollywood,” continued the source.

“Oprah needs a shot of adrenaline in the OWN network and a hot daytime talk show could be just the ticket.”

[From The National Enquirer, print edition, August 1, 2011]

But what about Oprah re-entering the talkshow space on OWN? Like I thought she was going to get her own show back, and now that she’s bringing in Rosie the space on her network could be more crowded. For now I think she might just be re-airing her old shows with some new commentary from her and her staff. (More on that here.) I couldn’t find anything on her website or anywhere else about when she might have new episodes of a talkshow on OWN. Maybe she wants to take a break for a while.

The Enquirer reminds us that Neil brings more to the table for Oprah in terms of his “long roster of A-list friends he could call on to make guest appearances.” Oh now I’m all excited for him to get his own talk show!

Photos from 6/20/11 and 6/2/11. Credit:



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14 Responses to “Neil Patrick Harris might get his own talkshow on Oprah’s network”

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  1. the original bellaluna says:

    I have grown very fond of NPH. He is perfect in his roll of Barney on HIMYM; his family is adorable; I’m happy he’s happy.

  2. lucy2 says:

    I love NPH and think he’d be good at that, but isn’t he pretty much crazy busy with all his other stuff? When would he have time to do a talk show too?

  3. Dorothy#1 says:

    Love NPH!! So I would watch!! But I am also looking forward to the Rosie show!!!

  4. Praise St. Angie! says:

    NPH can do no wrong. Love this man! And I still laugh when I think about him shoving that person in the mascot suit in the cell phone commercial. “Out of my way, freak!”

    (it’s at about 16 seconds…LMAO!)

  5. Hollowdoll says:

    I would definitely watch a NPH talkshow. It better happen it’s not fair to tease about something that would be so awesome! Lotsa love for NPH!

  6. RHONYC says:

    let’s face it.

    NPH is a winner no matter how you slice it.

    his charm, humor & charisma would be just what the doctor (no pun intended) ordered.


  7. MB says:

    I absolutely LOVE NPH. His character on HIMYM is brilliant and he plays him superbly; And its for that reason that I wouldnt dig him doing a talk show unless it was kept light and funny. The last thing I would want is for him to do a show tackling serious issues and getting all preachy.
    That said, I will reserve my judgement until a bit more about the show is known.

  8. CandyKay says:

    I would watch this. NPH is likeable, unlike Jenny McCarthy, who no longer seems to be under consideration for a talk show on OWN.

  9. RobN says:

    Love NPH, but I think he’s in serious danger of being completely over-exposed. TV show, constant appearances on everybody else’s tv show, and every third commercial is NPH. He should be careful; it’s not hard to wear out your welcome.

  10. guilty pleasures says:

    He can do no wrong. Period.

  11. Mila says:

    I love him and I’m happy for him 🙂

  12. CharlieHorse says:

    Really folks, hasn’t Oprah proven herself? They predicted the demise of her magazine and that is going strong. She is a wealthy woman…she can afford to take risks. Otherwise, why would she, after 25 successful years, branch into anything? Not for the money, not for the fame, not even to be a bigger star. Just because she can and she is creative and smart. As far as Neil Patrick is concerned, he is an asset on anyone’s books. He is a charming and talented fellow and indeed he does have a unique niche. The gradual legalization of gay marriage throughout our country will allow gay people to finally come into their own; more and more of the “unannounced” will announce. This is a smart move for OWN. He is a lovely man.

  13. Mary Jane says:

    I LOVE NPH! But, I also feel he is becoming the new “Betty White” (i.e. “o’erexposed,” “on e’erything”). Take it slow NPH; I know you got babies to take care of now, but please, take time for yourself and your family!

  14. Nah, nah & nah... says:

    I’d watch. Doogie forever!:-)

    PS – Does anybody else feel like he’s been an adult for 40 some odd years and he’s only in his 30’s? He’s like the Benjamin Button of tv.:-)