Cele|bitchy | Anne Hathaway’s Marie Claire UK shoot: gorgeous or squirrelly?

Anne Hathaway’s Marie Claire UK shoot: gorgeous or squirrelly?


Anne Hathaway covers the September issue of Marie Claire UK, and these are some shots from the cover shoot. I like the pictorial, but I have to admit that I’m primed to like anything with Anne, because I’ve recently become her super-fan. That being said, I don’t think Anne is capable of really mixing it up in photo shoots – her look really isn’t that versatile, you know? She’s not an old-school Nicole Kidman, who can be photographed in a million different ways. You pretty much can only put Anne in pretty clothes and have her ham it up for the cameras.

Before I get into the interview excerpts from Marie Claire, should we talk about the chance that Anne is one half of Lainey’s blind item (the “Three Weeks” part)? My initial guess was about The Hunger Games, but many of you think it’s about Anne and Christian Bale on the set of The Dark Knight Rises, perhaps. The idea of Bale and Hathaway having some quick, torrid, crazy little affair on the set… it’s not the worst idea. I still have no idea if it’s them, though. Anyway, back to Marie Claire – Anne talks about her boyfriend and how she’s so in lurve. Damage control?!?

The Follieri aftermath: “People deal with horrible things all the time. Downstairs in this pub someone has a parent who is battling cancer. Someone has just lost their job. Life is really f-cked up and it’s really painful sometimes.”

Anne on meeting Adam Shulman after Raffaello Follieri was sent to jail: “Yes, I have a boyfriend. And yes, I am very much in love with him. But you do need to keep your private life private. Adam totally ruined my plan. I was really actually looking forward to a little alone time and then I fall in love like a fool. Yes, three years. It’s serious!”

She got over the high-profile break-up from Follieri by penning silly songs, explaining laughing at situations which are difficult always helps her cope: “That was how I got through my pain. I wrote funny songs about it. That’s always been the way I deal with things. You make a joke of it.”

On doing a regional English accent for One Day: “I’ve never been so nervous about playing anyone as I was to play Emma. There were many reasons to say no to this part. One, because I didn’t think I could pull it off. Two, I was very nervous about the Yorkshire accent.” On the eve of the film’s release she remains ‘terrified’ at the response, especially from One Day fans. Careful not to give too much away, she says of the film’s dramatic ending: “I literally thought I’d misread it. I felt like I’d been punched in the stomach. I was crying and gulping for air. Very few movies are honest about love.”

Turning 30: “I think it’s the beginning of a process that really blossoms when you hit 30. It’s when you stop apologising for who you are. It’s nice not to know things and that’s OK. People aren’t going to judge you for asking questions. That’s such a freedom.”

On finding success: “Success is such a subjective thing. Certainly when I was starting out, I just had this unbelievable pressure to get jobs. “Gotta work! Gotta work!” I am hard on myself, but that has changed. Now I do it with hope.”

[From Marie Claire UK & Music Rooms]

I’m worried about Anne’s accent in One Day too. In the trailer for the film, Anne seems OFF. I mean, she looks like how I would imagine Emma, and I know Anne is a very capable actress, but this might be one of those times where the come-and-go accent really takes me out of the movie. The last time that happened was when I watched The Reader – Kate Winslet’s accent work was fine, it was Ralph Fiennes’s weird accent that bugged. It’s like he only did the German accent when he remembered, which was only in a few scenes.

Here’s the trailer for One Day. PILLOW WEEPER!!!!





Marie Claire UK photos courtesy of The Fashion Spot.

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40 Responses to “Anne Hathaway’s Marie Claire UK shoot: gorgeous or squirrelly?”

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  1. LisaMarie says:

    Who’s idea was it to put Anne’s “O” face in Marie Claire?

  2. gee says:

    The open mouth one is stupid, but I like this shoot a lot. She looks really pretty and she can wear the hell out of navy blue.

  3. LLLLLL says:

    i love all the photos except for the 4th and the last photos. She looks exceptionally pretty in the 1st and the 3rd.

  4. Boo says:

    She should avoid the head-thrown-back-look-up-my-nostril pose.

  5. Gwen says:

    I think this shoot is very boring and trying too hard. Probably just bad styling. Anne can look better than this IMO.

  6. Bill Hicks is God says:

    I fail to see the appeal of this woman. She’s not very intelligent looking and has eyes like a Spaniel.

  7. Lindy says:

    Wow–she is wearing the hell outta that gorgeous blue gown! You know, I really like her the more I read her interviews. Her first answer is just right on–no cliches, no new-age speak, no bullshit–just an acknowledgement that life often sucks, for lots of people, lots of the time. I think she’s smart and funny and beautiful in an off-kilter, original kind of way (which is refreshing after all the interchangeable Blake mallgirl chicks running around).

  8. brin says:

    She looks great!

  9. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    Anne is just ok to me. She isn’t terribly photogenic is she? Loved her on SNL. I have been seeing the previews for One Day on TV and her accent is really bad. I mean real bad and it really took out me out of the freaking preview. I don’t like the look of the movie anyway, too sappy. I find that most rom com previews make me not wanna see the movie and then I watch the movie later on TV and I love it.

    I gotta say if Anne is having an affair with Christian Bale, I would really dislike them both. Nothing good about that.

  10. cindy says:

    I wouldn’t put much stock in anything Lainey (Elaine Lui) says. She is in Vancouver, Canada for God’s sake – how pray tell,does she know what’s going on in Hollywood? Anything she says is simply a regurgitation of what’s been said elsewhere. Geez.

  11. tapioca says:

    She looks drugged in the second B&W pic, and has a serious case of lollipop head in the last one with the blue dress.

    I should like her, but she’s the dictionary definition of “Meh” to me. Sorry! I think it’s because she was so perfect (and perfectly drippy) in The Princess Diaries and AIW.

  12. aenflex says:

    she’s pretty homely without make up, IMO. but she is a great actress and i always love her movies. but she’s horsey, a little.

  13. WTF says:

    @cindy – Lainey works for Etalk..which is like ET. So she has connections. AND Vancouver is Hollywood north. Just saying

  14. HannahG says:

    That’s a really really really really really bad accent. It was only Yorkshire at one point in that trailer.

  15. mia girl says:

    One Day – Can’t wait. And I agree with Anne, I actually had to put down the book and cry.

    Come and go accents – Worst offender was Leo DiCaprio in Gangs of New York. UGG.

    And I’m happy you brought this subject up @Kaiser because I get a chance to share this quote that I “borrowed” from a review of the movie. I’ve used this in conversation many times since when the subject of bad movie accents comes up:

    “Bad accents in movies are like farts during sex – they might not stop you from engaging in it, but they still make their presence annoyingly obvious.”

  16. Jackson says:

    I think she looks great except for that horrible last full-length blue one. Ugh. Looks like some kind of disco move. I love the B&W close-up, but why did they lighten her eyes so much? Something wrong with her natural brown???

  17. Eve says:

    I know I’m supposed to say she’s pretty but her droopy eyes and her mouth freak me out: it’s like they’re too big for her tiny, delicate face.

  18. Goofpuff says:

    Her accent is annoying in that trailer. It’s only there half the time if even that much.

  19. Sigh. says:

    Seven pics, just two outfits, and one outfit looks like a Sears thermal shirt. Yaaaaawn…they could do more with her.

    I’m like some others, on paper she’s great (affable, private, a little goofy, etc), but she doesn’t rouse any more than a general “meh” for me.

    I’m thinking Nolan’s NOT going to go the usual “sexpot” route for his Catwoman, or Hathaway is going to have to pull out all of her tricks for it. She’s “nice-looking,” even “attractive,” I guess, but not sexy in any way. Haven’t witnessed “seductress” on her yet.

    She’s a good actress, so we’ll see…

  20. Lenore says:

    @Eve: cosign. I mean, she’s striking, and I’ve seen photos where she’s been stunning, but those EYES and that MOUTH and those TEETH are just too much all on one little face.

    Still, I’d rather have slightly wonky, unique, occasionally-stunning freakiness than bland starlet homogeny, so…go Anne. (And eat a sandwich while you’re there, you look hungry.)

    And not only Anne but Patricia Clarkson (was it?) seem to be having accent issues – American one shot, English the next. Not bad, but inconsistent. And sure as hell not Yorkshire.

  21. Girlnone says:

    Typo alert: “Christina” Bale.

    I don’t know why I’m so eager for him to turn out to be a good guy. After his rant on the set of Terminator, and that weird business with his mom and sister, and now this blind item…well, it doesn’t look good.

  22. kibbles says:

    Hathaway’s English accent has always been off. Have you seen Becoming Jane? Her roles as a Brit seem awkward to me. I think they should have found a British actress for this role.

  23. Justaposter says:

    I can’t help it, I adore her. Maybe it is because my daughter and I have watched the Princess Diaries a bazillion and one times.. LOL

    I really like the black and white one with her head tilted.

  24. Turtle Dove says:

    Great trailer. Now I don’t have to see the movie.

    I don’t know if the blind is about her and Bale, but I like thinking about him nekked. I bet he’d be amazing: pull your hair, dirty talk and tender all bundled together.

  25. Ben says:

    She looks lovely, but that accent is horrendous. York, it’s meant to be? Heard no traces of that, but several slips into her own accent. The trailer is cheesy as all hell, too.

  26. cindy says:

    Hi WTF, I’ve seen E-talk — enough said.

  27. dj says:

    Are these possibly the outtakes?

  28. Nymeria says:

    “Christina Bale” – LOL! That’s almost as good as Rita’s comment about Prince Albert’s wife’s tiara not falling off, “even when he bends [her] over the balcony.”

    Erm… Anne’s accent was supposed to be Yorkshire???? Let me tell you, I had a Yorkshire cab driver once, and I couldn’t understand what the hell he was saying. I just nodded and smiled a lot. It’s almost as unintelligible as my beloved Cork accent. 😉

    The Yorkshire accent is not with you here, Luke. I mean, Anne.

  29. jay says:

    A little too much BBC english and not enough convincing english. She just doesn’t really have it to play a Brit. I don’t mind her as an actress. She’s not overly talented but is certainly able and is charismatic. She’s just stuck in the middle, really. Any which way you put it.

    Oh and I hate it when they try to make her into some sorta American sweetheart funny girl like in the last pic. You have a few shots that are pretty serious and then two that are all “oh look at how goofy I am”. I think it’s been established that America’s Sweethearts are always slightly sugary on the outside but ice cold bitches on the inside.

  30. fallen says:

    She has such an odd face.

  31. Meadowlark says:

    I just do not like Anne. Not sure why. I actually think she’s a very pretty woman (even kinda sexy when she went to the dark, Wintour-side in Devil Wears…). I think it’s her chipper-ness and enthusiasm. She’s very Broadway, without the smoking and sex appeal. *Shrug*

  32. Rhiley says:

    Kaiser, you’ve mentioned that you are worried about Pillow Weeper ruining One Day, but I am worried about Anne. She is capable of looking awkward and frumpy but the accent is going to be bad. I think the part should’ve gone to Carrie mulligan.

  33. lu says:

    That’s supposed to be a Yorkshire accent?? Wow.
    Why do they bother? Just change the character to American if they can’t do an English accent.

  34. ZenB!tch says:

    @Kaiser it’s *not* the Hunger Games. It’s definitely a sequel…

    “These are big names on a big film with big expectation and there was already enough drama last time around.”

    Did Christian Bale go off on the camera man during the Dark Knight? When did Heath die? I don’t recall any man-woman drama on the Dark Knight, any other sequels shooting right now?

  35. ZenB!tch says:

    @Girlnone this is why even though I find “ChristinA Bale” aesthetically pleasing, I am totally not into him. I think he really *is* Patrick Bateman at this point. He’s too intense – even for me – which is why I don’t see him with Anne. CB is troubled but not in a slime-boy kind of way like Anne’s usual bad choices. He doesn’t hide who he is: bad news.

  36. ZenB!tch says:

    I guess I should mention Anne… LOL! I love Anne but I don’t think Chris Nolan cast “Catwoman” as much as he cast “Selena Kyle”. I also heard Marion Cotillard turned down Catwoman and he gave her the other part instead. I don’t know if Marion turned it down because she was pregnant and unsure about playing an action part so soon after giving birth or if she believed she was not right for the part (too sexy for the Selena part?).

  37. ElleGin says:

    Jim Sturgess <3 Gawd he is hot

  38. Eve says:

    @ ZenB!tch:

    I think the “drama” she’s referring to (in the blind item) is the one about Ledger’s death — he died before the movie was released, I think it was even before the movie was completed.

    Because the episode you’re talking about on your post # 34 happened during the shooting of Terminator Salvation.

  39. ZenB!tch says:

    @Eve Thanks so much drama with Christian Bale that I can’t keep it straight.

    Heath was also way too into his role as the Joker now that I am thinking back. He got way too method. Way too disturbed.

    *I’m not throwing his death at Chris Nolan at all*

    If anyone other than Heath’s doctors is to blame it’s the Olsen chick BUT I read that the intensity of living with The Joker is part of why he was on the Ambien and the Xanax and all that good stuff.

    I’ve been in a similar situation (sans the Joker or the addiction) so I literally felt his pain. I’m just sorry he had no one to talk to and that they just kept giving him more pills.

    All that said, working with him in that state must not have been easy for the others on the set and add Christian Bale to the mix. That’s drama alright.

  40. Michael rhoden says:

    I think gossip is wonderful when one has a iq to flesh out the impotant aspects of you tastes. No one is perfect, and no one can be a universal item of appeal. Expend your ammo on ships you can sink.