Anne Hathaway hopes her Catwoman will be better than Halle Berry’s


Here is the “first image” of Anne Hathaway, allegedly in her Catwoman gear…? I hope to God this isn’t the catsuit, because it just looks so budget. Instead of making me excited, I’m now seriously worried about what Christopher Nolan is doing to these characters. I know I should probably just keep the faith, considering the Heath Ledger thing worked out so well (for film purposes), but… Catwoman… matte pleather suit…fug. Below, I’ve also included some newish photos of Anne on the Pittsburgh set of The Dark Knight Rises. Annie’s playing Selina Kyle/Catwoman, and according to MovieWeb, THIS outfit is part of Anne’s Selina costume. For real! I guess they really wanted to dork Anne up, big-time, before the big Catwoman reveal. Seriously, I hope this isn’t the Selina costume.

Anyway, the Enquirer has an interesting little non-story about how hard Anne is working and how she doesn’t want her performance to be compared to Halle Berry’s disastrous take whatsoever.

Anne Hathaway is hissing that she’s going to make everyone forget that Halle Berry ever played Catwoman. Anne is dieting and exercising to sculpt the perfect body. She’s also perfecting the exact movements and gestures Catwoman should make.

“Anne is determined to make the role unforgettable – and the character a worthy ally for Batman. Anne feels the movie with Halle was overacted to the hilt, with Halle giving wide-eyed stares like a bizarre cat. She believes the director and writers let Halle down, leaving her with an incomplete character and laughable role to play.”

“Anne is putting everyone on notice that she’s going to blow Halle out of the water,” said the insider. “Anne’s treating it as the role of a lifetime.”

[From The Enquirer, print edition]

When Anne was on Oprah the day after the Oscars, she talked about waiting for the call-back on the Catwoman gig, and I do get the feeling that Anne really, really wants this and that she’s putting in the hard work. I have a little twinge of hope that Anne’s hard work will pay off, especially with the help of Christopher Nolan’s direction. But seriously, Anne could just show up, put on a latex suit and mutter her lines and she would still be better than that Halle Berry crapfest.




Here are the alleged Selina Kyle pics:




Photos courtesy of Fame.

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76 Responses to “Anne Hathaway hopes her Catwoman will be better than Halle Berry’s”

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  1. Addie says:

    I know that Anne wanted it and will probably do her best in this role

    BUT, catwoman should ooze sex appeal and for me Anne is a pretty,sweet girl-next-door type, who by all accounts should be sexy, but just…isn’t.

    Sorry, they should have given her the role Katie Holmes and Maggie G had, or a charachter like that.

  2. Theuth says:

    They say this is SELINA KYLE, not Catwoman: there’s a big difference between the two, especially if we consider that nobody knows exactly if she will be just a secondary character, there will be Catwoman’s origin story, or if she’s already a superhero and this is just her cover.
    However, she have to live with Michelle Pfeiffer’s Catwoman, and that is HARD to top.

  3. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    I sooooo did not want Anne Hathaway to play Catwoman. I thought Angie should do it but she didn’t want too so now we have Anne Hathaway playing this villainous/heroic icon. If that’s an actual still from the movie boy does that scream “One of those budget movies from the sci fi channel.” Ugh. Oh well, we just have to wait and see. I hope Anne pulled it off…I genuinely do. I am struggling to be nice here…lol…really wanted Angie to play Catwoman. Seriously Nolan didn’t cast one sexy female lead in any of the Batman movies I guess he wanted to keep the trend going.

  4. Samigirl says:

    EVERYONE hopes AH will be better than HB. Just had to get that out of my system. I agree with Theuth. MP will ALWAYS be catwoman to me. She was perfection.

  5. Annaloo says:

    Halle Berry is NOT THE ONE to beat for Catwoman.

    Michelle Pfieffer was the BEST one in that role, even beating out my ultra favorite entertainer, Eartha Kitt.

    Halle who?

  6. Annaloo says:

    Amen Samigirl, amen.

  7. Chloe says:

    Anne, you’re a sweetheart, but set the bar just a wee bit higher.

  8. tapioca says:

    Catwoman may have been awful and Halle Berry may have been awful in it, but there’s no doubting she looked HAWT!! Anne Hathaway could be standing on the surface of the Sun and still be completely lukewarm to me, and that’s even before you compare her to Michelle (♥) & Eartha (Grrrr!).

    Some women exude sex, and some are pretty, pretty princesses and there’s nothing wrong with that. What’s wrong is casting them as iconic sex symbols – you know who you are Christopher Nolan!

    Having said that, Batman Begins & The Dark Knight Rises were still fab as you could easily tune out the Rachel Dawes.

  9. mln76 says:

    Eartha Kitt and Michele Phieffer are the only ones she needs to worry about. I don’t even associate that Catwoman movie with the Batman franchise.

  10. You don't say says:

    Michele was the perfect combination and she went from sad sack to dangerous/sexy. Halle was sexy, but the movie was so stupid and do mean stupid, that it was hard to get past it. I do not find Hathaway sexy (she does not look dangerous at all) or even that attractive. It looks like a Halloween costume, (at first glance she looks like the return Holmes) and she is playing dress up.

  11. Eleonor says:

    @Addie: co-sign

  12. says:

    I seriously doubt that she has the acting talent to convince me that she is sexy and dangerous.

    She might end up being better than Halle but that’s not saying much.

  13. kimmy says:

    i WANT to like anne hathaway, but right now she’s just toooooo overexposed. i just saw the One Day trailer (i LOVE this book) and her accent is AWFUL. its making me wary about this role too. =/

  14. lisa says:

    I don’t think Anne should be worrying. Nolan doesn’t or can’t write strong characters for women. These movies are all about the men. The women are just there. Maggie G. is not the most beautiful woman, but she can play sexy plus she is an amazing actress. She was wasted in the movie. You could put anyone in the female roles and nothing would be different. I think Anne really wants to be seen as Sexy.

    Michele and Ertha were what you picture when you say Catwoman. Sexy, dangerous. HOT.. and Yes Halle looked hot but she too has a hard time pulling off the sexy dangerous.

    Someone like Angie would not have been good. Not because of Sexy, but because she has so much power on screen, and Nolan as I said doesn’t seem to be able to write for women like that. Shame that he can’t put all that male thinking into a strong woman..

  15. Chris says:

    Blake Lively would’ve been a great Cat Woman.

  16. Sophie says:

    @Theuth, exactly. They have never actually said she’s playing Catwoman. The filename for the photo is ‘selina_kyle’. In all the press releases she’s referred to as Selina Kyle. Who is a cat-burlgar. She doesn’t have superpowers, just really awesome thievery skills. I think the outfit is fine for that. Also I like the modern hi-tech twist on the goggles.

  17. Jag says:

    ITA with everyone saying that Anne needs to be comparing herself to Michelle’s Catwoman instead. If these are actual stills, I’m not hopeful. (Didn’t want Anne to do it anyway, but like y’all, had a glimmer of hope.)

    I wish that Angelina were playing her, too, because that would’ve been an amazingly sexy performance.

  18. Micki says:

    Nearly everyone can be better than HBs Catwoman.My favourite is still MPs.If Hathaway tops her well, THAT will be something.

  19. carrie says:

    i feel Katie/Maggie syndrome

  20. bunny says:

    I think she is soo overrrated, her accent in one day is awful. Love & other drugs was terrible. She tries too hard and it shows. She isn’t dark enough to play catwoman.

  21. Pyewacket says:

    Michelle Pfeiffer was an excellent Catwoman.

    Any other Catwoman as of late, I couldn’t care less about.

  22. embertine says:

    I just love how gawky she is in the candid shots at the end. She’s like a baby giraffe. Love her.

    Soo…. perfect for Selina Kyle, not so convincing for her transformation to Catwoman? Can’t disagree, but I’ll reserve judgement.

    In conclusion: “Life’s a bitch: now so am I.”

  23. Turtle Dove says:

    Uhhh… Anne needs to hit the gym a bit more. Catwoman is a strong character and those meat tubes she calls limbs look wimpy at best.

  24. seal team 6 says:

    Is she playing Selina Kyle or is she playing Catwoman? My BIL, the Graphic Novel Geek, says she can be Selina Kyle without being Catwoman. I’ll take his word on that.

  25. jc126 says:

    She is horrid. If not for the presence of Christian Bale, AH being in this movie would be enough for me not to see it.

  26. Sigh. says:

    Y’all need to show some respect for Julie Newmar in all her campiness! She could fill out and work a catsuit something fierce just like Kitt and Pfieffer. Tall ‘n’ curvy. Meow, indeed.

    Berry LOOKED good as Catwoman, no matter how much of a loon she’s been of late, but that movie was absolutely insufferable. Not a steep hill to climb at all…

    For me, the problem is Nolan’s (and Goyer’s) poor writing skills for women *coupled with* Hathaway’s general “meh-ness” (attractive to some, I guess), is worrisome. Whether as Kyle the Cat Burglar or Catwoman the Seductress, the character was just about Wayne’s/Batman’s equal in certain skills and STRENGTH OF CHARACTER, which was part of the great (sexual) tension. If Nolan/Goyer don’t explore that, and Hathaway can’t relay that, no matter the script, then her character being thrown in for mere estrogen content will be par the course for Nolan…and disappointing.

    **covers up comic book nerdiness with copious amounts of makeup**

  27. kris says:

    She is bad choice. Catwomen should be sexy almost cartoonish and bitchy ice queen at the same time. She is just girl next door. Boring.

  28. tara says:

    The problem isn’t living up to past catwomen or if she’s selina or catwoman, it’s that just from the photostill she looks ridiculous. It takes a special kind of broad to pull of comic book ridiculousness(Angelina Jolie types), just like it takes a certain kind of dude to pull of wearing a bat costume.

    I like Anne, I think she’s a talented gal, but the photo just makes me giggle cause she looks like goofy girl posing on a movie prop at Universal Studios.

    Mila is not as good an actor, but at least she’s got more grit and saavy to her to pull off being a cat burglar.

  29. ladybert62 says:

    Christopher Nolan is directing catwoman? He is a genius – why is he doing this trash? What has happened to you Chris – all of your movies to this point have been incredible and intellectual puzzles – Catwoman? Really, seriously, are you out of your mind!

  30. Tracy9s says:

    An actual cat coughing up a hairball would be better than Halle Berry in Catwoman. Anne shouldn’t worry so much.

  31. lucy2 says:

    I don’t know why everyone is so worried. Anne was not who I would have imagined in the role, but she is a good actress so I’m willing to wait and see what she does. And Nolan has made 2 great Batman films so far, and this is his third and final one – I doubt he’ll drop the ball on it.

  32. seal team 6 says:

    Anne Hathaway can be a very engaging actress, and that girl next door awkward sexiness can be hot. I think Hathaway hasn’t had a chance to showcase that yet, but I’m betting she can do it. At least she won’t be Katie Holmes.

  33. Ari says:

    I don’t give a flock how bad Halle’s “Catwoman” was – I will watch it because its totally hot and I love when she crashes the bikers party LOL anyway I agree also that Michelle is the one to beat – her Catwoman was so sultry and delicious and her Selina was a bumbling numbskull but you really felt for her as well so yeah

  34. Riana says:

    Best Cat Woman period: Michelle Pfieffer

    Best Raw Sex Appeal Cat Woman: Halle Berry.

    I love Anne but she’s not impressing me on any of those points. She doesn’t have raw sex appeal or the immediate sex appeal: though she does have the slinky thin frame of a cat which could be explored and in terms of being able to portray such a complex character…eh.

    I’m just hoping she and Nolan prove me wrong.

  35. Bored says:

    I didn’t like the first one with Katie holmes. I hate Christian Bale as Batman.

  36. Mia says:

    I totally agree with lucy2. Anne will be fine. Her Selina/Catwoman may be different from Michelle’s and that’ll be alright too.

  37. Alix says:

    So the plot calls for Selina Kyle/Catwoman to attend a monster bike rally?

    This has “fail” written all over it.

  38. Melissa says:

    Sorry, no time to read all of the article, comments, etc. But it’s not Halle Berry’s Catwoman the she has to compete with, it’s Michelle Pfeiffer’s. MP’s Catwoman was the absolute best.

  39. Lindy says:

    I co-sign seal team–I think she has a kind of awkward, girl-next-door quality that she can play in several different ways, including sexy. I love AH. I really do. The more I read her interviews the more I think she is ten kinds of smart and sexy–esp. compared to her contemporaries.

  40. Sigh. says:

    Kais —

    Don’t know if this will make it thru moderation hell, but here are some “better” shots of her on the “bike:”

  41. Maritza says:

    Michelle Pfiffer and Halle Berry both looked awesome in their outfits, I’m sure Anne Hathaway will too. There is so much you can do for a character role, if the story is badly written and not believable then no matter how good they are the movie will fail.

  42. MJ says:

    @Sigh, ditto on your Julie Newmar comments! Michelle and Eartha have it going on, too.

  43. original kate says:

    two words: julie newmar.

  44. Seany D says:

    I love that everyone has something “hilarious” or otherwise ignorant to say about all the info and stills coming from this movie.

    Oh, Catwoman looks budget?

    Oh, Tom Hardy’s Bane looks like an S&M freak?

    The same kind of horseshit was being said when the first images of the Joker came out.

    Remember how that played out, guys?

    Yeah, thought so.

    Faith in the Nolan – you all need more of it.

  45. Ms. Candy says:

    Trying to picture her in the suit- well ummm she does have the curves for it or maybe I am missing something-
    She does have the “IT” factor for CatWoman

  46. samlin says:

    @ Blake Lively would’ve been a great Cat Woman.

    W/ her fake nose, fake tits, & fake talent, she should have been JOKER!

  47. Maritza says:

    @Sigh.: That’s her stunt double, not her.

  48. Runs with Scissors says:

    @lisa and Sigh, I agree about Nolan and his inability to handle women with any depth.

    MP was my fave cat woman as well (despite having to pad the HELL out of her costume, lol!)

    Also, there is NO WAY in hell that Anne Hathaway would say the things the article claims. She’s nothing if not entirely gracious and diplomatic. Someone just stirring the shit/hype imo.

    It’s odd casting, but I think she’ll do fine.

  49. Sigh. says:

    @ Maritza

    I know.

    By the time I went to correct it, I could no longer edit. Had to do some real life stuff, didn’t get a chance to correct that…until now.

    I was actually trying to show a *slightly* better shot of the suit more than the actress.

  50. krisfix says:

    Anne should have been BATGIRL… instead of Catwoman… as that character is supposed to be HOT (& also beautiful & not just cute or pretty)…

  51. Harley says:

    ITA w the few who mentioned the deliciously sexy Julie Newmar as THE CW to beat. I’m sorry MP and Eartha were great in their own right to be sure, but JN was poured into that slinky catsuit and worked it like nobody’s business! Meow indeed! 🙂

    That said, not only do I believe that Eva Green was completely robbed, but AH just has less than zero sex appeal to play this role. And as a huge comic book geek I sincerely hope that this isn’t the final CW costume. It’s just so ‘meh’ here. Where’s the cowl? But that’s me being nitpicky fangirl, I admit. My only hope is that I also thought that Heath was miscast as the Joker and his performance literally gave me chills when I first saw it- I’m honestly hoping that AH does the same w CW.

  52. tara says:

    YES-team Julie Newmar. Michelle’s catwoman was but a mere kitten in comparison.

  53. Faye says:

    I was skeptical when Heath Ledger was cast as the Joker, I just didn’t see it. So when I heard AH was cast as Catwoman, I immediately felt the same skepticism. I hope that like Heath, she has something in there and is really able to bring it and make the character pop the way Heath did.

    I had heard a rumor years ago that they were thinking Portia di Rossi for Catwoman and I thought she would have been perfect. The rumor might have been totally wrong without a bit of truth, but I thought it’d work. She can bring the ice and the sexy. But oh well, I hope AH is watching old Batman stuff and reading comics and really going for it with this role. She’s smart enough to realize that her role will be under a LOT of scrutiny.

  54. Goofpuff says:

    Anne Hathway would work as batgirl, but as raw sexually powerful and whip smart Catwoman? Uh…no. If she tries to do a sexy face, I will burst out laughing.

  55. dave says:

    HB > AH
    I mean AH isn’t even attractive. Too pale looking and her mouth way to big.

    Catwoman is just a dumb hero product. No actress could d a decent job in that.

  56. Anguishedcorn says:

    The stills that are linked in comment #40 (sorry, I can’t read the name), aren’t even AH. It looks like her stunt double– look at the jaw line and lips, and a slight underbite of the jawline.

    I agree with the comment “meat tubes” for her legs. My goodness, she makes me feel good about my own legs.

  57. ZenB!tch says:

    The Katie/Maggie part was akin to Chase Meridian in the Val Kilmer Batman. It’s just a girlfriend.

    I don’t know what the goal is with this Selena/Cat thing. I think most people would have a hard time with it. I think Anne is a perfect Selena – she’s awkward and dorky. Halle could have been a great Catwoman with the right script and direction but neither could do both. I can’t see AJ as Selena.

    Michelle is an interesting combo who can do both.

    I mean Eartha Kitt never did Selena as far as I know. I didn’t even know about Selena until the Michelle version.

    The pictures I’ve seen online of whatever Anne is doing kind of scare me. The “cat suit” on the bike is fine. It’s not sexy but its more powerful and practical. I mean really does a strong woman need to look like a fricking dominatrix? That is way too Michael Bay of a though. To put it in yoga terms – we are either cats or cows… no thanks.

    I thought the Joker was hideous when I saw the photos. I know nothing of “the Dark Knight” My Batman knowledge comes from 60s reruns, Superfriends Cartoons and Tim Burton. I love Super Hero movies but there is one thing that I am a horribly stereotypical female about – I DON’T DO COMICS not even when I was 8 playing with my Star Wars and developing a rope and pulley system so I could climb walls like Batman.

    The so-called Dark Knight is a different take on the Bat world as I know it so this could work.

    My issues are more with the other pics. If you follow the link to the slide show there are some REALLY hideous outfits there.

    This one is sooo much worse than the dorky hippie get up above. I hope this is a workout outfit but the red lipstick and pretty hair make me think otherwise:

    And WTF is with Marion Cotillard? She *can* be sexy but not while wearing a vintage in a bad way, belt I had in Junior High!

  58. seal team 6 says:


    YOU might think Anne isn’t attractive, but I think she is very attractive, and often even beautiful.

  59. ZenB!tch says:

    I actually hadn’t noticed Chris Nolan’s women before. I didn’t like the Prestige even with the hotties in it so I tuned out – BOWIE ROCKED though. I did think ScarJo was PERFECT as the backstabbing ho-bag (or am I projecting here).

    I liked Insomnia but I hate horseface and I barely consider her a woman. She looks like a man with a rack. It’s the weirdest thing.

    The women in Inception seemed fine. Marion was a figment so she should be written superficially. Ellen Page was adorable. I liked her.

    I haven’t seen Memento yet (are there women in it?) and I have mixed feelings about women in action films. The women in Nolan’s Batmen have been mostly non-sexual. The hotties have me tuning out really. Then we have Bay’s women. I don’t know that I would want to be in an action movie as a woman.

  60. ZenB!tch says:

    #56 does it matter if the photo #40 posted is Anne or not? The picture has the outfit and the bike and THE BOOTS!

    OMG THE BOOTS did you all see THE BOOTS this is definitely an alternate take on Catwoman! MY GOD! The look like my schlumpy, professional comfy walking boots. I need a new pair, I thought they stopped making them in the late 90s.

    Are we sure Nolan isn’t doing a period piece based in the 80s and 90s?

  61. mln76 says:

    Can I be the one to put out the blasphemy that Nolan is sooooooooo overated? The Dark Knight was amazing because of Heath Ledger. Insomnia was annoying as hell. Memento is only good the first time but if you watch it again once you get the gimmick it’s just a Lifetime movie in reverse. Inception is just a plain old sci-fi flick and anyone whose mind was blown should maybe watch the first Matrix movie, plus any director who can turn the perfect Marion Cotillard into a grating shrew isn’t a good director. *rant over please don’t throw any eggs at me*

  62. Chris says:

    “@ Blake Lively would’ve been a great Cat Woman.

    W/ her fake nose, fake tits, & fake talent, she should have been JOKER! ”

    Yeah, Megan Fox would probably be a better option.

  63. Sheigh says:

    I can’t believe someone will be a worse version than Halle Berry was! A razzy award Damoclès turns upon her head! Mwarf!

  64. Sinder says:

    Berry sucked. Anne doesn’t have too high to aspire to do better. Berry looked like a pleather wearing stripper. Any other costume would be better!

  65. Quest says:

    Forget being better than Halle (that’s a no brainer) try to up Michelle Pfieffer, purrfection as a catwoman. Even I dread to think that that getup is the outfit for ‘Selena’

  66. Marianne says:

    Although there isn’t anything cat-y about her costume, I think she looks pretty bad ass though. But I mean its hard to judge by one picture.

  67. Rachel() says:

    F*ck you Anne Hathaway.

  68. JaneWonderfalls says:

    To be honest, my cat women would be better than Halle Berry’s, I’ll say it now and again Halle Berry was always overrated to me, I never saw passed her beauty in any role. That’s just me.

  69. Chris says:

    “To be honest, my cat women would be better than Halle Berry’s”

    The Crazy Cat Woman from the Simpsons would be a better Catwoman than Halle Berry.

    As an aside, I think the characters in Batman might have Asperger’s Syndrome, hence the special interest in: Bats, Cats, Jokes, Riddles, Penguins etc

    End aside.

  70. ZenB!tch says:

    *As an aside, I think the characters in Batman might have Asperger’s Syndrome*

    It’s official, cele|bitchy needs a “like” button.

  71. Anguishedcorn says:

    ZenB!tch– it doesn’t, except for the fact that there’s something about the rider in those stills that is actually hot, I don’t think AH could give that vibe. The still of AH makes me laugh. As in, a deep, satisfying, belly laugh.

    As do your comments about the boots.

  72. Blue says:

    I don’t get sexy from AH at all. What about Eva Mendes or Rosario Dawson as Catwoman. As much as I love Halle I couldn’t watch her Catwoman.

  73. Venefica Delirium says:

    I think Anne Hathaway is gorgeous, actually. I do find her sexy. I want to see her pull off sexy, because “sexy” by today’s standards are interchangeable with fake or trashy. I want realistically beautiful women to go back in vogue.

    I’m not liking the suit. It looks cheap and not body hugging enough. A scuba suit would have made a better template for the catwoman costume than that.

    The acting shouldn’t be a problem. I think she’s great at what she does.

  74. Samihami says:

    Best Cat Woman period: Julie, Eartha THEN Michelle.

  75. DetRiotgirl says:

    @min76 totally cosign.

  76. she’s awesome!!!!!!!!!