Reese Witherspoon on Marie Claire: “It’s really traumatic” being a single parent


Reese Witherspoon is the cover girl for the October issue of Marie Claire. The cover is much, much too pink, but I really like the black-and-white pictorial. Considering she doesn’t have a movie coming out, I think she just got the cover to talk about her work with Avon, and how she’s The New Reese. The New Reese went into effect earlier this year, around the time everyone figured out that she could no longer carry a movie and defend her $15 million-plus paychecks. All of a sudden, Reese seemed to want to change up her image from the oh-so-wholesome single mother/America’s sweetheart (who couldn‘t carry a movie). She kept up the appearances at church, of course, and she got engaged to Jim Toth. But she did some sexier pictorials, began talking up her desire to break out of the rom-com mold, and then she started hanging out with Chelsea Handler, and she made some remarks at the MTV Movie Awards that I found rather patronizing. Oh, and Reese’s entire honeymoon “somehow” got pap’d too, which is weird considering Reese weeps mournful privacy tears when she’s photographed, even when she sells her wedding photos in America and the UK. I kind of wish she had stuck to her old image. Here are some highlights from the interview (full piece here):

Public speaking for Avon: “I’m scared to speak in public,” she says. “I’m really nervous about it. It’s weird, because on a movie set, I’m fine. But I get really nervous in front of crowds.” When she accepted this job [as Global brand ambassador for Avon] four years ago, she says, “I used to shake when I talked at these conferences.”

Fears: “I used to not ever travel,” she says, gazing out at the spires of Red Square. “I’ve gotten over so many phobias. Five years ago, I was terrified to travel. I was scared to leave my kids.” She smiles. “It’s still not the best feeling. But this is an opportunity to turn the spotlight on something that’s important to me.”

On confidence: “I always had a lot of confidence when I was younger, and then I think I got a little nervous in my 20s,” she says. “But now I feel better. Now I’m in my 30s, totally better. A little more confident again. Not as scared.”

The divorce from Ryan Phillippe: “I was hard on myself when I got divorced. And until I got remarried, I don’t think I realized how stressed I was,” she says, referring to her marriage this past March to Hollywood talent agent Jim Toth. “I feel so much relief. I don’t think I recognized how anxious I was about being a single parent. It was really, really stressful. It’s not easy on anybody. I think Nora Ephron says in one of her books, ‘You know, don’t kid yourself, divorce is really hard on your children. It’s really hard. Children will not be better for it.'” Witherspoon reflects on that last statement. “I mean, there are extenuating circumstances. I’m sure everybody’s life is different, so I shouldn’t say that. But it’s really traumatic. Now I feel a great sense of relief and an incredible amount of support from my husband.”

More on Jim Toth: “You know, somebody close to me once said, ‘Oh, no man will ever accept your children.’ And I just thought it was the most horrifying thing someone has ever said to me in my entire life,” she says, a slight Southern lilt emerging. “I was determined to find somebody who would make that not true. And I got lucky. I did. I got very lucky, and he’s wonderful. And so wonderful with the children. I’m very blessed.”

[From Marie Claire]

I don’t have any problems with this interview – she’s showing off her “vulnerable” side, and I think she’s probably being very honest here, especially about her worries when she was a single mother. I think Reese is a good mom, but I’ve often wondered if she’s a bit too high-strung, a bit too tightly wound. What happens when something snaps?





Photos courtesy of Marie Claire.

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75 Responses to “Reese Witherspoon on Marie Claire: “It’s really traumatic” being a single parent”

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  1. Liz says:

    she bugs me. the same way privileged, blonde, not so smart, snippy, Texan and uninterestingly devoid girls bug me. (I’m from TX but moved faaar away to NYC and still see these kinds of girls around here who migrate here to “omg – move to the big city where things will be fun!” )

  2. curleque says:

    Gawd, if SHE with her money and hired help had a hard time with being a single mother, is that really any consolation to the rest of the single mothers out there?

    And WTF is this supposed to mean: “You know, don’t kid yourself, divorce is really hard on your children. It’s really hard. Children will not be better for it.’”

    Say what? I think there are many children out there who ARE better for it, if the alternative is two parents staying together who hate each other or are abusive, one way or another. Normally I like her, but she sounds like she is very embarrassed to have gone through a divorce.

    She does look great in these pics. I’ll give her that.

  3. Yasmina says:

    Women like her have a problem. They can’t be learn to be complete or content on their own. A woman shouldn’t need a man to start living without “trauma.” PERIOD. I’m don’t know if I’m more annoyed or more sorry for her.

    Like Goopy, I’ll pull out a quote to seem like a total smart-ass, or just claim a ‘dear’ friend of mine said it: A woman needs a man, like a fish needs a bicycle.

  4. Franny says:

    curleque: I don’t think she implying that its hard financially (at least not for her). its that she has 2 young children and has to raise them by herself. no one to struggle through raising children together, no one to be able to turn to. plus the feeling of failing in her marriage.

    i love her. she’s just so pretty.

    although I really didn’t like that recent movie she did (how do you know?). the movie could have been so good, but it just..wasn’t.

  5. UKHels says:

    I think ‘traumatic’ is a bit strong

    yes it’s hard but made a lot easier if you can afford ‘help’, know what I’m sayin?

  6. brin says:

    I like her, like her work with Avon, and I think she’s a good mother. I’m happy that she’s found someone to share her life with and who loves her children.

  7. missy says:

    I like Reese, but I can’t help but remember the comment that Michelle Williams made. I remember her saying that she was talking to Reese about how hard it was to be a single mother, and Reese basically told her to stop whining and just appreciate the fact that she’s financially stable. It seems kinda hypocritical of Reese to now be talking about how stressful it was to be a single mother. At least her children have a father who seems to be very hands-on, and she doesn’t have to raise her children alone.

  8. mln76 says:

    I know that Reese tried really hard to save her marriage I think she over manages everything and Ryan was threatened by her career and retaliated passive aggressively by cheating on her. I think she must be difficult to live with because she’s such a perfectionist and she has a rep as a snot. But I still like her.

    @curleque please remember she’s quoting Nora Ephron. I think she means in cases where the kids don’t know about the problems in the marriage it’s devestating for kids to realize that mom and dad aren’t happy anymore. I loved what she said to Michelle Williams
    ‘Yes, I understand, but think about how much more difficult this would be without the luxury of a reliable, steady income.’

    Anyone with that kind of insight has my respect.

  9. LOVE ANGELINA says:

    My parents divorce defiantly fu*ked me up. Of course it may have been better for them, but it was hard none the less. Certainly hard on my brother never having a male around. At least it seems Ryan visits his children. I certainly can understand what Reese said. The only thing that annoys me about Reese is her friendship with Chelsea which I know is more like a forced thing. So I like Reese.

  10. Anne says:

    Ryan won’t be happy to hear she’s a single parent.

  11. Samigirl says:

    Being a single parent is tough. Definitely. For me, not traumtic, but I know everyone isn’t the same. Regardless, this statement upsets me. She’s got endless means to take care of her child, so I don’t see how it was “traumatic.”

  12. curleque says:

    By quoting Ephron she is, in effect, agreeing with her. And money makes things easier for rich, divorced moms than the normal, everyday moms. Don’t kid yourselves.

    Her problem is that she still can’t believe she’s divorced. She admitted it was very humbling, and now, that she is remarried and has a new man, all is better in the world according to Reese.

  13. mln76 says:

    @curleque I guess I didn’t make myself clear she said to Michele Williams that her tragic problems (raising her daughter completely alone without Heath)would be much more difficult without the the steady income so she herself admits it’s easier.

    ‘Yes, I understand, but think about how much more difficult this would be without the luxury of a reliable, steady income.’

    Does that sound like a woman who doesn’t appreciate the fact that being a movie star makes her life a lot easier to you?

    @Anne Reese and Ryan are both single parents. All that means is each is divorced and raising them without a spouse not that the other parent isn’t involved in their lives.

  14. curleque says:

    Reliable/steady different than rich. Just saying. And there is no comparison between divorce and death. Ridiculous for her to have every made ANY type of comment to Michelle Williams implying such. Reese is still riding that high horse.

  15. Kate says:

    @Liz: She may be privileged, blonde, snippy and, to some, uninteresting, but “not so smart” does not describe her at all. She is very bright, was accepted to Stanford but chose, instead, to pursue her acting career. She also is from Tennessee, not Texas.

    I think Reese plays the PR game fairly well. Nothing overly scandalous or dramatic and she doesn’t oversaturate like Aniston. This allows her to stay relevant, even when her movies stink, without becoming a tabloid celebutard.

  16. Bad Fairy says:

    As a single parent myself the only thing that I can say is that I have zero patience with monied women whining about single parentage. I get the two parent dilema. Its real. But when you are a single parent, money is much more than half the battle. Money isn’t everything until you dont have any. So its more than a little insulting for a multi millionairess to complain about being a single mama. Really sister? How about two jobs, no baby sitter, no health insurance and a dead beat dad? Sorry Reese, but you and I just broke upl

  17. cmc says:

    Um, am I the only one who read the excerpt? She was saying that divorce was traumatic on the kids, not that being a single mom is traumatic. Reading comprehension fail…

  18. Kim says:

    She is right- its hard to be a single parent – very hard! And divorce does affect kids negatively for the most part. Adults think because they are miserable their kids will see that and divorce will be better but young kids see it as them being the problem regardless of how many times you tell them its not.

    Of course no one should stay in an abusive or loveless marriage BUT divorce will still affect your child regardless of the circumstances.

    In the article Reese is saying divorce is traumatic for kids not being a single parent. The headliner is misleading. She isnt complaining that she doesnt have the money or help – she is simply stating single parenting regardless of your financial status is hard & its true. Rich or poor – single parenting is difficult. Yes money helps but it doesnt make it a emotional cake walk just because one has money.

  19. francesca says:

    I didn’t read this to mean that she found it financially difficult to be a single parent. It sounds to me like she is talking about the emotional difficulties which any honest person would have to agree – are serious and deep.

  20. me says:

    She is so honest. How refreshing to finally hear about something real that real women can relate to and discuss openly about a very touchy subject.

    Note to all the Jen Garner and Angelina and the likes that only present a flat PR image and never really share the real side and the painful side of matters as a mother/ divorcee

    And some of these pictures are her best ever. She looks beautiful.

  21. Lewis says:

    She Looks older

  22. thinkaboutit says:

    Damn! Just because she has loads of money doesn’t make it a walk in the park for her! I’m so disgusted by people who respond with “oh yeah, well you’re rich, how dare you complain?!” First of all, money does not dull pain. Second, you cannot BUY a partner in raising your kids. 10,000 perfect nannies do not equal a parent.

    To the moms complaining about deadbeat dads and 2 jobs…try being a mother in war-torn Rwanda or Somalia with NO money,no husband, no family, no clean water for miles around, no one and no laws to protect you and your children from arbitrary rape, beating, killing…OKAY?? And believe me, your lifestyle is much closer to Reese’s that my fictional African single mother. So you’re not as rich as Reese but it could be much worse. Does that give anyone the right to invalidate your feelings and to tell you you have no right to complain?

  23. lola says:


    You do realize that Somalia has better materniy leave than the US right?

    Let me guess, freshman/sophmore is college who is taking their first International Politics class. Just letting us “commonfolk” become educated.

  24. jinni says:

    This cover is a good example of tasteful photoshop. There are some laugh lines and you can see pores/texture to her skin. It looks like her and not a painting or CGI/ idealized version of her. I wish more magazines would use their PS with such restraint.

  25. Nick says:

    Looks old photo and old girl.

  26. Embee says:

    I subscribe to the line of thought that anything which undermines your sense of identity and self is a truama. The end of a marriage–and particualrly the end of a marriage to the father of your chidlren -is traumatic. This trauma is compounded by the subsequent re-jiggering of custody, resposibilities and who is going to host this year’s b-day party.

    Yes, with her assets she can hire soemone to change the sheets while she tends to the sick child (or even to handle midnight barf sessions), but it’s not the same as looking into the eyes of an equally concerned parent at 4 am, sharing your fears and a cup of tea. Especially when you’d committed to that, and had that commitment made to you and broken.

  27. mln76 says:

    @lola Please read a newspaper sometime. There are nearly 500,000 malnourished children in Somalia and about 30,000 children have died in the last few months. Do you think any of their mothers have time to be grateful for the amount of maternity leave they had while they are watching their children die?

  28. thinkaboutit says:

    Way to miss the point entirely, LOLA. I don’t know shit about maternity leave in Somalia (or in the US for that matter) but I do know that you don’t have to be down and out to suffer or feel pain, and I also know it’s crappy to point to Reese’s piles of money and suggest that it’s a balm for all her woes. Do you get it now???

  29. Delta Juliet says:

    You know what else is difficult? Still being married, but having a husband who is about as much support and help as a 12 year old. We ALL have problems. How about we help each other out instead of tearing each other apart.

  30. Sassy says:

    OMG she has the JLo/Kardashian face pout, eye squint thing going! Reese, Reese, Reese – stop it immediately!

  31. Embee says:

    @ DJ: “having a husband who is about as much support and help as a 12 year old.”

    Word, sister. This situation is also know by the abbreviated variant “husband”.

  32. Bad Fairy says:

    Wow girl. A xanax please. It is not crappy to point it out. It certainly is not. Having spent much time as a Have Not around the Haves, they do lose touch. It is human to do so. No, money does not ease pain, but it buys EXCELLENT therapy. Its a tool, and to be without it while raising children is unbelievably difficult. I would not go to Somalia and whine about my cheap shoes in front of mothers whose children have none.
    The one thing that no one (myself included) has pointed out yet is that it is statistically a piss poor idea to go out and find a “New Daddy” for children after a divorce. That is a whole new set of problems that I am certain money cannot fix either. So either way, a wake up call is probably in order for this woman regardless.
    Now peace kids. Or there will be trouble when you father gets home…

  33. lucy2 says:

    cmc and Kim, I read it the same way, that divorce is traumatic for kids. I think it’s pretty clear that’s what she said.

  34. Skinnybetch says:

    She’s an Aries woman. Of course she’s high strung and tightly wound as hell. At least she can afford nannies when she has a meltdown though. What do the rest of the broke ass single mothers across this country do?

  35. Liamarie says:

    Lots of people with no ability to actually read whatsoever. And the headline is not what was said in the interview at all.

  36. Mimi says:

    I had originally planned on commenting on how pretty Reese looks in these photos but than Curleque put me in a bad mood lol. I had never heard of the whole Reese/Michelle Williams drama. And as a big fan of Reese’s I was sooooo disappointed with her materialistic attitude. Seriously, Reese? What do you think Michelle wants more? A crap load of money or Heath, whose mere presence on this earth was priceless. Such a callous way to approach someone who has truly been through a real trauma. You think divorce is traumatic? Try having to explain to your daughter why she will never know her father. I doubt Reese meant any harm or offense but, damn that was harsh. Filter, Honey.

  37. Bee says:

    @Liz: Jealous much?

  38. Lauren says:

    Traumatic in the sense..well, I tried to make it work with your father, but he kept cheating on me, and he is jealous because i won an do you tell your children? Money can not erase cheating, disloyalty, and jealously. Ryan seemed to enjoy humiliating Reese…he is as douchey as ever.

  39. Ellie says:

    Who cares! She isn’t a single parent anymore and Jeez, she’s been divorced for like ten years now. Get over it!

  40. Tiffany says:

    That single comment was kind of crappy. Say what you want about Ryan but he loves and is devoted to their children and there was never an attitude that was different. Granted they are not nuclear, but single parent, I don’t know man. I do agree about her being surprised about being divorced, she really thought that she had full control over that one. Oh, honey!

  41. ashley says:

    Can some of you read though? She didn’t put down Michelle Williams at all, or say that money made Heath’s absence any easier for her or Matilda. She said, in essence, but look how much worse you could have it. Reese has always been the person that tries to tell people to buck up, face their issues head on, and try to look for one positive in the situation. That Matilda will not want for anything financially has got to be a great relief to Michelle.

    And Curlicue- everything you said – no. To quote something isn’t to agree with it. She was pointing out an author who stuck out to her for what she said regarding the pain divorce is for children. And then she said she worries about that, but she worried about the other side as well, that staying together would have been detrimental.

    Also, committing to spend the rest of your life with someone and having it fail is traumatic, particularly to a notoriously type A person who tries to succeed at everything.

  42. endoplasmic ridiculum says:

    Dont get all the hate for this interview. I’ve read some truly ridiculous inetrviews in my time and nothing leaps off the pages as particularly shocking.


  43. Lindsey G. says:

    Sooooo many things bug about this:

    1) I am pretty sure I’ve seen this cover (the one with the turtleneck)8 times already. Maybe not with Reece, but with some blonde 20s/30s actress.

    2) Reese hasn’t been very interesting of an actress since Legally Blonde

    3) There are millions of single moms (including mine) who do what she does on far less money or familial support, so I wish she’d feign gratefulness that she has money which can buy any single parent the support they need.

    4) Re: the Nora Ephron line, like Reese says, I’m sure everyone is different, but as a child of divorce, I can say my parents are better not being together (they were just absolutely terrible to one another and I’ll say that the way they would cut each other down sticks with more than their act of divorce).

  44. Alecsma says:

    She looks great in these photographs.

  45. Sue says:

    Correct me if I’m wrong but don’t Ryan and Reese have legal joint custody, and the children split their time 50/50 with Ryan and Reese. In other words, the kids spend equal time with both parents so how was she a single parent?

    I one of those children of divorce people who would rather see my parents happy apart then miserable together so neither I nor my sisters were devastated by our parents’ divorce.

  46. dirty martini says:

    Sorry , but I dont find all that much to hate in this interview. Always had a soft spot for RW. She’s always been Type A, so that is not “new news”. Always had pretty high standards for herself and those around her. Dont have a problem with that myself, but recognize you will be frequently disappointed by others when you do that. Bluntly a few more people in this world could use a few higher standards–just sayin’.

    And yes, divorce is hard on the kids. I doubt her frame of reference for the comment was physically abusive situations, addiction situations, etc but homes in which the parents aren’t getting along, are having affaris, etc. When you leave that you always wonder–should I have stayed? Try to work it out? What was my part that caused it? Should we have tried harder for the kids? etc. Didn’t that life time commitment deserve more from us, and how have we damaged our kids in the process of blowing it off?

    I agree–some folks didn’t really read the article for context. Rather they searched out the snark. But hey lets face it–its called CeleBITCHY for a reason, right? I do it sometimes too. But not on those who havent plowed ground in front of them on the way to “deserve it” land. Reese didn’t plow that path in my book.

  47. Casey says:

    Why does she look like an Olsen twin?

  48. Mitch Buchanan Rocks says:

    It would be cool to see Reese Witherspoon and Cameron Diaz in a movie together – Cam being the uptight one and Reese being the relaxed one.

  49. Chrissy says:

    Wow. People really do get offended by everything! She is talking about how difficult it was for her to be a single mom. It sounds like she felt guilty over trauma to her kids too. Why do any stars open their mouth?? They get nailed no matter what!

  50. natalie says:

    So she can’t function without a man in her life? That’s pretty sad.

  51. Sam says:

    she makes a comment about how she was a single parent until she got married. last time i checked, the kids had a father before she got remarried.

    this bitch rubs me the wrong way.

  52. filthycute says:

    Bitch, please!

  53. Sillyone says:

    Traumatic?? Seriously I was a single parent for 15 years I enjoyed the hell out of it. My kids and I became so close nothing could break that bond, or I hope nothing anyway.

    By the way that pic looks nothing like her (IMO).

  54. Melissa says:

    I’m confused at the term “single parent”. To me, there is a difference between a situation where one parent is dead, a deadbeat, lives in a different state, etc., and one where the parents are divorced, live in the same area, and share custody and have some financial arrangement. I’m not saying the second situation is easy, but the term “single parent” implies to me that the children essentially only have one parent raising them, not 2 parents in separate households.

  55. Jessica M says:

    hate the pictorial. heavy wool sweater = homey, mommy…
    plus lace lingerie sticking out of the bottom or top of it = sexy, still young.

  56. Evie says:

    she’s boring

  57. lucy2 says:

    I’ve always heard “single parent” referring to anyone who is a parent and does not have a spouse/partner. I’ve never heard of it only being reserved for those who’s ex is not in the picture at all.

    Just saw that Reese was hit by a car jogging today – sounds like only minor injuries, but that’s really scary! Hope she’s OK.

  58. rosalee says:

    in my office we define a single parent as a parent who has sole custody and financial responsible for their children. in the general use of the term I can see how it is used but there are still in fact two parents. Reese is divorced with children, Somehow when women such as Reese use that term it somehow demeans women or men who have assumed sole parental responsiblity. Sorry to those who love her but in the non-profit sector we see the emotional and financial difficulties “single” parents face.

  59. lola says:

    mln76 & thinkaboutit:

    Get a grip and some therapy, people.

    I was being sarcastic. Making a statement about mothers and the fact that even a country like Somalia is ahead of the US in regards to maternity leave. Do you get it now?


    I know about malnourished children in Africa. I have/do help them. I have fed them. What have you done?

    You want to cry about Somalia and vent about other countries wars, then go post on CNN or the BBC. This is a gossip site, not important world changing news. Chill the F*CK out!

  60. sauvage says:

    There’s something about the perception of mariage in general that I don’t understand and that I think especially applies to the US, so help me out, Americans, if that impression is true: Why do people always make such a huge difference between marriage and relationships in general? I mean, Reese Witherspoon has been with Jim Toth for a while before marrying him. I guess they even lived together, at least that’s what I would do, test a relationship on a daily basis before getting married, especially when children are involved. SO: How come she only felt that relief after they were officially married? Wouldn’t he have supported her ever since they got together, or at least at the moment they started living together with the kids? Call me stupid, I just really don’t see the big difference. If your partner is there for you and supports you and loves your kids – great. But why would you first start acknowledging it the moment you got married and not the moment he starts being supportive in the role of your partner? Does it have something to do with the Hollywood obsession with marriage? The fairytale thing? Does it really make that big of a difference? (I have never been married, not sure if I ever will be, to me, it’s just not that big part of the plan, so maybe it’s just something i can’t understand.) Explanations, please!

  61. Cirque28 says:

    1. Being a single parent can be stressful

    2. Divorce is traumatic for kids (although “everybody’s life is different”)

    3. ‘Yes, I understand, but think about how much more difficult this would be without the luxury of a reliable, steady income.’

    Is it unreasonable for her to feel any/all of this at different times? Really?? Don’t most of us turn issues over in our heads and consider various angles and perspectives?

  62. Jilliterate says:

    “You know, don’t kid yourself, divorce is really hard on your children. It’s really hard. Children will not be better for it.”

    Gee, I wasn’t aware that her degree in English Lit had transformed into one in child psychology. She’s totally full of it. As a child of divorce, I can say from experience I was a LOT better not having to endure psychotic screaming matches and a semi-abusive situation. Sounds to me like she’s desperate to have a man in her life and is trying to justify said desperation by acting like it’s for the sake of her children. I should know — I have a History degree.

  63. Carolyn says:

    Being a single mum I can vouch that divorce is only difficult for the children if the parents don’t look after their emotional, physical, wellbeing etc needs. My daughter and I are much better off without my abusive ex-husband (my daughter’s father) around. She understands that and is grateful that I took her out of that situation. Reese seems like a good mum and it’s nice to see her happy in another relationship. She annoys me in interviews – her quotes are obviously very worked on to create the right impression. She’s very photoshopped in those photos.

  64. Blithe says:

    @sauvage: I took it to mean that she’s “relieved” that she found someone who loves her kids. That’s all. And @Jilliterate: statistics in child psychology and further studies that have been going on for years show that in general, children do better with a married mother and father. Don’t take my word for it, you can find those stats and studies pretty easily. Overall, they do better in school, they do better socially, and they are more likely to avoid a life of crime and imprisonment. Obviously, that’s not the case with every child who witnessed their parents getting divorced. But the stats are there. And ideally, wouldn’t we all like to keep a relationship solid and never subject our kids to dealing with a divorce? If it’s an abusive home or some other type of destructive behavior is going on, then yeah, it’s a much better alternative. But it’s not ideal. And I haven’t met a lot of people who were happy that they got a divorce or saw their parents divorce (at least not without some horrific story of abuse, etc. going on). You can hardly blame Ephron for saying so.

  65. Blithe says:

    Other than the cover pic, I think all those pictures are breathtaking. Even the one where someone paired a white sweater with a see-through doily skirt (which I’d rather burn than wear).

    Rant: what is it with celebrities who are insisting on calling their kids “the children”?!?!? It comes across as really lofty and precocious, as though you’re about to pick up a fur-trimmed hand muff and say something like, “Shall we have a carriage ride before the tea arrives? I’ll call Badgley and tell him we’re so inclined. Announce to the children that they may only come if they’re behavior is at the very least, cordial. Rumpled and loud children put my nerves in a terrible state.”

  66. Melania says:

    @Juliet: re “You know what else is difficult? Still being married, but having a husband who is about as much support and help as a 12 year old. We ALL have problems. How about we help each other out instead of tearing each other apart.”

    high five 🙂

    @Blithe: I’ve seen you say something to this effect before and I’m not feeling it! Where I live that is a common way to refer to .. you know .. the children. Not said in a pretentious, elitist, To the Manor Born (old tv show, amusing) manner, or by pretentious people. Just a reference.

    Obviously though, I do *so* wish my chauffeur’s name were Jeeves rather than Geoffrey (dramatic sigh) it would make things simply spiffy. Pink gin anybody? Sun’s over the yard arm, eh wot?

  67. Cirque28 says:

    Oops! Ignore my post up there. My point was about Reese not being a hypocrite, but it came out as if I think divorce is always traumatic for kids. (Not what I think. Although divorce is often less fun than periodontal surgery without anesthesia… for many people.)

    @Melania @Blithe

    It’s terribly difficult to find good help, isn’t it? Ghastly situation.

  68. Grasshopper says:

    I agree cmc, she us talking about divorce being traumatic on the kids. It doesn’t matter how much money you have or what your situation is. Divorce will always be hard on young kids whether you realize it or not. Of course it will be easier on you if you have financial stability. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, in a divorce children need unconditional love and support and reassurance.

    If I’m correct she said she was anxious about being a single parent.

    Reese’s best photo shoot in a while, beautiful photos.

  69. Seal Team 6 says:


    I did.

    All of my kids have fur and fangs, but I know from several friends who are single moms that the divorce WAS hard on their kids, even though it was the best thing in all cases (including an abusive relationship). The kids often blame themselves, one parent is totally absent or semi absent, they often leave their home, schools, etc.

    Reese recognizes money makes it easier, and it does.

    I like Reese. She is smart, and I wish she would do more black comedy like “Election,” and steer away from the rom coms.

  70. Seal Team 6 says:


    Studies show kids do better with two parents in their lives, not necessarily a husband and wife.

  71. mymy says:

    Very traumatic for kids.No matter what people say to make themselves feel better. Just beyond traumatic. And I didn’t realize people who earn more money are not allowed to suffer.Children feel pain no matter what amount of money the mommy makes. So sick of this attitude.

  72. Denise says:

    I hate to be blunt, but if you can’t fathom the idea of ever being a single parent, don’t have kids. Things happen in life (death, divorce) and if you bring kids into this world you better be prepared–mentally, emotionally and financially–to parent them all alone.

  73. Dani says:

    She looks great in these pics, particularly the black and white shots. This is by far the best I’ve ever seen her look.

  74. feyish says:

    Love the off-duty ballerina look she’s rocking. Very cute and surprisingly works well for her.

  75. rogue says:

    She is not a single parent !!!!! , the kids father Ryan is very involved how many days does she have the kids???She has a supportsystem.Can’t stand her.