Madonna won’t let people stare directly into her crazy face


Madonna is in Toronto, promoting W.E. once again. She’s probably hoping it gets a better reception in Canada than it did in Venice. The photos of Madge in a red blouse/sweater are from yesterday afternoon’s photo call and press conference. If you ignore the crazy and the jacked aspects of her face, this is a really great look for Madonna. It’s almost… classy. Dignified. Serious. Lovely. Great red, great black pencil skirt, good belt and good hair. It’s just the crazy face that messes everything up.



As for the presser – alas, my new boyfriend James D’Arcy was not there, it seems. Madge just brought her two girls out, Abbie Cornish and Andrea Riseborough. Madge also said that critics really need to separate Madonna the Icon from Madonna the director:

Madonna on Monday said she said she doesn’t mind any criticism of her filmmaking abilities, so long as it is directed at her movie and not at herself. The pop star told reporters at the Toronto International Film Festival, where she is promoting her second film “W.E.”, she had to earn her reputation as a musician and she expected to do the same as a film director.

“I had the same kind of pressure when I began my music career,” Madonna told reporters. “I was nervous, and I didn’t know what to expect, and people didn’t know what to expect.”

The film, which premiered at the Venice film festival and is screening at Toronto, has been characterized by critics as visually stunning, but lacking in focus and burdened by weak performances.

“I can tell when people are reviewing my film and when they’re reviewing me personally,” Madonna said when asked whether she cared about what critics thought. “So when they stick to the film, then I do care.”

“W.E.” stars Abbie Cornish as a young New Yorker in the 1990s who becomes infatuated with the 1930s marriage of King Edward VIII and American divorcee Wallis Simpson, played by Andrea Riseborough. It follows Madonna’s first feature, 2008’s “Filth and Wisdom,” which performed poorly at the box office.

Britain’s The Guardian newspaper was the harshest among the critics, giving the film just one star out five, while the Daily Telegraph gave a more positive three star review.

The budget of W.E. is estimated to be around $15 million, and it hits movie theaters in the United States in December, prompting one journalist to ask Madonna about her Oscar hopes for the film.

“My legs and my fingers are crossed,” she quipped.

[From Reuters]

It’s kind of funny, but I just now realized that the criticism of W.E. is very similar to the criticism that many people have of Madonna: that there is no THERE there. No substance, no message, no depth, but it’s all very stylish and interesting to watch. Not challenging. Cold. Heavy on the iconography, light on the intelligence, wit and grace. See, you can say the same things about the movie and Madonna. Fascinating.


By the way, Madonna is still the Queen of the Bitches: The Globe & Mail reports that Madge required TIFF volunteers to “turn their faces to a wall so that they would not look at the pop-star-turned-movie-director as she made her way to her press conference about the film. One volunteer told the Globe they all dutifully stood with their backs to her as she passed.” For last night’s premiere, Madge wore Tom Ford. I like the dress, I just wish Madonna hadn’t worn it with black fishnet stockings and those shoes. But her face looks so much better in this light, doesn’t it?




Photos courtesy of WENN.

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56 Responses to “Madonna won’t let people stare directly into her crazy face”

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  1. Sue says:

    The black dress makes her look even more like Grandma Madonna….. Long hair doesn’t help either…. Too bad she didn’t take the age naturally route….

  2. spinner says:

    Definitely a good look for Madonna. I think she looks great in this retro style.

  3. SolitaryAngel says:

    The red outfit looks good…when did she stop wearing the red string around her wrist?

  4. mia girl says:

    I like the clothes but I think from the neck up, she’s all wrong.

    Her hair is too long, and let’s be honest, that pinned up front style works when there is a fresh face behind it. It is a young look that only some women can pull off.

    For Madonna it only draws more attention to her jacked-up face. A soft sweep of curled hair over the eye would have worked better and still worked with the clothes. Although, that face is so scary at this point I am not sure anything could help it.

  5. Jaded says:

    Her face still looks like someone blew it up like a balloon – does she have a nozzle in her ear or something so you can blow her up like an air mattress? Furthermore, who the frack does she think she is making volunteers turn their faces to the wall???? That really cheeses me off and as a Torontonian who has attended TIFF, I can tell you these volunteers work their asses off. So to be treated in this embarrassing and juvenile manner is unacceptable and I have lost respect for the organizers who cow-tow to her utterly unreasonable demands. She is an ignorant, selfish beast with absolutely no class.

  6. lolas says:

    @Jaded – totally agree (and also from Toronto).

  7. ladybert62 says:

    Wow – she is still a weirdo!

    (1) Her face is truly strange looking.

    (2) The hair is too long – cut it short and get it styled.

    (3) The black dress makes her look fat!

    (4) How pretentious of her to think that she has the brains and the skills to be a director – or whatever she calls herself for her horrible new film.

  8. danielle says:

    That Andrea girl is stunning!

  9. Lady Satan says:

    Those volunteers at TIFF should have – en masse – turned to face Madonna as she walked past and collectively given her the finger.

    I used to be a fan of Madonna, but no longer. What a pretentious bitch!

  10. Eleonor says:

    Madonna is on her way to become an old acid lady.

  11. Julie says:

    No, the lighting doesn’t help her face. Her face is way out of porportion….very big/puffy/full of material that is human. And to me she radiates whats inside and it’s not pretty….at all.

  12. Elizabeth says:

    The clothes really dcon’t matter at this point. All you can see is that freaky face.

  13. Cher says:

    I think that Madge looks good for someone her age. I just hope she lays low on procedures and be very cautious as it can be tricky for someone who wants to be competitive and she may end up messing her face. Overall now she is a very lovely woman.

    I wished though that whoever did her makeup made a tightline because the eyeliner would’ve looked much better.

  14. Seal Team 6 says:

    I would have gotten fired as a volunteer, because I would have refused to do it. This isn’t Medieval times, and Madge isn’t an absolute monarch.

    Okay, I once had a job where I was around alot of big-name singers and writers, and the huge majority of them were decent people. Some were terrific, and a very few (I’m looking at you, famous mystery writer) were raging tools.

    What an ass.

  15. MacScore says:

    Has Madge lost her mind? Or joined Scientology or something?
    @jaded – you are 100% right. What a despicable way to treat people – shows she’s lost touch with reality in a major way.

  16. Mourning the Death of Music says:

    No matter what she does, her hands show the truth, and her hands look old.

  17. Maritza says:

    She looks great in red, black make her look older.

  18. Trillion says:

    Madonna’s superstardom is in her looks and ability to work the camera and dance. Everything else she tries comes off flat. I’m done giving her chances. Why can’t she just revel in her past successes – which are ginormous- and spare herself and the rest of the world her desperate clawing keep from slipping away from the limelight? It’s embarrassing. I will say, though, that her torso looks amazing in the red sweater/black pencil skirt. She should stick with long sleeves.

  19. anoneemouse says:

    If she doesn’t want people to see how horrifying her face looks, she should just wear a paper bag over her face and do the world a little good.

  20. Original Tiffany says:

    I showed up last night at the red carpet since we were done with dinner and it is across the street, as in, I can take pics of the whole thing from my window. Anyway, the only person I got and could recognize by that time was Michelle Yeoh from Memoirs of a Geisha. She looked pretty, but man was she tiny. Like size 00 tiny.
    No Madge, no Jolie, just Michelle.

  21. melissa says:

    “Don’t look at me! I’m hideous!” Oh. My. God. I look at the world around me, all the wonderful people, ordinary people, who do are kind, thoughtful, and do unselfish things every single day of their lives, and I look at someone like her and her all kinds of crazy, and I just feel sorry for her. have your millions and your fame Madonna. They will be sad sad comfort when you are old.

  22. KateNonymous says:

    Oh, she prohibits VOLUNTEERS from looking her in the face. I’ve always wondered how prima donnas get away with that–seriously, how are they able to stop me from looking at them? I’ve long since concluded that if I ever see Jennifer Lopez, I’m going to stare her right in the eye until she gets uncomfortable. Ditto for Madonna, I guess.

  23. Decemberist15 says:

    This totally doesn’t surprise me. I had a friend who did tech work for live 8 a few years back and she pulled the same stunt there. If ANYONE looked at her they were fired automatically. Apparently she also asked for like 10 hours of practice time and was told she got 2 hours just like everyone else at the show and if she couldn’t handle that to not bother showing up at all.

    She’s an entitled a-hole. In the 80’s sure, she could totally pull stunts like this, she was an icon… WAS. Now she’s a 50 something has been who is trying WAY WAY WAY too hard to keep up with the young ‘uns. Accept yourself, don’t take yourself too seriously and you’ll get more fans.

  24. Bex says:

    I used to quite respect Madonna, she had built an amazing empire without a great deal of talent in the singing department.
    Then she started shoving her new religion down everyone’s throats, then the breathtaking arrogance of the whole Malawi, ‘I’ll give you money, you give me kids’, episode, now she is sliding down the Cat Woman face route and she has become a joke.
    The turn your face to the wall stunt is just the last nail in the coffin of any respect I once had for her.

  25. UKHels says:

    madonna has ALWAYS looked best with dark hair, always

    as for not looking her in the face – what, does she turn you to stone now?

  26. Melissa says:

    I REALLY wish I would have been of those volunteers. I would have turned around to face her right as she passed me and gave her a “B*TCH PLEASE” wave right IN her face.

  27. Original Tiffany says:

    Or thrown hydrangeas in her path? While staring at her? Worth getting fired over it.
    Again, this TIFF thing sounded cool, but they are doing so much promo, so much shooting for movies that it literally takes longer to drive 5 miles than to walk. It is a nightmare living here right now. At least Lilo is in NY and not terrorizing the streets. They pump the freaking music until about 4am. So, basically no sleep for me at all. I’m hating Toronto right now. HATING!

  28. Princess Lizabeth says:

    Don’t look at her face? What a twit. Who does she think she is? A gorilla? Will she charge at anyone who makes eye contact?

  29. Victoria says:

    OK WHY does Madonna want to be a director now?

  30. smh says:

    why ban them from looking at her? so their eyes won’t bleed and they don’t turn into stone? how thoughtful of you mandonna. really there seems to be some genuine humanity left in you. anyway the first look is kind of boring. don’t like the belt, hate the fabric of the blouse, and tomato red reminds me of awful stuff (tomatoes). the second dress would look better on somebody 30 years younger. she’s too haggard to pull this look, then again she’s too haggard to pull any look (and never was much of a classical beauty, hell she never was a beauty except her carefully made up old movie star hair). she needs to stop with the shenanigans and put on proper old lady dresses. and just lay low, stop being so damn ambitious and in-your-face all the fucking time it got tired years ago. and if she still wants to do music! (she seems to be the only “musician” never even considering retirement from that nasty business) then take her music to a different direction. something more mature and i don’t mean sexual (god i hate how mature and adult only mean sexual nowadays). truth is, people (including myself) wouldn’t give her so much shit if she wasn’t still pretending to be 20 years old.

  31. Hautie says:

    I see I will be the only one who says it… but I like Madonna’s hair.

    It is finally a flattering shade of blonde. She is not sporting gigantic black roots.

    It is done in nice soft curls. Dare I say the hair is lovely.

    I do not believe that ladies, of a certain age, are suppose to whack off their long hair. I hate the term “she is too old for long hair”. Or “it’s too young looking”.

    I really like well maintain long hair. And her hair is barely on her shoulders. So it is not even really that long.

    I also like the red and black outfit.

    The Tom Ford dress would have worked if it had been a size bigger. It fits odd from her shoulders to her thigh’s. Just too tight.

    And fishnet stockings are never the answer to any outfit. Unless you are dancing topless on a table. With money hanging out of your g-string.

    Sadly, I feel the same way about platform shoes too. It is time to retire the platform look.

    A really great pair of black kitten heels would have really flatter the black dress.

    But none of it really matters when she keeps on behaving like a entitled jackass in public. 🙂

  32. smh says:

    @Seal Team 6: that writer=Dan Brown?

  33. TIFF Volunteer says:

    I volunteer for TIFF and this was the email sent out to all of us today:

    Happy Festival Day 6!

    We wanted to send a mid-Festival Congratulations! along with a few reminders as you continue your Festival volunteer experience. We’ve been receiving wonderful feedback about how kind and helpful our volunteer team is – and this speaks to the commitment you’ve shown to TIFF in the assistance and support you provide to the organization.

    At yesterday’s W.E. press conference, we were disappointed to learn that volunteers were asked by outside security to turn their backs while Madonna exited the press conference area. These events were later outlined in an article published by the Globe and Mail. TIFF does not condone this treatment of volunteers and as an organization, we value the contribution that all of you provide by participating in our volunteer programme. You are an integral part of TIFF, and the organization would be unable to function without you.

    We can assure you that we are taking this incident very seriously, and are in the process of investigating it. We know that all of you come into contact with various stakeholders of TIFF, including media, and we want to remind you that any media requests should always be forwarded to a member of our Press Office team. If they do not know how to contact the Press Office please send them to the third floor of TIFF Bell Lightbox. This policy is to help support and protect each of you.

    We wish you all a happy 2nd half of the Festival, and look forward to the fun and exciting shared experiences you’ve had through our opening weekend as well as what’s to come! Please keep checking the home page of the Volunteer Hub for special 2 for 1 ticket offers available exclusively to volunteers! Get out and enjoy the programming you are working so diligently to support!

    All the best,

    TIFF Volunteer Office
    Reitman Square, 350 King Street West
    Toronto, ON M5V 3X5

  34. J.D.M.J. says:

    But her face looks so much better in this light, doesn’t it?
    Not really.

  35. e.non says:

    damn, i don’t think even norma desmond would make people turn their backs. madonna really, really needs to check herself. she has just completely lost her mind — the slicing and dicing that’s ruined her face; her extreme workouts that leave her looking veiny and gnarly. and if she insists on the boy toyz — could she at least order up ones that look like they could string together a couple of sentences.

    what a disappointment.

  36. pwal says:

    13 Cher:
    Gotta disagree. I’ve been watching All My Children (since it’s ending soon), and Susan Lucci looks amazing and she’s over 60. Super tiny – tinier than Madonna, but her face is still lovely.

    Wouldn’t surprise me if Lucci had work done, but it’s ridiculous that Lucci’s plastic surgeon is heads and tales above Madonna’s, since Madonna has way more money.

  37. fuefinawg says:

    Wow … beautiful eyes … but I think she has the hands of an 80 year old woman …

  38. crtb says:

    They should consider themselves lucky, if they had looked directly into her face they would have been turned into stone.

  39. RovingLass says:

    She reminds me of Carol Burnett’s Norma Desmond. lol

  40. Firecracker says:

    What’s next with Madonna, first the hating of hydrangeas, then making people face the wall?? She’s gone insane.

  41. John Wayne Lives says:

    The red outfit looks good, except for the bra showing through.
    The black outfit looks f#@king horrible. Gross man. And with the bra strap showing, but underneath the sheer material! She looks terrible! And her face looks all round and bloated and gross.

  42. gab says:

    I’m sorry I just can’t get past the face! The face, omg the face!! She is so strange looking, I can’t stop laughing. She will from here on out be known as Madame Madonna (for the puppet face). Hahahaha! *wipes tears* Oh, thanks for that laugh, Madame!

  43. joan of snark says:

    i never thought i would say it… I’m over Madonna.

  44. badrockandroll says:

    Busy week for Madonna’s publicist, who now says that Madonna didn’t ask volunteers to turn to the wall.

    Whether you believe the publicist or not (and I do not), Madonna’s stock has taken a serious hit – if she continues to look and behave in this fashion, as well as to present herself as a director rather than as a mediocre pop singer/dancer spawned by MTV, her legacy will be that of a joke. But then, I am not neutral since I hopped on the dislike bandwagon, way back in 80-something when the stories of her manipulation of Jellybean first emerged.

  45. Chris says:

    I’m amazed at how some people let celebrities walk all over them. If I’d been working there not only would have NOT turned my back I would’ve looked her directly in the eye. It’d be worth getting sacked just to do it. Then you could go to the press and sell your story.

    I remember years ago Nic Cage came to the Australian Grand Prix and shook hands with one of the officials of the GP and as he walked off one of his handlers approached the official and told him not to look “Mr Cage” in the eye when he spoke to him. Apparently the official screamed out at Cage and told him where to go.

  46. Emily says:

    Two things:
    It looks like she’s wearing a soccer-ball bra under her red top.
    In the black dress, she looks like an elderly Christina Applegate.

  47. Jinko says:

    She looks old because she is old. The hair, make-up, and clothes cause her to look as if she stepped out of a 1940s black and white movie. She is a disgusting example to her children. She must be miserable growing old, and needing to constantly have plastic surgery. Soon she will look just like Joan Rivers.

  48. Ramona Q says:

    Her hair looks ok here, but usually the barrette and side part look way too young for her. No little barrettes after 40-45. And that’s pushing it.

  49. Jayna says:

    I think she looks beautiful. I love both dresses. Her face finally looks good again.

    The whole story has been debunked. One respected Canada movie critic for tv over there was one of many saying it’s not true. He said he was back there and she was smiling, signing autographs. He said she was very gracious.

  50. pwal says:

    She’s really riding the Margo Channing look, isn’t she? And sadly, Madonna wore out her welcome in the bitchiness department.

  51. Kimbob says:

    Wow…thanks @the volunteer for the e-mail you received. I really enjoyed this article and the blogger comments. I believe @Chris too about Nic Cage.

    Let’s face it, some “stars” have made so much money, garnered so much fame, that they truly believe they are “better than.” I find it fascinating & disgusting at the same time. My thoughts are that these are extremely narcissistic, mental-health challenged individuals when they start out, begin believing their own press, & from that point on it becomes delusions of grandeur. Kinda sick, huh?

  52. Bill Hicks is God says:

    That is a fantastic email from TIFF!

    Oh, and the stickers were still the bottoms of the black satin ankle-strap shoes she wore. LOL. The photo is in the UK Daily Mail. She’ll probably fire somebody for that but I’m hoping they were left there on purpose to make her look like the tool that she is. Totally worth being fired…

    Beauty is only skin deep but ugly is to the bone and Madonna is an ugly, ugly person.

  53. crazycatlady says:

    What is this, Blue Velvet?

    “Don’t you f$%#$ing look at me!”

    Even the Queen of England doesn’t pull that kind of crap with the peasants.

  54. Str8Shooter says:

    what a nasty, ugly old twat!

  55. Seabitchy says:

    Funny thing is… her face looks a LOT like Linnocent’s.

  56. donalda says:

    Poor Madonna. If she allowed herself to age naturally everyone would be saying how hideous she looks. She looks fine for a white lady over 50, exceptional actually. Don’t compare her to how she looked 20 effing years ago. That’s crazy. My only issue with her is she is too muscular. Veiny arms and hands is not a good look on a woman. Not too fond of the all black dress either. The long hair is pretty. I hate old white women and those butch hairdos. Unless you are a lesbian leave that alone.