AnnaLynne McCord wears a bizarre ensemble. [Go Fug Yourself]
Mindy Kaling wants to be more than a TV Girl. [LaineyGossip]
Kyle Massey thinks Bristol‘s bull-ride/heckling was a setup. [Dlisted]
This dude f–ked a dolphin and wrote a memoir about it. [Gawker]
Blake Lively in Pride & Prejudice & Zombies? [Pajiba]
Jennifer Aniston and another good pair of boots. [Pop Sugar]
Snooki has lost some weight. [Celebuzz]
Bar Refaeli, Leonardo still doesn‘t care. [The Blemish]
R.E.M.: Why we broke up. [ICYDK]
Samantha Ronson‘s bikini body…? [A Socialite Life]
Steven Tyler made out with Nicole Scherzinger. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Saturday Night Live was back this weekend, and I forgot to watch. [Videogum]
Adam Lambert knew he was gay since the sixth grade. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Photos from the Young Hollywood party. [Moe Jackson]
Anne Hathaway‘s Catwoman costume – photos. [INFDaily]
New Bjork music video for “Moon”. [OMG Blog]
Selena Gomez is looking boobier. [Celebslam]
I like the shoes. And the hair is well styled but I could never get that without extensions and at least an hour of curling.
That make-up really does make her look dead. She has a great ass though.
This girl can look very sleazy at times but here she looks great, not seeing corpsey mess at all. She could use some face powder, that’s all I’d change.
Those colors don’t go well with her skin tone. She’s still gorgeous though. I loved her in Nip Tuck.
i think she looks great.
She looks wasted IMO.
That interview that dolphin guy gave on our late night news was grade A creepy, and made 10x’s worse from the fact the reporter was clearly taking the piss and the dolphin guy didn’t realise.
ALM is 24 and LiLo is 25. Just pointing that out.
The shawl is tragic, but the rest is good – this girl is super in shape and healthy looking.
Makeup is a disaster, but her ass is amazing. Hopefully no padding involved.
The paled lip with the eyemakeup makes her too sickly looking. I love her hair though.
Did she get butt implants, I thought she used to have a flat rear.
Blake Lively in PPZ is truly, truly unfortunate.
I think she’s hoping she’ll get a vampire role on True Blood…
Is that tonnes of botox or just heaps of make-up??
I actually think ALM is one of the prettiest, healthy-looking (skinny, clearly, but not waify)starlets around but I’m not really understanding this outfit.
hmmmm…her ass IS looking very enviable there, and I seem to remember her as having quite the flat-ass in most bikini pics.
so, I’m going with padding.
and yeah, Aniston’s boots are great, but you didn’t even mention the PUPPY!
Great hair. Needs very different makeup. And she’s not smiling.
For the people wondering why her butt looks bigger in this picture, but looks flatter in others: she’s wearing very high heels, even though they are platforms. That tends to alter the appearance of ones back-side, making it look bigger or perkier than it might look otherwise.
High heels also accentuate different parts of the legs making them look longer, more fit, and shapelier.
I really do think she looks dead but also agree with the above post that she looks wasted. That ass is either padded or she got ass implants. I’ve seen her in a few things and in a ton of photos and never stopped and gawked at her ass but this got me gawkin’!
Ugh, I’ll pass on PPZ if Lively is the lead. Better off taking a risk on a nobody than using her. The book has a large enough fanbase where they could get away with it.
Also, lol all over that dolphin story. All of my friends are getting that link tonight.
Annalynne is gorgeous, she just fell victim to the same bad make-up trick of putting eyeshadow on under eye bags that J.lo did.
Snooki is looking awesome and I have absolutely no words for the dolphin guy.
She looks unwell.
Another Basic Bitch being pushed as some alluring beauty. Elizabeth Taylor, Dorothy Dandridge, Lena Horne, Lauren Bacall, Betty Paige, were alluring beauties.
She does have a great ass in that pic though. Surprising, since she is sticks and bones everywhere else.
Yep, I’m with previous posters. Nice rear end. Not a big fan of the outfit but gotta give her props on her body. She always appears fit and toned.
Nice ass ..but the rest of her.. yeaahhh, I’m going to have to go ahead and concur with corpsey mess.
I don’t know what to say…This look just fails.
oh wow.. she needs to fire whoever is doing her make-up ASAP. Her body is amazing though..!
I’m not sure who she is, but you nailed it.
Maybe her stylist is playing a prank on her?
She truly has a fantastic figure, but that face………………….ouch!!!!