Cele|bitchy | Jennifer Aniston does breast cancer awareness events in D.C., with Jill Biden

Jennifer Aniston does breast cancer awareness events in D.C., with Jill Biden


Here are some new photos of Jennifer Aniston and some of the other ladies involved in Lifetime’s Five, at the premiere in Washington, D.C. last night. Aniston didn’t get dressed up to the nines – she just wore a simple blazer and a great pair of black boots – I think those boots are the same ones she’s been wearing all over NYC. She looks nice.

Before the D.C. premiere, Aniston did a breast cancer awareness event with Jill Biden, wife of VPOTUS, in Alexandria, Virginia:

It’s not often you hear the names “Jill Biden” and “Jennifer Aniston” in the same sentence. But the two women came together today in support of breast cancer research, visiting the the Breast Care Center at the Inova Alexandria Hospital at Mark Center in Virginia.

The two chic blondes were joined by Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius and Kristin Hahn, co-producer of Aniston’s newest film project, “Five.” The Lifetime film series, composed of five short movies, chronicles different women’s experiences with breast cancer.

The four women toured the center and met with doctors, who listened to the group talk about their own experiences with cancer.

Biden said that her “personal involvement with breast cancer started 20 years ago when several of my friends got breast cancer,” compelling her to create a program in Delaware that invites doctors educate on the subject in classrooms.

Aniston, pool reports wrote, was particularly affected by nurse Ami Bhavsar, who spoke about the difficulties of helping patients without insurance.

The women’s outfits did not distract from the experience, as Biden wore a very SLOTUS-esque ensemble consisting of a purple jersey dress, nude pumps and a long, silver necklace. Aniston kept it cool in jeans and a black sweater.

One unexpected accessory? A heart-shaped ring on the movie star’s left hand, which had the press room buzzing after the event.

[From HuffPo]

You can see the photos from that event here, at the Mail, but there are also some shots where you can see Aniston’s rings in these premiere photos too.

In other Aniston news, do remember that she did a “Between Two Ferns” bit with Zach Galifianakis? Here’s the video:

Well, Zach discussed the behind-the-scenes story during a recent interview, and it’s just…weird:

Jennifer Aniston is long over her split from Brad Pitt — and according to Zach Galifianakis, she has no interest in taking a walk down memory lane. During the New Yorker Festival in New York City Saturday, the Hangover star revealed that the 42-year-old actress wasn’t keen on his idea to use a Pitt look-alike for his Between Two Ferns comedy segment on Funny or Die.

“I had found this guy [in our hotel] who looked exactly like Brad Pitt. I wanted to use that in some way,” Galifianakis, 42, recalled. “I said, ‘Jennifer, I have this guy who looks like Brad Pitt. I want to make it seem like I think it’s him.'”

“She looked at me like, ‘What the f–k?'” an embarrassed Galifianakis admitted. “And I totally agreed with her. How rude of me to do that! Why would she want to talk about that? She get inundated with that sh-t all the time. I totally understood.”

A dejected Galifianakis then met with the look-alike to “tell him sorry that we couldn’t do the bit.”

“People are pretty game, usually,” Galifianakis said of his guests on Between Two Ferns. “It’s a fun, stupid thing to do.”

After Aniston nixed his original idea, Galifianakis enlisted former MTV reality star Tila Tequila, 29, to appear in the skit. During the four-minute clip, Galifianakis made it clear that he favored Tequila, prompting Aniston to (jokingly) storm off.

[From Us Weekly]

So instead of a Brad Pitt look-alike, Aniston opted for Tila Tequila? That’s like Sophie’s Choice, dude. And I’m kind of surprised that Zach is so nice about the whole thing – this is the guy who will talk sh-t about any celebrity. But not Jennifer. Probably because she was game for pretty much anything – anything besides a Brad Pitt look-alike.





Photos courtesy of Fame.

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29 Responses to “Jennifer Aniston does breast cancer awareness events in D.C., with Jill Biden”

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  1. gee says:

    I don’t think that story is weird. I do think it’s weird that she’s wearing that horrific outfit though.

  2. vaylont says:

    I’m sorry to be that person but TT comes out as the more natural actor here. I actually like JA but she should stop touching her hair.

  3. Bite me says:

    Pretty smile aniston

  4. Embee says:

    My goodness Jeanne (sp?) Triplehorn just keeps getting prettier!

  5. emma says:

    Those boots are on fire. These “older” stars look better than the young ones.

  6. lucy2 says:

    Nice boots.
    If Jeanne Tripplehorn is in this, I sort of want to see it. She was always fantastic on Big Love.

  7. Julia says:

    I really dislike jen’s wide, hard and masculine looking face and neck. Those boots are a killer though and I like how she is dressed here !

    And Jeanne Triplehorn is just so lovely looking in a very womanly way. Every facial feature of her is so feminine and soft.

    I wish she would have done more movies. I like her as an actress.

  8. Apple says:

    Jen is smart enough to know if she did anything like that. The tabloids and gossip websites will hit her over the head with it a million times to twist new stories out of it.

    Zach was being funny but short sighted in how it will affect her long term. She would never ever hear the end of it.

    I guess she still doesn’t.

  9. Zelda says:

    She has been playing the sympathy card for way too long. She’s not talented, IF she has a successful movie it has NOTHING to do with her and all she has going for her is the fact that tabloids love writing about her. We can deny it all we want- she’s no different than a Jersey Shore media whore at this point…

  10. Zelda says:

    Good boots, though : )

  11. Ell says:

    Why is it weird that she wouldn’t want to be part of the Brad Pitt thing? She would have been accused of continuing the triangle, using her ex for fame or worse. Kaiser you would have jumped it.

  12. tracking says:

    Nice to see Aniston continuing the cancer research advocacy work she’s been doing for the past decade. Looking forward to “Five”=promos look great.

  13. Kim says:

    I think this event called for more dressy apparel than black jeans. She is trying so hard to be a “motorcycle” riding type girl for Justin which she isnt-at all. Again lacking her own self and morphing into what a guy wants. She needs therapy for her lack of self esteem. I dont hate her but i hate when girls lose themselves to who they are dating& she does this with every guy she dates. Its lame!

  14. anne_000 says:

    The more articles I see of Jennifer in NYC & elsewhere, the more I wonder if she’s ignoring her mother who’s just had a stroke in the past 2 weeks.

  15. Mac says:

    Certain people just make the world seem a little bit nicer. I consider Jennifer Aniston to be one of those people.

  16. Camille says:

    Why does Aniston always have her hair in her face? Her outfit is ok, but too casual for that type of event IMO.

    Have to say I agree with Julia^ in immensely disliking Anistons face and neck. She is so unattractive IMO.

    Jeanne Tripplehorn out shines all of them in that photo, she is such a lovely looking woman and so talented too.

  17. teddy says:

    Inapropriate choice of clothing to wear to a Jill Biden event. Phoney Pnoney Aniston is a SMOKER–Phoney emotion in the pictures- –but maybe better acting then she has shown in her recent love coms. flops.

    she cares only for herself and “her” film that she is pushing BTW: where are the other directors, Keyes and Moore?? She acts like she is the only person to represennt the work of many.
    Phoney to the core

  18. proudly Nigerian says:

    Wow,she looks fantastic!

  19. orion70 says:

    @teddy, people who have bad habits don’t forfeit the ability to care about other people or their conditions. Speaking as someone who has been treated for breast cancer, I can’t say I give a shit if people who support me are less than perfect.

  20. donnamae54 says:

    Lordy, Lordy, Jennifer Aniston have found the grace of the lord and charity, instead of Cabo, margaritas, and bringing the paps along to catch her bikini bud in the air, pretty soon she might be off to Africa, Not! she wouldn’t dare go in those surroundings, too phony for that! Leave that for the real deal Angelina Jolie, a true humanitarian. Look at JA atire so in-appropriate for a function with the Vic-presidents wife and teh fact it JA a major pr staff that constantly keep her name out there, seems as if she needs counseling from Angelina to school her on what to wear at charity affairs, as she slacks that experience.

  21. Kara Ann says:

    It look like all of the ladies color-coordinated beforehand. Everyone looks very good especially Triplehorn and Aniston.

    I can’t imagine the reaction had Jen done the comedy skit that Zach had proposed. Not surprised that she said no to that.

    @#20 donnamae54 – I think it is good of people to do something for other people to whatever degree that they do. No need to compare this one with that one. People should be encouraged to give according to their own desires/abilities or whatever. Many may not give the whole enchilada but why discourage them from giving whatever that they are comfortable with? I realize the comment was made probably because the aj/ja thing but it’s over, seriously. Let it go.

  22. Addie says:

    OBVIOUSLY she said no to the Brad look-alike thing!
    Everyone would have been screaming at her to let it go and get over it already.

    This just proves that it is OTHERS that are still invested in this Brad thing not Jennifer.

    @mac. Very beautiful thing to say.

  23. Cheyenne says:

    Tripplehorn looks great.

    I think Aniston could have dressed more appropriately for the occasion. Nice jacket and boots, but the jeans throw the whole outfit off.

  24. siska says:

    wow..eventhough jen done good things..people still take spat on it..why?..she already said she is so over the triangle and no comment on BP boring marriage stuff and even refuse to used the bP stuff ..and they still hate her..wow!!!
    please find kindness in your heart..live is to short.
    btw..her dress is simple..cause she isnt promote her movie..she promote a cancer cause..and eventhough she smoke didnt mean she not care about the cause..at least she make time to do..not like others who just love to critize and do nothing.

  25. siska says:

    Go jen!!!and all the her women warriors!!!

  26. shay kay says:

    Empathy is the ability to relate to someone else’s situation.Please don’t tell me that you believe a normal,healthy person wouldn’t be touched when confronted with women fighting for their very lives!You do not have to “like” someone to appreciate that everyone has finer qualities.This is a cause close to my own heart and I appreciate all these ladies bringing attention to it.
    In regard their appearances, I thought all the ladies were appropriate especially the lovely Triplehorn.

  27. Emma says:

    (Blinks) @Siska #24 … “btw..her dress is simple..cause she isnt promote her movie..she promote a cancer cause..and eventhough she smoke didnt mean she not care about the cause..at least she make time to do..not like others who just love to critize and do nothing.”

    Are you the same Siska who posts comments at ‘E’ online? Things must be slow down in Ian Halperin Land.

  28. donnamae54 says:

    Leopard don’t change their spots, and a persons actions speaks louder than words. Jennifer Aniston outfit at a charity event in the presence of the Vice president’s wife speaks volumes, not even promoting a cancer charity event she wants the spot light to be on her, boots and tight pants unforgiveable. Look at me see me out of the bunch what breast cancer, PLease! When JAtop trying to take center stage for every cause then she will make a believer out of many of us until then this woman is a fake!

  29. Mnj says:

    Please ppl if jennifer wouldnt be der this post wouldnt b here. As for the smokin it cause breast cancer not lung cancer and os her decision if she want to get lung cancer. As for clothes ders notin bad in it. (jolie wears heel too the park) so jen doesnt need any tips from her.