Kim Kardashian is “miserable” in her marriage, thinks she made a huge mistake


Just shoot me in the face now, because not only did I watch part of Kim Kardashian’s wedding special, I’m also prepared to talk about it. Granted, it made me sick so I ended up changing the channel after about 10 minutes, so I never saw anything past the “she’s picking out a dress from all of the sketches she got” part. But dear God, Kris Humphries is a much bigger douche than I originally thought. He’s such a horrible d-bag, I’m kind of rooting for Kim to get out of this marriage, and I’ll take her side and everything. Sure, I think Kim talked him into the marriage and wedding because he’s a dumbass who can be easily manipulated. But there’s also a reason why he was ripe for Kim’s devious machinations: he’s a moron, he’s rude, he’s unpleasant, and no other (sane) chick would touch that with a ten-foot pole.

Now, is he so awful, he only deserves a Kardashian? I’ll say this: I felt a twinge of sympathy for Kim, I honestly did. I’m not saying she didn’t ask for this, or that this wasn’t the story line she was hoping for (“Catfaced famewhore marries douche, chaos ensues”), but I’m saying that I feel bad that she has to spend time with someone who is clearly a douche. Anyway, according to Life & Style, Kim now realizes she made a huge mistake:

Kim Kardashian thought her dreams came true when she said “I do” to Kris Humphries on Aug. 20 — but now the cold, “hard” reality of their marriage is creeping in. Sources say that Kim’s completely torn apart by how married life is turning out — and that she’s totally let down by Kris. He’s not the man that she thought she married!

“Kim’s miserable,” a show source tells Life & Style magazine. “They’re always fighting.”

Kim’s said so herself. “I didn’t know marriage was going to be so hard,” she grieved to a friend at Clover Nails on Oct. 9 in NYC. “With all this travel and work, it’s been a big adjustment for both of us.”

“She doesn’t feel like she’s ready for the commitment,” a friend shares. “Kim feels this all happened too soon, that she didn’t take time to get to know Kris. She’s embarrassed — she rushed into things, and now she’s stuck.”

Kim fears that Kris is using her for fame. “Kim is definitely worried that Kris isn’t mature enough and could be using her for her money — especially since he’s not working right now with the NBA lockout,” says the show source. “He tries to have creative input in Kourtney & Kim Take New York. It’s her show, and he tries to dominate it.”

Kris has also caused Kim to put her baby making plans on hold because he’s not sure where, or if, he’ll be playing basketball next year.

Kim’s not happy that they haven’t settled into a real home and are stuck at the Gansevoort Park Avenue hotel in NYC. She’s unable to cook meals for Kris — and in turn, he has left Kim at the hotel on occasion and gone to grab burgers with his buddies.

Now, Kim’s heading for a separation as she travels to Dubai and Australia. “Kris is not invited — she’s leaving him behind,” notes the source.

[From Hollywood Life]

And so goes another fairy tale romance down the drain. Like anybody really thought Kim and Kris would last, I know. So, what are the theories on how this is all going to play out? Here’s my guess: Kim and Kris will stay married, but in the months to come, Kim is going to be “traveling” more on “business” – just to stay away from Kris. And then Kris will cheat on her and it will become public and Kim will file for divorce and play the “wronged woman” storyline. And babies will never happen. I see that all going down within a year.



Here are some photos of Kim arriving at the UAE yesterday:



Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame.

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135 Responses to “Kim Kardashian is “miserable” in her marriage, thinks she made a huge mistake”

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  1. Liz says:

    damn, I could have finished that degree I could never afford and then some with the money it took for these dirtbags to advertise their fake union

  2. gee says:

    See Kim, there are worse things than being single: being trapped in a marriage for the sake of being married.

  3. kaligula says:

    Within a year, I agree. She’s way too sophisticated for him. Her next husband will be an older Russian billionaire (or something along those lines), who wants to bet?

  4. Elizabeth S. says:

    Oh, come awwwwn. I can’t be the only one who thinks this is entirely played for the media, right? Right?

    That’s the problem with living your life in the public eye. People – especially cynics like me – start to assume that everything is fake.

  5. Rita says:

    If indeed Kris Humphries is a douche, he’s found the perfect home. There is a God.

  6. brin says:

    It’s all going to play out the way the script is written because he may be a douche but the Kardashians are supreme famewhores who live their lives in front of a tv camera.

  7. Firecracker says:

    Oh, please! WTF did she think would happen? She got married for the f’in show. It was all a huge scam from the beginning. This is the out that we all figured would happen.

  8. Bermuda Blues says:

    He’s douchey, but he’s also only 25. And I think Kim is just as douchey, and she’s 30, and she’s already been married.

    Ex. It was dick of Kim to explicitly tell Kris she was going to take his name, and then not do it. Just don’t tell him you are going to in the first place, no need to make promises your fat a$$ can’t cash. It was also dick of her to tell him to disinvite his friends and family because the venue that she and her mother picked couldn’t hold them all. Did you see his bachelor party? It was all her friends and her family. His friends/family were nowhere to be found.

    I’d be douchey too if I realized that I had no say whatsoever in the course of my life.

  9. ladybert62 says:

    Sorry neither he nor she get any sympathy from me. She was married before and should have some idea of the commitment, responsibilities involved. He is no angel either.

    I believed they each married the other to gain fame and fortune. They deserve each other and I hope they stay married and miserable (and barren – as I would not want to drag innocent kids into this marriage purgatory) for years!!!

    Yes, I am a mean shallow witch.

  10. Kate says:

    If the ratings are down, the storyline will play out within the next 6 months, not a year.

  11. Hollowdoll says:

    He is the guy walking behind her having a spiritual moment?

  12. sundaygal says:

    Why does she insist on wearing the most unflattering clothes? Sweet Jesus.

  13. fabchick says:

    All that money down the drain. Damn shame. Kim’s face doesn’t as cattish in the second set of pics. It looks like it is fuller or something. Maybe its the makeup ,less countouring maybe..Idk but it looks better imo.

  14. Talie says:

    I agree, Kris came off like a nasty piece of work. Someone else would throw a pebble and he would come back with a boulder. Very immature and spiteful.

  15. Delta Juliet says:

    I feel no sympathy. It’s not like she HAD to marry him. If he’s that much of a douche, and she married him that quick, what does that make her?

  16. Kmw says:

    I actually like kris he dosent fall in line like lamar does…dare I say I like scott too. Scott and Kris dont really take the crap from the sisters and especially the mom like bruce and lamar do.

  17. Heatheradair says:

    Wide-legged pants would have helped out that bottom outfit A LOT.

    It’s what the “What Not to Wear” people always like to remind us — the line of the pants should fall straight down from your hips.

    Soo — I don’t recall — there WAS an ironclad pre-nup, right? RIGHT? Because she’s gonna need it.

    Frankly, I’d love an official Kim-Kanye hookup — they’re both self-obsessed famemongers who are their own biggest fans. But they’d sure look good together……

  18. anne_000 says:

    Bull crap.

  19. k says:

    I’m still looking for the hard evidence that proves he’s a douche. That article reads like it came straight from a publicist.

  20. Mikki says:

    I can’t scrounge up any sympathy for her – she was so desperate to get married she had to rush into it with the first fool that went along with her plan. Now it doesn’t work out the way she thought so it’s going to be drama and divorce court. Grow up Kim.

  21. Rhiley says:

    I am sure Mama Kris will try to squeeze one reality show out of this marriage before she will allow them to divorce, but they will, and it will probably be very Eva Longoria/Tony Parkeresque. One other thing, I hope Kim wears diapers because she always looks like she is dropping a load in her pants.

  22. Christine says:

    She gets what she deserves, and so does he. No sympathy whatsoever for either of them.

  23. lucy2 says:

    Well, that didn’t take long. Of course, they have to wring as much tabloid drama out of this as possible, so I’m sure there will be a few months of fighting, divorce rumors, vacations to save the marriage, baby rumors, cheating rumors, etc. Eventually they’ll split, giving her more attention for the divorce, and the inevitable “Kim Moves On…” stories. Barf.

    Love how she acts like this was her first marriage too. They’re all awful.

  24. Betty says:

    I’m thinking it’s time to retire the word “douche”.
    I vow to never click on any Kardashian post ever… THIS I SWEAR!!!

  25. gamblea says:

    She’s a walking publicity stunt – she married him for the tv/rag money, she’ll divorce him for the tv/rag money.

  26. Kimble says:

    Short girls should not wear pants like that! Correction, I’m not sure ANYONE should wear pants like that!

    He has seemed like a dick since the beginning – did anyone watch them in Bora Bora? He’s very immature and has no social filter …

    I’ll have $5 on him cheating and the divorce filing within a year …

  27. MacScore says:

    @ladybert62 (#9) – your final sentence may be true, but I like you.

  28. Quest says:

    They absolutely deserve each other. I am sorry but this is how I feel just like her sisters deserve their other halves. It’s all for the money/fame.

  29. dorothy says:

    This marriage was for a T.V. show, for money and for ratings. Duh, it’s no suprise it’s in trouble.

  30. Dawn says:

    Oh come on Humphries is not all that bad. She is simply a horrible person who settled because she wanted the media attention. She has no talent and as far as I can tell neither does her family BUT they are becoming billionaires because the public somehow find them interesting. Why should anyone whose only claim to fame is a sex tape and Reggie Bush be THIS big? And no I don’t mean her behind. The fact that this family has become what it has become is simply and totally insane. I don’t care if you think he’s a douche he is still one thousand times better than her and her entire family. If anyone is growing tired I am sure its him.

  31. tia says:

    He loves his dogs, so he scored big in my eyes. I love a human being who loves animals. Kim on the other hand is a complete flake.. she takes foooorever to form a sentence and then when she does it is soooooooooooo friggin annoying. Seriously… wth?? is going on with her?? Pathetic!! Kris run while you can, and get someone who isn’t a shameful wierdo.

  32. Jackson says:

    Meh. She knew what she was getting into and she got what she wanted. It’ll only be a mistake if their tv ratings drop.

  33. ladybert62 says:

    Thanks MacScore! I needed that!

    Sometimes I feel a teeny bit guilty for saying bad things but then again, it is my honest opinion and this is the place to vent those bitchy feelings- ha ha!

    Love, Celebitchy!!!

  34. Lady of the Lake says:

    Hey – totally disagree about Kris H. In spite of myself I watched the goings-on, and felt that he was unexpectedly sweet and charming (and spoke many truthful comebacks), even as he was pounced upon by various K family members, especially Khloe. Yes he’s young, and goodness knows why he didn’t get out when he had so many misgivings. Perhaps it was totally a publicity vehicle all around. Also – it was so noticeable that there was barely any screen time for his immediate family in the wedding coverage. Now whose call was that, I wonder! Mama K? The producers? I really thought Mama K came off the worst – so controlling! And that is an understatement! Momager or not. But Kris H is a (very) big boy, and he should have known better. Maybe he really loves/loved Kim, or maybe they’re just all in it for the money after all. Duh.

  35. Tierra says:

    This whole thing is nothing but script for her show. Everything from the marriage to the problems and the next step… The divorce is ALL FOR THE SHOW!!

    No sympathies here since it was all a staged wedding and ‘marriage’. There are no real feelings here from either one of them. I can see momma pimp writing in ‘problems’ just for the drama effect to keep rating going.

  36. velourazure says:

    yes, poor kim kardashian. so sad that she lives in saudi arabia and was forced into an arranged marriage with her father’s 67 year old business partner and will now live her life behind a veil of servitude and abuse.

    sorry, but no sympathy here for a kardashian for anything, ever.

  37. The H says:

    Why am I commenting?? I don’t know. I agree with Rita.

  38. DemoCat says:

    Is the waaaambulance still available???

  39. jesa says:

    I like Kris H. I think he has a strong sense of himself like about not being a spendthrift, or crying over 75,000 earrings when you propably shouldn’t have them in the first place, he loves his dogs, he won’t be bullied by that pack of women, and I’m suspecting as soon as the ink was dry he reined her in a bit. I think he had reservations about marrying her, but I think he thought he could handle it. I wish him luck, you don’t undo 30 years of spoiled, selfish, me, me, me, behavior in a few weeks. In a way it would be good for Kim to have a baby bcause then she would finally love someone other than herself. If I feel sorry for anyone I feel sorry for Kris H. he has a long tough row to hoe.

  40. Sue says:

    to Kaligula: Kim… sophisticated? OMG- who are you kidding?

  41. kristen says:

    He was rude but Im not saying anything until Kim does!

  42. MarenGermany says:

    this is probably a media stunt, too.
    I mean, now that she is married she has got to keep the press machine rolling, right?

    If this is not a stunt, haha, plus Kaiser is spot on with the prognosis for the coming year.

  43. kristen says:

    Im such a fan of the show I watched part 1 last night now Have to watch part 2 cant wait!

  44. Happy21 says:

    I do NOT watch anything to do with this pathetic family but what I can see and how these played out in the media, it seems like Kris H is as big of a famewhore as she is. He’s always smiling and shit. I have no idea if he is a douche, I know he loves his dogs. Kim is a spoiled, ditz who has no talent. The wedding was forced for money and TV show ratings.

    As far as Kim being miserable. I highly, highly doubt that she would ever in a million years admit that unless he was abusive. Then it’d be like oh poor Kim K, what an a-hole she married. If she admitted to being miserable, everyone would say “I told you so”.

    She is going to force this to last as long as humanly possible because of all of the naysayers.

    Ok. Can she just go away please?

  45. City says:

    He is a Minnesota Boy….they grow them different here in the midwest. More quiet, showing their wit and humor with one liners. Kim actually spend a good deal of time in our town this summer because his parents have a place here. It was rumored that they were looking at lakeside properties here because Kim liked that ‘people didn’t bother her here’. Really, it’s just the minnesota nice thing….they may be thinking it, but would never say it. Plus, I think they are just not impressed over all.

    I did not watch the wedding special, so didn’t notice any of Kris’ behavior. However if you took my Minnesota boy husband and threw him into the middle of that circus, he would probably come off as a jerk because he would hate it, but endure it for me (if that makes any sense). I tried to tell my hubby i was going to keep my own name to which he laughed and said it was a deal breaker….they are just that traditional here.

    Everyone has an adjustment period when they get married….

  46. City says:

    One more thing….no one ever thought the Khloe and Lamar thing would last this long either.

  47. Kitten says:

    God. I love how “the press” and Kim and all her idiot friends and family completely ignore the fact that she was not only married before, but for 4 years. How does she NOT know what marriage is about??

  48. GiGi says:

    My favorite part – “she is unable to cook meals for Kris” due to being “stuck” in a hotel.

    I’m no Kardashian, but even I don’t stay in a hotel room without a kitchen (I have 3 young kids). Aside from that, I doubt the real downfall of their marriage is her inability to prepare food for her husband. I like to cook for my family but, trust, we would not fold without it. It’s not 1950.

  49. Victoria says:



  50. Jayna says:

    She just wanted her wedding and to be proposed to and the huge ring. She is in a me me mode in her life and won’t do the real work necessary for a marriage. I actually came away thinking he is levelheaded for his age except for getting sucked into the Kardashian madness.

  51. dena says:

    Who in their right mind believes ANY of this is real? It’s a soap opera, machinated by Pimp Momma Kartrashian.

  52. Jezi says:

    I watched a bit of this as well *hangs head in shame* and I have to say, I felt bad for Kris H. He isn’t the brightest bulb in the box but I think he got caught up in this “situation”. We know damn well, he did not propose to Kim, because no way in hell he could afford a million dollar, 20 carat engagement ring. But I did feel bad for the way her family behaved. And what made me really annoyed was when Khloe had the nerve to comment about Kris’ intentions when she herself got married in a matter of 2 seconds after meeting Lamar. Khloe, those who live in glass houses…and they were being bitches to him. What also bothered me is Kim’s inability to defend her man. She wanted him to go all gangsta on her brother’s ass for her but when he was being bullied she just sat by and batted her fake lashes. Watch…Kris H. is probably the real genious, marrying the rich girl and divorcing with a nice chunk of change. Even with a prenup 😉

  53. TG says:

    I have to disagree Kris H seems a little immature but he tells it like it is and I don’t see what he sees in her. She is so shallow and can’t think for herself. And how in the heck is this marriage going to work anyway he loves dogs and is low key and she hates pets and is a diva. I love Minnesota so Kim can stay out. People really show their ignorance when they talk about tipping cows and being country. Minnesota is a beautiful state and has very smart people living there. Just go to the St. Paul/Minneapolis area and you will see it is cosmopolitan too. If you noticed it looked more like Kim was going to marry her mom they spent the most time together. None of those girls can make a decision on their own and Kris called it right. Such as the name change she was going to change it until she had her consultation with her mom and sisters. Rob is a loser but their mom is the worst. I can’t stand her.

    I will say though Kim seems to love her nephew so she isn’t 100% selfish just 99.9% but as I said yesterday Humphs isn’t totally innocent he knows what he is getting into here.

  54. Lisa says:

    Oh Lord! Why is he a d-bag? Because he calls them out on their lies? Because he dares to say what everyone knows! Team Kris! Kim seriously needs someone to bring her back down to earth. Have you stopped to think this is why he says the things he says because he wants to bring the family back down to earth?

  55. Lindsey says:

    I don’t feel one ounce of sympathy for either one of these buffoons. And didn’t Kim get like $19 MILLION to get married on teevee? Gimme a break.

  56. Str8Shooter says:

    @dena: Truer words could not be spoken! Once the inevitable ratings plunge happens, they will separate…then REUNITE!!!

    Anyone that believes this skank married for anything more than an extra 15 minutes of fame has to be out of their mind!

  57. Emma says:

    @ GiGi
    Right, as if she is dying to “cook” every meal for him. That’s the biggest bunch of b.s. Besides, in one of the episodes when they were dating, they made a reference to his apt in NYC. She said she didnt want to stay in his “dorm” of an apt. Sooo….they have opted to stay in a hotel. The Kardashians are pros at taking something and twisting it to make them look like a victim. She is so spolied, nothing is good enough aside from her mansion in CA.

  58. little girl lost says:

    these two don’t look like they are even from the same species. and neither human at that. A giant and an Oompa-Loompa.

  59. Kim says:

    She married for money and tv ratings and magazine covers. She is the BIG mistake. The whole KarTRASHian family is a BIG, SCARY mistake.

  60. Turd Ferguson says:

    Nobody saw this marriage failing.
    She is a miserable, fake POS and will NEVER have a real, normal relationship or life because she will never love ANYONE as much as the wax figure she see’s in the mirror looking back at herself.

  61. Kim says:

    I dont think they legally got married. I think it was all fake for tv then more magazine covers about miserable marriage then more about impending divorce or Kris cheating on her. This is a “media” marriage for money.

  62. Emily says:

    What did he do on the show that made you think that? (I refused to watch, on principle)

  63. Ogechi says:

    Dear Lord, I would be torn if this happens. Kim deserves to be happy!!!

  64. Blue says:

    Okay first of all I have to say, good serves her right! Secondly I totally agree with the storyline with what is going to happen in their relationship. Being the idiot she is though, she will jump into another relationship and get knocked up right away.

  65. Micah says:

    Let’s call this for what it is….

    Kim got married because she wanted headlines and to create a spectacle so everyone would pay attention.

    This “ballooned out” wedding was done more for show (money and fame), than for the actual reality of taking a vow seriously.



  66. the original bellaluna says:

    If you “don’t think you’re ready for the commitment” DON’T GET MARRIED. DUH.

    I don’t feel sorry for her, I WON’T feel sorry for her.

    When a famewhore lies down with a douche, this is what happens. (See Kourtney and Dick.)

    And I don’t believe he’s that bad. I think it’s editing to make Lardassian the “oh poor little me victim” of the big bad mean dude.

    Except he’s from Minnesota, and manners are freakin’ INBRED there. The “polite” gene is inherent. So I’m calling bullshit, right here, right now.

  67. bee says:

    Kim has no intention of moving to Minnesota. There is clip that was edited from the wedding special where Kim tells Kris Humphries she is not moving to Minnesota, that Los Angeles is her home. Kim also said this last week to Hoda on the Today Show that Los Angeles is her home.

  68. Truthful says:

    I’ll never undestnd WHY he married her–he hates everything that they are about.

    he hates women that wear a ton of make-up–said it on their show, he does not want children anytime soon. He also hates rich people that whine about losing jewels, that are insured anyway–the 75,000 earring episode. He said if you whine over losing it, you couldn’t afford it in the first place. Kim’s face was livid.

    I do not feel sorry for her AT ALL.

    I see the media is on their campaign to sully Kris and his actions.

    He is still a kid, Kim nds to marry someone her own age and who understands their fake money grubbing lives.

    Kris’s ex gf stated that he loves “natural girls” that can go w/the flow and don’t have to wear makeup and have their hair done professionally everyday, someone that wears sneakers once in a while. She was shocked they were together.

    In an interview, it was said that Kim stalked him and wanted him–he said he was surprised and almost did not know how to react.

    Mama Jenner will not be controlling this one.

    Please do not answer the phone Reggie Bush–don’t pick up the damn line.

  69. Liz says:

    I’m with ‘@k’

  70. april says:

    Go Minnesota! I’m a Twin Cities girl. I was prepared not to like Kim and Kris but when I saw them together on Jay Leno and then on Ellen I was pleasantly surprised how much I liked Kris H. and I also liked them as a couple. Overall, I liked him better than her.

  71. Deven says:

    This how the brain-dead live their over-inflated lives in public and reap what they sow. This no-talent family needs to be sent very far away where they’d ultimately have to learn to live life as semi-normals or not be allowed back.

  72. Chris says:

    Don’t have too much sympathy for him, but why would you take her side? What a rotten person she is….when will she go away?

  73. whitedaisy says:

    Dear Kim,

    Did you know that the winters here can be 6 months long? Why last winter we had a cold spell that stretched for 2 months averaging 10 degrees! But boy those blue skies and endless horizons of white snow sure are pretty.


  74. Lady D says:

    “Yes, I am a mean shallow witch.” Ya, but you rock anyway.

  75. Tristyn says:

    This trashy b**ch is miserable!.!.!.! What about the American people who are subjected to their vile behavior..

  76. mella says:

    @Truthful if he likes natural girls then he married the wrong one here. Everything down to her body is fake including her hair. He also married her for the wrong reason if he doesn’t like girls like that.

  77. Anna says:

    When I read “she made a huge mistake” I thought of Arrested Development.

    I’ve made a huge mistake.

  78. lisas says:

    I like the black and white spotted dress.

  79. Brenda says:

    He’s exactly what she deserves. She was so focused on that huge debacle that they call a wedding that she didn’t really care about what it all meant. It was just for the cash and ratings. Kris was just an accessory in the wedding ( he even told her she could just slot any other guy in as a groom. Kris may be a douche, but I like that he doesn’t put up with her crap. I don’t feel bad for her at all.

  80. Camille says:

    Kaiser- your whole last paragraph is EXACTLY what I am thinking is going to happen with these 2.
    All of their drama seems like a storyline worked out in advance for their show and its done to garner tons of sympathy for old Katface when this farce of a marriage crumbles.
    I can just see it now. Tons of pity parties and Katface screaming at the ocean. *shudder*

    Someone please make it stop!!

  81. hillbilly in the corner says:

    Last check from all the wedding money must have cleared ….Nows she moving on to a new money making scam and he is being disposied off….Thats all it was…Do you REALLY think they spent that much money on that wedding…HAAAA
    it was almost all freebees and payed for by the venders for free advertizing and they even payed her….She make about 14 million on that wedding…now its time to move on sooooo bye bye marriage……

  82. Stacia says:

    She manipulated him into marrying her. He’s only like 26 and still not very mature(which is not an insult).Two extremes..she’s sophisticated, mature and narcissistic and he seems quite the opposite.

    Well that’s what you get when you trap a man into marrying you for the sake of a TV show.

    Ryan Seacrest presents..

    “Kris and Kim’s Costly and Impending Divorce”

  83. Onyx XV says:

    Cuz she did make a huge mistake! Not a big Kim fan or anything, but I do think it’s pretty clear she deserves someone way better than the idiot she chose.

  84. ShanKat says:

    The person who is actually holding all the pimp cards isn’t Pimp Mama Kris…

    …it’s Ryan effing Seacrest. He’s beating PMK at her own game. For every dollar all shows Kardashian make, he gets 51 cents.

  85. mel says:

    Be careful what you ask for. lol

  86. Madisyn says:

    How can Kim be miserable? They’re rarely together. You can count on one hand the number of times they’ve been photographer together.

    As for Minnesota, never gonna happen. Not too many paps in MN. Kim’s going to go where the cameras are and they’re not in MN.

  87. Jennifer says:

    If it’s true what they say, (Kim forced him into this marriage), then I feel that the majority of the blame should be placed on her. She wanted it, she has it and NOW she wants to complain that they rushed into things and didn’t spend enough time getting to know each other?

    …. NEXT !

  88. Queen says:

    I watched some of this show, his voice is SO annoying. It really bothered me that he told Khloe how dare she make comment on someone elses marriage when he had questioned her marriage when he first met the family

  89. says:

    Almost completely agree. BUT I think she’s going to have a kid and then he’s going to cheat- I can totally see her upping the ante to be an even bigger victim- ” he cheated and I’m eight months pregnant” is going to be on every magazine by next June.

  90. Cherry Rose says:

    I don’t feel bad for either of them. But if I did, it would be for Kris H., not Kim. After all, he has to deal with both vapid Kim and her pushy pimptastic mother, not to mention her obnoxious sisters.

    I watched the very end of the wedding special, and Jesus, it was every bit as fake as I imagined. It was obviously all about Kim and what she wore and blah blah blah. God help anyone who has to be married to her.

  91. Belle Epoch says:

    Agree with all the comments! He is an uncouth Lurch, totally over his head. She is a greedy bitch. The marriage was a business opportunity and she made millions. But oopsy – it was a wedding! Who knew?

    I think Kim thought being Mrs. Humphries would make her a respectable married lady and magically erase the getting-peed-on-sex-tape. Not gonna happen. No Prince Charming will ever be seen with her.

  92. G says:

    The K’s really need to watch out for being overexposed. They’re there, IMHO. Disappear for a while. It’s amazing that they don’t get that the sheer ostentation of this wedding engenders public resentment. From a performance perspective, marital tension is the next obvious story. No one watching the soap opera wants to hear the’re happy. That’s not a “story.”

    Show aside, real life, when you consider the marriage, I think that “blame” is the wrong word when things don’t work out. “Mistake” is a better one, and if it comes to that acknowledging that they made one and wishing each other well is best for both. That would just be extra hard to do, considering the recent extravaganza.

  93. bondbabe says:

    Careful what you wish for; you might just get it!!!!!

  94. taxi says:

    Kim pushed for marriage to get TV buzz & money. She didn’t get enough publicity with the first marriage to keep her fantasies rolling. Poor dumb Kris was probably the only one she could rope in. After all, a lot of men wouldn’t want to marry Kim-of-the-Sex-Tape. Anybody watch Khloe (the Kow) on Celebrity Apprentice? Trump didn’t fire her, he threw her off!!
    No sympathy for Kim at all. I do feel sorry for Kris & the negative publicity he gets for being mixed up with this trashy family.

  95. anonymoose says:

    Oh gee, if only she’d have stayed “single and celibate” for her 30th year, like she vowed to when she was 29. Live and learn, Kimmy, live and learn! Take a long vacay and think things over, we won’t miss you.

  96. Semper says:

    Am I supposed to feel the least bit surprised or sympathetic that her fake marriage is already crumbling?

  97. Denise says:

    There is a whole lot of douchery to go around; I watched some episodes from last season and I agree with the assessment of his personality. Khloe would kick his ass in a heartbeat. Sorry for Kim, but she walked into this monstrosity with her Eyes open. If he gets traded after the lockout, there will be serious drama because there is no way she will be living in the boonies. Unless he becomes abusive, she better suck it up.

  98. ManicPixieDreamGirl says:

    “Kim Kardashian is “miserable” in her marriage, thinks she made a huge mistake.” That’s what happens when you get married just so you can have a 4 hour wedding special on E! Hope she made him sign a pre-nup.

  99. colt13 says:

    Not a surprise. Kim’s been looking for a replacement for Reggie ever since. She got the athlete, but not the right fit.

  100. colt13 says:

    I forgot, Kim and Kris with the quick wedding is similar to Khloe and Lamar. What is freaky about Kim copying Khloe is that I forgot that Khloe dated Rashad McCants when he played for Minnesota.

  101. Alix says:

    She didn’t know marriage was going to be so hard? Odd words coming from a divorcee. This is what happens when you’re more interested in the wedding than in the life that comes after it.

  102. JaneWonderfalls says:

    Kim knew what she was doing. All for the PR, I guess even she can get tired of being an attention whore. Plus “Lerch” is annoying as hell, why would anyone want to even pretend to be married to him is beyond me. I find nothing he’s say every to be funny if anything he’s just dull and stupid! —–>

  103. madpoe says:

    Sex tape. No regrets, just milk it! Marriage run for dem there hills!
    She keeps that message on a sticky on her mirror.

  104. laura says:

    I cannot believe anyone feels sorry for Kim! Have you seen the show for even 5 minutes? Did you see Kim tell Kris he needed to get a better place in NY b/c she couldnt live ‘in lesser circumstances than she’s become accustomed to’? Did you hear her mock his home state? And did you hear his rebuttal which was hysterical..’Kim, 4 years ago you were selling clothes in a boutique in the valley…now you’re miss princess?’ bahahahahahahaha

    She is an ugly cow – and by ugly I mean her personality and her soul. He is down to earth, if awkward socially.

  105. PleaseICU says:

    I think Kim wants to be married but doesn’t want an actual marriage if that makes any sense. She wants the label and relationships status but not the actual relationship that goes with it.

    That’s why the guy didn’t matter. She wanted the wedding and the PR and money associated with the wedding and to be able to say she’s a Mrs. But in no way do I think she wanted/wants an actual marriage and everything that comes after the wedding.

  106. bettyrose says:

    No sympathy. Not for her or for anyone who gets married just for the wedding (which, sadly, is really just women).

  107. bettyrose says:

    @ NancyPants, I think she’s Armenian but in any case ethnic attacks only make you look bad. Judging people based on their character is fair game.

  108. Jules says:

    She looks like an overinflated blow up sex doll.

  109. Tammi says:

    hmmm,Kris takes to the camera quite well whats in it for him?

  110. marisa says:

    Not surprised. I’m sure that she can find a man that can breathe with his mouth closed.

  111. Dani says:

    God forgive me but I also watched the wedding show. I actually felt sorry for Kim when she was looking through her father’s old shirts because she wanted to have part of the material sewn into her 3 wedding dresses. But when she started to cry, her face was just one big doughy blob unable to emote. Man you could really see all the botox at that point. Plus her eye looks wonky in one of those pics also. It just baffles me. She was much prettier before all the tweaking.

  112. Valerie says:

    I think they are just young. Young couples fight.

  113. EscapedConvent says:

    LadyBert, I don’t think your comment is mean or witch-like at all! You were thinking ahead to the possibility that these two assclowns might drag an innocent child, the perfect accessory, into their unholy alliance. Only the child from The Omen deserves that.

  114. meow says:

    The whole thing with Kim’s wedding that I was annoyed with was how they kept emphasizing how little girls dream of their wedding day. Also the part where she cried for her dad missing her “big day”. She has been married before. This was her second wedding. They didn’t mention that once. In the past when she spoke about it, she acts like it was a quicky mistake vegas marriage, but she was married for like 3 years.

  115. Jennmarie says:

    Ok I get lots of y’all find Kim annoying and all (totally understandable) but y’all really think she would get married just for the money? That seems crazy to me. She has plenty of money and she didn’t need to have a fake marriage to get more. :).

  116. Terry says:

    In the wedding special, the Kardashian family’s ignorant attitude towards Minnesotans was on full display. As a Midwesterner, the East Coast/West Coast willful disregard/contempt towards us gets old. Multiple fortune 400 companies, top universities/colleges, and health care corporations call Minnesota home. People have an extremely good standard of living and work hard. Something these girls could learn something about.

  117. Rebeka says:

    She wears so much makeup everyday! Of course everything is fake!

  118. Lucretias says:

    Dear Minnesota,
    I used to live right near by you in North Dakota. You are beautiful and having lived in 30 below (windchild 60 below) weather in ND, 10 is nothing. I would not stay either as I do not want to continue to have SAD!

    TEAM KRIS (H)!

  119. sassy says:

    exactly dena. we are discussing soap opera characters. i hate these ppl.

  120. Ronnie says:

    Rubbish,n dey wasted such ridiculous amount of gud cash on d so cald ”fairy tale” wedn.

  121. the original bellaluna says:

    Right. Because a made-for-tv-ratings marriage is her BIGGEST mistake.

    Bitch, please. Sit down and shut up ho.

  122. Original Bee says:

    @tia, Kris also scored points with me due to his love for his dogs. And the fact that he wouldn’t let “Princess” Kim shove them in crates at night. I hope Kim doesn’t convince him to get rid of the dogs, since she obviously hates them. This is a woman who let herself get peed on in a sex tape. But, dogs in her bed is too unsanitary? Kris’ dog love is his only redeeming quality at this point. Otherwise he’s an immature a**. He actually grew a mustache just to assert some control. The man’s a child.

  123. Original Bee says:

    @NancyPants that arabs comment was really offensive and racist. You should be ashamed.

  124. Bad Fairy says:

    This whole thing has got to be staged. Is anyone really buying this?

  125. GlitterSha says:

    I dont believe any of this is true- its all a scripted “reality” show/tabloid ploy with a fake couple and a fake marriage…
    That being said- HOW PISSED is Paris Hilton??
    KKK’s are a MULTI-MILLION dollar empire off of famewhoring their Asses off. They not only beat her at her own game- they kicked her diseased ass out of it. Bitch couldnt get arrested in this town if she changed her last name to Lohan… I bet everytime she sees those E! commercials and mag stands she dies JUST a little inside, and that’s reason enough for me to keep them around! 🙂

  126. SailorAlphaCentauri says:

    I am so glad that you said what you did about Kris! I’ve never liked his smug ass and he got on my damned nerves from the very beginning. While I do not have much sympathy for her (especially since Kim let him talk crap about Khloe’s marriage being fake, but he ignores the fact that his wife got $17 million dollars to marry him), she shouldn’t stay in a marriage in which she is unhappy. And if he really was so laid back and not about material things, wouldn’t he try to avoid being on TV as much as possible?

  127. The Original Ashley says:

    I didn’t see the wedding special but it seems like it would be him having buyers remorse not her. He seemed grounded, while she seemed like a spoiled brat who could only think money, Money, MONEY.

    And if she’s one going through buyer’s remorse it’s because he wasn’t a big enough star. Khloe’s married to championship winner, while she’s stuck with a dud who may or may not have a job next year. I bet she’s livid. Especially since she’s always trying to one up her sisters.

    If it makes her feel better, Scott’s still the biggest loser. Though it must piss her off that Kourtney doesn’t give a damn and couldn’t care less about marrying a rich man.

  128. bett says:

    they are both immature and young. They need to focus more on marriage values and work together to resolve their issues. Kim should focus less on materialistic things and spend more time with Kris.

  129. eternalcanadian says:

    *points and laughs*

  130. Ciciani says:

    ha ha ha…fake relationship fake everything!
    ..i hate the way she tries to copy Jlo
    such a phoney!

  131. unekia says:

    honestly she should have just stayed with reggie and i knew they wasnt go be together for long i mad ass hell i wasted my time looking at her wedding now she want out thats y kim is not my fav kardashian khole is but kris was not made for kim u seen that on the show that was so different in so many ways but she just had to get married ..hey kim y wont u just be like kourtney and not get married…

  132. J Katz says:

    She didn’t make a mistake, she made 17 mil. Wonder how much the televised divorce will bring the family.

  133. Ify says:

    No doubt, Kim is a very beautiful lady. Carried herself with respect as professional in what she does. She made a huge mistake marrying to NBA kris who has no respect for her or her mother.

  134. NM says:

    It’s really hard to keep a marriage alive, when it’s based on big diamonds and money, and not love! Oh wait, that’s what this was all about!!!

  135. Kerrie says:

    Kim has had too much plastic surgery. She used to look beautiful, now she looks strange and fake. Their wedding seemed fake and it doesn’t shock me that their marriage is the same.