“Jack Osbourne is going to be somebody’s father” links


Jack Osbourne is going to be somebody‘s father. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Teabagger clothing line! FINALLY. [Dlisted]
Scarlett Johansson‘s hacker has been caught. Yay? [Gawker]
The best case I can make for Armie Hammer is that my mom loves him. [LaineyGossip]
GIFs from The Avengers. Once again, MORE RENNER, PLS. [Pajiba]
Nicki Minaj blows all of her money on wigs. [Go Fug Yourself]
Hello, Joshua Jackson. You look hot. [Pop Sugar]
Samuel L. Jackson is on Twitter now? [The Blemish]
Have you been watching The New Girl? Um, it‘s pretty good. [A Socialite Life]
Michael Douglas as Liberace is happening. [Evil Beet]
Gwen Stefani & Kingston – Kingston is so adorable. [ICYDK]
Demi Moore‘s Ann Taylor shoot (from a few months ago). [Life & Style]
No joke, this is one of the funniest cheerleader videos ever. [OMG Blog]
Jared Padalecki is having a baby too. [Seriously? OMG! WTF?]
Demi Lovato does look different here. [Yeeeah]
Jessica is terrified of Paula Deen. FOR WHY? [INFDaily]
Why do you even want to listen to Toby Keith? [Videogum]


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23 Responses to ““Jack Osbourne is going to be somebody’s father” links”

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  1. NaomiCampbellsPhone says:

    …and Ozzy’s going to be a Grandad! “SharOOOOOOON! I’ve lost the f***ing baby”

  2. Sarah says:

    I always thought he was kind of cute. You’re welcome!

  3. jen says:

    Grandpa Ozzy, LOL.

    Totally off topic here’s a funny joke my friend just emailed me about Stewie from Family Guy:

    Stewie bought a new iPhone, then Steve Jobs died.

    Next he got a Blackberry, then it died. (network has been down for the last 2 days).

    Now, he is going to buy Justin Bieber’s CD.

  4. cmc says:

    Yeah, New Girl is surprisingly hilarious! I find Zooey Deschanel’s whole schtick pretty insufferable, but somehow it works perfectly on TV.

    Also, on the Demi Lovato photos- I think it’s the weird eyebrow wax she got. Her eyebrows look REALLY different but the rest of her looks the same.

  5. Rhiley says:

    I love She & Him and 500 Days of Summer, but Zooey Deschanel is starting to get on my nerves a little bit, in a Katy Perry sort of way. I don’t know. It’s like she thinks she is really cute and so really plays up the really cute and it is really annoying. I hope The New Girl doesn’t ruin her music career because she is really a great singer (and she is a much better actress than her sister).

  6. Obvious says:

    @Jen…if only if only!!!! don’t get my hopes up! (not that i wish he would actually die but his career could die and i’m ok with that!)

  7. lucy2 says:

    I like New Girl too. I heard a podcast interview with her and she drove me nuts, the way she talked, but it’s working for that show.

  8. Camille says:

    So its a ‘shot gun’ wedding then?

  9. katielouisiana says:

    Rhiley-EXACTLY what you said!

  10. ShanKat says:

    I think Jack Osbourne will make a lovely father.

  11. Iggles says:

    Wasn’t there talk that Jack Osbourne hooked up with his sister’s ex-fiance? (I’m pretty sure it was the blond model who she said cheated on her with girls and guys..)

  12. michkabibbles says:

    the tags on the demi lovato pic are charming: fat, ugly, weight gain. nice to say about a girl with an admitted (former) eating disorder. guess a girl’s not allowed to run around without makeup or couture anymore.

  13. normades says:

    Wow, Armie’s wife is really tall, cus he’s like 6’5, no?

    I thought he was brill in TSN and playing the Prince is a good career move. He’ll be in an Eastwood film so that shows his range.

  14. Jessica says:


  15. Adrien says:

    Jack looks like Joshua Jackson and then I click the Joshua’s story link, and yes Jack Osbourne is Joshua Jackson.

  16. Jen34 says:

    Kaiser, no mention of January Jones’s ginger baby? That narrows it down to Flay or Fassbender.

  17. Lee says:

    I am soooo happy he cleaned up his act. Very few in Hollyweird can admit they have a problem, and even fewer have the guts to get help with it. I’m pulling for you Jack…..

  18. JaneWonderfalls says:

    I love Zooey Deschannel, I think she’s actually amazing, hate the comparison’s to Katy Perry because she’s been around way longer and is much more attractive. I never feel she is playing the “cute” role because she is very beautiful. She’s down to earth and grounded. Like I said before I would turn lesbian for her. Plus she actually is all around talented!Zoeey is an old soul,she’s like 60’s/70’s glamour going for her and I get it. Katy is another story.

  19. madpoe says:

    sad, yet strangely happy, one of the Winchester boys is gonna be a daddy. :'( *heavy sighs*

  20. Jacqueline says:

    I wonder how they are going to support the kid?

  21. ManicPixieDreamGirl says:

    @naomicampbellsphone hilarious!

  22. Falcon says:

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  23. smh says:

    these osbourne kids seem to have a growth disorder. huge heads, short arms… i don’t know where the parents on drugs or something? btw i’m not trying to be mean i really think something went wrong during pregnancy. it’s sad.