Cele|bitchy | Courtney Stodden: they thought I was a pumpkin patch princess

Courtney Stodden: they thought I was a pumpkin patch princess

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Doug Hutchison, 51, and his 17 year-old bride Courtney Stodden shot a segment for Dr. Drew’s groundbreaking show Life Changers, where they discussed their recent ousting from a pumpkin patch. If you haven’t seen the photos yet, they’re here and they will bring the vom to your throat. Anderson Cooper did a hilarious send up of these photos a couple of days ago, in which he mocked her facial expressions and addressed Stodden’s “Halloween Haters.” According to Doug and Courtney, only a handful of moms had a problem with Courtney straddling Doug and sucking face with him at the pumpkin patch while wearing booty shorts, hooker boots and a half top. All the dads and the kids loved her, and some thought she was a slutty pumpkin patch mascot.

n a new interview with Dr. Drew’s show Lifechangers, the Teen Bride and her 51-year-old husband Doug Hutchison defended their visit to the pumpkin patch where she was thrown out for being “too sexy.”

“Courtney was dressed in sort of a Daisy Duke like thing,” Doug told Dr. Drew, and his 17-year-old bride said that it was the moms that didn’t want her there.

“The women were coming up to the manager complaining, because of the kids,” Courtney said in the clip obtained by RadarOnline.com, while dressed in a super sexy hot pink dress that showed off her ample cleavage.

“The dads loved it!” she said about her risqué outfit.

“There were a lot of people there who were enjoying it,” Doug said. “One dad told his little daughter ‘oh look honey they have a pumpkin patch girl this year.’”

Courtney agreed, and said she was the “Pumpkin Patch Princess!”

Courtney and Doug will go into more details about the pumpkin patch incident, along with their unconventional relationship, to Dr. Drew on Dr. Drew’s Lifechangers airing Monday, Nov. 7 at 3:00 p.m. ET/PT on The CW.

[From Radar]

The Dr. Drew people sent us this story in an e-mail and I read it while waiting in the pickup line for my kid at school. I was just sitting alone in my car laughing my ass off, and that was before I even saw the video of this interview. These people are absurd.

The Soup did a hilarious send up of Courtney’s tweets this week with two people acting the part of Doug and Courtney recreating the “recipes” she’d shared on Twitter. I can’t find any clips of this online yet, but here’s a link to an earlier segment they did with a Courtney lookalike.



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78 Responses to “Courtney Stodden: they thought I was a pumpkin patch princess”

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  1. Eleonor says:

    She looks constantly high on something, she scares me.
    Edit: looking to the Gillian Anderson post, Gillian is 43 and Courtney 17, Courtney looks older than Gillian.

  2. brin says:

    No precious, you are pimpin porn princess.

  3. teehee says:

    The sad thing is, Shauna Sand has her birthday only a few days apart from Courtney. Maybe its in teh stars for some of these women to be permanent plastic pole dancing barbies… but just to back up and invalidate that, my bday is one day away fro hers, and Im nothing like her.
    Just thought I’d mention that odd coincidence, though…

  4. Peachy says:

    Gives new meaning to the Dreamworks movie “Puss In Boots”!

  5. Mojoman says:

    Wow this girl is either severely medicated or they are just playing it up for the camera for the shock value. I mean how can she ACTS that way? I showed my husband the anderson’s clip of her facial spasms, and his response was “totally strung out”.

  6. OriginalGracie says:

    This girl is mentally not right in the head. When you see the pics of her before her “transformation”, you could almost cry for what she has become.

    This just isn’t right or normal. No one acts like this unless they are on drugs or mentally deficient. And I don’t say that in any way to disparage mentally challenged people.

    This girl is not just ridiculous. She is crazy. Like she needs serious help. Preferably in a lock-down facility. I’m not even kidding.

    Even at her most skanky, Pam Anderson never acted this flat out crazy.

  7. Samigirl says:

    I just don’t understand what makes her think it would be ok to go to a place frequented by children in THAT outfit?!?! And of course the dads liked it-you’re showing off t & a…but you’re just setting a terrible example for little girls. You’re not a princess. You were too much makeup to be a princess. And that “just been f*cked” hair is terrible.

    I really was trying to give her a break, bc she’s obviously got some kind of problems, and I really do think she was molested-she’s hypersexual, after all- but she crossed the line when she went to a children’s place dressed like a hooker.

  8. J O'C says:

    Brilliant! Thanks for making me laugh!!

  9. Huntress says:

    He’s often referred to as a ‘character actor’ – it makes me wonder if this current chapter of his life is merely another character he’s playing for publicity and profit.

  10. Lucy says:

    Doesn’t it look like she’s missing a tooth and has a uni-brow in the video? God she shovels on the make-up. But I guess it goes with her 50yrold truck stop hooker look.

  11. Jackie says:

    he is REALLY effeminate.

  12. MissilePanda says:

    Her eyebrows are what annoy me most about her, get em sorted love.

  13. Quest says:

    Courtney gives new meaning to the word “AIRHEAD”

  14. Poison Ivy says:

    She’s 17 – so is it too late for calling child service?

  15. cassius. says:

    she looks like a burnt cigarette.

  16. Cathy says:

    I don’t know who makes the vom rise farther up the throat…her or the cracken….they’re both skanks

  17. Javagirl1 says:

    Gracie beat me too it. I just saw some pictures of Courtney on another site (before plastic surgery,) and you can’t even tell it’s the same person. She used to be really pretty.

  18. Quinn says:

    There is so much wrong here, it’s hard to know where to start. Her parents need to be investigated by Child Protective Services. Her hypersexualized behavior screams sexual abuse. This girl is allegedly still a minor. There is clearly something very amiss with her.

  19. dorothy says:

    At 17 she’s just a child, but you think that, that 51 year old dumbass would know better than to let her go to a pumpkin patch dressed like a red light district hooker.

    These two are an embarassment to humanity.

  20. Hautie says:

    Just another charming example that being a public wh*re is paying off.

    But one would hope that these girls would realize, that there is a big fall coming.

    Once you are tagged with a questionable reputation, you can’t get out from underneath it.

    IE: Paris Hilton. Kim Kardashian.

    Though they both have made an obscene amount of money. They both did it by being a filmed with a d*ck near their faces.

    Both desperate for a rich famous man to marry. And both settling for much less.

    The payback for being a public wh*re is not worth it.

  21. HookedonBass says:

    Dear lord, her laugh…her drugged-out, braying laugh, devoid of all understanding or actual joy…

    Well, looks like my nightmares just got a soundtrack. Thanks Courtney!

  22. CJW says:

    Is she having a stroke? Seriously. No one’s face moves like that on purpose.

  23. Nanz says:

    I’m pretty sure they didn’t think that.

  24. DorothyZbornak says:

    She looks like a reject from a Motley Crue video.

  25. RocketMerry says:

    Ew. This poor girl is seriously f*cked up. I wonder what did her parents do and what part they had in this.

    Side note, @Samigirl. It could be, but not all girls who were sexually abused are permanently hyper-sexual (they may be told or even realize by themselves that there’s something wrong with sexual behavior at a young age) and not all hyper-sexual women were molested. I’m just saying that so that we don’t jump on the “she was molested” wagon because of how she behaves.
    I do think that she was encouraged to create this sex-kitten persona, and based on her “before pictures” I’m guessing the “sexing up” really took place in the few past years. Sick and disgusting, and as I said I’d really like to know what part her parents had in this, but not a guarantee that she was sexually abused.

  26. kristipistol says:


  27. mrsezc says:

    Ugh .. I so hate this couple; if I was a mom there I’d of pointed out to my daughters that it was a scarecrow to scare away the GREAT PUMPKIN!! Loved Anderson’s mockery of her face though!!!

  28. Laurie M. says:

    I live less than a mile from the pumpkin patch they visited. People like this & the hyper-sexualized behavior would not be tolerated by the moms or most of the dads. No matter what, it was private property and I’m glad they were booted off. I think they were HOPING to get thrown out and generate some publicity….they WERE just at MTV & VH1 last week pitching a reality show!!!

  29. saintdevil says:


    When I read the headline I thought “Pumpkin Patch Pricess” was a euphemism for prostitute!

  30. Kristen says:

    Can you please never write anything else about these people again? Really, please?

  31. flourpot says:

    17? What? Is that even legal? She doesn’t look 17.

  32. GirlyGirl says:

    These 2 subhuman gaining celeb status proves the conspiracy theory that reality tv is social engineering

    the elites 1% really are trying to make us all stupider…

  33. Jo says:

    please, please make these two go away

  34. Jo says:

    pumpkin patch scarecrow is more like it

  35. Cherry Rose says:

    The least that Courtney’s pimp mother could have done is to teach her proper make-up and hair tips that are popular in this decade. Not make up and hair from the 80s/90s. *smh*

  36. fabgrrl says:

    No, honey, more like a “Plumpkin” Princess. (Look it up)

  37. original kate says:

    ok, i am not trying to be insulting here, but is she a bit retarded? i’ve never seen her talk before, and i’m wondering if she suffered a lack of oxygen at birth. she trembles, slurs, and seems to have almost parkinsons like symptoms. or maybe she’s on something? i dunno – something is seriously wrong with her, besides being a slutbag. and her husband puts the “creep” in creepy.

  38. the original bellaluna says:

    No, sweetie, they thought you were the Pumpkin Patch Prostitute. BIG difference.

    (And am I the only one who thinks the dad who said “Oh look, honey, they have a pumpkin patch girl this year” was politely saying what I just said above?)

  39. MSat says:

    Dr. Drew is a huge douchebag and even HE was raising his eyebrows at this hot mess. Hee hee!

  40. ladybert62 says:

    I like Dr Drew and wonder what he thought of these two clowns – to me, she always looks like she is high on some drug and since Dr. Drew is known for treating addictions I wonder if he makes any comments about her behaviour and the possibility that she is stoned?

    I really cant connect this woman with the pictures that I saw of her BEFORE her mother sold her to the devil – the before and after are so dramatically different.

  41. spinner says:

    She really is a poor actress, isn’t she??
    This little twat needs to be launched into outer space.

  42. cbnagrl says:

    Everyone is playing right into their game. Until people stop taking pictures and interviewing them/posting about them, they are here to gross us out for the remainder of their 15 seconds.

  43. Zigggy says:

    Haha- the audience member about halfway through cracks me up.

  44. Linnie says:

    I guess Courtney has replaced Kate plus eight on gossip sites now because there is something written about her EVERY FUCKIN’ DAY. I think she has some serious mental issues. It will come out eventually. Lots of fodder for gossipers for the next few years. Plus the whole Lohan thing is getting super boring. Bring it on Doug and Courtney. You assholes.

  45. Miffits says:

    Does eyebrow pencil have an expiration date? Because it looks like she’s trying to use all of hers before it goes off. Seriously, she’s a few centimetres away from a monobrow.

  46. Katija says:

    I typically hate Dr. Drew, but his “bitch please” expression is FTW.

    Also, Courtney, Ke$ha called – she wants her hair back.

  47. Anastasia says:

    I’m completely entertained by this mess, I’ll be the first to admit it.

    But I’ve seen this film before, and it does not end well.

    And he is SO gay. In addition to being strung out, she also has fruit blindness. Or doesn’t care. It’s all for attention.

    Apparently Michael K at DListed calls her an iguana princess or something like that, because it’s as if an iguana gained a human form and doesn’t know how to totally act human.

  48. Emily says:

    To me it looked like she was twitching and shaking like that because she was trying to get her rack to bounce around. She needs some help.

  49. Happy21 says:

    @Linnie…Love your post.

    I can’t believe these assholes are getting as much press as they are either. Society is just feeding into the bulsshit marriage that will soon be all over the fuckin’ place. I think this is about as wrong as it comes though.

    Her parents need to be strung up and shot for allowing her to be basically sold to the highest bidder. Sick world we live in isn’t it?

  50. Orange Cone says:

    do you think a make-over would help her see the errors of her way??

    also, you would think that her adult husband would guide her a bit on not being so retardedly slutty- yeesh…

  51. Rubenesque says:

    She needs to give my Nana back her frosted lipstick.

    Seriously- I feel terribly for this kid. She’s only 17.

  52. Samigirl says:

    @RocketMerry- That’s fair. And it’s something I am familiar with as well. I guess I worded it incorrectly. Lilo is hypersexual (although not as extreme), and I don’t believe she has been molested. But this girl-there has been some kind of sexual abuse. Be it being forced to “act sexy,” or actual rape-I don’t know. But something went wrong. I really believe that something went wrong in her life for her to act like this.

  53. Original Tiffany says:

    Winky face! Oh, someday I knew the clip would be linked here. Priceless. 2 weeks behind on my Soup too. Vacation+moving=cold! Yay for Nyquil…please excuse any spelling mistakes today. The Nycrack is making me type like the Cracken.

  54. Happy21 says:

    I also do believe that this child was/is a victim of sexual abuse. I’d put my money on immediate family. There is no parent in their right mind who would marry a 16 year old off to a 51 year old man. Sorry but I’m gonna throw it out there and suggest that she was molested by a man close to her and her mother was aware or didn’t see an issue.

    You don’t have to be hyper-sexual if you were molested but it is extremely common. She is 17. Where the hell does a 17 year old get the idea to dress like a porn star/stripper at a Pumpkin Patch? She obviously thinks that she’s sexy and that its ok. There is a problem here. Its terrible. Of course, 17 year olds experiment sexually and even try to act more mature than their age but this is extreme.

    At first I couldn’t see past the garish make up and fake tits but now when I see her fact I picture it without the bleached big hair and I see a girl’s face. I can picture her being a normal teenager. Unfortuantely, her youth has now been stolen.

  55. Leanne says:

    I think she’s obviously delusional. She’s probably been told all her life (probably by her mom) that she’s the most beautiful thing in the world and that girls are threatened by her and that’s why they hate on her. I think she truly believes that, and both she and her mom have mentioned several times that men love her and women hate her. I think she truly believes that she’s just so beautiful and sexy that women don’t like her because they’re threatened by her. I think she really doesn’t get that she’s a joke. And that’s kinda sad.

    He, on the other hand, just HAS to know better. He just has to know what a laughingstock she is, and they are. It’s almost like he’s in on the joke, like he sets these things up to get press, knowing what folks are saying but keeping Courtney in the dark about the real reason folks don’t like her and make fun of her (because she’s crazy, not because she’s a threat or so much more beautiful than all of us).

  56. ShanKat says:

    @ Linnie #44

    “Bring it on Doug and Courtney. You assholes.”


  57. Stubbylove says:

    The spot from The Soup is fantastic.

    Please ladies, stop speculating why this stupid-bitch acts the way she does, what motivates her, what drugs she’s on, etc. That really gives her too much credit. The bottom line is she’s a complete dumbass and waste of space and it’s like a train-wreck – we can’t look away.

  58. cc23 says:

    And her look is so dated too, right? Her hair and makeup especially, but also sometimes her clothes have sort of a 90s vibe. Further proof that she’s just a 45 y/o pretending to be 17 and this is all just a hoax (please, please, PLEASE let it be a hoaz).

  59. Faye says:

    HER LAUGH! That can’t be real! It’s horrible!

  60. Alicia says:

    Every single time I read an article about this girl I always end up cringing in embarrassment for her. Her whole life just seems really icky. I also don’t think she looks anywhere close to 17. I’m 25 and I look younger than her. I also have to agree with the people saying she seems like she has some kind of mental defect…normal people just don’t act the way she acts and I don’t blame the pumpkin patch people for throwing her and Doug out. What they did there was extremely inappropriate, especially since there was young children there. There’s a difference between a quick kiss on the lips PDA and full out foreplay PDA. Some of the kids who saw them were probably wondering why a girl was making out with her grandfather, lol.

  61. Cindy says:

    @Leanne – the whole premise of her music video/song thing on youtube is telling off some imaginary girl whose boyfriend was checking her out or something. There’s a verse about how they could be friends if everyone else would just get their “jealousy” in check.

    In other words, Courtney here is a few fries short of a happy meal.

  62. Saor says:

    She’s a bloody meth lizard..

    They both are!

  63. Trillion says:

    This has to be performance art. It’s the only way I can retain any hope in our species. Is James Franco behind this in some way?

  64. gg says:

    The look on Drew’s face is priceless.

    This little girl is either on drugs, is brain damaged, or both.

  65. sassy says:

    the dad pointing her out as a “Pumpkin Patch Princess” was Michael Lohan to Ali Lohan.

  66. JaneWonderfalls says:

    They are my new favorite couple…lol

  67. Unbeweavable says:

    She has to be on something. She is insane. Her husband is an idiot and they both have severe issues. The way her face moves reminds me of my uncle’s face after he had a stroke a few years back. It’s just not right. Maybe she has some kind of brain disorder. Let’s hope atleast..

  68. Joe Shmoe says:

    It’s all fake.

  69. Frankie734 says:

    She’s high as a kite – she can’t seem to stop fidgeting, swaying, and twitching. I can’t believe her husband/gay bff let her go on air like this.

    And come ON people, she’s a tramp in her 30’s, can we all stop pretending she’s 17? Everything about her screams “35-year-old with good genes” but we’re just going to take this twit’s word for it that she’s a teen? I don’t care what kind of manufactured proof she has to offer. I had a state-issued fake ID when I was 16 (saying I was 21). It’s done by having a friend of a friend who works in the social security office. It’s expensive, but very convincing false documents can be had.

  70. theaPie says:

    She should draw some brows on Doug while she’s doodling those caterpillars on herself.

    Also, those big plastic straps she wears when she’s trying to go strapless or one shouldered? Sure sign she’s got humongous natural breasts. It does happen – they run in my family, though myself, I was sorely short-changed.

  71. Gretchen says:

    ” I just don’t understand what makes her think it would be ok to go to a place frequented by children in THAT outfit” and um, “skank”.

    I think it’s pretty important to point out that she IS a child and has clearly had a totally f’ed up upbringing. Less with judgy slut-shaming.

  72. LittleDeadGrrl says:

    Every time I see her I think of the Soup’s mock of he and it makes me laugh so much. You guys have to see the clips … the girl who plays her does a spot on job

  73. gg says:

    I think I’ve figured out her boobs. Notice how she’s always wearing at least one bra, even with a tube top or off-shoulder top, with the clear plastic straps, and then they’re pushed oddly up towards her face (not in the pumpkin patch getup, but every other time I’ve seen her). I think it’s all falsies under a gigantic foam bra. If she had fake boobs she wouldn’t wear a bra at all – none of em do – they like to show them off in their stiff bolted on shape.

  74. Lisa says:

    lol… I can’t. Even if they’re trolling, I just can’t. It’s too disgusting.

  75. Ruffian9 says:

    “I think she truly believes that she’s just so beautiful and sexy that women don’t like her because they’re threatened by her.”

    Exactly this. Original Kate might be on to something as well. If the girl is mentally….limited, it makes the whole exploitation thing even worse. Maybe it’s just drugs…but SOMETHING very not right is going on here.

  76. Turtle Dove says:

    Courtney and her REAL parts. I love when people start to sell off the pictures and the truth comes out.


  77. judyjudy says:

    I’m so bored with the “I’m so sexy, men want to have sex with me! ” attitude that has taken center stage of pop culture / youth culture. I mean, it really isn’t difficult to get a man to have sex with you, so why is it treated like such a major accomplishment? Why is it such a prize to have teenage boys or random pumpkin patch dads fap to your photo?

  78. JC says:

    If Courtney was not sexually abused as a child I will be very surprised. As it is, she is still a child (17), and she definitely is being sexually abused and exploited now. Don’t you think it’s time people stopped laughing about this? It’s not a joke – this is this girl’s life and she’s too stupid (?) or too drugged up (?) to recognize when she’s being exploited. No parents who truly loved their child would allow this to happen. This CHILD needs help, not ridicule. She needs to be rescued. Isn’t there anybody in “celeb-land” who cares more for the person than the money?