As of Wednesday night, ABC news has reported that the McCain/Palin campaign has yet to release the medical records of Alaskan Governor and Vice Presidential candidate Sarah Palin.
ABC News Kate Snow reports:
“Governor Palin’s campaign still has not released any information regarding her medical records despite frequent requests from the news media and the campaign’s own assertion that they would release this information soon.
On Sunday morning, Palin spokeswoman Tracey Schmitt told ABC News that the campaign had planned to release information on her medical history early this week.
Today is Wednesday.
ABC News has asked every day this week about the status of the release of information and received no updates from the campaign. It is unclear what is holding things up…
It was last Wednesday that Governor Palin said she would be “fine” with releasing her records.
She is the only one of the presidential or vice presidential candidates who has not released any health information about herself.
While the McCain campaign’s delay may make it seem like they have something to hide, we came up with several other reasons why the release of Palin’s records might have been delayed.
1) Medical records from 1992-1999 were left out in the cold, shattering when accidently dropped.
2) Records were stolen from Hospital and eaten by ravenous wolves.
3) Wasilla had an early-season blizzard: hospital is snowed in, will not be dug out until mid-March.
4) McCain campaign accidently threw them away, with all other campaign documents that did not contain the words “Joe the Plumber.”
5) Palin’s inner circle fell behind on their to-do lists after taking off Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
6) Palin already signed a multi-million dollar deal to reveal the paternity test results of all her children on the Maury Povich show.
Of course, people are gossiping across the web on the assumption that the records do, in fact, contain some embarrassing or potential damaging information. Here is a list of some of the possible information in her medical records the McCain campaign would want to suppress.
1) Medical records reveal Palin is even hotter than previously thought, but the McCain Campaign would rather stick to the issues.
2) After a savage bear attack forced top Alaskan surgeons to give Palin bionic arms, a bionic leg, a bionic eye, and an artificial appendix, she is now more machine than human.
3) Palin went to the same doctor that did Pam Anderson’s.
4) Palin is really only twenty-nine years old.
5) Palin’s abnormally high IQ score would ruin her image as an average hockey mom.
Can someone please tell me why they want her medical records released in the first place? ❓
Because the health of a president or potential president (as the vice is) is relevant to whether or not he or she can do the job. McCain, Obama, and Biden have already released theirs.
I think the reason is that her youngest son is actually her daughter’s son and her medical records would reveal she did NOT have a baby only a few months ago!
Reasoning for the medical records is a little sketchy, Girly Girl. I think people feel like we have a right to know if the person/people we’re putting in control of our country are healthy and free of any mental conditions, etc.
Medical records are released because we would not like to elect a mentally ill president or a president who has been treated for depression for years (we have tough times ahead 🙁 ) or one dying of cancer etc. It should be obvious, after all, you do ask for the medical records of someone you are getting married to don’t you? If you don’t, you should.
No it is a simple reason, she is not the mother of Trig, that last baby. Isn’t her daughter supposed to be about 8 months pregnant now? Well she doesn’t look. Lets see whether she has a baby next month.
Thanks for the clarification, you guys.
@ Yourself – we already elected a mentally ill president, more than once! 😯
because as a public servant, Palin takes on the responsibility of presenting to the public an accurate view of what they can expect from her if elected. Sofar she has only presented what she brings to the table policy wise; although ofcourse that is the most important part, it is also imperative in the voting process that people know that she is indeed capable of such an esteemed (and stressful position)physically.
She’ll release hers as soon as Bill Clinton releases his. We’re still waiting.
After having 5 children, maybe she had some plastic surgery and wants to keep it private? just a guess
I’m pretty sure Hillary R. Clinton didn’t release her medical records either.
Some speculate that Barack released a 1 page medical record bc he takes Prozac (a depression drug).
McCain released all of his med. records.
They should all release detailed records, none have so far,
read it for yourself;,0,3034472.story
Moderation ❓
I work with Dr. Lawrence Mohr, former White House physician for Bush I and for Reagan. When Clinton came into office he told Dr. Mohr that he could stay on as White House physician, but was not allowed to see his medical records. I’ve always thought that was very interesting…
Needless to say, Dr. M declined, and that is why he and I now work together at a Medical University.
Oh, and just an amusing side note… he was the physician traveling with Bush I when he got sick and threw up in Japan. Dr. Mohr was in his hotel room at the time. When someone came to tell him the president was ill, something got mixed up in translation and he was told that Bush DIED at the dinner!!!! He said he has never in his life, before or after, run so fast!
She’ll release hers as soon as Bill Clinton releases his. We’re still waiting.
Explain to me why his records are relevant in this discussion? Oh that’s right they aren’t- it’s been 8 years now and you’re still bitter about the clear-cut economic superiority of his administration ? Remarkable.
Good Lord. I love a conspiracy theory.
I go back and forth on the theories about Trig’s birth – but, for argument’s sake, let’s say that Gov. Palin really did give birth to Trig. Could her medical records reveal post-partum issues? Is she on painkillers, perchance?
That said, I enjoy any reason that revolves around “wolves”.
The public may think it has the “right” to see other people’s medical records, but is it really an abuse of priviledge?
It’s incredibly short-sighted to say to someone, ‘well you’ve been ill – you won’t be able to cope with the job’. Roosevelt was in a wheelchair and managed to hold a steady head in WW2 (the divvying up the spoils afterward is another matter). The same couldn’t be said for Churchill 30 years earlier, when in the full of his health, he made a pigs ear of Gallipoli.
Mo Mowlem, now deceased, worked remarkably hard as the UK Secretary for Northern Ireland after having brain tumor and cancer, back at a time when the terrorism was still a spectre.
Political alliances, prejudices and just plain misreading the situation can be big a factor in bad decision-making as depression or having a bunion treated in 1981.
If your partner gives into your demands for their medical records (and a medical dictionary and back issues of The Lancet to understand it all) – then it’s their perogative (personally, I’d much rather know about a past criminal record).
But, if this is going to be considered ok- then aren’t we going to have to consider doling out the medical records of anyone whose decisions could have an impact on our lives, such as the pilots on airplanes?
The person behind the counter in a sandwich bar, as they may have had a coldsore?
I know that some people are seeing Palin as potentially one heartbeat away from the Presidency, but surely Biden could also be one bullet/carbomb away also?
While we’re on the subject of releasing records, does anyone think that it is a bit more important to see Obama’s citizenship papers than whether or not Palin had plastic surgurey?
The Wall St. meltdown is Clinton’s economic smoke and mirrors come home to roost.
He’s an American born and bred here and all your Fox News/O’reilly/ Hannity and Colmes/ Phyllis Schlaffly GOP insinuation conspiratorial CRAP aren’t changing that.
You red state folk really have trouble sticking to the real topic in a thread, don’t you? Must be the same congenital condition that forces the words “Joe the Plumber” out of Palin’s mouth every 15 seconds.
Kim, there are no “citizenship papers” for Obama. There is only his Hawaii birth certificate.
But since you’re so interested in questions of citizenship, where was John McCain born? Oh right, PANAMA.
She looks incredibly healthy to me. Releasing medical records is incredibly invasive. Kennedy would have been immediately “disqualified” as would others no doubt. Jeez, no wonder we don’t have deep pool of candidates
Kim, its obvious you’re a little slow on the information uptake. go to, a highly regarded, non-partisan group run out of the university of pennsylvania where people do real research and back up their information with facts. there you will see Obama’s Hawaiian birth certificate and its verification.
this isn’t part of a huge grand conspiracy. an outside group, well, regarded and full of professional fact checkers was all over this and has debunked any doubt. unless you are of the ‘academic institutions are elitist, part of the vast left-wing conspiracy’ right-wing nut, in which case, no facts will ever make a difference to you.
I would wager that her Gravida and Para are not g=5 p=5…..maybe miss “pro-life” has some fetal skeletons in her gun locker?
Kim, he has released his “citizenship” papers ie his birth certificate. He was born in 1961 and Hawaii was made a state in 1959.
If you want to get technical, that makes him more of a citizen than McCain, who was born in Panama, albeit to two citizens and therefore technically considered “natural-born” citizen of the US.
Oh and while I agree that the release of medical records is invasive, you’re interviewing to be leader of the free world, cowboy up. Personally I could give a crap if someone had the clap in college or ovarian cysts or even is a cancer survivor. However, I DO care if they went untreated for syphilis for several years, they are on anti-psychotics (honestly anti-depressants would give me pause) or WERE on anti-psychotics and now aren’t, etc. I’m sorry, yeah it sucks, but the citizens have a right to know who they are voting for and that’s really the least the candidates can do.
I don’t think anything in anybody’s medical records, save a debilitating mental illness, should preclude people from voting for them or from them from taking office. Releasing the records is just about being upfront with the voting public…. ha ha ha, what am I saying? Politicians being upfront with voters. ha ha ha, I crack myself up.
Alright, let’s do some quick fact-checking.
Sandy, Obama is not on anti-depressants. The only vaguely medical thing he’s got going on is Nicorette.
Considering Hillary Clinton lost the nomination, why in the world is *anyone* bringing up her or Bubba?!? You will not find “Clinton” on any ballot.
John McCain released extensive records – but only to a few select journalists, for a limited amount of time.
Abraham Lincoln spent years and years in hospitals and treatment for depression and mental illness. He overcame and became one of the best presidents the US has ever had. Some on here are really grasping at straws. Yes, Obama is a US citizen. He was born in a US state to a US citizen, just like you who are questioning his citizenship. Exactly where are your “citizenship” papers? Oh, that’s right – you, too, only have a birth certificate. And for those on the other side who are also grasping at straws it has also already been established that Palin’s baby is hers and not her daughters. And I would also have a little nip and tuck after birthing 4 children. That’s no big deal if she’s hiding that.
She is under no obligation to release her medical records, only financial and tax history. What if Obama had sickle cell anemia? Should that in any way affect the voters decision if he’s managed to keep it under control? The public’s “right to know” does have its limits. Even family members are not entitled to know personal medical history and treatment information unless the person in question has specifically named them as cleared for access.
Ridiculous spin.
Sandy, where did you get the notion that John McCain has released his medical records? He has not, and it is the source of controversy. He let a few select journalist look at over 1,ooo+ pages of medical records, but they were not complete, the journalists were allowed only a very limited amount of time to examine the records, and were not allowed to document them.
Palin volunteered to release her complete records, therefore she should. This is a situation of her own making.
I agree so much with Feebee:/3:02
Funny! But oh so True!
Maybe her records include her IQ. That’d qualify as a medical condition. And there’s already enough visibly wrong with her to preclude taking up high office without ever having sight of her medical records. God, I wish this election was over and her with it.
geronimo! hah!
Mairead: I’d really like to know if my presidential candidate had been treated for schizophrenia, for example.
🙁 Don’t worry Sarah..We’ve all been diagnosed with some bacterial vaginosis at one point or the other. A little creme did the trick. Give it up girl. We’ve all have stuff we don’t want to share either. hahahha.
Do you really want the world snooping your medical records? Since when does everyone who runs for office become public property? We’re not talking a skank who spreads like Paris, we’re talking a mother of 5 children, a sitting Governor who surely has the RIGHT to medical privacy.
I’ve read the Bill of Rights and and Amendments many times and not once does it say that political candidates for ANY office must surrender their privacy concerning their medical treatments. Unless all you shit heads screaming for her x-rays are going to have Celebitchy post YOUR medical records STFU!! You’re a bunch of hypocritcal idiots demanding access to something that’s none of your business, and yet you refuse to hand over your stuff for inspection.
I firmly believe McCain, Biden and Obama should have kept those same records private. No one deserves to demean you for not handing over their medical papers. The only person with a right to see that is their doctor.
oh lord, im sure if her IQ is on there, it def wouldnt prove her to be a genius…probably the extreme opposite haha.
for those who say “obama wasnt born in america” or whatver…well for one: his HAWAIIAN birth certificate is online for all to see and second, dont you think that someone would have looked into it by now if there was really a chance he wasnt born here? i mean get real.
some repubs will just hold on to anything these days…
I do luv when republi-philes like Kim bring up Sean Hannity’s talking points. Obama’s citizenship? How rude/obnoxious of you to question whether we, born on the island of Hawaii, are actually citizens. Like after 24+ months of campaigning, the fact of his citizenship wouldn’t be common knowledge. I just think it shows innate racism. Someone who looks differently or has a background that doesn’t mirror yours couldn’t possibly be a naturalized citizen.
good god, i didnt know your candidates had to publish their medical records..!
I’m from Germany and something like that would be unthinkable here. People do not even request to have a look at private documents of candidates in Germany. Would someone, who’s been treated for a serious illness, make a worse president? I understand your concerns about the health of the future president, but just put yourself in the position, would you think of it as fair, if your future boss wouldnt employ you because you’ve taken medication in the past? I just think its kind of odd…
But then again, the whole world knows that campaining in the states is much more personal.
Oh by the way, over 70% of Germans would vote for Obama!
Maybe she’s pregnant right now.
John McCain also didn’t allow a doctor in the room when they looked over his records- or allow any one to be called- no one in the room had any medical training at all, I don’t see how that can even count as releasing his records
one page for Obama…really…one page? I’m not sure that counts either!
mccain released his records in 1999 including full psychological records bc he was a POW- note the ny times
recently, he allowed the reporters 3 hours to look over his records last month. 3 hours seems like plenty of time to find something, if they were looking.
How would knowing about the candidate being on medication influence your vote? Would you be open to the fact that the candidate is managing it (remarkably) well enough to have been elected to and maintain their current positions and be respected enough to be selected to run for President?
Or would you manage to forget all that and buy into enduring stereotypes of mental illness?
This is what concerns me – ill-informed armchair specialists and agenda-driven media will latch onto and distort anything in a medical report and feed into and perpetuate prejudices. I can see it here especially in comments regarding depression.
It’s like you’re assuming that once you’ve had any form of depression that you’re a ticking time-bomb just looking for a big red button to hit and atomise your nextdoor neighbours in Russia.
Basically, the whole idea is a misnomer – designed solely to look for a cause to attack and possibly humiliate a candidate and would only serve to create pariahs.
She doesn’t want anyone to know that her last baby Trickpony was an immaculate conception and she is the new Holy Sarah Mother of God.
Mairead – think you’re taking things a little bit too personally here. I agree with a lot of what you said earlier but if someone is an alcoholic, for eg. or has an erratic drug-taking history, then that would give reasonable rise to worry about someone’s ability to handle the pressure of this particular office. (And certainly of far more significance than someone having depression or any other form of mental illness in their past. What’s the stats on that – 1 in 3 of us will experience some form of mental illness at some point in our lives?)
But, I’m solidly with you on a person’s medical records being private and personal, and not for mass public consumption. And that it should only ever be ONE of a series of considerations when it comes to a person’s suitability for and ability to do a job.
The only reason I need…for any of the candidates…is that medical records are private.
It is no one’s business how Palin’s last pap smear turned out. IF she had a disease that needed to be disclosed, that would be different, but even in that case, her entire medical record is no one’s business.
For people who’ve never had “embarrassing” medical issues, perhaps you think someone would just naturally be “hiding something” to not want to open a medical file. In this day and age, however, using post-partum depression from her second kid or an abnormal pap smear from 5 years ago…or hell, crabs from college or whatever. You KNOW that because of her gender there would be issue taken that would NEVER be thrown at a man.
Medical records are personal. They are privileged for a reason.
For her to have a doctor declare her to be in good health is all the public has a “right” to know. I would say the same for ANY political candidate.
I betcha there’s an abortion in the woodpile…that’s why she doesn’t want them released.
Perhaps I am on certain issues – like depression- geronimo. You’re right, erratic drug-taking in the past is a huge issue, as it has legal implications as well as medical – but is it something that necessarily going to be on someone’s medical records?
I think that a thorough medical exam, (including hair follicle testing) by an independant medical team should be enough. You’ll catch recent illnesses and possibly recent relevant substance abuse.
As for psychometric testing – that would just get messy with each side hiring psychiatrists and psychologists to rip the findings (and each other) apart.
You know we need to be focused on more important issues……like Obama socializing with inappropriate people. Why wont the media release the tape? Im sick of hearing about clothing allowances, makeup expenditures and petty concerns instead of the real issues facing America. They cant find anything too incriminating on Palin or McCain and just “grasping at straws”. No one has addressed any of the compromising situations Obama has been accused of…..not in any satisfactory way.
i just want to say that i agree with mairead 100% on this
I would rather know the candidates IQ’s. I’m tired of people electing idiots. Stupid it is not a medically treatable condition, and far more dangerous to the country.
Oh I get it now. You guys are trying to be funny. Huh.
Anyway, I think she wouldnt release them yet because it’ll reveal she had plastic surgery.
thanks jess 😉
Um, Linda – you do realise that you’re accusing not addressing the issues that are bothering you either. I haven’t got a clue what you’re talking about.
But please bear in mind that until wrong doing is proven, it is alleged and you shouldn’t write anything that could cause problems for Celebitchy.
maybe Palin has worms…
or a nasty STD!! 😯
ronda you are truly a racist idiot. arabs are not all terrorists. that should be obvious. 2-obama isnt an arab. you seriously need to educate yourself.
and rianna or whatever your name is: their health records should be made available to the public in some form because the public pays them to represent them. they are in fact, a kind of public proerty since tax money pays them.
I dont want a diseased, mentally ill, cancer patient in office. without going into specific detail on everything (for instance, I think palin’s women’s heath records should be kept private because i dont think the public needs to know results of her pap smears or pregnancy records, but I do want to know that she is in good health, mentally healthy, cancer-free, etc. the big issues). something like obama did with a 1 or two page thing saying, she’s fine, healthy, ready to go.
this of course, raises an interesting contradiction-Palin apparently thinks she has a right to privacy about her records. or a right to specific privacy about her women’s health issues. WHILE BEING COMPLETELY AGAINST women’s health and privacy in her anti roe v wade stance, wanting to legislate parental consent etc, basically violation after violation of privacy. so I find it entirely ironic she wants to keep the details of her lady bits private while doing her best to make sure no one else gets to enjoy that right.
Either the baby she had is not really hers but her daughter’s, or she had some STD she doesn’t want anyone to know about.
elusive: that was quite funny 😀
Carla: How true!
I don’t think anyone should be obliged to release their medical records for the public to view. Last I heard, my own medical record was private, why shouldn’t she be afforded the same right? Sometimes I think we go too far in snooping through a candidate’s personal life.
The prejudice against mental illness in this discussion amazes me. A lot of functioning people with well paying jobs manage to keep their mental illnesses under control. If someone suffers from depression it doesn’t mean they are a maniac.
WTF!?: What if Obama had sickle cell anemia? Should that in any way affect the voters decision if he’s managed to keep it under control?
If Obama did have the sickle cell, McCain-Palin would rather he and the rest of effected African-Americans suffer a slow, prolonged death. They don’t support the stem-cell research, see, since science has solved the majority of the white man’s diseases.
And as much as I dislike this woman, I think having the candidates turn over all their medical records is in violation of their privacy. I mean, barring some terminal disease, high risk of heart disease, or difficulties in the past with alcohol and narcotics (Oh wait! I forgot. That last bit about addiction didn’t stop the last Commander in Thief from taking the Oval Office).
I really think we’re asking to much when we ask candidates to disclose their entire medical history. But for what it’s worth, I bet Palin has a few medically terminated pregnancies that really wouldn’t go over well with her uber-right-wing constituency.
(I don’t know though – if something that juicy is released, perhaps some of the anti-abortionist will release that “good” people can make mistakes, too. And we’re all better off for it.)
Nevermind! Thanks Moderator!
I am not a Palin fan, quite the opposite, but I don’t feel that anyone should be obligated to release their private medical records in order to run for public office. I understand the concern of electing someone who has a medical or psychological issue that could affect their ability to serve in their elected capacity, so in the alternative, make them submit to a full physical and a mental health evaluation – all records of which shall remain privileged information. All the public needs to know is that the individual is physically and mentally healthy.
On the other hand, someone else had a point, if she says she’s going to release them, she should release them. I’d have a lot more respect for her if she had just said her medical records were no one else’s business.
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She lies about everything else so why not lie about releasing her records. Anyone who thinks they will be made public is giving this woman to much credit. Just take a look at her track record of honesty. Oh yeah, that’s right…THERE IS NONE.
Their medical records are none of our concern. Roosevelt had polio and he did just fine as a president. JFK had back problems and he is one of the most beloved icons of all time.
Their records are private and we have no right to them.
Oh I almost forgot Abe Lincoln was mentally unstable but he managed to end the civil war and free the slaves.
leave her and the other candidates alone. Its not your business!!!!
well, she should release them. every president has realeased them so why shouldnt they?
just do it already.
She’s had ABORTIONS.
I bet that’s why she won’t release them.
I totally agree with Mairead and aspen. HIPAA laws are in place for good reasons. I think candidates should have to pass a thorough exam by an independent set of doctors, and either get a certificate of good health, or not.
And I support all those who say depression is generally mocked and derided by people who don’t understand it.
I’m just wondering why the media has not reported on the following:
· As Mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin hired Steven Silver – a partner in a private lobbying firm in Anchorage — to lobby for $23 million in federal earmarks for the Town of Wasilla (6,000 residents). Steven Silver was a former chief of staff to U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens. Ted’s son, Ben Stevens, was also hired by the Anchorage firm as a federal lobbyist in the 1990’s. Silver was alleged to have direct ties with lobbyist, Jack Abramoff, who is now serving a prison term for the tribes-and-bribes scandal. Sen. Ted Stevens was indicted in July on seven counts of felony charges; he is a long-time member of Alaska’s Republican machine. When running for Lt. Governor in 2001, Palin took substantial campaign contributions from convicted criminal and VECO founder, Bill Allen, and VECO employees. Allen is the man who U.S. Sen. Ted Stevens allegedly took gifts from; Allen pleaded guilty to bribery and corruption charges in 2007. (Note: According to two VECO employees, Palin allegedly visited Allen in his home to discuss plans for her future in 2001, before the corruption scandal broke. We have no way of knowing if these visits actually occurred.) Our comment, here, is to reaffirm that Palin sure wasn’t shy about using the “old boy network” to lobby and secure more monies for pork spending. Palin left the Village of Wasilla with a $20 million budget deficit.
· Palin’s pork requests and spending earned her the oft-used nickname, “Queen of Pork.” Her spending of the federal earmark funds slated for the bridge to nowhere fiasco is now common knowledge. However, in February of this year, Palin’s office sent Sen. Ted Stevens a 70-page memo outlining almost $200 million worth of new funding requests for Alaska.
· Palin was completely false to the American people and her own constituents by claiming that she said, “thanks, but no thanks,” to the bridge from nowhere and more earmark funding. In truth, it was exactly the other way around. Earlier Palin interviews — as well as an article written by her own special counsel, John Katz, that ran in a March 2008 edition of the “Juneau Empire” — prove this, unequivocally. She did not become a “born again pork reformer” until Congress instructed her to significantly decrease her earmark requests. It became a matter of her political survival and ambitions, and to negate a lot of negative press in the lower 48.
topic? 😆
She’s looks perfectly healthy—she keeps fit likes running etc.
The delay in medical records release just looks bad. We’ve had some “sick” presidents in the past.
As for this time around, everyone did not release records–either they 1) released a letter 2) released so many records and let a few reporters into a room for a few hours with instructions that nothing can be copied. Palin can do the same and no one can criticize her–she’s got two options..
I’d like to see her medical records – is it not a standard request for this kind of thing? You need to give your medical records for most important positions.
But I also believe the downs syndrom kid really is her daughter’s – it’s tight but it could still work chronologically. As a matter of fact, I think that is the reason they won’t re-lease them.
Could it possibly be Sara Palin had an abortion years ago..???? Possibly, she regretted it and is now pro life.
It wouldn’t look to good if she denouces a womens right to make a choice when she herself opted for it years ago.
Just a thought!
It’s probably that she had an abortion and is pro-life and that would hurt her stance.
I think that so long as they’re not crazy or and addict or about to die should suffice.
Although I’m not a fan of her and would like to know, but that’s just the snoop in me.
if she were a man no one would even think to question if she had an std.
I think the ONLY relevant medical records should be MANDATORY drug testing (for illegal drugs) every 90 days or so the Exec. branch, ALL members of Congress, and federal judges.
Otherwise, as long as their personal physicians indicate that they are ok, that’s fine with me.
As one of the posters above said, Lincoln wouldn’t make the cut today. Quite frankly, it’s no one’s business.
What if she had cosmetic surgery – wait for it – and paid for it with misappropriated funds? Or requested multiple refills on her prescription painkillers after the “enhancement” procedure.
Not that I’d begrudge either – it’d just be mighty hypocritical for a self-proclaimed “maverick” to fall sway to Western beauty ideals, use taxpayers’ money to foot the bill, and horde candy away for a rainy day while championing the “War Against Drugs”.
(PS -Wasilla is the meth capital of Alaska.
The abortion theory is still my favorite, though.
All of this hatred must be exhausting.
Indeed, I get tired of hating Mrs Palin. Every time she opens her mouth, I feel like Jon Stewart and just want to say “F*ck you” into her face.
She is an igorant idiot who throws around lies and spreads hates among American. I can’t believe American TV is broadcasting this woman’s speeches every day — oh, that’s right, because she is running the presidency! Oh god, if you do exist, how could you let this happen?
She can keep her medical records all right, as long as she disappears from the public eye and promises never run anything in her lifetime again, ever.
I think it’s CRAZY to have to hand over your medical records. When we go to the doctor, we have to sign a privacy agreement. It doesn’t have anything to do with how they do their damn job, it’s nosy ass people. Who Cares? Just because you may have a clean medical record doesn’t mean you can’t fall over with a heart attack or something else. We need to worry about this country,not stupid medical records.
I would bet that she is hiding an:
abortion! 😯
The staunchest religious followers often hide some deep dark secret by vehemently preaching the opposite of their own actions.
this link is using a lot of supposition- but give the recent disclosures of Palin’s extensive ethics violations-
I am like some of the others I think Mrs.Palin is hiding about her having a abortion at one time or other
All of this hatred must be exhausting. But not nearly as exhausting as lacking sense of humor about it all.
amen, dante.
Yeast infections are not considered to be sexually transmitted infections (STI) because a celibate woman can develop them, but having unprotected sex can pass them along. A man who has unprotected sex with a woman who has an active yeast infection can get a penile yeast infection. Transmission of genital yeast infections from woman to man is uncommon, but it does happen.