Yesterday, I was frustrated because there were several good stories hanging around, but we didn’t have access to those particular photo agencies. In particular, it’s always painful when we don’t have whatever new Michael Fassbender photos, as he is my immortal beloved, and the major agencies don’t always care about getting good pics of him. Two nights ago, Steven Soderbergh’s Haywire had a screening at the AFI Fest. Haywire’s lead, Gina Carano, was there, as was Soderbergh, Michael Fassbender and Ewan McGregor (Ewan and Fassie have supporting parts in the film) – you can see photos here and here. I’m just adding some screen caps from the video. Joel McHale was basically the host/interviewer of the screening, and he got to ask questions afterwards. There’s video of the event, at least. My stomach flipped when Michael leaned in to whisper something to Gina. SLUT. *deep breath*
I like when Fassie is a gentleman and tries to give his mic to that crazy woman, only to pull it away from her midway through her crazy rant. Classic.
So here you go. Please stop sending me emails about this because it makes me want to unsheath my slut dagger and thrust it into my own Fassie-loving heart. Trust that I have a Fassie Google Alert (I don’t really, I just Google him excessively). Trust that I’m on top of all things Fassie, and that if I’m not writing about him, it’s because I’m sad that we don’t have access to the photos. But if you (SLUTS) do have an interesting Fassie story, like you got a chance to meet him or you “accidentally” saw the Fassdong in person, you can email at or tweet me at KaiseratCB.
Here are some screen caps from the video.
Photos courtesy of Fame, WENN & video screen caps.
Ditch the turtleneck!
Wowee….that’s a good group.
Watch out for Gina, Kaiser, she’s an MMA fighter (can probably handle shanks and daggers with ease).
McHale, Fassbender and Ewan McGregor, wow… I wouldn’t know where to look (and drool). They must be the three most crush-worthy, stalkable guys ever. Today is a good day, sir, good day indeed
I just died. Perfection.
I’d take Ewan though

He looks younger than Fassbender. The guy is 40 years old! Viggo Mortensen must’ve told him where he found the Fountain of Youth
Ewan & Fass totally need to play brothers in a film. Same grin. Same hot gingerness.
WOW. This just made my morning.
Fassie and EMc in one post! *swoons*
Hmm maybe Joel can get a guest appearance out of them. I think they’d be funny on the Soup.
Seriously, Ewan and the Fassdong together. That will keep me going all day.
Brett Easton Ellis, the author of “American Psycho” tweeted this about Michael. LMAO
Ewan and Fass in the same room, I wouldn’t be able to breathe.
I love Joel McHale! The 3 of them together…MEOW!!!!
Ewan and Joel…le sigh.
I leave the Fassbender to you other ladies.
That was a great interview. Love the questions Joel asked, he’s awesome. And so seeing Ewan & Fassbender together made by morning.
Ewan, so swoon-worthy, at any age
i keep seeing speculations gina will be the next angelina. that makes me miss badass angie. mf made a joke about enjoying fighting girls. that just makes me long for a fassbender/asskicking jolie movie. they would be SO HOT. so intense.
i saw shame earlier and serious movie critique aside, damn, fassbender has a perfect body and his haunted face is emblazoned into my mind.
Michael Fassbender is as sexy as hell (i.e. looks, voice, personality…) and he is an extraordinary actor too!!!
NOOOO…. Acorn paste, his turtleneck looks good on him!
I’ve totally been turned over to the Fass-side
he really does it for me
AcornPaste: Each to his own, but I think he looks great in that black turtleneck!
I have a pic with Joel McHale from a few months back…and I’m going to a screening of Shame tomorrow where Fassbender is supposed to be at, I’ll try to take pics and report back! (I say “supposed to” because a friend went to a screening Monday where he was supposed to be at, but he wasn’t. So we’ll see…)
This trio is amazing, but Ewan in particular – I once had a dream with him that I dont ever think I can shake. If only dreams would come true…
McHale, McGregor, and Fassbender. Not to be lude, but the only problem with this fantasy running through my head is deciding who goes where…
one of my best mates is the spitting image of the Fassdong (shorter and less gingery but uncanny non the less). He too is an absolute hit with the ladies and yeah he is Irish
Being in a McGregor, Fassy, and McHale sandwich? = Perfect fantasy ;D Lalalalalove these guys!
I very happily and fortunately was at this Secret Screening of HAYWIRE at the AFI fest. Big surprise when Joel Mchale introduced EM and MF. Obi Wan and Magneto! What’s not to love.
Last night I finally saw SHAME at a screening. It was – AMAZING and exceeded all my expections. Fassy in the house for another Q&A. My 2nd one in 3 days. Be still my heart…!
Tonight, I may ditch the premiere and just attend the party. And if I don’t meet the Fassdong tonight, I probably will at a more intimate screening later in the week
Sometimes it’s good to live in LA!
The noise I made when I read the title of this story was not human. I just want to watch them grin at each other all day….