Cele|bitchy | Lindsay Lohan’s latest “modeling job” for Jag Jeans: busted, trashy & crackie?

Lindsay Lohan’s latest “modeling job” for Jag Jeans: busted, trashy & crackie?

I don’t know how recent this is, but I think it’s a new story. Lindsay Lohan, crackie extraordinaire, has landed yet another “modeling” gig, this time with a brand called “Jag Jeans.” Yes, LL is a Jag… girl. The promotional copy reads like the drunken ramblings of Mother Crackhead: “As Jag Jeans’ newest endorser, Lindsay embodies the strength and fearlessness of the woman of today. She is unafraid to be who she is. She is fierce yet exudes feminine grace.” She is crackie yet exudes vodka fumes. She is unafraid to be a raging, delusional monster. She embodies crack drama and narcissism. Here’s more:

The Jag Jeans crew traveled to Los Angeles to shoot the style icon at the landmark SLS Boutique Hotel in Beverly Hills. Led by world-renowned photographer YuTsai, who has spearheaded photo shoots for such international celebrity beauties as Anne Hathaway, Mila Kunis, Rihanna and Janet Jackson, it was clear that the spread for Jag Jeans was going to be once again artistic and edgy.

And Lindsay did not disappoint.

Like a woman who knows what she wants, Lindsay worked closely with Jag’s stylist Maya Krispin, who has styled Tinseltown’s biggest names like Katy Perry, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian, to personally select her wardrobe for every spread.

Lindsay was so involved with the shoot that she would go as far as adjusting items on the set. She even requested scissors so she could personally fray the edges of her black crepe blouse because she believed it would look better that way. Lindsay would take a hands-on approach to her shots, as she was more than willing to change her hairstyle during mid-shoot and even used her own personal jewelry and accessories when needed.

Lindsay was impressed by Jag’s Push Up Skinny Jeans and Flared Jeans, and even asked if she could keep a peach top and the denim shorts she used during the shoot.

With Lindsay’s appeal, lensman YuTsai’s intricate eye for detail, stylist Maya’s heightened fashion sense and the Philippe Starck-designed SLS hotel as its canvas, the shoot stamped Jag Jeans mark as an international brand to be reckoned with.

[Via press release]

The Jag people also not that LL wore her own diamond Cartier bracelets in one shot, and she apparently claimed they were “a special gift.” Which is her way of saying that she crack-heisted them, correct?

As for the quality of the jeans, the quality of the ad campaign and the quality of LL as a model… well, she shilling denim booty shorts, and they shot it at a Beverly Hills hotel because LL can’t leave the state without completing her community service. It’s never going to be high-class, you know?

Photos courtesy of Jag Jeans.

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98 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan’s latest “modeling job” for Jag Jeans: busted, trashy & crackie?”

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  1. Sadie says:

    She used to be beautiful…sigh.

    I just feel so sad when I see her. Like a classmate who was great once and just destroyed their life due to stupidity and insecurity.

    • JaneWonderfalls says:

      She actually does not look bad especially in the first 2 pics, I think we will all have to accept the fact that this is the best she will probably look…she was never beautiful but cute at least to me…

  2. imabrat says:

    “Feminine grace”? Do they think that just because they say something, we will suddenly see things differently?
    I’m sorry but these look cheap as Lohan herself. She doesn’t have the mystique to be a model and she doesn’t have the talent to act.

  3. Esmom says:

    I loved my Jag jeans in the 80s…I thought the brand was long gone. Fitting to have LL as their “endorser.”

  4. mollie says:

    for the love of all that is holy, Lindsay PLEASE take your fingers out of your mouth. Ugh.

    • Rio says:

      Yes! It’s her only pose! I swear to God, her love match would be modelling the chili polish they put on kids to make them stop biting their nails.

    • Faye says:

      Fingers out and CLOSE IT! She has her mouth open in every pic. I’ve seen her do campaigns where she did close her mouth without a finger in sight and she it looked fine. Someone needs to find it and forward it to her.

  5. Laura says:

    LMAO feminine grace. However, there’s something about her that the camera loves and with the right makeup, lighting and photoshop she can still look really really good.

  6. Tapioca says:

    “She is unafraid to be who she is.”

    …because she will never be held accountable for her actions!

  7. dena says:

    That photo of her in the navy blue/purple blouse is just awful, and it makes me happy.

  8. cr says:

    Her legs look terribly tiny in those photos, too much photoshop?

    • MacScore says:

      Yeah, I was thinking the same thing – the recent pics of her staggering home from Hawaii showed much chunkier puffier legs. Here she’s photoshopped to death. We all know she looks nothing like that, even on a good day (if she knows what they are).

      • Ruby Red Lips says:

        Totally agree, my first thought was boy has she been photoshopped!! & there is no way her legs are that slim…so in effect its not reaaly even Linnocent, just a imaginary person who is supposed to be LL.

      • Madisyn says:

        Mornin Mac Score, Ruby Red (its 11:55 AM, so technically morning)

        Anyhoodle, her legs are ELONGATED. Her legs are not that long or lean. PB and these twits are photoshopping her short stumps. I say that because we saw the F*CKIN PICS IN HAWAII Sunday, FFS.

        I don’t know who this bitch thinks she’s foolin, but it aint us, is it ladies?

        Mac and Ruby, its night time where you are, how many cracktini’s have you had today?

  9. sarah says:

    I like the white top and jean shorts. Cute outfit.

  10. Boo says:

    Of course she brought her own jewelry! Nobody could get an insurance policy on borrowed jewelry with Sticky-Fingers-in-her-Mouth-Lohan ON SET.

    • Madisyn says:

      LMFAO Boo

      I swear, I already ‘copied’ that quote and was gonna ‘paste’ a comment later, but you beat me to it.

      DIRTY, FILTHY, DISGUSTING Sticky Fingers-in her mouth-Lohan.

      No designer in their right mind would ‘loan’ jewelry to a photoshoot with Blohan in a 10 block radius.

  11. katy says:

    beautiful pictures 🙂

  12. Aria says:

    Thanks God for the photoshop!

  13. Khloe says:

    She looks really good. Healthy and her skin is glowing. Happy for her that she works and trys to make things better.

  14. cr says:

    Are you being serious or sarcastic?

  15. Boo says:

    Hef is talking about the original photo shoot.

    BEST REVENGE EVER: Hefner publishes the first batch of photos, NO PHOTOSHOP, in all her Crackie glory. Now THAT would be a big seller. That was before she got the new choppers, no?

  16. Jessica says:

    “Special Gift” sounds very Hookerish and what is with her elbow in the first pic. It looks like there a zippo lighter under her skin.

  17. Boo says:

    Jeans company: Okay, Lindsay, we’ve got five thousand bucks. What can you give us for that?

    Lindsay: I can give you everything in my pose repertoire: the arms up/fingers in the mouth, the sitting down one leg up (I learned this one from a tampon instruction pamphlet), and standing up with one leg turned out at an unflattering angle.

    Jeans company: well, okay, but could you….

    Lindsay: No. Unless there’s blow. I blow for blow.

  18. rissa says:

    id rather buy pajamajeans

  19. Cathy says:

    Never heard of the jeans, but they must be desperate for a spokesmodel if they’re using the Crackzilla.

  20. Blergh says:

    Would it kill her to get a trim?

    • Hakura says:

      Maybe no on-the-set hairdresser of any good repute is willing to get anywhere near her busted weave with their professional scissors. Can’t say I blame them…

  21. DarkEmpress says:

    The fact that she looks good in two pics shows she has potential. If she stopped overprocessing her hair and bleaching it to bimbo blonde she would loom so much better.

    • MJ says:

      I actually agree… I think these photos are (mostly) hotter and more “Playboy” than the tired Marilyn shoot. Besides the fact that she has clothes on, that is.

  22. bagladey says:

    Meh. Boring pics.

  23. hillbilly in the corner says:

    Can you say PHOTOSHOP !
    those legs ! LOL….this girl has more chins shapes then the Riddler, in picture pointed , one picture round, on picture squared off…need to make up their mind already
    These are the last dye job cause she has a 1″ of dark root line sticking out of that hair and I hate to tell ya’ll it ain’t red…..Thats right
    just your average dirty red brown like a lot of red headed children turn as they reach adults…..So much for her natural Red hair story…..

  24. hillbilly in the corner says:

    I’m starting a fund raiser to buy this woman a pacifer (nippy) or what ever ya’ll call it were you are….so she can suck on it instead of those nasty fingers of hers…wonder how many times she had thrush mouth doing that…Hey maybe that was what was going on the day in court…she had thrush mouth from sucking on that nasty finger and her mouth and nose swole up….

    • Bess says:

      I’ll contribute 5 cents & and a pack of dental floss to the fund to buy Linnocent a pacifier.

      You’d think the photographers or the people around her would tell her how tired and disgusting that pose is at this point. The only recent shoot without the finger in the mouth pose is the Playboy shoot and that’s only because Marilyn probably didn’t do it in the original.

  25. Blue says:

    Style icon? Feminine grace? Are they for real? I mean really if you asked anyone for words to describe LL, those wouldn’t make the top 100.

    On the bright side at least she asked for the clothes instead of them miraculously disappearing.

  26. Samantha says:

    The only thing I got from this shoot–LL’s had so many fillers and injections that she can no longer close her mouth.

  27. dorothy says:

    I’m sure I state the obvious, but whatever she’s connected with only cheapens the brand and consumers view of that brand. I’m amazed that the brand’s don’t realize that.

  28. Mourning the Death of Music says:

    She looks strung out. All I could focus on was how the shoes (in the white top and crop shorts) were too big for her feet.

  29. Annie says:

    What I don’t get is how Lindsay keeps looking worse and worse yet she insists on doing these modelling type gigs like this one, Playboy, Philip what’s his face etc – where looks are everything. You would think that for someone who wants this type of career that the shock of how she’s damaging her body would be enough of a wake up call to get herself clean and healthy.

    btw she looks like this: http://www.thesuperficial.com/photos/lindsay-lohan-at-court-for-progress-report/lindsay-lohan-court-1214-16

    and this:
    without photoshop these days. So sad. I just don’t get how someone could put themselves out to be objectified like this yet not give a damn about how they look?

  30. SamiHami says:

    It’s such a shame. You can see a hint of how pretty should could have been if she hadn’t strung herself out on crack and vodka. If she put on a couple of pounds, toned up, went back to red hair (or at least strawberry blond) and stopped abusing herself she still could be pretty. But, sadly, I don’t think we’ll ever see that happen.

  31. Happy21 says:

    One brand of jeans to be sure to never buy…

    Not too sure why she looks like a drug addicted hooker in every ‘modeling’ gig she gets. She has zero class and does not come across like a model. She looks like the girls who strut themselves on a local street for their next hit.

    Sad, sad, sad

  32. Gizmerelda says:

    “Lindsay was so involved with the shoot that she would go as far as adjusting items on the set. She even requested scissors so she could personally fray the edges of her black crepe blouse because she believed it would look better that way. ”

    So the actual clothes designer knows nothing eh?

    “move that designer, I’m Lindsay lohan!!”

  33. Minty says:

    Like a woman who knows what she wants, Lindsay worked closely with Jag’s stylist Maya Krispin, who has styled Tinseltown’s biggest names like Katy Perry, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian…

    If those are the biggest names in town, then Hollywood is circling the drain.

  34. WTF says:

    so the stylist dresses a Hilton, a Kardashian and now a Lohan – yup sounds right. But i thought Ali was the model..too skinny huh – clothes fell off so Lindsay had to step in/?

  35. G says:

    Photoshop + Tabloid fodder = Lindsay Lohan’s modeling career.

  36. Rhiley says:

    Lindsay probably managed to land a few clients of her at the hotel— one in Room 332,another in Room 221, and another in Room 142…

  37. Newtsgal says:

    Does the bitch shove crack under her fingernails……cuz, that would explain why she always has to have her fingers in her mouth!

  38. Criss says:

    She looks like an unrecognizable model, no originality. She got work done to “look” like a model. I still don’t get this whole “hang your mouth open thing” that started with Czech models with buck teeth that couldn’t close their mouths. It’s so weird. Close your mouths! I loved her with her original red hair and freckles. She should have tried harder at a singing career, she could have stayed on the drugs. She still says she wants to be a serious actress, she’s in the same league as Tara Reid, like what ever role she can land. I like Lindsay, but this whole weird “look at me I’m a beautiful girl” thing isn’t going to last.

  39. Kimberly says:

    ew Jags are busted!!! They’re made shitty and look like crap a shit hole pooped out.

    figures that they’d accept a crackhead as a model . . . they need the publicity as much as she does to sell their busted jeans.

    really no one wears those jeans!!!!!!!!!!!

  40. bluhare says:

    Too funny. I thought the shot on the main page was Kate Moss!

  41. Firecracker says:

    New blind that Liho got $15K for posing on the beach, and Tori Spelling supposedly charges $60K for pics of her w/her kids. $60K?? Liho got paid all in cash too. Soooo, I guess it is possible that she had $10K in cash.

    • Cherry Rose says:

      $15,000 might seem a lot to us, but in celebrity world that’s pretty cheap.

      If D-lister Tori Spelling who no one really cares about gets four times for her pictures than what Lindsay does, it shows how far down Lindsay has gone.

      And most obviously, Lindasy probably blew through that $15k during her trip to Hawaii. No way it didn’t get stolen like she claims. Lindsay may be stupid (among other things), but no way in hell would she just leave her money in an unlocked jeep while she was inside a house.

  42. Madisyn says:

    FYI, I’m posting first, reading the comments second, so if I repeat, please disregard. I just couldn’t help myself.

    “Like a woman who knows what she wants, Lindsay worked closely with Jag’s stylist Maya Krispin, who has styled TINSLETOWN’S BIGGEST NAMES like Katy Perry, Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian.”

    *Said in a sing-songy voice* ‘Someone’s smokin the crack’.

    BIGGEST NAMES? KK, Parasite, and Blohan? Someone’s pulling our leg here, right? Is this some kind of a sick joke? If it is, I’m laughing, I know Daniel Craig and Jonah Hill are.

    What a slap in the face to REAL names like Charlize Theron, Sandra Bulloch, Reese Witherspoon, Angelina, etc. etc. You get the jist.

    I had to go back to see what idiot wrote the statement. Lo and behold, ‘Via Press Release’, which means WO typed up an outline, faxed it to Honig, he then typed up a draft, faxed it back to Wo for any ‘script changes’ and faxed it back to Honig for the final draft. After WO’s ‘final’ approval, Honig did his thing, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE, LIE.

    It would be amusing if they could ‘change it up’ once in a while.

  43. Aurelia says:

    Guess JAG couldn’t afford Sienna Miller.

    Linds look like a budget sienna.

  44. skeptik says:

    actually that’s not LL, it’s ….Courtney Stodden

  45. Faye says:

    I usually love a well-used nude lip with dramatic eyes, but here it sort of washes her lips into her face and makes her look more busted. Maybe the make up looked good in person, but just isn’t reading on camera, or the make up artist just didn’t give an eff and figured to just make the shoot look dirty. I mean edgy! Of course that’s what they’re going for…edgy.

    I honestly think if she cleaned up her act and her system and stopped effing with her hair and her face that she could be pretty again. Maybe not the stunner she once was, but pretty. But the hair and the toxin filled skin…it just reflects the mess inside. She’s taken the first baby step in the right direction by following the judge’s orders and doing what was required of her. Hope for the Cracken? Maybe…

  46. Sarah says:

    Those photos are so photoshopped she doesn’t even look like herself.

  47. Garoto says:

    Widdle Windsay, at home, struck a match,
    To rolled -up weed from her home garden patch.
    “I need money – what to do?
    There must be someone to sue!”
    And she wonders why she’s considered a snatch.

    Widdle Windsay doesn’t realize her plight,
    She’s looking so old – she’s a fright!
    Her next job won’t cause trouble,
    She’ll be a stunt double,
    For none other than the great Betty White!

    • polk8dot says:

      Fricking Hilarious :). You are seriously wasting your talents. I can just imagine how efing awesome the stupid Jag press release could have sounded had you written it.
      Thanks for the laugh.

  48. Kat says:

    She looks more vacant and plastic than a department store mannequin. Sad.

  49. Happy21 says:

    Are these people who are using her to model their clothing really thinking that people want to go buy their sh– because she models them? As I posted above, I will steer clear just because she modeled for them!

  50. Original Chloe says:

    Eh. All of this saddens me. You sadden me, Lindsay Lohan.

  51. Lisa says:


  52. boo says:

    Hooker, that is all!

  53. Kim says:

    She looks a little better than she has recently but she just has that trashy look – always has, always will.

  54. albeli says:

    Even with the Photoshopping she looks out of shape. The Playboy spread must but ‘Shopped to the max.

  55. Adrien says:

    JAG Jeans is popular in South Asia. In Asia (esp. SE Asia), Lindsay’s still an A-lister, like at par with Angelina Jolie. Over there, they still go ga-ga over Paris Hilton (that’s why she frequents Singapore, Philippines and Malaysia b’c they still roll the red carpet for her) and worship the Kardashians or American Idol winners or whoever is on the E channel.

  56. Jasmine K says:

    she looks great

    • polk8dot says:

      Are you blind? She looks NASTY! Plus, in the pic in the blue blouse she’s positively sporting a cross-eye. They Photoshopped all the rest of it to death, why did they let this one thru?
      I’m thinking that there was one person on the shoot whom LL pissed off, and that’s why that pic was left in that way. Bwahahaha..

  57. whatevs says:

    even with all the photoshopping she looks so trashy and nasty. how does she do it? lol

  58. Cerulean says:

    She looks like she’s in an ad for an escort service in a third world country. These photo shoots are just feeding her delusion.
    I know it will be hard but BOYCOTT JAG. Let’s take this top name brand down. I’m sure Anna Wintour will stop using their brand as an example of the perfect jean…

  59. CeeCee says:

    urgh. more funds for crack lifestyle. how she still manages to get paid to do anything is beyond me. Guess she’s not disappearing any time soon….

  60. Cookie says:

    She needs to dye her hair back to red. Blonde looks so godawful on her. If she had any class, she would work with her natural looks and probably look much better. Her career is probably done at this point.

  61. mew says:

    Why anyone hires her and why won’t they at least go through the trouble of grooming her to at least look like she’s not living in a crack den?

  62. WTF says:

    hahahaa i watched Hugh Hefner on Access Hollywood last night,he said the first photo shoot – Lindsay “people” wanted her to have some clothes on, but he said the pics came out looking like someone who just got out of REHAB – oh Hef !! So he said well if you want to redo the Marilyn shoot, you’re going to have to get nekked…..lol

  63. serena says:

    Why does she looks like Sienna MIller?

  64. J says:

    The funniest part of this is that Jag jeans are straight up grandma jeans. Grandmas LOVE them.

  65. dahlia1947 says:

    she lloks good in that first picture. I love her hair and makeup.

  66. MModL says:

    From a models perspective: the shot in the navy outfit is absolutely horrific. The worst part is there was likely hundreds of shots taken and…this one made it in? How bad were the others? Nobody’s portfolio is benefiting from that shot :S

  67. GT says:

    She looks stunning in that first picture, gorgeous!!

  68. Hakura says:

    Actually (& I’m surprised by this even as I type it), I really thought this shoot looked pretty ‘run-of-the-mill’ for a clothing line model shoot. None of these pictures look particularly bad, at any rate.

    I so hated that she did the ‘Marilyn’ theme for her Playboy shoot. I think it had potential, but it just wasn’t her. May has well have been someone else entirely.

  69. mary simon says:

    crackie – but better than the Playboy spread.