Tiger Wood’s ex wife Elin Nordegren is supposely advising Michael Jordan’s new fiancé not to actually marry to mega rich basketball player. Elin had her heart broken by Tiger and she knows what it’s like to be publicly humiliated by a philandering sports star. The thing is, Elin walked away with an estimated $110 million dollar settment to ease her pain. A lot of women, especially those inclined to date famous athletes, would consider getting cheated on more than worth the trade off. Here’s more, from the Enquirer:
Tiger Woods’ ex-wife Elin has warned Michael Jordan’s fiancee – her close pal Yvette Prieto – not to marry the basketball legend, who has a reputation as a world-class philanderer!
But Yvette, a 33-year-old Cuban model, is so determined to wed the former Chicago Bulls great that she’s ignoring her friend’s advice, insiders say.
“Elin was horrified to hear that Yvette is planning to marry Michael,” a source close to the mother of Tiger’s two young children told The Enquirer. “After her terrible experience with Tiger, Elin is convinced Michael will never give up his cheating ways. She told Yvette, ‘Don’t marry him! Once a cheater, always a cheater!'”
Elin still feels that Jordan was instrumental in Tiger’s dramatic downfall.
“Michael and Tiger are golfing buddies, and Elin blames him for leading Tiger astray in the first place,” explained the source. “She believes Tiger’s cheating began when he started hanging out with Michael, who was always on the hunt for hot young women…”
“After Yvette and Michael got engaged, Elin told her, ‘You don’t know how terrible it feels to learn that the man you love is having sex with other women. But I do! You need to listen to me. This marriage is not a good idea.'”
[From The National Enquirer, print edition, January 23, 2012]
The Enquirer has run quite a few stories with insider information on Elin, so I would bet this one is true. This chick Yvette dated Michael Jordan for three years. She put in her time and she’s going to get that ring. She probably sees her friend telling her not to get married on one hand, but building a huge $10 million waterfront mansion and going on shopping sprees on the other. Yvette knows exactly what she’s in for, and she’s game for it. Also, that’s ripe that Elin blames Michael for somehow corrupting Tiger. Tiger was a cheating ass well before he met Michael. Those type of creeps have a way of finding each other – at strip clubs and private orgies.
Photo credit: WENN and Fame
Yug, so over the whole Elin-Tiger drama.
Elin and yvette are not close friends. This story is a lie. They only know each other because of mj and tigers relationship. MJ goes evrywhere with yvette so I don’t see him having the time to cheat on her. Plus people do change. Some people mature with age like michael douglas
Nothing wrong with a friend warning a friend…especially with what Elin went through.
Totally agree. That’s a real friend.
Agreed, I think she’s just looking out for her friend. If Yvette goes through with the marriage, she’s either in denial or is in it for the money.
Agreed – but you know he likely has already cheated on her during their relationship and it is even more likely that she already knows about it too! I think we have all been there before, where we become a bit delusional and think that we can change someone or things will be different “this time.” Ughhh…
Why shouldn’t she have her chance at a big pay out too? These men are all cheating dogs and any woman who thinks otherwise is fooling herself.
I agree, but she shouldn’t be crying or asking for public sympathy when she gets hurt by his cheating. She knows what she’s letting herself in for.
really? lol
We don’t know for sure he’s going to cheat – he’s old and fat now.. and we don’t know this girl isn’t crazy in love with him — so to say get married ..go on..but if anything happens bah, you are on your own and deserve it?
No one deserves to be hurt so that’s a harsh statement.Even if he did cheat on a previous wife
older and fatter but very rich…
and harsh as you may think I am, I totally subscribe to the ‘once a cheater, always a cheater’, or as long as the opportunities are there any way.
And to be even harsher, do you believe this gorgeous woman would be with him if he had no money?
Did you just including Mike in the phrase those kind of creep? ugh Jordan can do no wrong ok!
Michael Jordan is a jerk of the highest order and always has been — to his family, to his teammates, to his business partners, to women, to everyone. Great basketball player; terrible human.
I’ve heard that MJ is a major player. Good luck to Yvette. I hope the marriage lasts and we wont be writing about it later on.
Yeah, she knows what’s up.
Elin has good advice, but sometimes people have to see it for themselves.
Sweden (Elin’s country) might be very liberal for Americans, but women there are not supposed to be cool with it when men will cheat on them. No matter how rich or famous they are.
Traditional values we can all learn from.
If she’s dumb enough to think he won’t continue to need validation through young women, she deserves a cheater like MJ. He’s been adored his whole life…he won’t suddenly stop needing that gratification from virtual strangers because he has a wedding. And he’ll have a prenup so tightly locked up, it won’t be worth her time or her trouble.
Listen to your friend, gurl. Don’t bother with the fluffy white dress.
She’s a pretty young lady, she could do alot better than MJ. ShanKat is right, he’ll make her sign an airtight prenup.
money cannot make up for humiliation – only a good sense of self worthiness can.
Elin being worried for her friend is normal. The woman will have to decide for herself & Jordan WILL have her sign a pre-nup since he lost roughly $185M in his first divorce.
But one a cheater it usually mean always a cheater. My father had a mistress he eventually married & she was shocked & shaken when he cheated on her, really? She already knew he had this proclivity. It’s a major character flaw & should be avoided
exactly. There are those who would just never cross their moral line like that no matter what the situation. Others perhaps do it once and feel terrible, but I am thinking once you cheat (even if you feel bad) you are more likely to do it again. Then there are just the creepers who seriously seek it out. One of my ex boyfriend’s had a friend who was good looking but kind of dumb as a box of rocks-type guy who had the sweetest girlfriend. He would take what he called “weekends off” where he would basically be a di*k to his girlfriend and say he needed space. This meant that he went out to the bar to pick up at least a different girl every night to bring home and have sex with. I could never look at him the same way again. Ew. Just. No. Now that is the type of guy to stay away from.
his size compared to hers kind of frightens me. like… omg dude must be packin. this is a job for only those with lilo level experience. ouch.
You are too funny!
What a f’ing gold blocker. Elin did not make Tiger a millionaire. She may have added to his image but his father made him and yet she walked away with more than she really deserved. This is not like Jaunita Jordan who helped Michael with just about everything but his jumpshot. She worked her ass off and even smoothed over his scandals all while grinning and bearing it. She was there almost from the beginning. She earned her half.
So for Elin to advise this girl not to go through with this wedding is so hypocritical, I don’t believe it at all. She told that bitch, “Have a baby by him, girl, and be a milliolnaire.”
She also lent her a copy of Kanye’s new workout plan.
Damn, I love how you think.
Idgaf About this story since Athlestes be athletes an golddiggers will be but: WHAT THE ENTIRE F–K IS HE WEARING? Bwahahah
Can’t get his money unless she marries him.
They have similar age difference to that of Demi and Ashton and wonder what do they have in common as a foundation in marriage. Jordan and Pippen really rocked the basketball courts back in the day.
Their love of money?
Does he only cheat once he’s married? I’d give her the opposite advice: go ahead and marry him. Don’t sign any pre-nup without a cheating clause.
(When?)If he’s going to cheat you might as well be compensated for your time and effort.
If true, I can’t blame her for warning her friend. But anyone willing to get involved with guys like this has to know what she’s in for. Maybe she doesn’t care, she just wants the name and the money.
Bet he’ll have an airtight prenup this time though.
Yvette knows what she is in for, she has a huge family to take care of, LOL!
I don’t understand why he would even want to get married. Is it more fun if he’s cheating? BC you would think he would just continue to be a playa with a new girl every day and that’s just the way it is. Why introduce a wife into the whole thing? Makes no sense.
I was wondering why he’d want to remarry too. I guess some guys like a steady girl at home and a piece or 100 on the side?
and Tiger tells MJ not to marry her: ‘once a gold-digger….’
I was at UNC when MJ was at UNC. It’s so weird to see him look so-done. I mean, he’s not out of shape or anything, but he looks so much like a retired guy, who still plays golf. We’re the same age–oh no….
His fiance is very young and hot and yes, I am sure she knows exactly what she is getting into. I know Michael’s ex settled for close to $50 million.
As for Elin-aren’t we all so over her?
Btw, MJ’s big problem is gambling. As a professional athlete, you can in LOTS of trouble for that-he almost did…
But of course she’ll still marry him… Hope he leaves a few golf clubs laying around. Never know when a girl might need one
Wait, Elin is dating a guy that used to date Tiger’s mistress now she’s giving advice to Yvette? She needs to worry about her own relationship.
Well, isn’t that he biggest NO SH*Z statement of the year. LMAO!!
Elin had a pre nup with Tiger too and she still got a huge pay out. So, a pre-nup doesn’t guarantee no big pay out. And, a 110 million dollars would be more than enough to heal my broken heart. I sure as hell wouldn’t be sitting around crying about his cheating. I would have all that money and I would no longer have to deal with him. #winning
I am sure Yvette will be(or continue) hiding away money for the inevitable break up. She has money on the brain, not love. MJ has a huge ego–Men like that think they can, and deserve to, have it ALL. She knows what she is getting into. TRUST.
1. why are male super-celebs entering into non-open marriages?
2. why commit to marriage if your dick is not ready?
what would happen if we shifted focus to the male:chaos
Isn’t Elin dating another playboy. She needs to shut up.