Cele|bitchy | Tori Spelling Adjusts to Being Pregnant

Tori Spelling Adjusts to Being Pregnant

Tori Spelling revealed that she is finally starting to adjust to being pregnant, 5 months into it. She talks to “Extra” on the set of Smallville in Vancouver, Canada about finding out the baby’s sex.

“I’m a little tired, but feeling good. The first three months I had every textbook symptom, but now I’m starting to adjust,” she said.

Spelling and her husband Dean McDermott also do not yet know if they are having a boy or girl.

“We do want to know, as soon as I get back from (Vancouver, British Columbia) we have our ultrasound,” Spelling revealed.

“If it’s a boy, we’re making his middle name Aaron. If it’s a girl her middle name will be my husband’s mother, who passed away,” she added.

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  1. gavin says:

    what a shocker another not so subtle dig at Candy.