Cele|bitchy | Tom is Short and Fat

Tom is Short and Fat

What happened to Tom Cruise? Did he gain those sympathy pounds when soon to be wife Katie Holmes was pregnant? It seems like he has really let himself go. He has a woman he clearly adores (who lost her baby weight) and a beautiful child, does that give him the right to get fat? TMZ reports that TomFat and Katie love to eat at steakhouses such as Mastro’s and Wolfgang Puck’s CUT. Is that the culprit? Who knows, what I do know is that Tom is fat and happy!


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11 Responses to “Tom is Short and Fat”

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  1. Angelika says:

    To me, he was NEVER attractive, not at all! I never understood the hype about him, and I haven’t seen one single photo where he looks hot, I’m sorry! But comparing the two photos, I find him “hotter” today, because he looks a bit nicer and not that arrogant!

  2. Pecarrie says:

    I think its something that happens to men after they find a new love and/or have a child. (and he’s got both) I think its “happy weight” and I’ve seen it on other men.
    It does go away, though, I’d say in the next 6 months he may even look better and younger than before.

  3. Clarimonde says:

    Oh who cares if he put on a few pounds. I really HATE the obsession with weight in Hollywood. It sends such an unhealthy message to people (young and old). Many of us put on a few happy pounds when we get settled and married. Dont get me wrong now, I despise Tom Cruise with a burning white passion but I dont deny him enjoying his food and letting himself go a bit.

  4. Angelika says:

    And the thing is: He does NOT let himself go! Putting on weight is not “letting yourself go”, because she still has a nice haircut, dresses well and just looks like he enjoys food more than he used to =P

  5. Anne says:

    He is fat and I Love him any way, wait till you are very content and happy, you will see what happens. I used to doubt his relationship with Katie till I saw him put on weight. I love him any way.

  6. MizLiz says:

    I personally don’t care how many pounds that little wretch gains, I shall never spend another dime on his movies.

  7. DogRunner says:

    Actually didn’t he manage his wife’s weight loss program post-baby?

    I have seen several husbands be extremely pushy with their wives to lose baby weight meanwhile they are growing a spread themselves….hmmmm!

  8. Celebitchy says:

    Those stories about Tom’s dictating Katie’s fitness were false, and I caught the British tabloids making up quotes about it.

    Angelika, I’m sorry your comments are going to the spam folder! Try to change your e-mail address and see if that helps. I keep approving your comments but they get sent to spam every time. 8(

    I don’t agree that Tom has a nice haircut now. It looks like he hasn’t had a haircut in at least a couple of months.

    Also, it is his job to stay fit and I think that’s about all he had going for him. Is that right? Probably not, and everyone puts on a few lbs now and then. However, he could hit the treadmill and lift some weights, and I’m sure he has a world class gym at his house. If Katie has to be all gorgeous and slender for the wedding, why doesn’t he?

  9. sabine says:

    Oh yeah…he’s just soooo freakin’ fat!! Have you seen your average 44 year old dude? Looks NOTHING like Tom Cruise….
    Are we getting a bit rediculous picking on normal sized people?
    geez, i am 5’10 and 155 lbs…i feel obese after reading this article.

  10. Celebitchy says:

    I hear you Sabine. There seems to be some confusion about the picture, though. The top picture is “before,” so I have labeled it.

  11. lady garden says:

    did he have the baby?