Lindsay Lohan is telling crack-lies about her connection to Elizabeth Taylor

Here are some photos of Lindsay Lohan from two nights ago in Beverly Hills. I believe I linked to some of these yesterday, but that was before I realized that we had access to them. Can we talk about the Cracken’s current “look”? She looks every inch a budget, day-shift hooker, doesn’t she? Cheap wig/extensions, a nose collapsing from extensive cocaine usage, and that puffy face… damn.

Ever since the judge gave her such a glowing report in court this week, Lindsay has been out every night, partying like a crackhead. On Thursday night (these photos), she went to Domingo Zapata‘s Oscar Art Show held at Mr. C. Just Jared notes that after the event, “the 25-year-old actress attended the French-born billionaire investor Nicolas Berggruen‘s party at the Chateau Marmont, where Linds is staying.” Didn’t I tell you? Didn’t I? Bitch is staying at the Marmont, and she’s going to crack-hustle her way into every Oscar party held there.

Then last night, Lindsay went to the opening of a Terry Richardson exhibit. She wore a really cheap-looking little yellow dress – you can see those photos here. Considering Terry Richardson is pretty much the only major photographer still giving Lindsay a “chance,” I guess it was nice that she came out to support him. Terry also put this photo of Dina and her mother up on his “Diary”. Ugh.

And our final LL story of the day – LL is a crack liar. Shocking, I know. She told The Mail that Elizabeth Taylor “gave” her a ring shortly before Taylor died, and it’s something that LL “treasures.” I don’t even know where to begin:

Lindsay Lohan told me the late Elizabeth Taylor sent her a ring before she died.

‘I treasure it,’ she said when we discussed her forthcoming TV drama about the two-time Oscar-winning star’s titanic love affair with Richard Burton. ‘It came with this beautiful note, hand-written by Elizabeth Taylor, which was very encouraging about my work – and that work is something I should concentrate on,’ Lohan, 25, continued.

I couldn’t resist asking: How big was the diamond? She laughed and said: ‘It’s a costume ring! It has a cognac-coloured stone with precious stones set round it. After I was sent it, I put the ring, and the letter, away in a safe place so I wouldn’t lose it. But I took them out recently when I was asked to portray her. It’s a tiny connection to her.’

The Taylor-Burton television film is called Liz And Dick – although Elizabeth Taylor loathed being called Liz.

Lindsay explained how the film begins on the set of the film Cleopatra. ‘That’s where they fell in love – and I must have watched Cleopatra 500 times,’ she laughs. ‘OK, I’m exaggerating, but I have watched it dozens of times, and studied her performance in detail. I’ve also watched Who’s Afraid Of Virginia Woolf? A lot of people felt that film echoed her tumultuous relationship with Richard.’

Lindsay (who like Taylor, was a child star — first achieving fame at the age of 11 in The Parent Trap) has yet to decide whether she will dye her blonde hair dark for the role, or wear wigs.

‘We’re discussing all of that, and I’m working with a make-up designer who worked with her,’ she told me. She’ll wear contact lenses to match Elizabeth’s famously violet eyes.
And she’s looking forward to getting back on a film set.

‘I like the structure,’ she said. ‘You have to be there in the morning, so that means you can’t go out the night before. I’ve learnt a lot of lessons, and that’s one of them,’ she said, as she waltzed off into the LA night air to pick up her car.

[From The Mail]

Same crack lies, different day. Do you think Elizabeth really sent her a costume piece? Do you think Elizabeth sent her a lovely note? I don’t. I think it’s all crack lies. As for LL’s casting – I can’t even. I’m not going to get worked up about it right now, because I’m thinking that LL will mess it up somehow and she’ll end up getting kicked off the film. Why waste the energy?

The Mail’s reporter also asked LL about the judge’s recent praise, and her strict probation, and LL said, “I’m happy about what happened. I realize how important it is not to muck this up. This is my chance to get on with my life.” BITCH PLEASE.

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News, Terry’s Diary.

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114 Responses to “Lindsay Lohan is telling crack-lies about her connection to Elizabeth Taylor”

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  1. Little Darling says:

    She looks so horrific. It’s actually the first time I am really frightened about what the hell is really going on with her. Not good at all.

  2. Lem says:

    Is that Tara Reid?

    • the original bellaluna says:

      Naw. Tara looks better – she’s skinnier and her boob job doesn’t reach her belly button. Yet.

  3. the original bellaluna says:

    She’s lying; it’s what she does!

    And GF needs to stay out of that mess of a yellow dress. She looks much better (for her) all covered up.

    • Jag says:

      Is she breathing? Then she’s lying.

    • Madisyn says:

      Mornin Belle and all the Crack Cliquers

      Jag said it best: “Is she breathing? Then she’s lying”.

      Liz Taylor didn’t know this tricks name, let alone send her a ‘ring and a hand written note’. I will give her one thing, she certainly is going all out, trying ever so desperatly to land a role that will never happen. After all those bj’s to get rejected, yet again. . .poor poor Crackie.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Morning Mad & all the CC’s!

        I think if Dame Elizabeth had given her ANYTHING (other than a slap) she’d have tried to auction it off by now.

      • Lady D says:

        Morning Madisyn. It is -23 at the moment and the wind is starting. I’m sure you understand if I don’t add a ‘good’ to the morning, cause there’s nothing good about today. Two days ago I was outside in the sun without a jacket. Today? Brrr. It’s a good day to surf and bake. How is it at your place? Nice and warm?

      • the original bellaluna says:

        EEK, Lady D, where do you live?!? I mean, it’s “cold” right now here. *raises hand; SoCali native here* (It’s going to get a lot colder tonight, with rain and snow for the next week likely – FUN!) But it’s supposed to warm up a little today, at least.

      • Lady D says:

        Hey Original B, I’m in the middle of B.C. All of Canada had a snowfall warning this weekend. East and west coast hit especially hard. Temp has gone up, it’s -13 yay! I’ve made honey garlic ribs in my slow cooker and I made a pan of brownies with a fudgy cream cheese icing. I’m going to bake some tart shells and use the left-over icing for a filling with a banana slice and whipped cream. I’m also going to end up making pies because this recipe makes a lot of pastry. One blackberry, one peach-raspberry combo. I freeze a lot of fruit in the summer and I eat 2-3 pounds of fruit everyday, (have for decades) fresh and frozen. I’m pretty sure my #1 addiction is fruit. With this weather, I will happily keep my stove going all day.
        LOL at Madisyn’s rejected blow job line. Poor lonely rejected blowjobs.

      • Madisyn says:

        Lady D, its been 80 degrees for three days and then yesterday and today it cooled down to about 70 and 65. Suppose to rain tomorrow, HALLELUJAH!, we need it. I hope it pours like the dickens, as my car need a wash. As for the bj’s, how do you think she gets to ‘audition’ for these producers that SHE attaches her name to for their projects. Word of mouth must be good. Blohan is ‘up’ for more rolls than the Pillsbury dough boy can make, according to HER! Poor crackie, all those bj’s, all that free publicity for their upcoming projects and ZERO opportunities for Blohan. Its always nice to see the con artist get conned!

        Belle, if Liz Taylor gave her a ring, she would have RAN to tmz and rol so fast to tell them, our heads would spin. This trick doesn’t fart without alerting the media, so I’m calling b.s. on this story. How CONVENIENT she mentions it only after trying to grift/con her way into a role that not only is not right for her but will never get. Two Thursdays ago, I believe it was the 17th, on DListed under Birthday Sluts, there was a pic of Elizabeth Olsen with black hair and I swear, I said to myself, ‘NOW THERES YOUR ELIZABETH TAYLOR’. If you got a sec, check it out, she’s a dead ringer.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        Well Lady D, it sounds like your home smells DIVINE! (May I come over?) 😉 One of my addictions is salads (I make all kinds, with all manner of stuff in them) and fruit. And avocados!

        Oh, Mad, you & I both know that she can’t make a move without the paps papping it or WO announcing it.

  4. Jessica says:

    She looks HORRIBLE!!!! I have NO doubt she is still using, a TRUE transformation does not happen overnight, it takes months even years to get truly clean.

    In a couple of years she will probably be dead.

    • Kimbob says:

      @Jessica, I have to comment about your post. You are exactly right…it takes months…and/or years…depending on one’s level of dependency. And let me say, w/Lilo’s years of use, coupled w/the fact that SHE STARTED SO YOUNG…this works against a person.

      The younger one is when they begin drinking/drugging…the harder it is to clean up. Why? Because the brain continues to develop in “young adulthood,” and neural connections that become damaged from the onslaught of use…this takes quite a while to reverse…IF one can give themselves a fighting chance….which The Cracken obviously has not.

      Kaiser…you’re spot on again, as well. Every damn word out of her mouth is a fricking crack lie.

      No way this bitch is clean/sober. Remember the fracas that went on when she was caught drinking during her probation? Remember then it was decided by someone in the probation/courts that…well…due to the fact that her problems were DRUG-RELATED..that the issue of The Cracken DRINKING was a NON-ISSUE..and that she COULD DRINK…you know, since drinking wasn’t related to the offenses she was charged with. I literally fell out of my chair when that story came out.

      The Cracken has been enabled by everyone..from her parents all the way to the court system. Yes, she’ll end up another Hollywood statistic…it’s just a matter of time.

      And yes…she looks like ALL KINDS OF HELL.

  5. brin says:

    “This is my chance to get on with my life”….of crack hustling.

  6. cmc says:

    I just…can’t anymore. Long, slow suicide in the public eye a la Brittany Murphy or Anna Nicole Smith. It’s not fun to laugh her to the grave.

    • JackofNoTrades says:

      The only difference between Murphy or even Anna Nicole Smith, and Lindsay Lohan is that the first 2 knew what they were and though majorly messed up, didn’t seem like horrible people. Lindsay is a self-entitled, mean, delusional horrible excuse for a human being.

      • cmc says:

        Yeah, I agree that she’s a huge asshole. She’s still dying right before our eyes, and I just don’t find it funny anymore. It was funny when she was just a mean f*ck-up, but look at her now. Doesn’t that look like a person with one foot in the grave?

        However, I’m half convinced she’s going to pull a Courtney Love and outlive them all.

    • Kate #2 says:

      I completely agree. She sounds a pretty unpleasant, entitled brat, but she’s also on an express ticket to an OD. The fact she sees herself as a Hollywood figure rather than a tragicomic mess is part of what makes it all so awful. You need a degree of self-awareness and a bullshit radar to escape addiction, as far as I can see, and she appears to have neither, nor the capacity to develop them. And it does feel a bit like kicking someone who’s down at the lowest ebb a person can be, to mock and sneer. Something being her own fault doesn’t mean it isn’t painful and horrible – nobody wants their life to go that way. I just wish someone cared enough to intervene – instead of which, her mother’s accompanying her to Hollywood parties.

      Funnily enough, though, I also buy that Elizabeth Taylor might have sent her a nice note and a little trinket, because she was noted to be very kind to child stars who crashed and burned and suffered exploitation (obvious reasons, I guess) and Lindsay Lohan was and still is a very obvious candidate. Not denying that Lohan is more than capable of completely inventing the entire thing and it’s probably absolutely untrue, but it isn’t completely impossible, either, on Taylor’s side.

  7. Fatkid says:

    I can kind-of believe that Taylor sent her the ring. Mainly because it’s just a costume piece, not a diamond, and came with a note telling the girl to get her act together. Isn’t she known for her great acts of kindness? Just recently we were all going on about someone needing to step in and help Lindsay instead of enabling…wishful thinking on my part maybe

    Side note: glad I’m not the only one that loathes being called Liz!

  8. Jordi says:

    WHAT? I’ve never had a chance to be the first one to reply to something on Celebitchy! I’d better not screw this up… Concentrate on the work… I’m eating a banana that Elizabeth Taylor gave me. It came with a note! Wait… No… That’s just a receipt from 7-11. Never mind. So, that hair is strictly Gandalf, amirite? What a ding-dong.

    • Jordi says:

      I mean, I’ve never had a chance to be the FIFTH one to reply.:)

    • Dredz says:

      I’m now in Singapore and still saving the used Chinese take out boxes which Liz Taylor sent me too the other day… Chicken kung pao, yum yum… How did she know?!!!

  9. Rio says:

    “Wearing wigs”…yeah, hun, because the My Little Pony getup you’re currently sprouting is SO NATURAL.

  10. Nanea says:

    Those trout lips that are getting worse with every new injection – she’s dangerously close to looking like a duckbill. The make-up, I can’t even. She looks older than me, and I’m nearly twice her age, with twins, and a full-time job, house, garden… (and a husband who does more than his fair share to help)

    I only hope Nicolas Berggruen didn’t know who she is, he’s not only an investor but a major patron of museums, theater, art and comes across as a nice guy.

    Where’s the Cracktail waiter when I need my Cracktini to make this image go away?

  11. Carolyn says:

    Um..I don’t think Elizabeth Taylor was sitting in her parlour with an idle moment and thought “oh yes, this old ring would be perfect for Lindsay. Must write a nice note to go with it”. Shaking head in disbelief. Has anyone from the “Liz and Dick” (again shaking head) production confirmed Lindsay is in it? After the Inferno fiasco surely she’s unhireable?

    • Hautie says:

      I mention the same thing too the other day… that no one at Lifetime had confirmed squat. Just Lohan out there claiming the hire.

      And does anyone actually believe she can pass her insurance physical? Like the drug test. Which you just know the insurance company is going to insist on having.

      Lohan must believe she can crack hustle her way out of that drug test.

      • LAK says:

        That’s the million dollar question. i would have thought she’s pretty uninsurable right now, and it would have to be either close personal friend willing to take her on at their own risk or like Courtney Love, insist on random and frequent drug tests for duration of production to keep her on the straight and narrow.

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        Well, Courtney Love did say she was LiLo’s “sober coach,” 😂 And by sober coach she meant the one who showed her how to pass a drug test while completely blitzed out of her gourd.

  12. Baylor says:

    Anyone notice the lady is with Lindsey on the red carpet? Is that her assistant, publist, or manager? She seems to be breaking out. I bet the stresss of working with Lindsey will do that to you.

  13. cr says:

    Looking at the Terry Richardson gallery photos, it looks like Pam Anderson was the best dressed there. And that’s frightening.

    • Patsy says:

      ..and did you notice the legs on Pam compared to Lindsay? No 25 year old should have baggy knees.

  14. duncecap says:

    Didn’t Taylor say that the only actress who could play Liz in a movie would be Liz herself?

    • Lem says:

      She did; bit unless she passed on copyright of her name, image, likeness, lifestory, etc. I dint know how anyone could stop it.
      No worries, CrackLo will jack up.

      Who would make a good Taylor?

      • the original bellaluna says:

        A younger Sherilyn Fenn.

      • duncecap says:

        I heard Megan Fox was trying hard to land the role as well. And I’d root for that if it was true. Megan Fox is a horrible actress, but she looks more like Liz than Lohan does. And she’s much more likely to be sober, show up on time, stand on her mark, follow directions, not slur her words, not get in trouble with the law… That kind of thing.

        What I’m saying is that Fox has her flaws, but she’s also much more mature and self aware now. She’s come a long way and wants to make amends in the business. I think hollywood should reward contriteness and earnestness and professionalism. Not enable crackens.

  15. Happymom says:

    It’s just a matter of time. She hasn’t made any fundamental changes in how she lives her life or who she associates with.

  16. Jill says:

    The whole idea of her playing Elizabeth Taylor makes me want to hurl.

    • skuddles says:

      I know! Even the idea of her unworthy ass watching my favorite Taylor movie, Who’s Afraid of Virginia Woolf”, annoys me…

      • duncecap says:

        haha, so true! After all these years of defiling Marilyn she has the nerve to move on to Liz Taylor. Lindsay has no idea of what made either of those women awesome to begin with.

        She just thinks slapping on some liquid liner and a wig will duplicate their appeal.

        I hope the trainwreck nature of this project will at least be watchable. Kind of like when Jlove Hewett played Audrey Hepburn. It was so bad I couldn’t look away.

  17. e.non says:

    notice those ‘bangs’ are cut from the middle of her scalp. her hair is so thin, she’s practically bald.

    what a freakin insult to have her playing elizabeth taylor — unless it’s the 80s decade where taylor was a drug-addled, overweight woman. besides, i would think that what she’s done to her face is going to be so fugly onscreen — can you even imagine close-ups — and in hd? someone’s gotta be rethinking this ‘decision’.

    • duncecap says:

      I’ve never seen bangs or any hair like that for that matter, and it scares me.

      The sad state of her looks is a huge red flag. No 25 year old looks like that. There are 40 year old actresses who look younger than that. I was marveling at how young and vibrant Rachel Weiz looks just moments ago and then I come to this page and my gut dropped. Lindsay’s dying on the inside. I have no doubt she’s got prematurely brittle bones, weak organs, the whole shebang.

      Its a kind prognosis considering she lives off drugs, booze and red bull.

  18. Boo says:

    The thing that I find so galling and unforgivable is this baloney that she is selling: she is clean and sober but partying every night. WHO DOES THAT? She is the only addict in the history of addiction who can go straight from rehab right back to the bar without ever having any sort of problem with relapse…which we all know is a big fat lie. Then we get the “But there’s no law against her drinking!” line, and that’s true, but STOP TRYING TO SELL US CLEAN AND SOBER, because NOBODY (except key persons in the media, who she has snowed (heh)) is buying.

    And I don’t feel sorry for her because she is/may be dying or whatever condition she will deny forveer that she has so that she can just “get on with her life” and be “back on set.” I feel like she is one person who will snicker herself right into the grave, throwing the world the finger ever inch of the way, and I won’t feel bad about it. She’ll just try to time it so she can upstage some other celebrity death and TREND that week. Might as well go out with a bang.

    • the original bellaluna says:

      I agree. I think Lindsay has the mentality of a five-year-old who “runs away from home” (and gets to the end of the block because he’s not allowed to cross the street alone) because you won’t feed him Oreos for dinner. The “You’ll miss me and then, boy, won’t YOU be sorry!” mentality, if you will.

      But death isn’t the end of the block, Blohan, it’s the end of the road.

      • duncecap says:

        I agree so hard on this!

        Lindsay definitely has a case of arrested development. She’s at whatever age it was before her parents pushed her into acting, dancing classes and commercials. No parent should ever make a child responsible for supporting the family financially. It messes them up mentally, not to mention the power balance between child and parent.

        She’s obviously never healed from that. I doubt her parents ever acknowledged that. Maybe her death spiral is a way to punish her mother, but WO doesn’t have the capacity to understand that. WO can barely take care of herself, let alone acknowledge she didn’t take care of Lindsay or apologize for making Lindsay support them.

        Lindsay is still loathsome, but no one is a winner in this.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        No, no child should EVER be financially responsible for supporting a family (of 6, no less!). And shame on those parents who make that choice for their children rather than getting jobs themselves!

        There are absolutely NO winners in this situation: The older brother is supposedly starring in WO’s “movie”; Ali’s now “modeling”; and supposedly WO’s managed to get Cody (the youngest) a gig as well.

        She’s already written-off Lindsay. Except for access to parties and photogs, of course.

  19. Steph says:

    I dont see the need why she can’t just own up to the fact that she has messed with her face. Should could just lie, like she always does, and just say something along the line that she wasn’t happy with her appearance. Stop giving her the attention she wants Kaiser, just let her crackie-self be

  20. Ari says:

    Can she even pronounce the word, “tumultuous?”

  21. skuddles says:

    I sincerely doubt the ring story too. If that really happened, Lohan would have been blathering about it to everyone in sight at the time. It does, however, sound like a lost druggy girl fantasy… something she wishes would have happened. Sad chick.

  22. HappyJoyJoy says:

    She’s holding out for the “27 Club” because this delusional bitch actually fancies herself a talented hollywood star. Mark my words, OD at 27.

    • Peanut says:

      I don’t know if I can handle two more years of watching her death spiral.

    • Rio says:

      She’d OD maybe, but she’d be revived on the table. I can see Kurt Cobain, Amy Winehouse, Brian Jones et al collectively barring the door.

    • duncecap says:

      ITA. She’s delusional enough to romanticize that whole thing. I hate it when anyone does.

  23. megs says:

    We’ve been hearing about this movie role for months. How Lindsay was up for the roll and all these A-list actors wanted it(bullsh-t). It’s a made for tv movie LMAO. Are you kidding me? REALLY? So impressive. One day they will make a REAL documentary about Elizabeth Taylor and it will be in theaters and Lindsay Lohan won’t be playing her.

  24. Newtsgal says:

    What a joke!
    Yet another dead celebrity that Liar Lohan says she had contact with.
    Micheal Jackson, Heath Ledger and now Elizabeth Taylor……

    • G says:

      I thought she pulled out the Heath Ledger story to rag on Michelle Williams, who she undoubtably thinks took her Marilyn schtick and film role.

      • A-Rod says:

        Long time Cracktini fan and first time poster here, but you are ABSOLUTELY right. Hell, her real downward spiral could start this week if Michelle wins the Oscar for her Marylin portrayal.

      • the original bellaluna says:

        A-Rod, I shudder to think what her “real downward spiral” will be, since she’s been on a downward spiral for 8 years now.

  25. NinaG says:

    I’m still laughing at the title in the post “Crack-lies” LOL. You sure no how to get someone to click on these post with your one liners 🙂

  26. G says:

    What is sad in my opinion, is that she has no ability to reflect on herself. Zero sense of context in either the social, professional or existential sense.

    I don’t think she’ll die. She’s a predator, not a victim.

    • duncecap says:

      Predators in nature are surprisingly delicate and cautious. They have a high failure and fatality rate. Its why big cats spend most of their time sleeping. Some of it to repair themselves from exertion, but mostly to keep themselves out of trouble. If they act daringly when not needed, they can get injured, and the slightest injury can kill them or hamper their hunting ability– which kills them too.

      By this logic Lindsay could be predatory and still die. She’s not that bright and drug addled to boot. Plus she seems to romanticize the boozing and drugging lifestyle– maybe even romanticizes the 27 club. If she wants that epic victimized death, would it make her a victim if she willfully created those circumstances?

  27. Boo says:

    Yeah, “I like the structure.” Puh-leeze. You like getting high and having money. You don’t like “structure” or you wouldn’t be living in a hotel on someone else’s dime like some freakish famewhoring ghost.

    Once and for all, Lindsay: saying words out loud does not make them true.

    • Bess says:

      Agree with you. If Linnocent “liked structure”, she wouldn’t have had so much trouble completing probation. The only reason she’s able to get through her requirements now is that the judge, probation officer and Shawn Holley are bending over backwards for her.

  28. MsGoblin says:

    I want that aqua purse…

    That’s the only item I’ve seen her wear that I would ever want.

    I agree; she’s going to be a member of the 27 Club.

  29. The Original Mia says:

    Bitch, please!

    What the hell is going on with her face? I know her nose is collapsing, but what about the rest. Is she using fillers in her cheeks?

    • Pia says:

      major lip injections and possible facial fillers, but drinking and hard drug use is definitely a big factor… she looks like a muppet.

      edit: and on second look, terrible makeup choices certainly don’t help the cause either…

  30. G says:

    Yeah, that’s why I work, too…. the structure.

  31. Belle Epoch says:

    Can you fix someone’s nose after it starts to collapse?
    Will she end up with Michael Jackson nose?

  32. opa locka says:

    She is someone’s child, a tortured soul , an addict. Have none of you dealt with this? I am no huge fan of her work, think she had promise. She bloomed early and died on the vine. Empathy or understanding would be good, hating her is just dreadful.

    • Happymom says:

      She’s an a==hole of the first order-I’ll reserve my sympathy for actual victims. She’s been given every opportunity, unlimited chances-and blows them all (literally). She’s not a nice person, is completely out for herself, and makes zero effort to redeem herself.

    • LeeLoo says:

      She’s also an adult. I’ve known plenty of addicts in my life and most of them did not have the horrible attitude that she does. She’s a lying narcissistic ADULT, she could turn her life around at anytime and chooses not to. Why should anyone filter their comments? The addict excuse ran out a long time ago.

      • Kate #2 says:

        That kind of surprises me, to be honest. All the (using) addicts I’ve known have become hugely self-pitying, narcissistic and selfish. It’s why so many are willing to steal from loved ones, and cheat on partners and spouses who’ve done nothing but love them, and then sigh about how painful and hard it is to know you’ve hurt people you love. It’s not called “the disease of terminal uniqueness” for nothing. The key thing the addicts I’ve known have shared has been a conviction that they are in some way special, and being a movie star from a child, you’re likely to have that reinforced constantly. It’s hard to have a reality check when your reality is that you’re famous and (used to be) a movie star.

        It’s human to prefer to be around people who tell you what you like hearing. Most of us prefer people who like us, after all. The problem is, Lohan appears not to have anyone close who has her interests at heart, and she hasn’t anything to make her really want to get clean (a kid can do it, though looking at Courtney Love’s parenting skills it isn’t something to bet the farm on, is it). There are no long term friends with genuine concern for her to intervene, and her parents are interested in the money and fame she can enable them to enjoy, not her welfare. There just doesn’t seem to be anyone in her life she can trust as loving her, who will tell her the home truths she needs to hear. She’s being enabled and asskissed instead.

        Addiction and fame together would make someone pretty unlikable, I think – it would disinhibit all the stuff that is so eyebrow-rising in stars anyway – the humblebragging, the glimpsed monster ego (Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Winslet sometimes manage to let that stuff slip and it’s amusing, but they’re not addicts, and they do seem to genuinely care for the people in their lives). Carrie Fisher is wry on the subject. But I don’t think that makes it impossible to pity her, because she’s been exploited all her life, and the person she is is IMO in no small part down to that fact. If you want a nice, kind, well balanced adult then it’s usually the case that they will have been well and intelligently loved when growing up. I know there are honourable exceptions, but you only need to look at the empirical evidence for neglected and abused kids to know that. For all her privileges it seems to me that nobody has ever actually loved her properly when she most needed it. She’s her parents’ meal ticket.

    • Jessica says:

      LL is an addict who REFUSES to get clean and sober. She’s almost 26, REFUSES to get help etc.

      At this point, Just let her die.

    • cat1 says:

      I agree. I think I commented to that effect once and people said she had had enough time to get her act together or something like that. I didn’t realize there was a time limit on empathy and giving someone a chance.

      • duncecap says:

        My empathy for her flew out the door when she hit that baby stroller with her car was like “meh” about it.

        Do I think she SHOULD die? Heck no. And I honestly wish someone around her would intervene and save her life. Unfortunately NO ONE around her is capable of that. Which is Lindsay’s doing as well.

        She weeded out anyone who tried to advise her to lay off the booze and get her act together. Hollywood is paved with young people she tossed aside for easily trainable sycophants. The kind that will go to millionaires neither of them know and demand that he buy Lindsay a 40,000 dollar watch, like its a normal thing.

        Where was I going with this? Oh yeah, with the kind of “friends” she’s barricaded herself with, there’s no saving her. Unless you yourself volunteer.

        I would, but she’s as much a harm to others as she is to herself. Another reason I have no sympathy.

  33. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    On a positive note, I see she’s found a use for all of her used hypodermic needles, as her sleeves seem to be covered with them. Surely she has several uses for them (shooting speedballs, plumping lips, decorating her sleeves). Bitch is like the Macgyver of crackheads.

    • LeeLoo says:

      I can see it now:

      Lindsay! We only have 2 hits of heroin, one hyperdermic needle, a crack pipe and 1/8 of meth what are we going to do?

      Lindsay: I know let’s make a Gucci style skirt out of it!

      • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

        That’s exactly how she sneaks in the paraphernalia. In plain sight. Clever crackie! If she tucked that ratty weave behind her ears we’d probably see two crack pipes for ear rings.

  34. LeeLoo says:

    Bitch be high as a kite in these photos. We also now know which nostril she predominately uses to snort stuff.

    As for her Elizabeth Taylor story, I can see that going both ways. Liz had something The Cracken will never have grace and compassion for others, plus she reached out to a lot of child stars in her life. My best guess is Lindsay is embellishing her story but I can see Liz throwing her some sort of bone.

    Until I hear it from an official statement from Lifetime that she is in this movie, I refuse to believe she is telling the truth.

    • Happymom says:

      I agree. I’ll believe it when it’s actually made and shown on tv.

    • Boo says:

      Also agree. Bitch be lyin’. For fun, I strolled over to the Lifetime site, and there was a deafening silence as to any such project. IMDB is similarly unfettered with any information linking her to this movie. As for Lifetime, though, it is just a budget TV network, and if they mentioned their new star, Lindsay, they’d probably feel obligated to mention all their other big names, like Lori Loughlin and Candace Cameron Bure.

  35. lease says:

    I thought she looked ill, then it hit me that she is just rocking her natural skin tone… and I respect that.
    Just say no to spray tans, kids!!

  36. hillbillygirl45 says:

    Blohan truly looks like the crackhead/streetwalker that she is in these pictures. What the hell kind of garb has she got on, anyway? I’ve heard after you do so much crack/meth, you become delusional, see and hear things that aren’t there, and sometimes becomes a self-important asshole who thinks the world revolves around them. That’s obviously what’s happened here. BITCH PLEASE!!! Ain’t no way this woman can play Elizabeth Taylor, and when exactly was this ring supposed to have been given to Crackie? It ain’t like they hung out together, I’m just sayin’….
    Victoria Gotti, maybe, Elizabeth Taylor, NEVER

  37. Freddy Snackchips says:

    I think if Lindsay wants to struggle with drug problems do it away from the public eye. I personally cannot understand wanting to be famous and having everyone and their dog judge me to death. It is the chronic troubled celebrity delusion of thinking nobody sees your desperation and maybe it would save her to go back to a normal life and work at Starbucks in a far away country. Some celebrities think they can claw and manipulate themselves back to the life they once took for granted.

  38. skeptical says:

    notice the difference in her posing in these pics? No blowing kisses? (tho maybe she realized that pose showed off the full size of her lip implants?)
    She *thinks* she’s channeling Dame Elizabeth right now.
    Anyone else want to slap that smug smirk off her puffed up face?

    as a pleasing contrast to the entitled brat blohan is… what is this i’m hearing about Taylor Swift taking a cancer patient to an award show?

  39. SCREEEE says:

    As y’all know, I *LOVE* my Crackie stories, but…

    What’s confusing me currently is SNL. It was announced a few days ago. If I (God forbid) were her, I’d imediately have quit smoking, drinking (srsly, both those would have hurt me) and cracking off. COS OF THE BLOAT. How can somebody that size have SUCH a bloated face? Will she REALLY let herself on NBf***ingC looking like that?!

  40. ocean says:

    this is slightly off topic. I went to the linked pictures of her in the yellow dress. I scrolled down and saw the pic of the creature that calls herself Pam Anderson. Now that was SCARY!

  41. malathyonxx says:

    It’s all rubbish

  42. Mich says:

    Can someone please explain to me how she manages to look so dramatically different from week to week? From those recent horrible NYC shots to THIS? Is it constant injections? Massive drug binges? Also, while I totally buy that her nose is deteriorating, what are the physical signs? And, hooray!, her mouth is actually closed in one of these pics!

  43. ZenB!tch says:

    I had a long diatribe on everything wrong in the land of crack but I made the mistake of clicking on the yellow dress link and scrolling down to PAZ DE LA HUERTA.

    The Cracken looks great to me! Long live the Cracken!

    Who let’s Paz out of the asylum?

  44. LAK says:

    this is always my point when it comes to celebrities and their print interviews.

    It is rare the celebrity who is either unedited or doesn’t let their PR office write out the answers.

  45. cat1 says:

    I suppose there’s no way to verify but I believe the ring story.

  46. lettylynton says:

    I like her look here. I was startled to say the least when I heard she would be portraying La Taylor; but, prove me wrong, Linds.

  47. Meanchick says:

    *sigh* Where do I start? Is she carrying that tragic green purse to distract us from her crack face? Why any reporter worth their salt even bothers to interview this crack puppet is beyond me. She’s trying HARD to snatch up a billionaire. She doesn’t realize they will only get a few kicks out of her, buy her a bag of crack and send her on her way. She is delusional if she thinks she’s wife material.

  48. hillbilly in the corner says:

    Lindsay sweetie you should have listened a little close the Captain Kirk when he was talking about what a billionare wants in a wife…the phrase is “Were No man has every been” nor “Were everyman has been” …..see what snorting will do for you ……

  49. Cathy says:

    Balloon face…that’s what she is. Gawd she looks horrible in those pictures, her face all swollen up and crap. That pink lipstick is the pits to.

  50. dorothy says:

    Lohan lives in a delusional dream world. Sad,sad little girl.

    • Onyx XV says:

      Exactly what I was just thinking. It’s sad that she doesn’t realize no one – and I mean NO ONE – likes her at all anymore. No one wants her around, no one wants to give her work. Kaiser’s right – I doubt this Elizabeth Taylor movie will happen, at least not with LL. She will mess it up. She really needs to just give up her Hollywood delusions and go away.

  51. Boo says:

    “I thought she looked ill, then it hit me that she is just rocking her natural skin tone… and I respect that.
    Just say no to spray tans, kids!!”

    You may want to look again. Nothing on her face is “natural,” including her skin. She has tons of freckles naturally–she is covered with heavy, heavy, too-light makeup here to try to make her skin look creamy, like Elizabeth Taylor’s, but it really, really isn’t working.

  52. Quinn says:

    Wow…my 86 year old Nana has younger looking knees than Lohan’s, a la the nasty yellow dress.

  53. aprayerforthewildatheart says:

    I may not like LL, but I trace her problems straight back to her mother. Dina doesn’t GAF what happens to her kids as long as they’re paying her bills. The fact that the same “fame-whoring” is happening with her younger kids just reinforces this fact.

    Look at what happened with Britney, her parents MADE her get help. Jaime Spears was awarded conservator-ship over Brit. That’s a very public precedence that shows it can be done. Dina’s Lindsay’s next of kin, and she could do the same she just doesn’t care enough to do shit!

    There’s a special place in Hell for someone like Dina Lohan. 👿

    • duncecap says:

      ITA. Lindsay was the sole provider for a while, right? And at a young age. That is a kind of mind**** that doesn’t just go away.

      And it explains why Dina just follows Lindsay around with that passive, dead-eyed look on her face. Its why she’ll never step in to take care of Lindsay, because it was always the other way around. Think a parent can still be a parent to a kid once the kids provide the means to live and eat? Hell no.

      Lindsay makes me think there should be no child performers anymore. Just use adults and shrink them in green screen or something.

  54. Shoe_lover says:

    what a pathetic bitca. It was bad enough when she was tainting Marilyn Monroe and trying to attach herself to Sharon Tate but to drag Elizabeth Taylor into it is just about all I can handle. if she adds Audrey Hepburn to the mix I will legitimately lose my sh!t

  55. Stephanie says:

    I was flipping around cable last night and caught a minute of Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen. It made me really sad to see her when she was younger and healthy. She was such a beauty. Wasted potential and talent. Sad.

  56. dani says:

    What happened to her face!!

  57. ManicPixieDreamGirl says:

    I think the puffiness is more than just coke and booze bloat. I think she got fillers in her cheeks. And by the looks of it, she took the budget route and had it done in a back alley behind some dive bar in LA.

  58. Bess says:

    NY Cracken Update…

    Lindsay Lohan I’ll Joke About ANYTHING on ‘Saturday Night Live’

    Lindsay Lohan has been the butt of jokes on “Saturday Night Live” for years, but TMZ has learned that this coming Saturday … the LiLo jokes will be made by Lindsay herself.

    As TMZ first reported, Lindsay has been dying to do “SNL” as a way to re-establish her career and reached out to Lorne Michaels personally to make it happen.

    According to our sources, Lindsay plans on using all the unpleasantness from the last few years as fodder for the show. We’re told Lindsay has already told “SNL” that she is game for anything and nothing is off limits.

    Our sources says Lindsay wants to show that she is “in on the joke” — so expect to see references to any number of DUIs, alleged necklace thievery, jail stints, mug shots … and on and on.

    • duncecap says:

      the link heads to a page saying “technical difficulties”. Therefore I’ll believe it when it happens.

  59. hazeldazel says:

    what i don’t think The Cracken realizes is that with that hairstyle and haircolor, we can tell that she has the same hair line as Jude Law. Step. Away. From. The. Extensions. (well, and the crack too.)

    • duncecap says:

      Oh… No doubt the makeup and hair people who’ve worked with her have some stories.

      Make up and hair people? Where are you?

  60. Rachface says:

    She keeps the ring in a safe place?

    Does anyone else get a mental flash of Willie Wonka singing Come with me, and you’ll be in a land of pure imagination. I bet the Land of Pure Imagination is the safe place she is keeping that ring

  61. Camille (The original) says:

    I hope she dyes her hair dark. Anything has got to be better than that straw she calls hair now.