Mark Wahlberg goes shirtless in Miami: super-sexy or gross and ‘roidy?

Mark Wahlberg

These are photos of Mark Wahlberg in Miami, Florida over the past few days. He’s shooting a new film there called Pain and Gain. In which he seems to have bulked up for the role? Or is this how he always looks? I could have sworn that his muscles weren’t quite so BULGY just a few months ago. But then again, I haven’t seen shirtless photos of him in a while. Here’s a question for all of the ladies (and some of our gentlemen readers): when a dude gets this bulgy, is it a turn-on, a turn-off, or do you just not care either way? Like, I appreciate when a man is well-built, when he’s muscular and fit. I appreciate when a man’s muscles fit his frame too – someone like, say, Michael Fassbender or Brad Pitt or Ryan Gosling is NOT supposed to be all bulgy with giant arms – that’s not their frame. But someone like Jason Momoa? That man bulges all over the place, and it’s just fine with me. My point? I think Mark Wahlberg looks kind of gross and ‘roidy. His upper-body is too over-developed for my taste. He looks better when he’s leaner all over.

Also, the new red-band trailer for Mark’s new film has come out. The film is called Ted. It was written and directed by Seth MacFarlane, and Mark costars with Mila Kunis and… a talking stuffed bear…? This video is NSFW because of language.

Yes, it looks like a giant pile of “WTF?” I cringed during “The Thunder Song”. But I laughed at Mark’s commitment to the “white trash name” bit. Of course, I laughed because I didn’t hear my name in there. Thank God.

Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg

Mark Wahlberg

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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58 Responses to “Mark Wahlberg goes shirtless in Miami: super-sexy or gross and ‘roidy?”

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  1. LadyJane says:

    The first thing I thought when I saw this was STEROIDS. I knew a guy in college who took steroids and he looked just like this – rather buff until he took off his shirt. Then he was kind of billowy and lacked tone – kind of soft/big. For real hard body – see Fassy. Now that is real muscle, not steroid-puff.

    • abby says:

      I think he’s kind of “puffy” or whatever because although he has a lot of muscle, he still has body fat.

    • arock says:

      Really? Each of those pics looks like hes training for the pose hard olympics.
      “Hey Marky Mark, Which ways the gym?”
      “Thata way…” (hows your mother)

      do keep in mind ladies, those guns can bring down an entire plane of weapon wielding extremists set on destroying lives.
      All that stands between us and total destruction is those abs and a prayer bead necklace….coming to a theater this summer its “Marky Mark and the Funky Bunch vs the World”

      • podzol says:

        Haha! Agreed, on all counts. He’s a twat (who has found a way to forgive himself for all the whup-ass he’s given to others. Bless this gentle soul.)

  2. serena says:

    If it was someone else I would have said ‘hell no’, but with Mark is fine. He’s handsome and sexy so he can do anything and still look fine.

  3. Snowflake says:

    I think he looks super-sexy. Fassbender has a nice body too. It looks like Mark uses heavier weights to me plus he prob uses protein stuff to help bulk up than say Fassie. However, to make a definite full-body comparison, I would need both naked, in my bed, preferably. In the interests of time management, perhaps both at once?

  4. LadyJane says:

    I liked the white trash names bit too – but I would have to say that I wouldn’t consider Lauren to be WT – but what do I know?

    • ShayKay says:

      Sorry to say I’m just immature enough at times to enjoy this humor. Also did anyone listen to the white trash names and think Brittany (Spears!), Tiffany (Amber Thiessen original 90210), Candy (that girl in high school 2nd period), Anything plus Lynn (Jamie Lynn Spears!),Heather (oh he means Locklear). BTW not calling any of the ladies wt but my mind just made the leap when I heard the names.

  5. Empoisonneuse says:

    I think he’s supposed to be a bodybuilder in that film? I’d say appropriate & sexy?

  6. Astrid says:

    I prefer him a bit on the leaner side-too ‘roidy.

  7. dorothy#1 says:

    he looks good. But my favorite thing about Mark is his voice. I just love it and somehow always makes me laugh. He could be doing something super serious, but his speech patterns are so odd. 🙂

  8. says:

    I’m going with ‘roidy and try-to-hard, attention-starved.

  9. Bite me says:

    So not my type… I like lean and strong… Like soccer players bodies

  10. shaboo says:

    chunky with gargoyle face

  11. Scout says:

    MW can do no wrong. I adore him! And he looks just fine to me! 🙂

    • Mwgross says:

      So according to you, he can do no wrong, even when he beats up asians and blinds them in their eyes, or when he calls black kids n***ers? Do you admire chris brown and hitler as well?

  12. Jessica says:

    SEXAY!!!! I love it!!

  13. mia girl says:

    This is too bulked up for my taste.
    I much prefer his build in say, Boogie Nights.

  14. Jackie says:

    gross, ewww, and ick.

  15. DeltaJuliet says:

    Generally I am more of a tight- and toned kind of girl. For instance, that Jason Momoa does NOTHING for me. But MW gets me hot no matter what. Even knowing he’s kind of a douche, I would hit it hard.

    • Mwgross says:

      What about a racist violent douche who nearly killed someone? Would you still hit that?

  16. NYC_girl says:

    Marky Mark has held it together. I’m impressed. Plus he’s been around for over 20 years.

  17. Jess says:

    Too gross.

  18. Me says:

    I dont think he looks roidy. He’s kind of stocky in build. I kind of prefer the muscley-bit of fat look… on taller, darker men.

  19. nikzilla37 says:

    Yes, please.

  20. Mwgross says:

    I can never ever admire a guy who has had such a racist violent past. He is a douche,, and he always will be, no matter how hot he may look. He is disgusting, no better than chris brown.

    • Louminary says:

      So according to you, people can never change, never learn from their mistakes?
      I definitely don’t approve of what he did, but I do believe he was a different person back then. That was a loooong time ago when he was a young, misguided idiot.
      He was 15/16 when he did that, he’s 40 now. You think he’s the exact same person?!
      Plus, he has this to say about it

      “I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life and I’ve done bad things, but I never blamed my upbringing for that. I never behaved like a victim so that I would have a convenient reason for victimizing others. Everything I did wrong was my own fault. I was taught the difference between right and wrong at an early age. I take full responsibility.”

      I am so sick of celebrities blaming everyone but themselves for what they’ve done. I respect that he said this

  21. The Original Mia says:

    Did the Funky Bunch get back together? Flashbacks to the 90s!

  22. Nanz01 says:

    The first thing I noticed is how he still looks so young. He does not age! Hugh Jackman was the first super-muscular celeb I found attractive. But usually the Jason Momoa’s of the world don’t do it for me. It’s just not the body type I’m attracted to. But I’ve always loved Mark Wahlberg’s face/voice.

  23. danielle says:

    I first saw the ad for Ted on Family Guy April Fool’s Day – I swear to god I thought it was a really funny and drawn out April Fool’s Day joke. But a real movie?!! I think it was funnier when I thought it was a joke.

  24. Cathy says:

    Does he have breast implants? Looks it to me.

  25. TruthTella says:


  26. Isabel says:

    Mercy, he is just absolutely beautiful. And I love him, la-huve him!

  27. 416416 says:

    God!! Listen to yourselves. “he’s muscly but fat”…and on and on. No wonder most girls and some boys have self-esteem issues.

  28. Ariya says:

    I know, he’s such a douche with height and muscle issues…BUT…Mama wants a piece. I’d deny it and act surprised when his name’s mentioned…BUT….Mama likes…

  29. Stubbylove says:

    Marky Mark’s still got it. Come on! Come on!

  30. fairy godmother says:

    Ever since I read he has 3 nipples I can hardly glance at him.
    He’ll always be Mr. Nipples to me or aka nipple-boy.

  31. Incredulous says:

    I don’t think he’s hit the steroids (much anyway). With steroids, you get muscle mass without the accompanying fat of normal muscle gain and Mark doesn’t look that cut, per se.

    On the other hand, he does look top heavy in those pics. A friend of mine ended up looking like that and nearly destroyed his back because he never did anything but upper body stuff.

    I do agree that he seems to be posing in all those pictures though.

  32. blonde on the dock says:

    Love him!!!

  33. skuddles says:

    I’ve always heard he’s as dumb as a brick… but his bod is nice to look at.

  34. Carlotta Love says:

    MOOBS!!! That said, he’s kinda funny sometimes.

  35. Missy Mara says:

    I have found this guy repulsive since the day I first laid eyes on his insecure trying too hard face only a mother could love. Not at all sexy! What are you thinking ladies?!

  36. Kim says:

    Sexy. He has always been this buff – HELLO Calvin Klein ads.

  37. Lisa says:

    His boobs are bigger than mine.

  38. ZenB!tch says:

    He’s playing a body builder in a bad (IMHO) Michael Bay movie with the Rock.

    I’ve never gotten Marky-Mark’s appeal as an actor – to me he’s a model (CK anyone) but leave him alone, it’s for a part not for vanity or stupidity (unless making a bad Michael Bay movie counts).

    It looks better than those beards Brad Pitt has grown for alleged roles.

  39. badassninja says:

    He still looks good.

  40. Lynnnn says:

    I just LOVE him.

  41. Sashaqueenie says:

    So super hot.
    He’s very delish.

  42. jferber says:

    I’d say he’s all about vanity and stupidity. A poser for sure. Ugly little devil. Seems conflicted about his wife, too, like he doesn’t really like/love her and only stays for the kids. Just a sense I have of him. And I’m sure the wife is fine. It’s him (and I bet he cheats on her, too).

  43. Mum says:

    The expression on his face eludes to ‘roidy. Ouch….

  44. Sam says:

    I think this guy is a total douche. A disgusting human being. But I would destroy that. His body is amazing, the face I can take or leave. And his voice.. Ahhh. Marky mark, why do you have to be a racist, disrespectful, egotistical asshole? You make it so difficult to love you. But the body helps, the body helps.