If you were to ask anyone remotely familiar with Monty Python which sketch is best known, the overwhelming majority would undoubtedly say the dead parrot sketch shown above. In the bit, John Cleese returns his recently purchased dead parrot to the pet shop he bought it from. The pet shop owner, played by the second funniest Palin (link leads to video), Michael Palin, tries to convince Cleese that the parrot is not actually dead, nor was it when it was bought. Like everything Python, for years we’ve believed that the genius of Cleese and Palin was completely original, but like so many other things, it turns out the Greeks did it first.
dead, that’s what’s wrong with it.”
For those who believe the ancient Greeks thought of everything first, proof has been found in a 4th century AD joke book featuring an ancestor of Monty Python’s Dead Parrot sketch where a man returns a parrot to a shop, complaining it is dead.
The 1,600-year-old work entitled “Philogelos: The Laugh Addict,” one of the world’s oldest joke books, features a joke in which a man complains that a slave he has just bought has died, its publisher said Friday.
“By the gods,” answers the slave’s seller, “when he was with me, he never did any such thing!”
In a British comedy act Monty Python’s Flying Circus sketch, first aired in 1969 and regularly voted one of the funniest ever, the pet-shop owner says the parrot, a “Norwegian Blue,” is not dead, just “resting” or “pining for the fjords.”
[From Reuters]
The ancient joke book was written by a couple of wacky Greek comedians known as Hierocles and Philagrius. It is believed that they put together the compilation of jokes, but didn’t necessarily write them. The jokes, which many have said are still used today just in modernized versions, have been made into a multi-media e-book. 71-year old British comic Jim Bowen delivers the ancient joke in front of an audience for the recording, which can be purchased online.
The English-language book will appeal to those who swear that the old jokes are the best ones. Many of its 265 gags will seem strikingly familiar, suggesting that sex, dimwits, nagging wives and flatulence have raised laughs for centuries.
In many of the jokes, a slow-witted figure known as the “student dunce” is the butt of the jokes. In one, the student dunce goes to the city and a friend asks him to buy two 15-year-old slaves: No problem,’ responds the dunce. If I don’t find two 15-year-olds, I’ll get one 30-year-old.’
In another, someone asks to borrow the student’s cloak to go down to the country. “I have a cloak to go down to your ankle, but I don’t have one that reaches to the country,” he replies.
[From Reuters]
If nothing else, your 7-year old will be rolling. Although, it is mentioned that there is a portion of the recording that is only funny if you’re aware that lettuce was considered an aphrodisiac in ancient Greece. That gives Keanu Reeves’ obsession with the shredded lettuce sandwich a whole new spin, now doesn’t it? He may very well be a sexy genius!
Just goes to show, they’re not the Messiahs…. they’re very naughty boys!
๐ ๐ Too funny, Mairead. ๐
The video was cute. Interesting article about the Greek Joke book.
๐ Mairead
Ahhh . . . but did they invent the Ministry of Silly Walks?
I loved the “dead parrot” sketch as a little girl. My sisters and I collectively freaked when Cleese and Palin reenacted it on SNL so many years ago. I still leave voicemails on my sisters’ phones insisting that an inanimate object is “pining for the fjords!” (to which they call back and respond, “it’s just resting”).
Thanks for posting this little gem, Ceilideh.
The Norwegian Blue prefers kipping on its back.
I think my favorite Python sketch would have to be The Flying Lessons with Graham Chapman and Terry Jones.
“Oh, ‘an aeroplane’. Oh, I say, we are grand, aren’t we? (imitation posh accent) ‘Oh, oh, no more buttered scones for me, mater. I’m off to play the grand piano’. ‘Pardon me while I fly my aeroplane.’ Now get on the table!”
Slow news day huh? Lol.
Slow news day to you because, why? You don’t know or like Python?
I would 100 x’s rather read a story on something interesting like Monty Python and ancient Greek entertainment for once rather than another incessantly ridiculous Brad/Angelina/Aniston post full of comments that just say the same shit over and over and over and over.
Anyway… I watch Flying Circus every Friday night on BBC America. It’s the perfect way to end the work week! I have to say my favorite sketch is the fish slapping one. For some reason the seriousness in which one slaps with a dead fish is hilarious! But don’t ask me to name a favorite Python movie, because I would be hard pressed to pick just one! I have them all on DVD.
When I’m in Essex and the appliance trash guy comes around ringing his bell up and down the street, I can’t help but call out “Bring out your dead! Bring out your dead!” ๐
Right on, Diva. Viva la Python!
“but I’m not dead!!!” ๐
I feel fine! I think I’ll go for a walk!
but my favorite is in holy grail. the evil rabbit with its nasty pointy teeth. haha i work a pet store.
Atilla The Nun!
The Village Idiot
I have to go, suddenly I’m pining for something completely different…
the book that reuters wrote about is a fake book, not a real book. reuters fooled all of you readers. this was a press release picked up by a stupid reuters reproters. go look. the entire thing is made up. a hoax . again
this is the real book
the new book is a hoax
The Philogelos or Laughter-Lover (London Studies in Classical Philology Series, 10) (London Studies in Classical Philology Series, 10) (Hardcover)
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