Tom Cruise has said that the gossip columnists who make fun of his erratic behavior are simply unhappy people:
He explains, “When I look at the people who write or say these things, I realise it’s not a lot of people doing it. “It’s just a few people, trying to take advantage of sensationalism.” The actor claims a few interviewers have tried to bait him into combative statements or behaviour, but insists, “You just have to be who you are.” He adds, “Because when I meet these people, they really seem unhappy to me. And that’s too bad. Because I’m happy.” The media glare has become so overwhelming recently that the star has been forced to have bodyguards accompany him to all of his press interviews. Cruise adds the attention, “seems to come in phases. This just seems a little more intense lately.”
Tom may have been referring to a recent interviewer who dared question Scientology’s ability to cure the reading disorder dyslexia, from which Tom admittedly suffers.
The conversation was all smiles until reporter Bjorn Benkow insisted that experts say that dyslexia cannot be cured by Scientology as Cruise has claimed. There was an awkward pause, then Cruise burst into laughter. “I’m going to, in any case, admit that you have the courage of a madman,” according to our translator. “This is something no journalist has dared say to me face-to-face. . . . Scientology is a religion without divinity. Its teaching is a spiritual liberation from life’s problems that can only be reached through advice, courses and deep studies. Your cynical media colleagues cast doubt over all the good that we do by spreading a bunch of hocus pocus about us.“
Tom then got pissed when the reporter mentioned Kidman and his adopted children and stormed off. At least the re are foreign journalists willing to state the obvious about Scientology. Tom certainly can’t stand to be challenged, although he does give fabulous quotes!
Saying that someone is motivated by unhappiness is an obvious oversimplification. It’s like a mom telling her grade school child that the bully is jealous of him. Cruise should stick to vague, happy quotes and try not to get upset or bring any more attention to the fact that he looks like a fool to everyone.
And here he is at a press conference for Mission Impossible 3 in Rome, and at the London premiere last night. Yes, he did attend, and supposedly Katie gave him permission.
Other stars pictured at the press conference and premiere include Keri Russell, Michelle Monaghan, Laurence Fishburne, Jonathan Rhys Meyers and his supposed girlfriend, and Maggie Q.
Update: Cruise spent 4 hours talking to fans outside of the MI3 premiere in London last night!

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