Russell Brand has a new hobby: Competitive “Air Sex”

Russell Brand is a love him or hate him kind of personality. He’s so manic and over the top that he’s too much for many to handle, but he fascinates me. His latest interest though, I can’t say the same about.

Brand has recently taken a keen interest in competitive “air sex.” Yes, it is the kinky cousin to “air guitar,” and just like the world-wide competitions where less than desirable people pretend they’re guitar experts, the Japanese have competitions where less than desirable men pretend they’re sexperts.

The British comic has taken to the Japanese craze which sees fully clothed men simulating sex with an imaginary partner, often in an exaggerated way, and in competitions.

Russell, 33, has apparently been introduced to this practice by his yoga teacher friend Kazuko Burt, who told Britain’s Daily Star newspaper: “Russell’s been watching YouTube clips of air sex competitions, in which contestants perform the act to music, like air guitar for perverts. And he has been practicing with a variety of invisible partners to music by The Smiths.

He added: “Russell is desperate to meet the activity’s creator, J-Taro Sugisaku and the reigning world champion, who goes by the name Cobra.

“And he’s fascinated by the fact that J-Taro invented it because he couldn’t get a girlfriend. This is all great material for his stand up shows.”

[From Female First]

Lessons from the loser in love department inventor of musically simulated sex with air, I think this is an endeavor where, in Brand’s case, the student can become the master. I can picture Russell being pretty good at the new sport without much instruction. And I would probably pay to see it.

The World Air Sex Championships are coming up in Tokyo. I’ve seen how seriously some of the air guitar people take their competitions. If the air sex people take their competition as seriously, that could get… messy.

Here’s an intro to air sex. It is really NSFW or around kids.

Russell Brand is shown running errands in LA on 11/18/08. Credit: Bauergriffin

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10 Responses to “Russell Brand has a new hobby: Competitive “Air Sex””

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  1. vdantev says:

    So he’s essentially the British Dane Cook, right? He couldn’t actually tell a joke if you put a gun to his head.

  2. amanda says:

    he’s like dane cook if dane cook were 1) actually funny or 2) actually smart. most americans just dont get brand because british humor is not funny to most americans. or they cant understand his accent.

  3. Holly says:

    That’s BS Amanda. I get him just fine. I just don’t like him. He’s disgusting to look at it.

  4. MoJo says:

    What amanda said isn’t total BS, seeing as I’ve found the same to be true a lot of the time. But I tend to find British comedians funnier anyway. I think he’s hilarious… most of the time. (He does have a tendency to go too far at times.) His enthusiasm and lack of total cynicism is nice, too. And at least he knows he’s a weird-looking fellow and admits it, even making jokes about it all the time.

    The air sex is kind of… supremely weird, but maybe it’s a nice, safe way for him to keep that old sexual addiction in check? Yes? No? Eh.

  5. Jenna says:

    I’m not sure what it is about him that makes me want to bang him, real good. Then I’m positive I would go shower right after. 😯

  6. devilgirl says:

    I am sure this will reign hell fire on me for saying this- CAN’T STAND HIM! :mrgreen:He strikes me as dirty (not comedically dirty, hygenically dirty)

  7. vdantev says:

    I love British comedy, it’s that he’s not funny and he looks like he smells bad too.

  8. Anon says:

    I saw an interview with him and thought he was fantastic, but I didn’t like his MTV Awards session. It just felt forced.

    I watched the air sex video and laughed my head off

  9. ak says:

    Brand isn’t “too much” for me, and his humor doesn’t go over my head. He’s just a buffoon. And next to Amy W, he looks like the celebrity most likely to have head lice.

    But the air sex competition thing is pretty damn funny. I’m guessing it’a actually younger Japanese guys, but I had a brief flash of middle-aged Japanese businessmen in gray suits spanking imaginary partners.

  10. Trustiva says:

    Oh God, I so have the hots for this guy.