Kristen Stewart talks about her “roommate” (cat Max) & her “child” (puppy Bear)

I always forget that Kristen Stewart is an animal person. That one trait makes me like her. I’m guessing that – like me – she tends to prefer animals to people. Which makes me a Twihard, right? I can feel it coming into my bloodstream…OMG LEAVE KRISTEN ALONE!!! There, that felt better. Anyway, Kristen has been roommates with a tomcat for years and years – his name is Max. And I’m specifically not saying that Kristen OWNS Max, because Kristen describes him as her “roommate” in a new interview with Teen Vogue. She also talks about the puppy that Robert Pattinson adopted last year – a little mutt they named Bear. She’s really cute here:

Kristen Stewart knows the truth about cats and dogs. The Snow White and the Huntsman star has an 8-year-old cat named Max, and helps care for Bear, the dog that Robert Pattison rescued from a shelter in Louisiana.

During an interview with, she was asked, “Animals love Snow White … Who loves you more, Max or Bear?”

“They both love me in very different ways,” she said. “Bear is literally a child. He’s like my – he’s still a baby. Max is like, [makes an unpleasant face]. I mean, we live together. He’s like my roommate.”

Max may feel like he’s just sharing a living space with his owner, but the feeling isn’t mutual.

“We have a really strong, really weird codependent, almost Bella/Edward relationship,” she told PEOPLE in 2010. “I’m going to be a crazy cat lady one day, I’m sure.”

[From People]

Kristen almost called Bear HER baby. Which is cute for several different reasons – considering how much Robert has been traveling lately, I suspect that Bear has probably been staying with Kristen, right? She is the dog-mother – there’s no shame in it. Acknowledge that Bear is your fur-baby, Kristen! It’s also funny on another level because she seems to think that Bear will somehow “outgrow” that whole “child” thing. My dog is like eight years old and he still acts like a puppy, and I still feel like he’s my little fur-baby. My little 100-pound monster fur-baby.

Also: I bet Max has had words with Bear, don’t you? And by “words” I mean Max smacked the sh-t out of Bear.

Here are some photos of Kristen and her fur-baby Bear last year. Don’t judge her for tugging on his collar – it happens to me all the time.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet.

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72 Responses to “Kristen Stewart talks about her “roommate” (cat Max) & her “child” (puppy Bear)”

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  1. Emma says:

    Oh screw it: I LIKE HER.

  2. katie says:

    Crap. You’ve actually found something about KStew that I can’t despise. That is one totally adorable dog. I totally know the frustration of having to do the collar tug. We actually had to get harnesses for our dogs because they hate collars so much. No judging here.

    • Liv says:

      Yup, Bear is really cute! But am I the only one who finds it weird she’s taking her cat on planes? There are exceptions where one needs to do that, but constantly travelling with a cat? I find that not very friendly or thoughtful.

      • sarah says:

        Actually, she doesn’t take him on planes. She stated in some interview that her cat hated flying and would start freaking out so she stopped. 🙂

      • Liv says:

        Really? I thought she just said her cat would freak out every time she takes him on a plane – but I’m glad when I’m wrong and she stopped doing that 🙂

  3. Mirella says:

    That was a cute interview. Bear is adorable!

  4. TheOriginalKitten says:

    Yup, pretty sure I love her now. Her dog (Sparkles’s dog?) is ADORABLE.
    My boyfriend has a dog and I have a cat. There’s the looming fear that eventually we’ll have to blend our family and I get hives just thinking about those two butting heads. Any tips from people who have a cat and dog that get along with each other?
    PS. I always call my cat my roomate too! We really just co-exist, we don’t have a traditional dominating owner/submissive pet relationship 🙂

    • Orly says:

      I have 2 dogs and a cat; a schnoodle, a pug and a himalayan cat. The cat came to us when he was a year old. He has now developed a doggie personality. He chases toys and greets me at the door, etc. It’s quite funny to watch. 😀
      I have no tips though, I guess we just lucked out.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        That’s amazing! So they hang out together then? The dogs have never bitten/hurt the kitty? Do you have larger house (if you don’t mind me asking)? My worries revolve around the fact that we both live in condos-not much space if doggy and cat need to be separated..

      • Orly says:

        Yes, they hang out together. They often sit side-by-side staring out the window.

        No, he has never been bitten. There is often some growling, (but that’s his fault, he always seem to want to lap the water from each ) whenever I change the bowls. He seems to think he needs to sample all the cold fresh water before they get a chance. HA

        I don’t have a large house at all, I’m in a condo. The dogs are both small breeds though, so that probably is a factor.
        They don’t need to be separated! Have you introduced them yet?

    • marie says:

      depends on the dog and cat I think, does he have an aggressive dog, did the dog grow up around cats? what about your cat, real territorial? they can eventually get along-it may just involve a lot of spraying (if your cat does that) nips and scratches.. that wasn’t all that helpful, sorry

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        His dog is a Katrina rescue dog and he is VERY into his owner, not very friendly with others, but not mean either, just not interested in anyone except for Chris. The dog has never been around cats. My cat is a Scottish Fold, they are a very very mellow, gentle breed. She NEVER uses her claws (except for on my furniture), not territorial. His dog is not good at interacting with other dogs in the park-he’s kind of a doggy a-hole 🙁 Would this make a difference do you think???

      • marie says:

        just introduce them slowly, let them hang out with you guys when you’re there so you can monitor their behavior. if your boyfriend’s dog is protective, just watch how the dog acts when the cat gets around him (your boyfriend)-if he/she’s fine, that would probably be the biggest hurdle. BUT they may also get along famously after meeting. I’ve grown up with both cats and dogs my entire life and the only thing I’ve learned is anything’s possible..

      • hoax30 says:

        I highly suggest you take them to netural territory to introduce them so neither has the “upper hand” “this is my house” vibe! Weather it be a park or just the sidewalk where the cat & dog have never been. It will make the intro go a little smoother. cant say it will go over great but they will both be out of their element and maybe more willing to accept! Good Luck!

    • Minky says:

      My dog was raised by a cat, so she is very tolerant of them. My fiance’s cat, though, is the most skittish, crazy feline I’ve met. When we introduced them, the cat backed my dog into the kitchen and wouldn’t let her pass. When they moved in with us, we put the cat in a room with all of her toys and bed and shut the door, giving her a chance to get herself settled and meet the dog and the other cat I had under the door. After 24 hours or so, we let her out and things worked themselves out.
      Good luck with yours!! I’m sure they’ll be just fine once they establish their pecking order.

    • Kay_la says:

      My best friend and her boyfriend have 2 cats, a jack russel, a black lab and rabbit all living in a 2 bedroom apartment. They all get along great and play, including the rabbit! When they first moved in together it was the same situation as you, my friend had a cat and her boyfriend had the jack russel. They slowly introduced them before they moved in together. It depends on their personalities but it sounds like your cat is laid back which helps if the dog is a little more hyper or possessive. A good way to introduce them for the first time is in two areas seperated by a gate or screen door so they can see and smell each other but not touch each other.

      • TheOriginalKitten says:

        Thanks for all the advice you guys! It definitely helps ease my anxiety to hear about your success stories 🙂
        My biggest fear would be that my cat would get hurt. If anything ever happened to her I could never forgive myself. From the comments above, it sounds like that probably wouldn’t happen. Thanks again, guys!

    • Karma says:

      When we had puppies we gave them away with some sort of fabric from home that we rubbed on their furry family to ease them into their new home.

      Along those same lines, an old t-shirt from each of your homes rubbed on the corresponding animal, and exchanged to begin the process, might help a lot.

      However, animals will generally work it out, even if that means ignoring eachother, but they still like to know that you will look out for their safety.

      We have a cat, Mini-Me who would perform this type of welcome dance with the Rottie for the benefit of a rescued cat’s arrival in the house.

      Mini-Me would rub up against Roxy’s chest, even pop-up against it, walk through the dog’s legs, and underneath her belly. Over and over and over again, until the new cat visibly relaxed in my lap. Sometimes the dance would take a few tries, other times it took a few minutes. One cat took 15 minutes to see past the huge dog and finally understand what Mini-Me was doing/saying.

      ‘The dogs are harmless…you are safe here.’

      I have no doubt you will do great. It’s exactly the same idea that you are trying to pass onto your animals when they meet for the first time. That they are safe within this new family and you will stop any serious dust-ups.

      Oh and an old wives’ tale about moving cats to a new house. My mom used to put butter on the cat’s paws and place the cat in the front yard dirt, right by the door, for it’s first trip outside. The cat had to lick off the scent of the new front yard before he left. Not sure if it works or not but we never lost a cat.

    • jwoolman says:

      Just be sure to supervise cat and dog for a long time, especially since the dog has a traumatic background, and make sure the cat has a safe place to be when you’re not around. If all goes well, don’t be surprised if the cat eventually becomes the alpha… Or a second alpha in addition to the dog’s current pet human. That’s very common in cat/dog roommate situations. That’s good, since that’s protective for the cat. Not that a cat can’t do some damage… But a dog having a “psychotic break” could kill a cat easily. Cats tend to run off when feeling threatened if they can, fighting back only when cornered or needing to defend kittens (or their grownup former kittens, even if only fostered and even when half the size of the former kitten…). Dogs are more like people, so when distressed they may lash out even when they could run away. 

      Both species are territorial but cats are looser about the definition of territory in space and time and don’t feel terribly obliged to defend a piece of property, especially from non-cats. Dogs tend to feel it’s their job to defend once they’ve identified a place or person as theirs.  Cats don’t have jobs, they have hobbies, and they usually feel humans can defend themselves anyway. A cat can get nervous if it thinks it’s losing the attention of its devoted servant, er, its pet human when there are changes, though. It depends on the cat and how much attention it’s used to getting. Cats who are used to having other cats or dogs around tend to be pretty flexible. An “only cat” will need more adjustment, most likely. But cats do get attached to things and if you have to move, it helps if some furniture moves with you. Don’t know if it matters as much to dogs. 

      Occasionally a cat or dog may take an immediate dislike to another person and that can be quite a challenge. But you probably already know if that’s a problem in your case, sounds as though it’s not. You might consider training with the dog, though, since it will be important that he considers you an alpha in his pack and that you learn how to deal successfully with a dog. You can’t just let a dog order you around like a cat does… Doesn’t really make them happy and can be dangerous. 

    • Jag says:

      I’m glad there are so many happy blended families responding. Unfortunately for me, my cat hates dogs and my two dogs are too unruly to trust around her. Definitely use a barrier – I like the screen door idea if the dog can’t get through it – to protect your cat in case the dog goes after him/her. We live in a condo, so for us, the cat is upstairs and the dogs are downstairs. Walk-through baby gates keep everything separated. We had a screen door at one time, but my sister’s dog bit through it, so definitely keep an eye out. The fact that the dog is a rescue, you have no idea if the dog has killed cats before. So take some extra precautions and things should be okay. Definitely make some higher places for your cat to run if need be. (Like a scratching tower that has a shelter at a point taller than the dog can reach or jump in each room, if possible.) Good luck!

  5. joey says:

    There is something very refreshing about Kristen. She really stands out from her peers.

    I’m excited to see Snow white and the huntsman. I hope it’s as good as the trailers suggest.

    • vgrly says:

      Go see it. I saw an early screening yesterday with about 150 people. It lived up to the hype and I really enjoyed it. I plan to go see it again. I’ve been missing a film that has the Lord of the Rings/Brave Heart vibe.

  6. Courtney says:

    I have a dog named bear that is going on acting like a puppy for 5 years now! Rob’s dog is adorable!

  7. marie says:

    that dog is a cutie!!

  8. Eve says:

    See, Kaiser? You can have a puppy and a cat in the same house. Please, consider adopting a homeless kitten — just introduce them to each other carefully.

    I’ll love you forever if you do — there are so many cats needing homes I get seriously depressed every time I think about it.

  9. Lila says:

    Ha, I have used the same exact analogy to describe my cat and my two dogs…My dogs are my babies, always wanting attention…My cat is like a bitchy roommate, wanting her own space and basically ignoring me for the most part.

  10. original almond says:

    I think it’s great that she’s such an animal lover. It speaks well of her at least in some respects. I’m a cat person too, and the relationship I have with my persian is very odd in terms of human-pet interaction. Cats are very particular animals and I love them for it.

    I like dogs as well, but they tend to be these great, furry babies. Plus, no offense to dog lovers, but I can’t abide the smell. That’s more on me than on the poor canines, but it’s another reason to prefer cats.

    • Orly says:

      The smell depends on the breed of the dog, shedder/non-shedder, long vs short hair. Etc. I’ve always been around dogs, never thought I was a cat person until I got my rescue. He is the sweetest thing ever.

      • original almond says:

        Mr Almond’s parents had a cocker spaniel and the whole house smelled. Unfortunately he was a very old dog by the time I got to meet him, so that might have been a factor too. Tough when I take my cat to the vet the dogs there seem to have the same issues. Maybe I’ve taken too much after my Persian and I’m overly sensitive.

      • Lee says:

        I grew up with dogs and also always thought myself very much a dog person, until I got a cat that is. Now I know I love both. I want a dog now too, but with 2 cats in an apartment, I don’t think it would be fair to the puppy for now. Hopefully once we move into a bigger place in a few years.

        As for the smell, there are definitely some dogs that just smell. But my dog growing up never had a particular odor until he got old, so I would agree that is likely a big factor. But when it’s your own dog, you get used to their particular smell whether it’s good or bad and you don’t even notice. Also, just bathe them often if it bothers you. Dogs are a lot easier to bath, some of them even love it!

        I totally get the roommate analogy, but I tend to consider my cats as teenage children. Their moods can change on a dime, and sometimes they just want to be left alone. But if you let them come to you, they’re giant babies for love and affection. As long as no one’s watching. ha.

    • Melissa says:

      That’s funny you say that you think dogs have a smell. I don’t notice dogs too much if they are inside dogs, however a cat’s litter box is such a stronger smell to me. It seems even if it is freshly cleaned I can still smell it the minute I walk into a house.

      • original almond says:

        That’s one of the downsides of “cohabiting” with a cat: you have to constantly pay attention to their litter box. I’m always a bit smug that I don’t have to walk my cat no matter the weather, but when I have to clean that damn box I feel like I could certainly go for some fresh air.

        But there are a lot of nifty products which help with the smell: special litter, special litter box with a charcoal filter, etc etc. Depends on how much you’re willing to spend.

    • jwoolman says:

      And cats can pick it up from a dog! Really, when two kittens who used to sleep with their doggy nanny arrived at about 12 weeks old – they had a very noticeable non-feline doggy odor. Took at least a couple of months to vanish, then they had the usual feline virtually unnoticeable (to most humans) odor. I’ve lived with many cats, and their natural odor seems odorless to me otherwise, but I’m very aware of the various odors carried by dogs. As far as litterbox odor is concerned – just need to get good litter and keep it cleared out. Then it doesn’t matter if it’s a hooded or unhooded box, unless you have a cat making political statements by not covering it up.

    • DeeVine says:

      Agree. I have a very sensitive nose and the smell of dogs makes me gag. (some sweet smelling perfumes make me gag too) But that’s just me and no one else in my family is bothered by the smell. But my dog has to be bathed minimum once a week otherwise I won’t go near it.

      So recently I adopted a cat so I can have a furry one in my bed for cuddles and to me, cats smell divine!

      • Eve says:

        So recently I adopted a cat so I can have a furry one in my bed for cuddles and to me, cats smell divine!

        A cat’s smell is one of my favourite scents in the entire world!

        I need to sniff my cats every single day or I won’t be able to function properly (throughout the day).

  11. dahlia says:

    That’s a really cute interview, I think she’s a cute girl who just has atrocious public communication skills.

  12. teri says:

    She seems so much more gentle when talking about her animals, she comes off much more likeable and less uptight.

  13. TheOriginalVictoria says:

    Loving pets is not a reason for me to do a one eighty and want to all of the sudden be her bestie. A lot of people like animals and are just ugh. And she is one of them.

    • Casey says:

      yaeah i agree. I am an animal lover myself. Never liked Kristen and still dont like her now. Talking about animals is not going to make me go “Awwww i like her now” nope sorry.

    • teri says:

      It’s a bit silly to be too dogmatic about mere impressions we make off celebrities. They offer glimpses here and there that may or may not be accurate, and that’s all we are working with.

      • Casey says:

        I know Teri but i have never liked her, there is something about her that rubs me the wrong way. Not to mention she is always cursing and giving the finger in public she comes off as trashy, and her acting is not very good, im sorry to say it. Also cant forget the recent interview where she said her life is so perfect and she wants to get f–ked over, after we have heard her whine about how she had it so rough. It’s either one thing or the other with her, Im not going to give in and just like her for saying some nice thing about animals

    • Emma says:

      I agree. Hitler was a great animal lover. Kristen is cool but being an animal lover does not make you not a monster.

    • bns says:

      Yup, I still don’t like her. And THANK YOU for using 180 instead of 360.

  14. JustaGirl says:

    We have three dogs, three cats, a ferret, two guinea pigs, a hermit crab, and fish. Other than the hermit crab and fish, all the other animals play great together. Having different types of animals harmoniously live together is possible.

    • Eve says:

      We have three dogs, three cats, a ferret, two guinea pigs, a hermit crab, and fish.

      *holding an “adopt me” sign*

      Would you like to have an “Eve” 🙂 ? Because (seriously) I’d love to live in your house.

      I’m rather small (do not occupy much space) and “low maintenance”. And I’d get along GREAT with at least eight of your pets.

      • JustaGirl says:

        Sure! Be sure to throw in a sad story, because we can’t resist anything in need. Most of our pets are rescues. 🙂 You’ll have to put up with two kids too though. That may be a deal breaker after about a hour with them. 😉 I kid, they’re pretty great kids.

      • Eve says:

        Since the sad stories in my life are, well, indeed sad…can I just make Puss’n’Boots big-eyed expression? I can totally pull that look off, trust me.

        *staring at JustaGirl with really big eyes*

      • JustaGirl says:

        haha…it worked, it worked!

  15. CARLA says:

    really cute inteview, she is a big animal lover, her mom has like 3 or 4 dogs, Im not surprised she loves them, I hope her cat is nice to little Bear, he is very cute dog, and a very lucky one too, her and Rob adopted him before he was put down, I think he was very sick,now he has a great live.

    I’m wondering if her cat loves Rob too?? lol

  16. orion70 says:

    I have a nearly 16 year old dog and it’s kind of like living with a senile little old lady sometimes.

    We had a cat come to visit recently though and I was shocked at how well they got along. But she would have given that cat a run for her money in her heyday.

  17. CJ says:

    That Dog is Rpatz dog, I remember him saying a while back he wanted a puppy since he was lonley. Well i guess it’s nice of him to get it. Kristen is still “Mehhh” in my opinion, lots of people are animal lovers this is nothing to drool over

  18. chris says:

    Bear’s eyes are so pretty.

  19. sunny says:

    whatever, she totally shouldn’t be yanking on his collar like that. if it’s happening to you, you should invest in a harness for your dog–imagine someone pulling on a collar attached to your neck!

  20. CARLA says:

    is their dog, not just Robs, they live together, and got him together,come on now!!!

  21. really says:

    I wonder how much time these celebs actually spend with their animals. They always seem to be jetting off somewhere to make a movie, attend a party, go on vacation, etc…

  22. Gene Parmesan says:

    Hey i have that backpack 🙂 !!! im famous sort

  23. jaye says:

    I have two cats Angel and Bella. Angel is my needy kitty. I can’t walk into the kitchen without her winding around my legs and looking up at me with those eyes (those eyes!). Bella’s nickname is destructo-kitty and her superpower is ripping paint off of the walls and pulling down blinds. She has made it known that she is NOT our pet…we are her people and we do what she says or the baseboards get it!

    The article is cute…I’m still “meh” about Kristen, but I like that she loves and understand her pets.

  24. Camille (The original) says:

    Cute interview and cute puppy.

    My hubby and I watched ‘Welcome to the Rileys’ the other night and we both agreed that KS was good in it. And no lip biting in sight.

  25. cris says:

    kristen is so cute, I love the way she lives her life, I find inspiring!

  26. missanne says:

    :30 sec “super strong females just sorta act like guys”……hunger games, anyone?

  27. Nan209 says:

    I talk about my 160 lbs fur-baby more than 160 lbs kid. My puppy doesn’t roll his eyes, leave empty milk cartons in the fridge, or have stinky feet ( though his a$$ does tend to clear a room).

  28. Kelly says:

    KStew is great, don’t know why people don’t like her

  29. rebecca says:

    bear is so cute! anyone know what kind of dog he is (other than just “mutt”)??

  30. another nina says:

    Wow, so even her own cat dislikes Stew? That’s newsworthy. Thanks Kaiser! 😉