Tabloids eat up the Aniston Jolie feud, plus this week’s covers

The tabloids came out just a smidgen too late last week to capitalize on the revival of the Angelina Jolie and Jennifer Aniston feud they’ve been reheating and serving to us for years. They’re not about to pass up the opportunity to milk Aniston’s few brief “uncool” comments for all they’re worth, and two are featuring Brad Pitt’s former and current lovers on the cover in a veritable face off. US Weekly includes teaser details on their cover that aren’t new to many people. In fact The National Enquirer printed the details of Brad and Angelina’s 2004 hookup almost a month ago and it included the claim that Angelina went naked while filming the sex scenes for Mr. & Mrs. Smith. Some of you said at the time that wasn’t news and you’d heard it already at that point.

Star Magazine has a love triangle on the cover with all three players featured. They focus on Brad’s rumored call to Aniston asking her to stop talking about his supposed infidelity. That news came out in the Chicago Sun Times nearly a week ago, which goes to show that the print media just can’t keep up with the Internet.

In Touch takes a slightly different take with Brad telling Jen “I’m Sorry” and maybe apologizing for the way things ended.

In non-Brangelina triangle news, Life & Style features a supposed romance between the young stars of the much anticipated Twilight vampire romance thriller. They’re perhaps going for a younger buying audience, but it may not work for them. Cover Awards points out that tousled star Robert Pattison told Ellen on her show that he’s single. The strange brown background color and the weird way that the two stars are mashed together on the cover might also work against L&S, according to Cover Awards.

My favorite gossip magazine features Mel Gibson’s maybe-divorce on the cover, with a photo of the mystery woman Gibson was photographed with on set on separate occasions. She is rumored to be his mistress, and is said to be a Russian woman named Oksana. Gibson has been married for 28 years to Robyn Moore. They have seven children and one grandchild, and part of me really wants him to get taken to the cleaners in a high profile divorce.

Globe says that lame duck President George Bush is having trouble coping with the end of his tenure running the country into the ground while People Magazine has my favorite cover of all – Hugh Jackman as the sexiest man alive. Now if only they included exclusive photos of the guy in a low cut Speedo, it would surely make my week. We’ll have to settle for disturbing pictures of Michael Phelps with swimwear so low you can see that he doesn’t share Pete Wentz’s grooming habits down below – at least when the season’s over. (See to get a glimpse of what I’m talking about.)

OK! Magazine is taking this week off to save money and won’t be on the stands at all.

Thanks to CoverAwards and popbytes for these covers.

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22 Responses to “Tabloids eat up the Aniston Jolie feud, plus this week’s covers”

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  1. Mairead says:

    “Tortures” indeed 🙄

  2. xiaoecho says:

    “President George Bush is having trouble coping with the end of his tenure running the country into the ground ” 😆 😆

    CB you are on fire

  3. mojoman says:

    Did you hear that? that was my head just combusted from the overload!!

  4. Kim says:

    A side from governor, and president of a sports team, has Bush ever held down a job? What is he going to do now. He can’t give speeches for money thats for sure, he wouldn’t know how. Maybe he should go to the middle east like Blair. I hope the masses pelt them with stones.

  5. Susan says:

    $900 million??? He’s got alot of dough!

  6. geronimo says:

    Mary-Kate’s weight explodes? What, 3lbs? 5lbs? 7lbs? 😯

    Interesting that, what Bush will do after he’s done at the WH? Write a book? Read a book? Join the circus?

    Blair’s earnings since leaving Downing St are in excess of £12 million, more than six times his previous lifetime income. Astonishing.

  7. xiaoecho says:

    Kim……..he’ll give speeches for money alright, don’t you worry about that. Just watch him stumble and bumble into big bucks on the celebrity after dinner speech circuit 😆

  8. roller says:

    hugh jackman is so so sexy!! its weird they used an old photo of brad for the sexiest man cover spread. they should use a recent one but wait, then he probably wont be in the list at all

  9. vdantev says:

    Mary-Kate’s weight explodes!! Yeah, she’s up to a whole 98 pounds (soaked down with a garden hose and there’s no crosswind) 🙄

    Boy, I’m glad someone is still enjoying the ongoing AJBJA thing. I’m sure their advertising clients must be thrilled.

  10. POPO says:

    I think Hugh is fine. But I think the cover belonged to James Franco.

  11. Antony says:

    The Globe cover is just ridiculous !!! 😆

  12. Amy says:

    More Brangelina… and I’m a huge Twilight fan so I will read anything related to the actors from the movie!

  13. Cheyenne says:

    How long, ye gods, how long….??

    Methinks poor Jennifer is caught in a trap of her own design. The pity party she launched four years ago has now taken on a life of its own and the tabloids are milking it for all they are worth.

    It doesn’t matter if she’s moved on or not — the tabloids won’t let her move on. If she and Mayer do marry — and I fervently hope they do, they deserve each other in more ways than one — the tabloids will say she married him to spite Brad Pitt. In fact, Star mag is already saying it.

    The tabloids don’t care what Aniston wants or how she feels on the subject. All they are interested in is feeding their bottom line, and the triangle is the only thing that’s been keeping them alive.

  14. DD says:

    Eww.. these tabloid headlines are making me cringe, could they be any more corny. I feel like I’m watching Passions or some other super corny soap

  15. doodahs says:

    Okay, what the fuckitty fuck!? Brad and Angie’s eyes on the Star magazine cover have been photoshopped to create that dramatic three way stare of doom between them .. Blatant manipulation much??

  16. Cheyenne says:

    That USMagazine cover is a hoot. Actually, the story inside is much more anti-Aniston than anti-Jolie. USMag does that a lot. They put a sensational headline on the cover that has nothing to do with the actual content of the story. Classic bait/switch tactic that helps to sell the magazine.

    What USMag actually said is that much of Aniston’s “torture” is self-inflicted by her insecurity, hypersensitivity and inability to get over Brad and move on, she resents reading that Brad “traded up” when he dumped her for Angelina, she resents being written up as a desperate loser, etc. etc. Same ole same ole.

    Moral: You can’t judge a book by its cover, and the same goes for tabloids.

  17. RAN says:

    Cheyenne, there IS life outside of the AJ/BP/JA triangle. Did you know the holidays are around the corner? Thanksgiving is coming up (in the U.S.) in less than a week!

    Moral: Take a breather from your OTT JA obsession. You do not know anything personal about these people, therefore you can not be considered an expert on anyone’s insecurity, bitterness, hypersensitivity, etc…except for your own.

  18. Kim says:

    Cheyenne, I agree you need to breathe. I will not take your word. After all on another thread, you said Oprah was ‘leaving Aniston for Pitt’ because she has realised that she backed the wrong camp. The interviews showed something different. I am starting to think your obsession is a bit unhealthy. Take a step back and breathe. These circus freaks will ruin your life. Did you see how Brad dismissed his life long fan? That is how he would treat you if he met you. So there, calm down and take a cool drink.

  19. geronimo says:

    Yeah, Cheyenne’s ‘obsession’ is a bit unhealthy while yours is just your normal, everyday, casual interest in a celebrity. Definitely. Nail on the head. 🙄 x 1000.

  20. Christina X says:

    I sympathize for Jennifer Aniston, but I’m not sending Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie death threats over it.

    Why do people assume that if you tout for Jennifer Aniston that you have a billion cats and no self-esteem? That’s stupid.

  21. doodahs says:

    “Why do people assume that if you tout for Jennifer Aniston that you have a billion cats and no self-esteem?”

    😆 😆

    This tickled me .. maybe because I have more than 3 cats (where is a cat emoticon when you need it?)

  22. Lorraine says:

    Jennifer needs to grow up If she had wanted to keep brad she should have had the baby he wanted instead of signing more movie deals. Brad is happy and so is Angelina, To make fun of their children is crossing the line.