I already covered some of the photos from last night’s Magic Mike premiere at the Los Angeles Film Festival – Joe Manganiello wore a tight, shiny grey suit, in case you missed it. Well, considering today is kind of dead already (ugh, Mondays), let’s talk about some of the other photos from the premiere. Surprisingly, all of the hot dudes in the film came out for this premiere. I’m including photos of Channing Tatum (with wife Jenna Dewan), Matthew McConaughey, Adam Rodriguez, Matt Bomer and Alex Pettyfer.
This is a question I haven’t asked yet, surprisingly enough – which one of these dudes is your favorite? Like, if all of them wanted to buy you a drink and take you home, who would you go with? You can add Joe Manganiello into the mix if you want, although… I mean, he’s man-candy. I get that. He’s big and dumb and he’s got an excellent body, and sometimes that’s all a lady wants and needs. But in an ideal world, if you had your pick?
My pick… uhhhhh… probably Channing. I like Channing. I think he’s funny and he seems sweet and cool and like he’d be a fun guy to hang out with. I love Southern boys, though – they’re a weakness of mine. Matt Bomer is a Southern boy too. And he’s impossibly beautiful (and gay). Even if Bomer was straight, his beauty would probably make me too nervous to hit it. So… my #2 choice is Alex Pettyfer – a smug d-bag who is awfully pretty too. I wouldn’t even bother with McConaughey, and I don’t really know anything about Rodriguez.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
None. Well… McGonagueyeyeye, but just because of the accent.
I choose Channing! Love his interviews and that body.
Runner up: Pettyfer. Always getting the media take that he’s a douche and how I wish it weren’t so! The man has an absolutely stunning face.
they seem happy with themselves, I’m out.
I choose Channing too. Pettyfer can go in a hole. I wonder if men will come see this film?
Haha…my 29 yr old brother and his friend are quite looking forward to going on opening night, they’re thinking the theatre will be filled with girls!! Lol
Double post, sorry!
Same choice as you Kara Ann. If Pettyfer wasn’t such a d*ck he’d be number one.
I’d take him home on the condition he doesn’t speak and I’m entitled to crack out the duct tape if he threatens to do so.
I like his (Pettyfer) neck.
I’m not judging you, but you can name him your “shamef*ck” ๐ .
I like his neck too! It’s a bit odd an I find it hard to explain but some men have really sexy necks. It’s like their head fits their neck really well, as in the jaw matches up with neck width in a really good way.
I don’t know, Pettyfer reminds me of Aaron Carter *shudder
Absolutely Channing. He is sooooo hot.
I gotta represent for McConaughey. Texas boys are hot!
Texas boys may be hot (I’m in Canada but I’ll take your word for it) but he looks too botoxed, teweaked to me. Takes away from the hotness when he looks like he spends too much time with his mom’s cosmetic surgeon!
I’ve never gotten over the fact that he does not wear deodorant and Ashley Judd says she can recognize his scent a block away.
If Matt Bomer was straight I’d be stalking him right now. Like seriously, is there a more beautiful man on the planet?
Joe Manganiello would be my runner-up.
“If Matt Bomer was straight Iโd be stalking him right now.”
hahahahah so awesomely creepy +1
I agree so much! Matt Bomer is ridiculously good looking! Although the rest of the men are all attractive (and my pick would be Pettyfer, just because of his douchey swagger), Matt Bomer is definitely the most appealing visually.
Bomer all the way, he is gorgeous!
Channing would be my #2, and Alex would be #3. Joe is a little to bulky for my taste, and i don’t know Mr. Rodriguez, but I look forward to seeing him strip. ๐
Yep, i too am going with Boomer. that man is just too beautiful!!!!! Joe M for a second choice… because he looks like a good time ๐
I saw the vow on the weekend and than decided to watch Step up so I’m totally into Channing. The Vow was actually pretty good, not as cheesy as I would have expected. And that Rachel McAdams is a total fox.
Can’t I be selfish and choose them all?
Channing’s thick neck freaks me out a bit..Am I the only one who thinks his wife’s face is waxy?
You are not alone in thinking she looks waxy…I just googled what she looked like in Step Up…totally different from how she looks now!!!!
Manganiello. I love tall, scruffy guys.
Just noticed that Matt is the only one in a tux.
I have to say I’m not moved by any of them. Attractive men but not sure. I don’t think I’ll see this in theater, maybe on dvd. Not a big screen must see movie for me.
Well it is hard for me… cause they are all so pretty.
And I love the pretty and slightly dumb men… *cough*Joe Manganiello*cough*
But if Alex Pettyfer didn’t say anything stupid… it would be him.
But to be honest.
The two Matt’s are Texas boys.
And from a life time of experience living here in Texas.
No one flirts better than a southern boy, when he wants in your pants.
all above, don’t judge me…lol
Judgement free zone, darlin
Channing Tatum, please and thank you!
I’ll take an order of Joe, Alex, and Matt please! ๐
How about a Channing and a Pettyfer party?(I would never speak that out loud)
I second this in every count: The “party” the picks an the NEVER EVER saying this sh-t out loud EVER .. Amen
The picture of McC cheek to cheek with his wife shows what a ginormous head he has.
McConaughey ALLLLLL the way. He is the reason I am going to see this movie. He’s is the reason I’ve watch Failure to Launch more times than anyone should admit. Don’t care what anyone says about him, he is amazing.
You’re not alone! LOL I even watch Wedding Planner with JHo (she always gets to act with all the gorgeous men). He’s not aging well but his body is always rocking. He can play the bongos naked for me anytime!
A few yrs back I was at Texas game with my cousins and he was there having so much fun and being super cool with everyone. So he was talking to my cousin and I and she asked him if he still liked playing the booty bongos and he just laughed and winked at her. I love fellow Texans and will always root for them.
None. I find none of them even remotely attractive (excep Bomer, but he qualifies as too pretty). I’d hit on a chick and have my first lesbian experience instead.
None of them, really. I guess Channing is the best because of personality but I’m not into that beefy, military-dude look.
Iโm totally into that beefy, would-look good-as-a-military-dude-but-is-actually-too-much-of-a-free-spirit-for-that look.
Matt Bomer for sure….
It’s a fantasy, so I can pretend he’s straight and super into me!
Channing Tatum, for sure. But Joe Manganiello? Yes, please. Have thought he was utterly scrumptious for some time. Yummy.
Who would I rather? This is my lineup:
Tatum = too married
Pettyfer = too young
Bomer = too gay โฆ too bad
Rodriguez = perhaps, but I hate any CSI spinoff
McConaughey = would rather chew glass
Manganiello = fantasy f*ck
Fassbender = total fantasy package! What do you mean heโs not in this movie? He should have been the star!
Chat-We got our Fassy porn in Shame!
Also, it seems like he’s either having sex or is naked a lot in the films he choses so the future looks bright for us Fassy-fans ๐
Yes, well my time on earth could not have enough Fassy in it…(wipes brow).
OK I am going to go over the edge here…bear with me. I am thinking double date hereโฆthat is me with Fassy and Chris Meloni (my looonnnngggg time fantasy man). You do know that I have a standardโฆthere is a fantasy โf*ckโ and then there is the fantasy โdateโ (which includes stimulating conversation).
Oh I approve! If you need a wing-girl to step in for back-up or anything, I’m here for ya. Just saying, two guys can be a handful sometimes…
But of course Kitty my dear…and no surprises that these two would be a handful now are there? I mean we have seen Shame and remember Meloni in OZ…ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
My dream date would be a triple date. Meaning, me and three men. Nah, let’s make that an extended vacation. So: Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson (I am so not apologizing), Clive Owen and Alexander Skarsgard.
First, I’d have a weekend of hot and steamy f****ing with Dwayne Johnson. That guy would make my buiscuits glow red hot in the dark, if ya know what I mean. Hot as in tires on asphalt during 24 hours of Le Mans.
After that, I might really lust for some serious conversation, followed by gentle yet passionate sex, with Clive Owen. Middle-aged man, loads of experience, knows about making his ladyfriend happy. Might last a couple of weeks, actually.
After that, I’ll just marry Alexander Skarsgard and see what life has in store for the two of us together.
Sounds like a plan to you? Hell, YES!
Bomer’s the only one of that group who I find appealing.
Matt Bomer — I know he’s gay, but I really don’t care. If he said he wanted to have sex with me, my answer would be a resounding “YES!”.
Agreed. In my fantasy world, he’s straight. And mine.
Even in my non-fantasy world, I’m pretty sure he’d make a fabulous gay bff.
In my fantasy world, he’s still gay but for whatever reason wants to have sex with me ๐ .
In real life, if I ever had the opportunity to meet him and he said he wanted to have sex with me…the answer would still be “yes”.
To quote Kathy Griffin, “I don’t care where his d***’s been.”
Channing cuz he is hot.. Well then gotta fo w/ that lazy sexy texas drawl and say McConaughey hey hey! =)
I love me some McConaughey, but I’m gonna echo what someone posted in another thread about him: He’s looking drawn and “off” these days, and I really hope the blind item about his woman getting him into coke isn’t true. ๐
Not attracted to any of these dudes, but if I HAD to pick I’d say Channing, he just seems like a nice, normal-ish guy by Holly Weird standards anyway, Plus he can dance (Step Up, such a guilty pleasure movie). The movie looks mildly cute maybe in The Full Monty vein. Matthew McConaughy is just slimy though yuck.
Aren’t they both gay!
None. Shaved, tweaked pretty boys.
Channing and Pettyfr also – I just find something hot as hell about that douchey Petty guy for some reason…maybe its his bod or that accent not sure yet.
Omg! Channing anyday!!
I can’t wait for this movie. Hope it lives up to the hype.
Joe all the way. I have a thing for Roman noses and I have this theory that men with big noses are packing (and after reading that page six piece about Joe, it sounds like I’m on the right track).
Plus, he really showed his acting chops on last nights episode of TB (I was pleasantly surprised)!
@Mort-True it could be a coincidence but in the past, I have dated 3 men with large schnozzes. All were very large in the pants.
Again, maybe just a coincidence but……..
Oh my god, then Adrien Brody’s…o_O
That is correct, Eve-Brody probably has a goldmine in his pants. *sigh*
Wish I could get first-hand confirmation ….
Wish I could get first-hand confirmation โฆ.
Me too ๐ .
@Eve, I actually had Adrian Brody in mind when i was writing that post! I bet he’s packing.
@kitten, maybe we should see if we can get our work published? LOL.
CONFIRMED. Big schnoz and particularly roman noses…dude is 90% likely to be packin’.
a reformed ‘ho married to a sexy beast who is packing with a distinguished nose. PACKING!
Speaking of hot guys, I really need a hot guy Olympics post…shirtless pics of Ryan Lochte is what I’m after here.
Gay, Gay, Gay and Gay, Pattyfer looks the least gay in this bunch.
Matt Bomer…alllll day and night long. The man is perfection. Beautiful face, body, personality, mind…and he’s a dad of 4?!?! And, well, hell my 3 best friends are gay (one guy, 2 ladies that are together)…so I guess the gayness adds to his perfection for me ๐
s/n I wish the Hemsworth brothers were in this movie…but the world would probably implode. Sigh.
All women who are worth their salt know that there are 3 courses to every meal….I’ll take Matthew, Alex, and Channing, in that order. Thanks! ๐
McConnahey looks tweaked, manorexic, and over tanned. He looks ill. Tatum’s head is too small for his body. Bomer is good looking but a bit too pretty.
Neither of them.
He’s so frickin beautiful but I don’t care. IRL I would be speechless and collapse in a heap on the floor if he talked to me.
2nd- Channing
Matt Bomer and Alex Pettyfer as a backup… Let me just say… I make it a point not to fantasize about gay men, but I make a special exception for Matt Bomer. This is coming from a straight women who literally has a pride flag tattooed to her skull–I’m big on LGBT rights–I damn near cried when I learned this man was gay.
I’ve yet to meet a gay man who thinks it’s homophobic when a straight woman yells, “OH MY GOD, WHY AREN’T YOU HETERO?!” ๐
If he were straight I would bang Matt Bomer like a screen door in a hurricane.
Oh, man, that made me laugh!!!
It’s hard to pick just one. Eh, I’m leaning towards Joe Mange-whatever, but I kind like some brains in my men.
I guess Alex Pettyfer. He seems cocky and obnoxious, but he’s my type looks-wise, so I pick him!
Same here. I like my guys with attitude, so that’s not a deal breaker for me with Alex.
I think fantasy Joe might be fun too.
So glad I don’t have to fight any of you b*tches for Adam Rodriguez. LOL He’s the only reason I watched CSI Miami past it’s first episode.
Married & gay aside…Tatum AND Bomer. Don’t care which one first. They seem like the most fun esp Tatum.
I’d have to say Channing…not only is he hot but when I’ve seen him in interviews he is also down to earth and funny! I love a great sense of humor.
I would want the Bomer. He is just so handsome.
Oh Channing… my beautiful Forever-dong.
In order:
Joe – for the fun and f*ck of it;
Channing – for the tender sweet of it;
Matt B – for the sheer beauty of it;
lather, rinse, repeat!
If I still had the energy:
Matt M – for the unmitigated leisure of it;
Alex – for the courtesy douche-lay.
“I swear I’m not a whore!” *in my best “Torrance” voice*
LOVE LOVE ALEX PETTYFER and Channing…. have become a huge Alex fan this year…he is adorable! would love to see him play Christian Grey
**singing: “And here’s to you, Mrs. Robinson…”**
Hmmm… tough call. Let me give all of them a tumble, and then I’ll let you know who I decide I want. Kind of like taking cars for spin before buying.
Channing Tatum. He looks like he would laugh about my jokes. I like that quality in a man! ๐
Neither. Mediocre acting to bad acting (Channing) is a real turn off.
I have Michael Fassbender, Tom Hardy, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Joel Kinnaman — why bother with these two.
Channing. I’ve never liked Matthew.
Bomer. No question. No competiton. None of the others appeal to me in the slightest. Pettyfer is uber-handsome, but even his looks scream ‘asshole’.
Bomer, Bomer, Bomer and Alex.
I would like to know what Matt Bomer thinks of all the ladies into him, :).
Channing all the way. Besides being a hottie, he seems like a fun guy…and he can dance his ass off. A guy with rhythmn and swag is always attractive
Manganiello but only if he comes as Alcide.
T-Rex looks ill..
Tatum, Mangienello, and Pettyfer are my picks. Matthew doesn’t do it for me at all, and that Rodriguez’s jaw freaks me out… looks like it could hurt me, and not in a good way.
Is everyone blind to Mr. Rodriguez???? He is so sexy, and nice, and ….just everything.
I’d rather eat broken glass/chew my own arm off/listen to an endless loop of nails on a chalkboard than do EITHER of those guys.
Tatoe reminds me of those vac packed meat hunks you see in the deli at publix
and matmac kinda makes me think of a one of those loopy fire dancing dudes from an outdoor music fest who took too much E in the 90s and now cant string a normal sentence together, with a lifetime membership at Year Round Brown. Not too mention having to vac his transplanted pube hair plug droppings off the pillow afterward.
gee, maybe im gay and just didnt know it til now…….
You’re not alone.
I love men, but not in the ‘Magic Mike’ context. Men can be peacocks as it is, and yet, I’m supposed to scream (or cream) at the thought at some dude dry-humping the floor, or worse, me, or wave their junk in my face, and I’m supposed to pony up for the privilege? Please…