“Is Jennifer Lawrence really the new Scarlett Johansson?” links

Jennifer Lawrence

Is Jennifer Lawrence totally the new Scarlett Johansson? Just the boobs. [Popoholic]
Happy Anniversary to Princess Charlene and Prince Albert. [LaineyGossip]
The Man with the Iron Fists trailer: Is Russell Crowe back? [Pajiba]
Britney Spears and her boys touch down in Hawaii. [Celebrity Baby Scoop]
Anne Hathaway‘s Catwoman gets a new Dark Knight Rises video clip. [Celebuzz]
Is Seth MacFarlane really that funny? I don’t think so. [Gawker]
Kate Winslet is so pleased at how her rack is holding up these days. [Amy Grindhouse]
NBA Draft: Fug or fab? [Go Fug Yourself]
Madonna tries to hide a shirtless Brahim Zaibat. LOL. [A Socialite Life]
Cee Lo is about to begin his major motion picture career. [Celebs]
Beyonce and Kim Kardashian are awkward at the BET Awards. [Bossip]
Laura Prepon got topless for her new movie. Scientology boobs! [Yeeeah]
Katy Perry wants to be just like Madonna — 53-years-old and scantily-clad. [Evil Beet]
Lauryn Hill pleads guilty to paying taxes for three years. [Dlisted]
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher out on a lunch date. [Pop Sugar]
Kim and Kourtney Kardashian spend time with their dudes. [I’m Not Obsessed]
Emmy Rossum has a great bikini body. Such a shame about the pose. [Celebslam]
Olivia Munn got topless for Magic Mike. Did anyone notice? [The Blemish]

Jennifer Lawrence

Jennifer Lawrence

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet

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52 Responses to ““Is Jennifer Lawrence really the new Scarlett Johansson?” links”

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  1. Mina says:

    She needs a better bra, she’s getting some spillover.

    • Aiobhan says:

      I was thinking the exact same thing. She needs to go up a size so they give her better support and less saggy.

      And to answer the question: No, Lawrence actually has a lively personality and some talent. While I have not been impressed with Lawrence in her past films, she is at least interesting to watch on screen and gives good interviews. Scarlett is boring in everything she does.

      • RovingLass says:

        I like her too. She seems real…for what that’s worth in Hollywood.

      • HotPockets says:

        LESS SAGGY? They look pretty darn perky to me, you should see mine..no bra in the world can make my boobs look that perky.

      • XenusB!tch says:

        That is a really bad pushup bra. Not to mention push up bras aren’t meant to be worn under a t-shirt.

        A for Scar-Jo – has JL given a creepy old dude (Benicio) a BJ in an elevator yet? If not, no.

  2. Aubra says:

    so they’re asking in terms of boobage! LOL Sorry don’t know!

    Now if we’re asking in terms of talent, level of thirst and see-right-through it level of feauxtellectualness…absolutely not!

  3. RHONYC says:


    ScarJo is the new ScarJo.

    i saw ‘Girl with the Pearl Earring’ & ‘The Other Bolyn Girl’ over the weekend the girl looks simply amazing w/o a stitch of makeup! 😉

    • Chris: now with 10% less negativity says:

      @RHONYC: I haven’t seen you post on here for ages. It’s good to see you’re still around. I love the cut of your jib. 🙂

      • RHONYC says:

        thanx for the warm welcome back! CB is still my fave gossip site. you guys crack me up. cheers! 😀

  4. wonderwoman21 says:

    Much cuter than Johansson, the only thing pretty about Scarlet Johansson is when she is photoshopped to look like Marilyn Monroe.

    • corny says:

      agree and she is just a cute kid so far, even carrying her (horror) own luggage? LOL

  5. ssa says:

    No, Jennifer can act and is likeable.

  6. Amelia says:

    ScarJo in boobs only. Jennifer Lawrence is about 5 inches taller, isn’t she? I really hope she’s sucking in her stomach in the first photo. Or my crisis of confidence is about to get a whole lot worse :p
    I’m kind of meh on the Anne heavy DKR trailer, don’t hate it, don’t love it. Quite campy really. And what is she doing with her voice? Vocal fry doesn’t automatically mean femme fetale and sexy.
    And fifty shades author makes 1.34 million A WEEK?!! What.the.hell.
    I need a new job.

  7. mercy says:

    I think that first photo is photoshopped to make her bust look larger. The proportions aren’t right, especially when you see her in the same photo from other angles.

    • mercy says:

      There’s another mercy? Oops.

      This mercy doesn’t care about Jennifer’s boobs and even less about Scarlett’s. Jen is a pretty good actress.

      Still not feeling Anne H as Catwoman.

      Seth MacFarlane can be funny, but is wildly overrated.

      Mila… run. Fast.

    • MerryHappy says:

      Exactly! I call shenanigans. She never has boobs that big.

  8. Deena says:

    Jennifer is cute, but imo nowhere near as beautiful as ScarJo. I think she’s really talented though, maybe more than Scar, but it’s a little soon to tell. I thought Scarlett was phenomenal in a few of her roles, less so in others. Acting can depend so much on the role and the director.

    • di says:

      agree, she is cute, but she doesn’t have the beauty and sex appeal of scarlett, sorry jen but there’s only one Scarlett Johansson

  9. lettylynton says:

    Great bra trick (one cup size too small) and the way she’s twisting in the top photo make her look amazing! And she’s already very pretty to begin with. Never have seen her acting work, though.

  10. Eve says:

    Is Seth MacFarlane really that funny? I don’t think so.

    Me neither. Can’t stand him.

  11. Crystal says:

    Lauryn Hill is a damn shame. I was rooting for her but she’s just a mess. What the hell happened ??? She was talented and beautiful. She got so dickmatized. Lord.

    Kim Kardashian is a motherf*cking non factor and needs to stay away from Bey. My love for Kanyesus is on hiatus because i’ma need him to do better than these famewhores he likes dating. Kim looks like a white girl who’s gone to a black church for the first time…so awkward.

    And did you see that the bitch was seated when Brandy performed. What kind of shade ??? She better get her ass up like everybody else. Anyone who’s seen the sex tape knows that she can’t move but she could at least stand and do a two step. Ugh. She radiates basic.

    Jennifer Lawrence can act unlike Scarlett but Scarlett is much sexier and I think she has a nicer body IMO.

    Katy Perry needs to take her own advice of finding a talent and nurturing it because this singing thing ??? It needs to stop.

  12. RobN says:

    The reason that she’s more attractive than SJ is that she doesn’t exude the “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful” vibe that SJ does. Jennifer doesn’t seem to have any of the stick up her a** attitude.

  13. serena says:

    Not at all. LOL.

  14. Minty says:

    No, she isn’t. And that’s a good thing.

  15. Genevieve says:

    Not so sure about that. However, she does appear to be talented, fresh and relatively unspoiled, as far as Hollywood starlets go.

    If she is being heralded by this comparison, I sincerely hope she leaves the patented ScarJo c*ntiness behind. With ScarJo’s nastiness, it’s a wonder she’s hired in the business at all these days.

    Please, JL…don’t BE that girl 🙁

  16. mery says:

    she is not more attractive than Scarjo, she is more talented, but I dont get people saying she is beautiful, Jen has a good body, but her face is not that great

  17. HotPockets says:

    Ok, I know this sounds horrible, but everytime I see a picture of the author of 50 shades of grey, I always think it’s Adam Sandler in drag, ya know his promotional poster for Jack & Jill..

    • The Original Denise says:

      LOL! Funny, but true!

    • Esmom says:

      Lol, now I can’t unsee it. And is it me or does she seem a bit embarrassed about holding that pos “novel” in her hands?

      • HotPockets says:

        You can tell she is mortified even reading exerts out of the the book, so I can only imagine how she feels being photographed with it!

        Seriously though, I think it is Adam Sandler as “Jill” everytime…

    • kristiner says:

      I know it’s mean but I’ve been looking at her and watching her interviews and I’m not convinced she’s a woman.

      There’s something so masculine about her looks like she’s 10+ years post-op.

      The leather and jean jackets, the hands and jewelry. Like she doesn’t know how to be feminism. She’s like a brunette Mrs. Doubtfire and younger.

  18. Chris: now with 10% less negativity says:

    She’s a good actor but she’s not ‘that” hot.

  19. Esmom says:

    JL still reminds me of a young Renee Zellweger. Neither seem anything like ScarJo.

    • mercy says:

      Yes! Though I found young Renee more appealing, to be honest. Something about her in Nurse Betty, Bridget Jones… I can’t see Jen in those roles, yet I can see Renee doing Winter’s Bone.

  20. B says:

    Jennifer Lawrence surpasses ScarJo in most categories I can think of.

    Jennifer Lawrence is great in interviews, actually is a good actress (especially in Winter’s Bone!), and seems very pleasant.

    ScarJo is beautiful, but that’s about all I can say about her. She’s always struck me as a very bad, wooden actress.

  21. eb says:

    I read the headline and thought that Jennifer Lawrence had hooked up with Sean Penn! : O

  22. Jill says:

    Uhhhh NO.

  23. Jules says:

    I think Jennifer Lawrence is in a class all by herself (that’s the way it’s phrased, right? (LOL)). Jennifer is beautiful, very talented, and LIKEABLE. Of course, Lawrence also happens to have one hell of a figure as well but, doesn’t in my opinion, seem to aware of herself….unlike Scarlette Johansson. I think back to ScarJo’s early career and she has never impressed me as an actress and seemed unapproachable. Lawrence impressed me right out of the gate; from The Poker House, Winter’s Bone, Hunger Games, etc., and is delightful when interviewed. More importantly, Lawrence has a very good reputation in Hollywood for being very friendly, easy to work with and extremely talented and professional.

  24. jess says:

    In terms of acting, I think both Jennifer and Scarlett are mediocre and overrated. As far as looks, I think Jennifer is more like the trailor park version of Scarlett.Cant stand either one.

  25. Meanchick says:

    Whoa. It looks like she’s got the third boob thing happening when the bra ia too small.

  26. Katie says:

    No way. Jennifer is likable and has talent. Huge boobs that I’d love to hate her for but I kinda want to be her best friend.

  27. sup says:

    has anybody read lauryn’s guilty plea? it’s ridiculous. she’s still so narcissistic and blames everybody else for her faults, never taking responsibility. “ms. hill” as she likes to be called, now blames being made famous for her problems and blames the system which in no way forced her to have 6 kids and says she has to survive when 1. this was way after her heyday, in 2005-08 after she was no longer so famous, rather a hasbeen. 2. this was way before the recession so nice try, lauryn. 3. i read somewhere that celebs only pay 35% of their taxes. that is way less than what the regular joe has to pay for with his limited salary. so i wish she would stfu and stop with the lame ass excuses that she embellishes with “big” words to make herself sound “wise”. as much as i don’t want her to go to jail, and it pains me to admit how far she has fallen, she too fits the bill of the narcissist who is so full of herself that she thinks she’s above the rules unlike everyone else. remember when she was late to a gig for hours, and when a fan held up a card which said “you just lost one” she said “that’s disrespectful, i for one know i’m worth the wait” she even pulled that egocentric attitude on her childhood friend Nas. she is so ridic. i kept wishing and praying for her to get it together in the past years and to make a new great album but alas, she thinks she’s above all that too.

  28. LittleDeadGirl says:

    Errr did she stuff or is that some photoshop going on because those are NOT her boobs. She has a bigger bust but that one in the first picture in no way fits her frame. Something really weird is going on with that photo.

  29. blah says:

    Seth MacFarlane is a painfully unfunny hack who needs to be outlawed from making more dumbass clone TV shows that use stupid non sequitur “humour” cutaway gags as a crutch. And don’t get me started on the numerous rape jokes in his shows and on his twitter feed. He’s made so many to the point that it’s fucking creepy, and every time someone calls him on it and asks him why, he shies away from their questions like a nutless wimp. If he’s’ going to be offensive, at least have the balls to be upfront about it and defend himself.

    • Chris: now with 10% less negativity says:

      I guess he figures sacred cow makes the best hamburger. Take a taboo subject and be flippant about it. It’s not innovative. It’s about as formulaic as it gets.

    • sup says:

      see if seth were a woman, all the men would try to tear him apart with their “women aren’t funny” nonsense. he’s a man though and therefore untouchable.

  30. GoodCapon says:

    I’m envious of her figure (weird boobs aside)

    But her boobs normally don’t look like that, so she must have worn bad support or it was photoshopped.

  31. Eeyore says:

    OMg, I was blown away by JL acting in Winter’s Bone. She is a GOOD actress. I’ve never been blown away by Scarlett’s acting. Scarlett will fade away as soon as her boobs do, because that woman cannot act and is BORING in every single movie she is in. She’s like a man-woman too, with that manly voice. I think of her as a guy in a woman’s body, so she’s a turn off and I don’t see her hotness. JL is entertaining and brings it. I’d take a JL movie anyday if I want to be entertained by a story. Scarlett should do porn.