LeAnn Rimes goes “biker babe” on Eddie Cibrian’s Harley: busted or cute?

These are some new photos of LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian taking a “ride” on his Harley yesterday. Should I even bother analyzing the body language in these photos? Eh. As always, LeAnn looks like she’s trying to prove something, like, “OMG, my husband is such a badass and I’m his sexy biker babe!” Her outfit is particularly horrendous – does her shirt really say “Crème de la crème”? Ugh. FALSE ADVERTISING.

I checked LeAnn’s Twitter to see what she’s been tweeting about lately, and I was surprised to see that she’s been keeping her tweets to a minimum over the past week. That’s so surprising – even during holidays, LeAnn finds a way to make, on average, about 20 tweets a day. She did telegraph her intentions to be a biker babe though, tweeting on Friday night, “Night beauties! Gotta get these crazy allergies to go away. Got a Harley ride to enjoy with my baby tmrw. Sweet dreams!!!”

She also tweeted about getting a sushi lunch with “Eddie and the boys. The boys made up for this morning cause they sat like little angels at the dentist office for an hr. They even came in to check to make sure I was ok. They are smooth 🙂 tonight….@darrellbrown ,my sweets, takeout and a music session on our couch. I need to RELAX!! Long day!! Happy Friday night. Stay safe!!!” Oh, and she was doing interviews while looking after Mason and Jake too: “HA HA…. Doing interviews with two boys in the house and you’re the only one here playing referee….you totally forget what you’re saying while trying to keep everyone alive 🙂 interesting interviews to say the least.” Oh, I can’t wait for those interviews to come out. You know there will be some Bonus Mom gems in there.

She tweeted this video of Eddie and her BFF Darrell “rocking out” in the front of an SUV while she sat in the back. She’s not allowed to sit in the front with Eddie? LOL.

In other LeAnn news, she’s going to make an appearance on The Talk tomorrow, Monday. I don’t know why? Maybe something about an album. And did you know? All of this time, I didn’t know she had a Pomeranian puppy named Virgo! It’s true – Virgo has been around for years, apparently. She tweeted a photo of him a few days ago too:

Photos courtesy of LeAnn’s Twitter and Pacific Coast News.

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123 Responses to “LeAnn Rimes goes “biker babe” on Eddie Cibrian’s Harley: busted or cute?”

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  1. Maguita says:

    That’s pretty low-profile for Leann. Which is fine by me.

    The less we report on her and her tweets, the better.

    By the way, Leann still has a music career? I thought her full-time job was keeping and eye on her husband so he doesn’t cheat… I meant keeping her husband happy.

  2. I.want.shoes says:

    I’m sure that dog is cute but it looks mangy.

  3. Jackie O says:

    what a pair of douches.

  4. Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

    Bare arms, no leathers, beannie helmets..and one of those stinkin fartin noise pollutin harleys – yep theyrrrre idiots, the dog is cute though.

    • Samigirl says:

      Yup yup! My grandfather rode with Hell’s Angels, and my husband rides as well. You can always tell a serious rider from one who is more…reckless, for lack of a better word. No protective gear(although I am happy to see them in jeans…shocked she isn’t wearing short shorts and heels)! And helmets that are just for show. Dangerous. Hope they don’t wreck!

      • MerryHappy says:

        THANK YOU.
        (both of you)
        Motorcycles terrify me because they’re unenclosed vehicles on which I could think of countless ways to die or maim myself. I won’t ride one. An ex had one and was hinting at us traveling on it around the state on adventures. I shut that down so fast. It’d be fun. But you need to be accustomed to the vehicle, lifestyle, etc. Lay riders aren’t as prepared/safe as actual experienced bikers. There are reasons behind leather and huge helmets!

      • Annie B says:

        Wanna bet that Eddie does NOT know how to do ANY mechanical work on that Harley, when it inevitably breaks down, as they are notorious for doing?

      • Samigirl says:

        @merry, is that your name? DD’s middle name is merry 🙂

      • MerryHappy says:

        No, my name is Sarah. merry Happy is a Kate Nash song I loved for a while. 🙂

      • Jennifer12 says:

        She’s wearing heels, tight jeans, a tight shirt, and posing. I can’t stand this woman (for lack of a better term).

      • Bodhi says:

        Exactly. My uncle is HA & neither he nor any of his boys would be caught dead riding in those clothes or on the bike. Of course, not everyone who rides is or should be gang members, but pansy-ass weekenders on their cushy bikes always make me giggle. I’m surprised they aren’t wearing the helmets with the headphones & microphones!

      • Annie B says:

        These are the bikes the HAs steal and rip off any of the chrome parts for choppers, and spare internal parts since these “weekend warrior” guys have them serviced and cleaned at shops. 😉

      • Bodhi says:

        @Annie B

        Yeah, I know all about it. My uncle has been building bikes for eons. 😉

      • blah says:

        So true. I got on bike for the first time on a date a couple of years ago and got a huge burn on my leg, as I picked a little sundress, leather jacket and boots.

    • Issa says:

      Exactly!–Plus holding her arms up like a ‘princess’ throws the bike somewhat off balance, especially while turning a curb. Both of them are bikers about as much as Pee Wee Herman and his ride.

  5. marie says:

    Although I can’t see his face, I’m sure the dog’s cuter than LeAnn..

  6. Laurie M. says:

    I think the second she gains weight or goes broke, Eddie will dump her fast. I see her and can almost hear Eddie telling her he’d love her more if she was super-thin like Brandi….and LeAnn complies.

    • Mitch Buchanan Rocks! says:

      And the ironic thing is that Eddie seems to be getting thick around the middle.

  7. Sparkly says:

    Busted, and pretty hilarious with their try-hard posing ON THE BIKE. Ridiculous. I don’t even know what she’s wearing. I would have thought she’d be gung-ho about rocking the gear, but guess it’s not cute enough for her.

    Seeing LeAnn on a bike is stirring all of my hatred, which really isn’t fair. I’m touchy. I haven’t rode in almost 3 years. First my bike needed repairs, then I moved & got pregnant (no riding), and now my bike’s not even legal in my state since it’s been sitting so long. I really need it back. *bawls*

    Yup, no. Even with that yearning & bike-mourning out of my system, she still looks douchetastic.

  8. Paloma says:

    She was tweeting less because Katie and Tom were taking her thunder away. She figured why bother?

    • Dirtnap says:

      @Paloma, I thought the same. It’s been a relatively quiet weekend TomKat-wise, so I figured LeAnn would seize the opportunity to pimp herself. And here she is. At least she’s not wearing butt-less chaps, she spared us that.

  9. Sal says:

    I hate Rimes and I hate motorbikes with a PASSION so this totally raises my ire. What I find most pathetic is her posing with no hands. The first image that came to my head was of a kid on a pushbike showing off and saying: “look ma, no hands!”. I’d love it if Eddie hit a bump or something and LR flew off and fell flat on her face. Then again, I’d love it if these nuisance noise polluters were banned and they became extinct. Gees I’m in a foul mood tonight.

    • Bodhi says:

      Motorbikes & motorcycles are 2 totally different modes of two wheeled transportation

  10. Cathy says:

    Bwahahahaha….thanks for the morning giggle. At least the dog looks cute.

    • DreamyK says:


      Leann will have plenty of pictures to look at of his cheating a** once he cheats on her. It’s not If, it’s When.

  11. Rita says:

    I think she’s been a bit muted lately because of her upcoming appearance on The Talk (worse morning show on tv). She’ll have to take a handfull of downers just before air-time or she’ll make a complete rambling-incoherent-ass of herself.

    Hope she confuses the little blue “uppers” with her little white “downers”.

    Maybe she’ll “treat” the audience to a vocal performance of her new song Borrowed. It’s borrowed from her yodelling days and played at half speed….in other words, it’s sounds liker her Pomeranian trying to pinch out a tuffy only her diction is not as good as her dog’s.

  12. Macey says:

    well at least she’s not posing on the bike in a bikini, we should be grateful for that.

    Her mouth really looks jacked, like new fillers around it or something. plus
    she seems to be having a lot of dental work/issues lately. I saw something about her having to have a tooth pulled. I wonder if all these dental issues were caused by her veneers?

  13. Franny says:

    First of all, I’m way to impatient to try to read all her shortened tweets. They hurt my eyes. And second of all, she’s ruining being a Virgo for all of us normal ones.

  14. Prinny says:

    Why is she posing like she’s drying her nail polish? And, her legs are way too skinny for those broad shoulders.

    • surfing2day says:

      To me it looks like a stage photo where she wanted the wording on her shirt to be noticed, so lifts her arms up for the paid paps. Obviously it didn’t work,still couldn’t be read, so she makes sure it is noticed when standing by pulling the shirt down.She really does think she is the creme de la creme

  15. sarahtonin says:

    Of course that evil b!tch has a teacup pom. Who cares about an animal’s health as long as it looks good, right?

  16. barb says:

    That woman has a freaking amazing body!

  17. Cam S says:

    I can see those recently plumped lips even from this far angle. Must have gone to her “dentist” for a recent touch up.

    Her “borrowed man” (her words not mine)- looks a like a little chubster lately eh?

    • brin says:

      Yeah, her dentist must also be a plastic surgeon.
      Ediot has quite a paunch on him.

  18. Eileen says:

    The first thing I see are her boots…that Brandi has in brown. *sigh* Psycho.

    • Kimble says:

      Two people bought those fugly boots???

    • Cam S says:

      Sorry Eileen, I had to go to Brandi’s twitter cuz I didn’t believe you. I just can’t wrap my head around the SWF’ng. Sure enough, a cute pair of similar booties in brown.

      Wonder how it feels to live your life with no shame?

      • meh says:

        Oh. My. God. I couldn’t believe this until I looked for myself. I hope Brandi/Eddie/the boys notice things like that. SO CREEPY.

  19. Bobby sue says:


  20. Celeste says:

    Hey, she has a tattoo on her left wrist? What is it/what does it say? Some BS about the “love” between her and Eddie?

  21. nomorerimes says:

    Poor LR–so much attention has been given to Katie –LR must have been feeling left out. So no surprise she called her paps to capture the bike ride on film!

  22. Rory says:

    Busted. Totally. It’s all about the photo op: “look at ME!” *barfs*

  23. Annie B says:

    The part missing about this “this BETTER be papped” motorcycle trip is that they were going to a Matchbox 20 video shoot. Yes, where she will be seeing Rob Thomas, who is in the song Eddie and Darrell Brown are “rocking out” to in the linked video. The song that Jeff Beck is playing guitar riffs on. Hope Jeff Beck’s and Rob Thomas’ die hard and beyond devoted fans each buy a copy of Le’s upcoming album, and gift 5 copies to their nearest and dearest friends!!

  24. HoneyB says:

    She looks like a damn gremlin!!

  25. Kkkaren says:

    A long time ago I actually bought a great LR cd. I just hope I’m not around when the money runs out…girl just wants to be happy.

  26. why? says:

    Of course Leann goes “biker babe” on the new toy she bought her paid gigolo. The media is being dominated by Katie and celebs having babies and baby showers, and of course the media dared to ignore Leann on July 4th and didn’t jump on Leann’s “Eddie isn’t cheating on me because I have such a great relationship with my in-laws” tweets…so Leann had to do something.

    Since Leann went through all the trouble to set up staged photos of her and and Eddie visiting the set of The Matchbox 20 videoshoot with GSI, does that mean that Rob Thomas put her in their new music video? Or was the visit to the set just another means to validate her affair with Eddie just like she did with Eddie’s kids last week? So since Rob Thomas doesn’t have a problem with Leann’s affair with Eddie as evidenced by how he worked with Leann in one of the songs about her affair with Eddie and allows her and Eddie to visit the set of their music video, then Leann’s affair with Eddie was okay. Or is her album in so much trouble that she has to ride the coattails of other celebs? Leann has been working very hard to get the media to notice this new album. She has been tweeting up a storm about the songs and remixes and working with Rob T, giving phone interviews, and posting samples of the songs. And major media outlets ignores it all. So she thinks a personal visit to Rob Thomas and video of Eddie rocking out to the song will most certaintly make people take notice of this new album?

    Since she was tweeting like crazy about the boys, I thought she had set up a staged photo-op with them on Friday. It’s good to see that their faces are not being plastered all over the internet this weekend, maybe she is saving it for her month long birthday bash. Her tweets about the boys on Friday were very disturbing. First she blames them for messing up her phone interview. It’s not the kids fault that Leann tells so many lies that she can’t keep track of what she is saying. Then she tweets that she and Eddie left the kids alone for an hour in a waiting room of the dentist’s office. What a great way to show her stepkids who and what matters most to Eddie. Go on a public forum and gloat about how the father picked her over his own kids. And now the tweet about black widow spiders?

    Of course Leann is going to be on The Talk, Brandi was a guest on The Talk. Leann wouldn’t be a true single white femaler, if she didn’t make an appearance on the very same show that Brandi visited. When someone mentioned how the hosts on The Talk were gushing over Eddie, I figured that Leann was going to be on the show. People only say nice things about Leann and Eddie because it’s apart of the deal that Leann arranged with them. It is quite shocking to see that she hasn’t been tweeting up a storm, which probably has something to do with her guest hosting on The Talk. Did they tell her to slow down on the tweets?

    • Over It says:

      When I saw the tweets about leaving the kids the alone in the “dentist” office so Ed could be with her, I couldn’t believe she would admit that. Who leaves kids unattended so they can have their husband hold their hand? She just proved she is not a bonus mom, not a stepmom, but just some crazy woman that married the boys dad. So selfish in every way!

  27. kudzuqueen says:

    How embarrassing. Where is her shame? The posing. That shirt. Those duplicate boots.

    • jazzmin says:

      Shame? Leann Rimes? sorry to say but in order to get what you want in life (another woman’s husband, money, fame) you have to leave shame at the door. Leann Rimes is shameless.

  28. jazzmin says:

    When her marriage fails (and it will), I don’t know why I will feel such a sense of glee. Her failure and hurt will be funny to me. That is not a good thing to admit, but is the way I feel about her.

    • Jennifer12 says:

      It’s schadenfreude- that wicked tickle of pleasure you get at someone else’s misfortune. But I think in this case, we’re all just waiting for the karmic post office to finally deliver.

  29. why? says:

    It is not surprising that Leann is still openly single white femaling Brandi. We have The Talk, CBS, and Rob Thomas/Matchbox 20 to thank for this. Why would Leann stop this behavior when she is being rewarded by certain media outlets and celebs? In Leann’s mind The Talk and CBS agree with her taunting and single white femaling of Brandi because they “invited” her to host and Rob Thomas agrees with her taunting and single white femaling of Brandi because he did a duet with her for her new album.

    Brandi has been tweeting and posting photos of her dogs to twitter for quite some time now, so is anyone surprised by the fact that Leann is also doing that too?

    • Marisa says:

      It’s The Talk. If you have a pulse, you’re invited. She is still a has been performing at casinos & state fairs. Most of her concerts are being cancelled because of low ticket sales & her album will bomb. Ediot is a no talent sleaze. Just sit back & watch her mental breakdown.

      • why? says:

        Leann isn’t a guest on the show, she is actually co-hosting on the show.

        Keep in mind that after Brandi’s interview on The Talk, Leann called into The Talk and spoke to Sharon O about her “difficulties” of co-parenting with Brandi. Leann just had to have the last word. There is a video on Youtube where Sharon O talks about the conversation she had with Leann over the phone. Plus during Brandi’s interview, Sharon O said that she didn’t regret her affair with Ozzy as if she was attempting to justify Leann’s affair with Eddie. So Leann only made it as a host for The Talk because she is BFFs with Sharon and Leah R/Holly P are not there to object to Leann’s presence.

        Speaking of canceled concerts due to low ticket sales, wasn’t Leann supposed to do a concert on July 4th, but it was canceled because of low ticket sales? Now this is what the media should be talking about.

      • brin says:

        Wonder if The Talk will be changed to The Neigh today in honor of LeHorse.

  30. ria says:

    I am surprised that she isn’t smiling for the camera. She’s not even looking at the camera. What is that all about? Tom’s high profile divorce is taking up most of the media, no one got time for leann. lol

  31. kesha says:

    Why does she keep getting lip injections and pretending its the dentist?
    Does she honestly think people are that stupid…?
    Her lips were slits before, blatantly been filled.

    Terrible outfit, I can’t comprehend the swf on the boots…..just weird.

    Be interesting to hear her interview, she really has nothing to say. milking her affair, relationship with Brandi and role as stepmom no doubt.
    I’m sure we’ll hear a line from her about “the truth being in her album“

    • kesha says:

      Oh right, I forgot, she has S.O to support her in her homewrecking stories…

      I want her to go back on Chelsea Lately…Or someone else willing to call her out.

      • claire says:

        Sharon Osbourne can’t ask her any real questions, or call her out on anything, without looking like a hypocrite, so I’m sure it’ll be a typical fluff piece. Who cares though…gawd. Her career is just f***ed. One appearance on a much-derided tv show isn’t going to help her. Wonder how the audience will be? Welcoming, or total silence, like Ellen’s audience?

  32. skuddles says:

    What no bikini?? Shocking! Although I see she did remember to wear the hoof shoes.

  33. Snowpea says:

    This girl is so unattractive but it really doesn’t have anything to do with her looks.

    She has a really unfortunate capacity to be totally transparent so it’s almost as if you can SEE her thoughts/motivations/insecurity and deviancy write all over her face.

    And that, my friends is what makes her look so ugly. You can’t see ANY kindness or love or empathy on her. It’s almost like she is an alien life form.

  34. Trish says:

    not to be mean, but all I ever see when i look at her is massive nostrils… I wonder if he ever looks at her and asks himself; ‘what the hell have I done’?

    • brin says:

      That would require a conscience, which neither of them have.

    • Warren says:

      You are mean, why would you say that about anybody. Especially when you are dead wrong, Leann looks great!

      • Cam S says:

        @ Warren: She isn’t being mean. She is just calling it like she sees it (as Leann PORTRAYS HERSELF). A narcissistic, stalker, fameho, cheater, with huge nostrils. 🙂

        If it looks like a duck, and walks like a duck……..
        Or should I say horse? Ah, well you get the idea hon

  35. Jilly says:

    Rimes can lose 500 pounds and inject, fill & lipo everything everywhere – she’ll never be hot. Some people just aren’t sexy.

    • Warren says:

      Are you blind, Leann is hot, sexy and looks fantastic. Not to mention her classic beautiful voice. A superstar talent.

      • Snowpea says:

        Hi LeAnn!

        (And I know some people hate this joke, but I think it’s freakin’ hilarious. Especially because I just KNOW LeAnn would obsessively read these threads about herself).

        Hey LeAnn, since you ARE reading, I’m gonna give you a red hot tip.

        Stop copying Brandi. You look like a sad, desperate psycho.

        Stop carrying on like a pork chop about those boys. They are NOT YOURS. You look like a sad, desperate psycho.

        Stop tweeting a million times a day. You look like a, well you know what you look like.

        And lastly, FOCUS ON YOUR SINGING! FFS, you actually COULD be a superstar again. Dump Eddie pronto, hire a good producer, get writing and get back in the studio. Do some beautiful acoustic stuff, just you and an acoustic guitar, a la Joni Mitchell.

        OR, just carry on like you are and you will be reduced to late night infomercials for incontinence before you know it ; )

      • Trish says:

        In Warren’s defense, guys see things differently sometimes. I have this guy pal in Arizona, and he was telling me about his stunning new girlfriend..when he finally sent me a photo, it was pretty bad…she was ok, but not stunning..not even close. My point is…guys see women’s looks so differently than we do. I see Leanne, and I see average looking bordering on even less than that…but Warren looks at her and sees someone totally different. I guess beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder.

      • claire says:

        That classically beautiful voice has gone to hell in the last decade or so. Her star began fading when she was still a teen. It’s too affected, you can’t understand a word she sings, and she doesn’t have the same tones. At some point, no one cares anymore that she was good when she was 14. 15 years later, she only has 40 million sales under belt, and a ton of cover albums. She thinks she’s a legend, and can be lazy with her career now, and she’s too delusional to recognize that the public does not feel the same way about her.

      • kudzuqueen says:

        Warren…I think you are missing the point. Her actions make her unattractive. Yes, her voice is beautiful, it really is, but I can’t bear to listen to her because of her actions. And I would go just as far as “cute”. Anything else is a gross exaggeration. And cute is good right?

      • Jennifer12 says:

        Being the only girl in my family growing up, I have to say that I don’t know many guys who would say “you’re so mean” and “classically beautiful voice”.

    • Jennifer says:

      So true. All the plastic surgery has made her look like a fake freak. These pics make me think of those older rich women and their paid-for boy toys. Who even knows, or cares, that she sings anymore?

  36. Stephanie says:

    Cute dog. That’s all.

  37. dorothy says:

    Skank. Enough said.

  38. Jennifer12 says:

    She’s really putting on the mama costume as hard as she can lately, isn’t she? Nonstop about the boys and all the responsibilities she takes on and…. I just can’t. She’s beyond saturation level at this point.

  39. why? says:

    This is the tweet that Leann sent to Rob Thomas on Sunday: “So great seeing you @ThisIsRobThomas hope the video rocks and you didn’t get smashed in the head w/ anymore records. Happy u luv our song!”

    So Leann thinks that she can make her album a “success” by saturating the internet with tweets and staged photo-ops documenting her friendship with Rob Thomas. Does Rob Thomas and Matchbox 20 really think that associating with Leann and Eddie is a good thing? Their new single is 100 on the top 100 Itunes list and I don’t see it on The Billboard charts. Does anyone know how it has been doing on the charts since it’s release(which was in June)? I think I saw that it at one point it had gotten to #44 on the charts. I haven’t heard it played on the radio. Funny how come Leann’s fans aren’t supporting the artist who is helping Leann revive her career, the same artist who supports Leann’s affair with Eddie? Perhaps Rob Thomas should keep his friendship and association with Leann and her album on a very low profile, starting with cutting down Leann’s tweets and visits to him. It’s sad that Leann is trying to justify her affair with Eddie by using the “Rob Thomas doesn’t have a problem with the affair, so it must be right” angle.

    Leann also tweeted about going to a lake, so we all know how this works. 9/10 times if she tweets where and when she will be for the day, expect it to be followed by photos and a fluffpiece. Hopefully Leann refrains from setting up staged lake photos with Eddie. I notice that Leann’s other mouthpieces (Eonline, DM, ROL, and x17) haven’t commented on the bike ride yet, which could mean it’s because Leann is getting ready to set up another staged photo-op.

    For someone who claims that she doesn’t like living in the spotlight, you would think that Leann would stop tipping off GSI and shun things like twitter.

    • ria says:

      Funny how come Leann’s fans aren’t supporting the artist who is helping Leann revive her career.

      What she does not understand is that, it’s going to take more than Rob Thomas to revive her career. Rob Thomas was hot back in early 2004. They are two has beens dueting together on a song and expecting it to be in the top 20. She can’t except the fact that nobody wants to buy her music anymore. She’s not as good as she used to be and nobody likes a homewrecking psycho. She needs to focus on getting treatment, not making music.

      • why? says:

        I agree. I guess Leann’s staged photo-op did do a tiny bit of good for Matchbox 20 and Rob Thomas. Before Leann’s staged bike ride photo-op with Eddie to the set, how many people knew that Matchbox 20 had released a new single in June and are releasing a new album in September?

        What I don’t understand is why Rob Thomas agreed to work with Leann on the album and duet. How does he stand to benefit from working with Leann, seeing as how Leann can’t even get her own fans to buy tickets for her show and her own fans are not crossing over at all and buying Matchbox 20’s new single? How in the world did Leann and DB convince Rob T that working with Leann was going to be good exposure for him and Matchbox 20? With as much as she has been tweeting about Rob and her duet with him, her fans should have at least had Matchbox 20’s new single ranked in the top 20s on the top 100 lists of both Itunes and Billboard.

        I thought that Leann was doing a remix with Snoop Dog and a duet with Miranda L?

      • claire says:

        I don’t get the logic. Just because her fans like her, doesn’t mean they have to like him and buy his music. I don’t really see much similarities in their fan base.

        But, I think they’ve known each other for a while, and, Rob’s a nice guy…He’s got a pretty busy life, and is a well-known musician. How the public views this stuff, and how someone like him views this stuff, are two different things. Maybe he doesn’t care and doesn’t get wrapped up in tabloid gossip? I don’t know. I knew he had a single coming out and that they were recording – and not because of Leann Rimes. Matchbox 20 may not have had a hit album out recently, but they are certainly much more respected than her, and have a bigger niche than her.

      • why? says:


        Think about it this way. Rhianna and Coldplay. BOB and Taylor Swift. Sia and Flo Rida. Katy Perry and Kayne. Madonna and Nicki M and MIA/Jason Derulo. Carrie U and Brad Paisley. Pitbull and Jlo/Marc A. David G and Sia. There aren’t similaries in the fanbases of some of the artists that I listed, but based on radio airplay and the charts we know that there was crossover in fans from artist A to artist B and vice versa. So as we can see artists are teaming up with other artists(sometimes from other genres) as a means to expand their fanbases, boost their sales, and increase the radio airplay of their songs because now the song will be played on different types of radio stations as opposed to just the genre specific to that artist. Artist rely on the fans of other artists to like them and buy their music, hence why the BEST COLLABORATION category exists for music award shows. Remember Bruno Mars and how everyone was scrambling to work with him when he hit it big?

        How the public views this stuff and how an artist views this stuff isn’t different. Remember what happened with MIA when she did an obscene gesture during her song with Madonna and Nicki M?

        Rob may be a well known respected musician, but he hasn’t had a hit for quite some time and at this moment he and Matchbox 20 are not having very much success with their new single even with all the exposure that Leann is giving him by tweeting to her fans about their duet.

        If Rob doesn’t care or doesn’t get wrapped up in tabliod gossip, then Leann wouldn’t be making a huge deal about being Rob’s friend or visiting the set for his video. You might have known that Matchbox 20 released a single and were making a video, but apparently their other fans and Leann’s fans didn’t know. With as much as Leann has been tweeting about working with Rob and playing samples of their song for her fans, their should have been some crossover between their fanbases just like we have seen with the other artists who work together.

      • Gabby says:

        @why?: oh man, i like ragging on leann too but you spend WAY too much time obsessing over this stuff.

      • why? says:


        I love when other posters take the time and energy just to write posts just to tell other posters that they spend way too much time obsessing over this stuff! BTW, have you seen the other celeb threads on this site? Your point would be valid if there weren’t other celeb threads where the posts were hitting 100-400 posts. So do you visit those other threads and tell those other posters that they are spending way too much time obsessing over this stuff too? On the front page alone the AJ thread is at 118, the Katie Holmes thread is at 191, the Katie H thread from Jul 6 is over 300, and the AJ thread from that same day is over 400. Another Katie H thread from that very same day is over 200. And a Kim K thread is over 100. And even on Sunday, people are still posting in those threads and making long posts.

  40. KellyinSeattle says:

    I wonder who bought the bike?

  41. Relli says:

    Rocking out + Rob Thomas? Well ok then.

  42. nomorerimes says:


  43. NeNe says:

    It looks like a little boy on the back of the bike.

  44. thetruthhurts says:

    I find it hilarious that she takes every photo opportunity to drape herself all over Eddie, but yet when they are on the bike, she doesn’t wrap her arms around him like she is actually supposed to and poses embarrassingly like a fool instead Hmmm…trouble at home?

    • nomorerimes says:

      Hmmm! You could be right! No smiles either on either of them! Well, at least she doesn’t have her mouth wide open–laughing (braying) at nothing! And no bikini! Sure am hoping you are right!

  45. Jayna says:

    LeAnn is on The Talk right now. I have to day she looks pretty.

    • nomorerimes says:

      Heard that her stint on The Talk didn’t go too well. What did you think? Heard she did the fake crying bit! What a manipulator!

  46. erika says:

    “Somewhere out there, beneath the pale moonlight, someone’s thinking of me and loving me tonight…”

    I’ll say it again, she looks like, Fievel, a lil shrew (mice like rodent) -http://www.creaturecontrol.net/Shrews

  47. why? says:

    Leann’s new album must be having some major problems because it’s seems that they are attempting to get people to buy her album by riding the coattails of other celebs. Leann has been working very hard in the past week to highlight her “friendships” with Eriq Laselle, Rob Thomas, Sharon O, and now the people from NoH8. She tweeted that she and Eddie were hanging with them today, so either she and Eddie are posing yet again for NoH8 or she is setting up another staged photo-op with them like she did with Rob T. It’s almost as if Leann’s appearance on The Talk was done to showcase her friendship with Sharon O. Did you see Sharon’s tweet to Leann? Someone said that when Rielle H was on The Talk, Sharon didn’t support her and criticized her, yet today she is calling Leann “amazing” and asking Leann to come back on the show again.

    It looks like Leah R was right, Sharon O does control what goes on on The Talk.

  48. why? says:

    Poor Leann. Since very few media outlets were jumping on her hosting gig on The Talk(even after she took to twitter and broadcasted it for two days) and she was getting a lot of negative feedback about her appearance as a host on the show, what does Leann do? She pays x17 to write a fluffpiece about it. Why does Leann seek validation in the form of fluffpieces from x17 if her life with Eddie is so blissful?

    It’s funny that Leann whined about how 95% of what is said about celebs is false, and yet based on the evidence that she has left behind, we know that 95% of what we know about Leann comes from LEANN herself via her tweets, staged photo-ops, twitpics, “Exclusives” to x17, and interviews. It’s a shame that Leann couldn’t stand not being the center of attention or the fact that her appearance was being slammed and took it upon herself to pay x17 for a fluffpiece just to make herself feel better.

  49. why? says:

    It’s sad that Leann is so desperate for attention that she will use anyone and anything. So now that her attention seeking pr stunts are being ignored by major media outlets, she is exploiting NoH8 as a means to validate her marriage to Eddie and to get her face and name in the press because she just can’t stand the fact that Katie and celebs having babies have been dominating the press and stealing her thunder. It’s sad that NoH8 would play into Leann’s agenda. She is already posting photos to her twitter account of her and Eddie with the people from NoH8 since once again the media failed to jump on her tweet broadcasting her and Eddie’s photoshoot and meeting with NoH8.

    We have CBS, Sharon O, The Talk, and Rob Thomas to thank for all of this!

    • nomorerimes says:

      Yes-she is desperate! I sent a comment to CBS telling them how disgusted I was about having LR co-host! Didn’t watch the show–can hardly stand to even see pics of the homewrecking liar, let alone watch her trying to look somewhat intelligent–which she is not! The comment to CBS will probably do no good but at least they know how I feel! Wish she would just go away!!

      • why? says:

        Did you see her recent tweets about her NoH8 photoshoot? I have never seen any celeb use NoH8 to benefit themselves the way that Leann does. First she tweets about how she and Eddie are going to spend the day with the guys from NoH8. That gets ignored by the press and so she has one of the them post the behind the scenes photo of her and Eddie posing with the guys. That too gets ignored by the media and so she then sends a tweet to one of the guys about her head and back hurting, to draw attention to the fact that the NoH8 photos of her and Eddie consist of them laying on top of one another to suggest that they are having sex. When that too is still ignored by the media, she then walks around with NoH8 on her face and makes a tweet about how she walked around with it on her face. Seeing that after tweeting all this information about her photoshoot with Eddie and NoH8 still hasn’t stirred the media to write articles about it, she then tweets a photo of NoH8 on her cheek and tweets about how she was surprised by the fact that people didn’t know what NoH8 was. Seriously, she walked around all day long with NoH8 on her face just so that she can brag about the “sexy/hot” photos that she took with her man? Who does that? Even Courtney Stodden wouldn’t stoop so low as to use NoH8 to promote her marriage.

        I find it interesting that the media is so obsessed with Katie right now, that they are ignoring Leann. Leann is going to really pull a drastic stunt, especially since her NoH8 photoshoot with Eddie has gone unnoticed by the media for this long.

        Note to Leann: It’s not that people don’t know about NoH8, they were shocked by the fact that NoH8 would associate with you and Eddie considering that you have a rep for using charity to promote yourself and your marriage to Eddie and of course there is all that information about you encouraging your fans and staff to bully Brandi. After your appearance on The Talk, your retweets from Gabrielle U and the EvilStepmother blog, and your tweets about “haters”, when they saw the NoH8 on your face, they just assumed that once again you were just playing the victim.

  50. why? says:

    Oh no, it looks like Leann’s really drastic pr stunt to take the attention off of Katie is going to be staged “happy family” vacation and airport photo-ops with Brandi’s kids(Which explains why she hasn’t set up any staged photo-ops with them since Father’s Day). Sad. But we shouldn’t be surprised, we knew that this was going to happen since Leann has been on twitter tweeting about her friends who support her bad behaviors. So prior to exploiting Brandi’s kids, Leann does a “good deed” for NoH8 as if that will make it okay to expose the kids to the media, tabloids, and blogs.

  51. why? says:

    I said that Leann was going to do someting drastic because she couldn’t stand the fact that Katie was monopolizing all of the media attention.

    Since the media won’t pay attention to Leann, what does Leann do? She sets up an exclusive interview with GR and ENEWS. YES, the very same GR who took a dig at Brandi on Fashion Police and who defended Leann’s cake on Showbiz Tonight. Not only does she set up the interview she then takes to twitter and brags about it for TWO days!

    Leann is on twitter posting photos from the interview, bragging about how respectful ENEWS was in their home, bragging about what great friends they are and how lucky that God sent GR to her a friend. Remember Leann’s first meeting with GR and the outcome of that. So can you imagine all the things Leann said about Brandi to GR in this second meeting with her?

    What message does Leann’s interview and “friendship” with GR send to Brandi’s kids? In fact, what message is Leann sending Brandi by associating with GR and bragging on twitter about her friendship with GR? Isn’t that a slap in the face? Brandi said that GR was just doing her job when she took that dig at her, but based on Leann’s interview and the fact that Leann is on twitter broadcasting what great friends they are, GR took that dig at BG at Leann’s request.

    Leann isn’t even promoting anything, so it makes no sense for ENEWS and GR do this HUGE interview with Leann. What is even said is that Enews allowed this knowing that people were calling them to have GR apologize to BG because what she said was because of her friendship with Leann.

    Leann’s behavior just keeps getting worse. So before she goes on a trip with Brandi’s kids where she will set up staged photo-ops with those kids just to taunt their moter, she openly gloats about befriending a woman who hates on the mother of her stepkids. Why is Leann’s behavior being allowed to progress to this level?

    NOTE to Leann: Seriously, you think that the woman who called the mother of your stepkids “CRAZY” just to justify your affair with their father, is smart, kind, and brave? God didn’t send GR to you as a friend, your “friendship” with GR is a result of you throwing a big tantrum and calling in a favor from whomever you are blackmailing at Enews. Don’t be shocked by all the backlash as result of ENews and GR support of you!

  52. nomorerimes says:

    LR is a totally pathetic and desperate piece of slime! Anything to get her name in the limelight. She must be feeling soooo out of it with all the attention on Katie! Gosh–Katie is a “bonus” mom too, Sleaze but people really like and admire Katie for the gumption she had in ending her marriage. Why don’t LR face up to the fact that her marriage is nothing but prostitution in fact? She pays him and he services you with fluff pieces to make you look like a decent human being. She is the Jane (serviced person) and he is the ho! Real great marriage!

    • why? says:

      So two days after posing for NoH8, Leann gets on twitter and brags about her frienship with a woman who hated on Brandi for no other reason other than the fact that she had drinks with Leann in October just so that Leann could explain her side of the affair. And based on what she tweeted about her interview on Tues(ie-someone…WHO knew), it’s very obvious that she told GR some very nasty things about Brandi during their initial meeting. You have to wonder how NoH8 feels about supporting Leann after seeing her support of a woman who bullied the mother of her stepkids? Do they honestly think it’s a good idea to support Leann and Eddie after Leann publicly gloats about befriending GR?

      Leann is getting very desperate and out of control these days. She is already on twitter tweeting about the 5 days she is going to spend at the Lake with Eddie and Brandi’s kids, so can you imagine the twitpics and staged photo-ops that are going to come out of this vacation? Leann has to make up for the time she lost for the 4th of July. She wasn’t able to exploit the boys then, but she is going to exploit them like crazy now.

      It’s just shocking how openly disrespectful she is being towards Brandi this week and how media outlets like ENEWS encourage this from her. ENEWS and GR has to know that their public support of Leann in this 3 hour interview is going to be bad for business. Who is Leann blackmailing at Enews and NBC Universal? You see how The Talk limited Leann’s talking time and wouldn’t even allow her to talk about her album or Brandi’s kids after they had a lot of complaints from their viewers on Friday and over the weekend about her appearance on their show for Monday. If ENEWS and GR were smart, they would not show any of that interview on their show. These interviews didn’t work out in Rielle’s favor, why would Leann think that they would for her? Because the people doing the interview are her “friends”?

    • why? says:

      Desperate times call for desperate measures. The media wasn’t jumping on Leann’s interview with GR, so Leann had her BFFs at x17 write a fluffpiece to get things rolling just like she had them do for The Talk when no other media outlet jumped on that.

      Leann’s interview with GR is just one big dig at Brandi. As usual, Leann is single white femaling Brandi. X17 made sure to point out that Leann is wearing a blue jumpsuit. She also has them emphasizing the fact that Leann and GR are friends. And check out what is on the back of Leann’s couch. Didn’t we see Brandi carrying a purse with that same pattern on an episode of RHOBH? Eddie is in the background.

      Why does Leann have to pay x17 to call her sexy? Who needs that much validation?

      It’s just sad to see how far Leann will go to get the media’s attention and to get back at Brandi. Eddie must be be pining for Brandi because why else would Leann keep going this far to taunt Brandi, even going so far as to use her BFF GR!

  53. nomorerimes says:

    She is getting more and more desperate all the time to see her name in the media! What a sicko! It has to frustrating that no other outlets have picked up her fluff pieces. Gotta pay them more money, LR! Money talks as she well knows. Amazing what money will do for a person–keep hubby showing up with her for paps! Keep her few friends praising her and slamming BG. Getting her on shows that show she is a has-been! MONEY! That’s all she has left! Pretty pathetic!

    • why? says:

      But God, GR and BR, Brandi’s kids, Lizzy and Elisa, Eddie’s parents, Sharon O, Rob Thomas, Maya A, Eriq Laselle, Alan T, CBS, ENews, and NoH8 ALL support Leann’s affair with Eddie because they “understand” how much Eddie “suffered” in his marriage to Brandi, so how can Leann’s album not be a “success” with all them backing her through this growth process? I find it hilarious that Leann has to ride the coattails of other celebs and two kids just to keep her album front and center. Instead of manipulating her fans and the media, why won’t she just be honest and tell them that Curb really isn’t thrilled about her album?

      Remember the days when ENews had no problem in calling Leann out on her bad behavior? Perhaps Brandi should have just thrown a major tantrum like Leann did, that way ENews would have had GR apologize to Brandi, say over and over how madly in love Eddie is with Brandi on Showbiz Tonight, and do exclusive interviews in Brandi’s home too! I just am shocked by how bold Leann is being with her interview and friendship with GR too, she is deliberately rubbing Brandi’s face in it and gloating. Why NoH8 would be apart of this is just beyond reason.

      • nomorerimes says:

        LR sure has them all buffaloed then about how EC suffered during his marriage to Brandi. He had it made! Able to keep up with not only his wife but two affairs at the same time besides! LR probably really hates that idea! AND he would have stayed with BG if she had let him but she got smart and through the cheater out the door into LR waiting hands and open checkbook! Wish all these supposed friends and allies would come to this site to learn the truth! But then LR would just pay them to turn a blind eye to the truth as she doesn’t know what the word truth means. Nor pride–nor self-respect! Just a stupid little hick town girl who started living wild while a teenybopper! And still thinks like one today!

  54. why? says:

    Leann kicks off operation “LOOK AT ME, NOT KATIE” by tweeting a twitpic of the cabin they are staying in. Since the media once again ignored her tweets about how she was packing for the 5 day trip, Leann decided to get things rolling with a twitpic showing exactly where and when she can be found with Eddie, the kids, and Lizzy. If it was heaven and everyone was happy like she claims, why then is she tweeting twipics instead of enjoying her vacation with “her man” and “her kids”? Eddie must be off somewhere with Lizzy.

    Those poor kids, there are four adults(Eddie, Eddie’s parents, Brandi) who have the power to stop Leann’s exploitation of them, and no one is willing to do a thing to protect those kids from Leann’s need to be the center of attention. Why can’t Leann do one thing with those kids without making it all about her or into a public circus?

    So which one of Leann’s mouthpieces will get the first “candid” photos of them in “heaven”? x17, GG, JJ, ROL, People mag, US Weekly, DM, CBS, or Eonline/Enews?

  55. why? says:

    Leann Rimes does indeed read this site. Hi LEANN! I posted that Leann was kicking off OPERATION “LOOK AT ME, NOT KATIE” by posting twitpics of their cabin to alert the paps where and when to find them on the lake, since she has been tweeting nonstop about the lake and not one media outlet jumped on it because once again they are too focused on Katie. And then Leann goes and tweets this: “All I have to say is….. IT’S ON!!!! Chocolate chip pancakes will kick it off!”

    So was the use of the word “kick off” intentional? For someone who claims that she doesn’t care about what people think of her, why does she closely keep track of everything that people are saying about her? And she is doing it while she is on vacation. The more people express disgust over her album and the tweets about the boys, the more she does it, as if she is punishing them for daring to “judge” her. Tweeting more about the boys and album as she gets more and more criticism, only proves that her marriage to Eddie is a fraud and that Eddie is off somewhere with Lizzy.

    That isn’t the worst of it. She tweeted that she and Eddie were looking at the stars with “our lil one”. When did Leann give birth to the child? Why is she always targeting the youngest boy? She got married to Eddie the week before his birthday. Every year she has made sure to set up staged photo-ops with him on his birthday. She posts twitpics of him all the time. In the staged photo-ops she is always touching his head or doing something inappropriate(humping on Eddie while he sits near them, wearing a low cut shirt with no bra so that when she bends over all of her business is exposed-purple night gown). She was always tweeting about how she was in the bed with him or laying on a couch with him. She always takes him out on “special” outtings alone with her. And now she is tweeting about him, her, and Eddie on the lake. Where was the other child? So Eddie and Leann are at the lake with Liz. Since she went through the trouble to tweet about how she was enjoying the stars with “our lil one”, does that mean that she invited GSI to the lake with them? Hopefully she will refrain from plastering their faces all over the internet just to convince everyone that EC loves her because he makes out with her while his son stands by and watches.

  56. why? says:

    So after posting yet another twitpic from the lake and then following it with a twitpic of herself in a boat wearing a bikini and covering her face with a blanket, this is what Leann tweeted: “…there were tons of paparazzi outside and I was just being silly”

    Note to Leann: There were “tons” of paparazzi outside because YOU called them. And you weren’t being silly because you did the same thing when you set up a staged photo-op with x17. Covering your face while you are in a bikini isn’t going to stop people from criticizing you for calling the paps. You have been at that lake for how many days now and not once did the paps ever get any photos of you, Eddie, or the boys, so it’s obvious that you set this one up especially when you have been tweeting and posting twitpics like crazy. So what are you trying to prove with this latest set of boatride staged photo-ops? That Eddie isn’t cheating on you because he makes out with you in front of his kids? That Lizzy isn’t at the lake with you and Eddie and the boys? Those poor boys. So putting the boys first requires that you put LEANN first?