Cele|bitchy | Matt Damon thinks Jeremy Renner “looks great” in ‘The Bourne Legacy’

Matt Damon thinks Jeremy Renner “looks great” in ‘The Bourne Legacy’

These are some new photos of Matt Damon outside of Comic-Con this weekend. I’m also including some photos of Jeremy Renner at LAX, also this past weekend. Damon and Renner… two wonderful actors, one exiting the Jason Bourne franchise and one entering it. Remember, in the January issue of GQ this year, Matt made some rather pointed (some would argue “bitchy”) comments about the franchise, about screenwriter Tony Gilroy, and about why he walked away from the massively successful, career-defining franchise – go here to review his comments. What was nice about Matt’s brutal honesty (or his brutal bitchiness) is that he seemed to genuinely hope that Jeremy Renner would succeed as a completely new spy/assassin in The Bourne Legacy – Matt seems to genuinely like Renner, and wish him well. Anyway, while Matt was at Comic-Con to promote his sci-fi film Elysium, he ended up fielding a lot of questions about Bourne.

Matt Damon may be attending (his first!) Comic-Con to promote the super secret sci-fi flick Elysium, but that doesn’t mean rabid fans of the Bourne trilogy aren’t wondering whether Jason Bourne himself won’t return to the action franchise at some point in the future.

“No, I mean, I think everyone wants to see how this one does,” Matt told us exclusively when we asked whether there was talk of him returning for a fifth film. So how does Matt think Jeremy Renner will do carrying on his legacy?

“I’ve only seen the trailer. But he looks great in it,” Damon revealed about his successor. “When Paul Greengrass [director of Bourne Ultimatum and Supremacy] and I were talking about potentially doing a fourth one years ago and then handing it off to someone, Renner was the guy we talked about because I’m a huge fan of his. I think he’s great. And I think he fits really well in that world, like, I really believe him in that world. So I think he’ll be terrific.”

Which only means that if the two were to team up the result would be even more terrific.

“I think the movie will be really good. Tony [Gilroy] is really smart, he’s a really good writer and a really good director and I’m sure he made a good movie,” Matt explained to us. “The question will be if they can franchise that movie, because if they can, then they’ll be done with me. They’ll just keep making those.”

After the billion-dollar success Renner had kicking butt in The Avengers, we have a feeling things might just work out for him on this go, too. Guess we’ll have to wait and see if Matt changes his mind someday.

And since this is Comic-Con, where superheroes reign supreme, we asked Damon why we haven’t seen him donning a cape or cowl on the big screen.

“I always kind of viewed Bourne a little bit as a superhero, or antihero character, so I kind of got my hit doing those for those years,” he responded. “Daredevil was always the one Ben [Affleck] and I grew up reading, we loved Daredevil, but Ben got that one.”

Matt continues, “It’s like a sci-fi movie, they’re hard to do really well and when they’re done well, often times, look at The Dark Knight, it’s just a stellar, incredible seriesa—but they had a great actor playing Batman already. There wasn’t anything for me to do. So when the roles do come around that are really great—when Iron Man comes around, that’s Downey—there wasn’t any part for me. Maybe there’s some superhero left over that I can play someday.”

Just don’t ask him to do a reboot (got that, Team Daredevil?)

“I don’t think I could do a reboot. The reboots are happening so fast now,” he griped. “The new Spider-Man comes out 10 years after the first one, that’s kind of crazy. But it works. People seem to want to see those movies. So I think we’re going to have a steady diet of them for a little while.”

For those keeping score at home, that’s Bourne sequels: 0, superhero movie: maybe!

[From E! News]

I think Matt was being honest – this is the guy, after all, who says “yes” to whatever dumb stunt Jimmy Kimmel wants to pull and this is guy who appears in, like, ESPN commercials. If The Bourne Legacy does well and they want Matt to come in and do something with Renner for another film, Matt probably would. But I think Damon is being realistic with the “The question will be if they can franchise that movie, because if they can, then they’ll be done with me. They’ll just keep making those” – if Renner and The Bourne Legacy are successful, then why would they need to pay Matt Damon $20 million for anything, you know? So… whatever happens, I think we just need to understand that Matt will probably never play Jason Bourne again. Which isn’t the worst thing, really – the original trilogy really holds up.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet and Pacific Coast News.

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24 Responses to “Matt Damon thinks Jeremy Renner “looks great” in ‘The Bourne Legacy’”

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  1. Tillie says:

    I agree with Matt Damon, but he himself is way hotter. He should ditch those fug sunglasses though..

    • Esmom says:

      Agreed on all points. Those sunglasses make him look like a creep.

    • Emma - the JP Lover says:

      Which one, Matt Damon or Jeremy Renner? If you’re talking about Matt Damon, those aren’t sunglasses, they’re regular glasses that tint in sunlight (probably transitions). He put them on when they went to the ‘questions’ portion of the Comic Con “Elysium” panel.

      • Esmom says:

        Oops, I didn’t even notice Renner’s because Matt’s were so distractingly ugly, I think. They do look like glasses that darken in sunlight, I’m not a fan of those. And I realized what I really dislike about them — they match his hair.

  2. Nessa says:

    I actually love both Matt and Jeremy. I hope the film does really well!

  3. Mia 4S says:

    Love them both, but I find Jeremy way sexier! Cannot wait to see this movie. I honestly think Matt had run his course, it was a good run but I’m excited for new blood.

  4. StellaT says:

    I”m meh about Damon but absolutely love Jeremy Renner. He was amazing in The Hurt Locker/The Town. And so sexy! If anyone can takeover the Bourne franchise and keep it successful, it’s him.

  5. nunya beeswax says:

    Damon… the older he gets-the hotter he gets. Like fine wine stolen by a 1%er.

    Can’t wait for the Bourne films tho.

  6. GrnMtGirl says:

    Love the first 3 Bourne movies. Matt Damon was Awesome in the them and we watch them often.

    However, I’m looking forward to seeing Jeremy in the new Bourne movie. He is Hot and I think he will be Great!!

  7. blondie10101 says:

    I’m not sure how I feel about this new movie…. It’s The Bourne Legacy after all and it’s not named after Renner’s character. I just feel like they’re making this movie and capitalizing on how much people loved Matt as Jason Bourne.

    • Emma - the JP Lover says:

      This to the 4th power. And not just Universal … the author of “The Bourne Legacy” did so as well. But hey it worked. Just read the comments here by people who seem to think that Jeremy Renner is taking over the “Bourne” franchise. He is playing a totally different C.I.A. asset named Aaron Cross. Eric Von Lustbader could have just as well titled the novel “The Treadstone Legacy” or “The Blackbriar Legacy,” since Aaron Cross is probably a product of one of those secret projects. Otherwise, why call the book “The Bourne Legacy,” unless it was simply to gain a ready fan base?

      The “Bourne” franchise ended with “The Bourne Ultimatum.”

      People are talking about ‘Jason Bourne’ showing up in one of these new films, but if the Robert Ludlum Estate–who owns the rights to the Jason Bourne character–wouldn’t allow Universal Studios to use the character in an original film (the 4th Bourne film Matt Damon snarked about was from a script based upon one of Robert Ludlum’s earlier novels), will they allow the character to appear in these new films?

      Matt Damon is right … if this film, based upon a totally ‘new’ character, is successful and they gain a franchise from it, they won’t need Jason Bourne any more.

      I’m glad to hear that Matt has released it all with love, because “Elysium” is going to be a major blockbuster for him. 🙂

      • blondie10101 says:

        Matt is right, there’s no question about that, but I don’t understand why the author, publisher, and now the studio are marketing this movie using Jason Bourne when there is no Jason Bourne in this movie. I think it’s kinda slimy.

      • Emma - the JP Lover says:


  8. ssa says:

    Never seen any of the Bourne movies but I’m really looking forward to see the one with Renner

  9. UniqJaz says:

    Why cant women be like this. Compliment each other instead of saying bitchy things to each other. Like madonna and lady gaga?…well more madonna saying things and doing things. Women should know how hard it is in the industry so give each other props instead of disses for making it !

  10. Lindy says:

    I think Matt Damon looks fantastic in these pics–better than he usually does, actually. And I’m curious to see how Jeremy Renner does–I’ll probably go see the film out of curiosity.

  11. Chris: now with 10% less negativity says:

    It’s not really Bourne if Matt Damon isn’t in it.

  12. Amber says:

    Renner is soooo HOT

  13. Carl says:

    I wonder how they could franchise Aaron Cross without Jason Bourne. When they say franchise I wonder if it included change the tittle as Cross bla bla bla Instead of Bourne bla bla bla Bourne name certainly is much more well known. But of course they cannot use the name twice without Jason Bourne unless there’s new actor playing Bourne (if Damon refused to play). I think people who said that this would become new franchise if successful is quick to make judgment. We don’t know how it would turn out.

  14. Carl says:

    I think people who said that this would become new franchise if successful is quick to make judgment. We don’t know how it would turn out.