Cele|bitchy | Lance Bass’ partner, Reichen, tells Perez Hilton to stuff it

Lance Bass’ partner, Reichen, tells Perez Hilton to stuff it

Lace Bass’ partner, Amazing Race reality TV star Reichen Lehmkuhl, has blogged on his myspace about Perez Hilton’s claims that he’s been cheating on Lance. He says he and Lance are still together, and that Perez makes shit up to increase his traffic:

Mario Lavendeira (PerezHilton.com) is a Big (blank) Ugly Liar, an Accused Thief and Criminal


From the Horse’s Mouth: Just a friendly reminder that when you read websites like PerezHilton.com, you are reading lies and are being taken advantage of as you make more money for a person who does nothing but fabricate stories to make his site look interesting.

That anyone would trust someone like Mario Lavendeira (PerezHilton.com) who STEALS from photographers, bloggers, and the general population, is beyond me, really. This person is a common criminal.

Contrary to what this ugly wind-bag has reported, I have not broken up with my boyfriend. I did not go home with anyone from “Survivor” from any party. I have not “made out with” anyone at a party while I have been with my boyfriend. The opposite has been written on his site. It is all a complete and blantant lie. This person is a liar. Period.

My book was done before I ever met Lance. I do not date people so that I can “use” them. I’m self-sufficient and happy to be that way. I have served my country, I have made my own money, my own career, written my own books, bought my own homes and other possesions, and I’m proud to be this way, on my own. I am not broke. I am individually financially sound. I date people because I happen to love them. Period.

I will only post this once. This disgusting person and his site makes up blatant lies to create interesting stories. I am one of this criminal’s targets. Understand that. So know, from here on out, that if you read anything about ME on PerezHilton.com, you are 99.9% sure to be reading a lie or an exagerrated, incorrect version of something that is 0.01% true.

Merry Christmas Everybody!!

Love, Reichen

Meanwhile it is indeed true that Perez is being sued by paparazzi photo agency X17 for $7.6 million. The major news outlets have picked up the story, and Perez remains defiant, saying “All successful people get sued. It just happens. The more successful you become, the more high profile, the bigger target you are and I’m an easy target.” X17 says they tried to settle with him amicably many times, and he was openly rude about it. They say that they have lost business with celebrity glossies as a result of Perez pilfering their photos. The gossip rags claim that Perez’s first use of the photos keeps them from having an exclusive scoop.

It sounds to me like Perez wanted to get sued again so he can get lots more free publicity.

Header image is an original illustration from Gallery of the Absurd, and you can view it full on their site. Reichen image found on Oh No They Didn’t!.

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9 Responses to “Lance Bass’ partner, Reichen, tells Perez Hilton to stuff it”

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  1. i heart lasagne says:

    Celebitchy, I love your site and am currently trying to wean myself off perez. I got started with this whole celeb obsession with perez, and his large amounts of posts have kept me coming back. However, reading the several posts you have made regarding perez have really made me think. Your site is a millions times better and much more intelligent. The quality of posts is also much greater, as most people who post and discuss have valid points and seem to have some intelligence. From this point on, I am making a concerted effort to stay away from perezhilton.com. I am also very happy to hear that Reichen and Lance are still together, I wish them all the best. Life is hard enough (even for ordinary folk) without people spreading lies. Kudos to you and thanks!

  2. NYSailorScout says:

    I do not like Perez Hilton at all. He is far too unhappy for my tastes. But that being said…..I think that Reichen is lying. There were too many false chords in his Internet post. His homes? He was on a reality show! That’s the exact opposite of earning your own way in life. That is expecting something for nothing, as if you deserve money and awards for simply existing. Perez may just be onto something.

  3. fan says:

    Perez site is way better than this one, it’s more entertaining and funny

  4. NYSailorScout says:

    Yes, it is way funnier. But I feel filthy after reading it.

  5. fan says:

    Celebitchy’s site is o.k, but still not as good as perez’s.

  6. Gigohead says:

    They are both good. Perez is a hater. He’s played out. The king of gossip has no clothes.

  7. Vicki T says:

    I won’t even read Perez’s site anymore because he is so hateful.

  8. Sass says:

    Mario is a flash in the pan who will truly fall hard very soon. That tumble from grace will be a treat, and I hope CB and all the other gossip sites give it to him hard core. Perez is in deep need of some karma.

  9. The Real Coffee Bean Girl says:

    Perez is a hateful homo, and actually spends much of his time blogging as other readers on his very own site!!!

    Total fraud, total creep, total LOSER!!!!