“Kristen Stewart comes out of hiding with her crop-top intact” links

*These are not the exclusive photos. You have to go to Pop Sugar to see them.

First post-scandal photos of Kristen Stewart. In a crop-top! You have to go to Pop Sugar to see the exclusive photos. [Pop Sugar]
Genius Kirk Cameron defends Congressman Todd “Legitimate Rape Doesn’t Get You Pregnant” Akin. [The Frisky]
Condi Rice broke through another glass ceiling. Yes, it involves golf. [OMG Blog]
Kourtney Kardashian says Kim will have a gut full of ‘Ye any day now. [Bossip]
More photos of Jennifer Aniston in a bra. Perv. [Celebslam]
Lauryn Hill seriously needs a new accountant. [ICYDK]
Tumblr of the day: Dogshaming. [Gawker]
Tony Scott didn’t have a brain tumor after all. Still really sad. [Evil Beet]
This was Chad Ochocinco’s mistress?! [Yeeeah]
Sarah Michelle Gellar & her daughter are super-cute. [Seriously OMG WTF]
Even more Evelyn Lozada & Ochocinco dramz. [Reality Tea]
Kate Moss in a tiger shirt! [CityRag]
Are Eva Longoria’s shorts made out of trash bags? [Celebs]
Guess who got into another car accident? Yep. [Limelife]
Duchess Kate counts every Olympic appearance as an “event”. [Life & Style]
They’re making a sequel to Kick-Ass? And Jim Carrey might be in it? [Hollywood Rag]
Dick Van Dyke will receive the SAG Lifetime Achievement Award. [Bitten & Bound]
Gerard Depardieu got into a scooter accident. [Starpulse]

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94 Responses to ““Kristen Stewart comes out of hiding with her crop-top intact” links”

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  1. beansoplenty says:

    LOL twitards are in overdrive over her wearing all of his stuff. Yeah cause that really meant something when she was humping Rupert. Lainey’s take on this is pretty good FYI.

    • mia girl says:

      I read it too. For someone who swore she’d never play the game…its interestng how she’s forced herself to play it out in the open now. She is the last person her fans would think that her people would actually make arrangements with photogs.

      It’s a new-Stew. Now with more regret in every bite.

      • Anname says:

        It has to be killing her her to ask the paps for help, considering her past history with them. All part of the consequences of her actions though. I agree with whoever mentioned it that it is good to get the first images out of the way before she shows up at TIFF. It was a circus (even more than usual) for Rob when he showed up the first time at his premiere.

    • Janet says:

      Her insane fans are acting as if this was the Second Coming. They think her wearing that hat means she and Pattinson are back together. I can think of several reasons why she’s wearing it and none of them include a reconciliation: 1) her PR agent told her to wear it to get her fans going, 2) she’s trying to send him a message since he won’t take her phone calls, and/or 3) nostalgia for what was and will never be again.

  2. Miss Piggy says:

    Awww… Chin up, sweetie. This too shall pass.

    Why hasn’t Amanda Bynes’ license been revoked?

  3. LoveryWindows says:

    Gotta admit, I’d kill to have her body and hair. She’s hot.

    • Crystal says:

      She really is. I have some serious hair envy.

    • Anna says:

      She wears extensions and her body has zero tone. You haven’t seen many female bodies if this is hot to you.

      • Janet says:

        You noticed that too? She’s going to be showing some cellulite by the time she’s 35, if not before then.

      • UNF Joan Jett! says:

        or maybe some don´t like it toned but soft instead? people have different tastes, you know

  4. Turtle Dove says:

    Walk of Shame.


    There’s that snow-white, twi-hard tummy that Rupert likes.

  5. Amelia says:

    “Genius Kirk Cameron defends Congressman Todd “Legitimate Rape Doesn’t Get You Pregnant””
    What the f**k? What the *f**k*!!!
    This guy’s a politician? He’d better stfu and go sit in the corner with Bieber before I throw something at the screen.

    • I Choose Me says:

      Throw in a couple more Fffffs! and you have my exact reaction.

      Someone tell me this congressman was off his meds and doesn’t actually believe that shit!

    • Dimebox says:

      Well, he does believe it, he’s just sorry he got caught saying so. What an asshat!

    • flan says:

      It’s always refreshing to see the latest crap arrogant, white men have to say about women.

      The GOP in particular is doing a ‘great’ job shitting on women this year.

    • Agnes says:

      why is anyone even giving this douchebag a platform from which to spew his nonsense?

    • Desert Poppy says:

      Its a view touted by anti choicers in order to justify outlawing abortion even in cases of rape and incest. Outlawing of abortion in all cases is the official stance of the republican party.

  6. marie says:

    meh, it’d be better for her to start having her pictures taken now rather than wait to TIFF, that seems silly and extremely uncomfortable for her..

    Go Condi!! and Darla.. so happy to hear it this morning, it’s a big step in the right direction.

    • Mia 4S says:

      Interestingly Stewart is not on the confirmed list for Toronto, so they’ll probably play it by ear. If she’s scared I get it, Twihards are nuts; but if this is just about humiliation, tough luck! You’ve got a job to do, go do it.

      • marie says:

        surely she must realize it would be better to have her first outting be a non-twilight event? I would think that BD2 would be way worse..

    • TrustMeOnThis says:

      “Go Condi?” She’s actually the perfect choice for an Old Boys’ Club that is forced to include women. I se no victory there.

      • marie says:

        they weren’t forced, it’s privately owned so they can do what they want. whether you see it as one or not, it’s still a win for women that like golf. yeah, it’s way over due but at least it’s finally done.

  7. Crystal says:

    Well look at what we have here…
    Didn’t notice her without the married man sucking her clit.

    Amanda Bynes is a MESS. What the hell happened to her ??

    Kirk Cameron…Lord. Where do I even start. So many people with almost no understanding of how women’s bodies work getting to make decisions on what women can and can’t do with their bodies. Depressing.
    People need to stop giving Kirk Cameron a pulpit for his fucked up views though. Let him fade back into irrelevancy please.

    • Lamb says:

      Something even scarier to me is that someone with these ridiculous, woman-hating views could be our next president!

  8. lizzi says:

    God I am so sick of reading about/seeing this bland bitch.

  9. Roma says:

    Well, I think those pictures show a resounding “yes” on the boob job front.

    • Angela says:

      Ha! That was my first thought when I saw these new photos.

      I initially figured it was just some push-up bra magic, but now it looks like she had a boobs job.

    • Camille (The original) says:

      Yep, I’m thinking its a definite boob job. Which kind of surprises me that she would do that actually. Just goes to show how little the public really knows about this girl doesn’t it. I wonder if the ‘real’ KStew will start coming out in interviews now and if she’ll drop the ’emo’ or whatever act. Hmmmmm

    • Angel says:

      My first thoughts too! Boobs job! LOL!

  10. Sirsnarksalot says:

    Not to be all Twihard, but isn’t that Rob’s hat she’s wearing in the photos? And yes I hate myself for even asking.

  11. Reece says:

    Those pics aren’t staged. At. All. So Not Hollywood. The comments smh…the best one “she’s like a daughter” WHAT???

    I really cannot comment on cameron and the congressman (not capitalized. they get no such respect) because this is the internet and my IP can be traced.

    I wondered if all those games would be considered work! They don’t seem work-y but I guess.

  12. heidi says:

    Nothing to like about this young woman.

  13. Happy21 says:

    K-Stew is just Meh.

    The one thing I found most interesting (besides that they are making a sequel to Kick-Ass) is the stupid comment made by Kourtney Kardashian:

    “Kim is totally ready for marriage and everything that goes with it.”

    Um, isn’t Kim like totally already married to someone who isn’t Kanye? That is one of the dumbest, braindead comments ever made by one of these vile twits.

    • Veruca says:

      And considering everything this family utters is dumb and braindead, that’s really saying something!

  14. renata says:

    I’m laughing at the Lainey analysis of the K-Stew pics… I dunno, she looks the same as she always looks. Like even breathing air is a nuisance for her, and ‘can you please stop snapping for a moment while I remove the bug outta my ass’?

    The only real amusement in these pics is the absence of the mini cooper. Now if she had shown up in that for pics, that would have really been funny. It’s practically like the O.J. bloody glove at this point– I could see the paps trying to swab the car for clues of what really went down 🙂

    And what’s this Lainey nonsense about ‘American brands’? Like Stewie is suddenly running for the position of America’s Sweetheart??? AS IF!!!!

    Oh, and definitely agree with #9 (Roma) — her boobs have suddenly sprouted wings. I imagine Rupert’s love lifted them up where they belong 🙂

    • aquarius64 says:

      The thought of someone finding that Mini-Cooper and running a black light over the seats….eeewwww. No wonder she got rid of the “crime scene”.

      • Jan says:

        So, the mini-cooper got traded in for an American car? I still don’t think she has had a boob job; just one of those great bras that can make you look two sizes larger.

    • buckley says:

      “I imagine Rupert’s love lifted them up where they belong”


  15. skuddles says:

    Kirk Cameron and Todd Akin, please take your idiot colony to some other planet…

  16. Julie says:

    for other people it would look like she carries the whole world on her shoulders after the scandal but with kristen? she always looked like that.

  17. Booboocita says:

    Wish I hadn’t clicked, simply because she’s still wearing Pattinson’s baseball cap. And now I’m having flashbacks of my ex “accidentally” packing my beloved SF 49ers jersey and wearing it all over the place, and conveniently “forgetting” where it was when I would call to ask for its return, but he was looking for it, honest. A good buddy of mine stole it from his clothes hamper when he visited and gave it back to me. Maybe Pattinson can send Jim Sturgess over with a message?

    • MorticiansDoItDeader says:

      Guess she’s wearing it to send him a message, since he won’t take her calls.

      • Hmmm says:

        I’ve always been pretty indifferent to her but am interested in watching the development of this scandal. Is is just me, or is the way she’s dressed another giant ‘F you’ to the world at large?

        Or, as you suggest, a ‘come hither’ message to the one she loves?

  18. Emma says:

    Aww, Kristen is wearing Rob’s hat and ring just like the day she had Rupert Sanders dry hump her among other things. How sweet.

    • Danielle says:

      That’s what makes it funny because Twihards are using this as a sign that they’re still together when HELLO, she wore Rob’s stuff when she was all over Rupert.

    • HME says:

      His ring???
      At this point we’re assuming he’s dumped her though right? That is certainly the impression I got from his reaction to Jon Stewart’s use of the word breakup and his ‘kick her to the curb’ joke. Plus if they were staying together I’d of expected to have SEEN them together by now. Or some ‘friend’ telling people mag about how they are trying to work through it or something.

  19. aquarius64 says:

    Wow. I went on another site to see comments on the new Stewart sighting. One month later and fans are STILL thinking this mess can be fixed quickly. This is NOT Eclispe where Edward forgave Bella in two minutes for cheating on him with Jacob. This is not even New Moon where Edward abandoned Bella for months, drove her to self-destructive behavior; she rescued him from attempting suicide by Volturi, and they declare their love again. This is not the movies. Stewart took a wrecking ball to her relationship with Rob, and possibly her career. It’s going to take more than one public stroll wearing sack cloth and ashes to repair both, if she can.

  20. Abby says:


    so weird to see that! I was just scrolling down another pic of Kate in a matronly dress and …. bare feet.

    • MSL says:

      Can’t understand her wearing that cheap top/outfit for sending her partner (and the rest of the world) a ‘message’.
      Especially after seeing Pattinson all cleaned up and drop dead elegant last week. Now it was for the red carpet and Wall Street, but still.
      He’s ‘elevated’ himself in every sense last week, and you’d think that she would want to project a slightly more elegant version of herself in response, even if it’s only to pick up coffee and sticks.

      • MSL says:

        Oops, meant to put this comment under Anname’s ‘sack cloth’ post.

      • Janet says:

        Don’t kid yourself. This girl has learned absolutely nothing from this experience — except maybe the next time she wants to screw around with somebody else’s husband, she’ll make him get a room first.

  21. Anne says:

    All celebrities have their agents and publicists set up paparazzi pictures, even if the actual celebrities hate the paparazzi. They have no say in this. It’s not only their money and success at stake, so it doesn’t matter if they prefer to be private, they have duties to fullfill. Doesn’t necessarily make them hypocritical. They just have to endure it, period. This is ehy they should probably stop telling everybody that they have no interest in being stars and celerities, for they are ~artists. You have no idea of the work force behind Kristen Stewart. Everything about her is designed and calculated. Clothes, interviews. Fans are in love with the image created for them. You never know the real person behind the celebrity.

  22. Anne says:

    All celebrities have their agents and publicists set up paparazzi pictures, even if the actual celebrities hate it. They have no say in this. It’s not only their money and success at stake, so it doesn’t matter if they prefer to be private, they have duties to fullfill. Doesn’t necessarily make them hypocritical. They just have to endure it, period. This is why they should probably stop telling everybody that they have no interest in being stars and celerities, for they are artists. You have no idea of the work force behind Kristen Stewart. Everything about her is designed and calculated. Clothes, interviews. Fans are in love with the image created for them. You never know the real person behind the celebrity.

  23. LittleDeadGirl says:

    She does have a cute little stomach. I don’t understand how her managers or handlers or whatever aren’t telling her to go out now. She’s making it so much worst canceling appearances. The longer she waits the worst it’s going to be and the bigger impact on her career it will have.

  24. Carly says:

    she looks good, a little skinnier than usual, but still looks hot

    Nobody knows if he is not taking her calls, she still taking care of his dog, so they’re at least talking, she can wear her ring if she wants, let the girl be, I hope she can manage TIFF, everyone is on the lookout for her.

  25. Euphorima says:

    I like her, dont like what she did but I hope she will bounce back soon enough.

    • dana says:

      Same here. I think that she’s endured enough hatred and humiliation … time to move on. I hope she has a great career and hopefully this incident changes her for the better. We all learn by our mistakes.

  26. Francesca says:

    She looks like any 20 something; nothing special without the Sparkle….

  27. DANDILION says:

    Looking good.. gained a bit of weight.. It’s not like she killed big bird in front of a lot of children.. she might be more reasonable and lose that smug, rebel attitude..? That jerk director needs his own comeuppance too.. plus I heard his so suffering in silence wife has a boyfriend and she’s keeping this publicity shock going.. her new boyfriend on the down-low.. to get more money in the divorce.. Blind item. eeek

    • Janet says:

      KStew’s crazy fans have been trying to turn Sanders’s wife into the villain ever since those photos first came out.

  28. MSL says:

    Anyone else seen the Huffington Post ‘In Defense of Kristen Stewart’ article written by a family therapist?

    • Janet says:

      I read it and almost puked. Poor, poor Kristen. This b*tch doesn’t need tea and sympathy, she needs a foot up her butt. As long as people keep enabling her she’s going to keep on being a spoiled, entitled brat.

    • mia girl says:

      Thanks for the link.

      As is the problem with some of her detractors, the problem with many of her defenders is that they just take it WAY TOO FAR. Some (not all) of the points in the original article may be worthy of discussion, but if you read Ms. SaraKay Smullens’ responses to some of the comments, you want to eye roll until kingdom come. Here is my favorite:

      “She (Stewart) has had very little true life experience until now, and I know she will grow from this. In whatever happened between her and her director, she had absolutely no conscious idea what she was getting herself into.”

      ABSOLUTELY NO CONSCIOUS IDEA????!!!!!! Clearly, Kristen Stewart is either cyborg or was in the midst of a sleep-walking episode in her Mini Cooper. WTF?

      P.S. SaraKay Smullens totally sounds like a made up name from a Saturday Night Live skit.

      • TrustMeOnThis says:

        Don’t drink the Twientologist kool-aid!

      • MSL says:

        Name for an SNL skit – LOL

      • Janet says:

        She claims to be a family therapist. I’d sure like to know what her credentials are. I’m an LCSW and no responsible therapist I know of would agree that this young woman needs to be given a pat on the head and told this mess isn’t really her fault, she was the innocent victim of an older, manipulative man. Unless she is allowed to accept responsibility for her part in the affair she will never be able to learn from her mistakes. Guilt, shame and remorse aren’t pleasant feelings but they are essential to the process of emotional maturity. She needs to feel badly if she’s going to grow up and learn anything from this, because if she doesn’t, she’s going to remain a spoiled child for the rest of her life.

    • lizziebee says:

      Has anyone read the comments underneath? Unbelievable clap-trap defending Stewarts actions….Even having a go at Rob not defending her!!!The world’s gone mad…

  29. ToastedSkin says:

    oh man i want her hair so bad. she looks really good, you gotta admit.

    • Angel says:

      Are we looking at the same person??? She has some of the worst hair (side eyeing Britney) I’ve ever seen. It always looks unwashed and oily on top, with a rats nest at the bottom. Her hair is skankified!

      • another nina says:

        Thanks Angel for saying this. I’m always confused when they talk about her “gorgeous” (????) hair…Looks like an ugly-colored broom to me.

      • hmmmm says:

        I think she’s got a great body, hair, and a pretty face she just needs to improve her attitude. Stardom happened too quickly for her which I think helped her feel entitled.

  30. Hakura says:

    Just seems to me that she likes the grungy 90’s style, more than anything. Granted I haven’t kept up with KS – Soap Opera. (Dun Dun DUN).

  31. amber says:

    her friends posted a pic of a dog that looks 100% like Bear, the fans went all CSI and found the interior of a Buick that is the same interior of the picture of Bear, and Kristen in the pics was driving a Buick lol

    She’ll bounce back with or without Rob, hopefully she’ll find someone hotter and with no psycho fans.

    • hmmmm says:

      wow that’s really going CSI! some fans are way over the top and I can finally understand why kristen and rob kept their relationship on the down low for a while. it’s their personal lives but it must suck to have fans that want to know every detail of your romantic life and rob’s fans seem to be especially crazy. I don’t know but I don’t find rob all that great looking. sometimes he looks ok and other times eh not so much … but he seems to have a great sense of humor so that’s a big plus.

  32. flan says:

    If I were her publicist, I would have send her out with an animal to give a sad, but kind vibe. She would have worn, not the cap or that shirt, but a nice, somewhat demure dress.

    Then in her first statement, she would have made a joke about ‘getting what I wish for’, smile sadly and then walk off with an ‘excuse me’.

    Of course they didn’t, because they are dumb. This whole thing actually shows how useless publicists are. Sparkles is doing wonderful without one, while Stewart does horrible with them.

    • another nina says:


    • hmmmm says:

      JMO but I think she might have chosen to wear the crop shirt because there were some stupid rumors that she was in hiding because she was pregnant. lol so, maybe just maybe she wanted to shoot that rumor down. I can just imagine the disaster that would entail if the pregnancy rumor fueled like fire and everyone was debating whether the baby was rob’s or that director’s. yikes!!

      I think she looks great and looks humbled which is important. she’s got the casual look going on because that’s the type of girl she is and I think it works because it looks real and doesn’t seem fake.

  33. Jag says:

    Did Rupert pay for her boob job, or just demand it of her, I wonder?