Was Dina Lohan paid $50,000 for her cracked-out Dr. Phil interview?

On Monday, Dina Lohan appeared on Dr. Phil’s show and we all laughed, cried and drank. It was awful in any and every way. Dina seemed out of it, she slurred her words, she “deflected,” she slumped, she rolled her eyes, she flipped the bird, she kept jumping around and shifting and bouncing. All while she seemed to be unable to keep her head up – go back and watch the videos to see how her head could not stay in one place for three consecutive seconds. And all of that was just the extra stuff, the body language, the optics. It was so much worse when she was trying to answer (or NOT answer) a question. In the back of my mind, I kept thinking, “Why is she doing this? Is this just for the love of being a famewhore?” Nope. Radar (and Michael Lohan) claims that Dina got PAID for the interview:

Dina Lohan raked in the big bucks for the bizarre interview she did with Dr. Phil McGraw which aired Monday — RadarOnline.com has exclusively learned that she earned a whopping $50,000!

Lindsay Lohan’s mother was fidgeting throughout the train wreck appearance, ignored Dr. Phil’s questions, flipped him the bird at one point and appeared to be under the influence of something throughout.

Michael Lohan made an appearance on screen at one point, and claims that although he was not paid a cent, his ex-wife pulled in thousands for her time.

“I got absolutely NOTHING,” Michael told RadarOnline.com. “It’s the first question Dr. Phil asked me but they cut that out. Dina DID get $50,000 and that’s why they were pissed that she didn’t give them the interview they wanted.”

Dr. Phil was clearly annoyed with Dina, saying: “Can I ask you some questions, and you answer them, not in television speak but just answer them honestly?”

Michael says that he doesn’t believe that Dina will be honest about the money she made from the interview, saying she’ll spend it “having another party. And telling the kids (mostly Lindsay) that she’s broke.”

Dr. Phil slammed Dina’s responses to his questions, saying: “What you have done is distinguished yourself in the negative, you have come on here and been phony and inauthentic.”

[From Radar]

So, this comes from Michael Lohan, who is a vagina-kicker. Which makes me doubtful regarding its authenticity. And yet… I think it probably is true. For one, Michael Lohan was pretty much 1000X more coherent than Dina during the interview. Secondly, Dr. Phil isn’t a “journalist”and as such, he has no qualms about paying for access. He and his producers probably wanted a big interview with Dina and the only way she would do it is if she got a five-figure payday. So… yeah. Bitch got paid. Looks like Mother Crackie won’t be stealing cash out of Lindsay’s purse THIS week.

Photos courtesy of WENN, screencaps from Vulture’s video.

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35 Responses to “Was Dina Lohan paid $50,000 for her cracked-out Dr. Phil interview?”

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  1. whatdidijustwatch???? says:

    what i dont understand is why she kept dabbing at her eyes??? its not like she was crying or giving a particularly emotional interview.
    and why does she sound like a 20year old?

    • cmc says:

      She wanted it to look like she was crying. Classic manipulative move.

    • jwoolman says:

      It was fake crying. Google “Lillian Glass” plus “Dina Lohan” for an interesting analysis of all her fakery (the September 18, 2012 post on the site). Glass specializes in body language, signs of deception etc.

  2. Lauren says:

    Guess who got in trouble in NY…our favorite Cracken! Not like anything will happen from it though or maybe she jinxed herself with that tweet she sent out about Amanda and she’ll actually get her ass handed to her…doubtful though.

    • DailyNightly says:

      I just heard this on the news and I hope they DO treat her differently here than in California. It’s ridiculous that she gets away with this behavior continually. One day the person she hits won’t survive, who will be to blame then?

    • Macey says:

      what happened? I havent heard or seen anything in the news yet about LL.

      OMG…NVMD…the dumb b*tch hit someone with her Porsche…AGAIN!

    • mln76 says:

      It’s a misdemeanor appearance ticket 🙁 nothing will come of it in NY. Maybe it’ll affect her probation in Cali (yeah right)…she probably is just jealous of Amanda Bynes and the actual concern people are feeling.
      My feeling on Ny vs Cali is the cops will do everything not to arrest her because she’s famous but if she goes before a judge for something serious in NY she will actually do time because there is no such thing as overcrowding here.

      • Ruby Red Lips says:

        I just read about this – I really hope she does get charged for this as she will def fatally injure someone before long if she continues to be allowed to drive

  3. Nanz01 says:

    Those screen caps and photos are choice! I read some comments on another site about this Dr. Phil interview. The commenters basically called out the good “doctor” for attacking a trauma victim (and some said this knowing what kind of manipulator DL is). So I had to wonder if I’ve lost all human sympathy because I don’t feel bad for this woman AT ALL. Normally, I would defend a woman who has been in an abusive relationship with her own substance abuse issues (allegedly!) against predators like Dr. Phil or Dr. Drew, but I simply have no good will left toward this family. Maybe Ali, but that’s it. I feel scummy about it and I HATE that a Lohan made me feel scummy.

    • jwoolman says:

      Don’t feel bad. Dina’s body language indicated she was lying about everything she said concerning Michael’s physical abuse of her. See Lillian Glass’s analysis on her site.

  4. lady_luck says:

    Why was she on there in the first place? For what purpose ? I guess car-crash t.v attracts the viewers.

  5. Hakura says:

    There are homeless people & starving children all over the world, but Dina Lohan was paid $50,000 to get high, go on that show, & avoid answsering any questions truthfully (or at all)?

    There are no words.

    • DailyNightly says:

      It was allegedly $50,000, not $5000. Even more disgusting.

      • Hakura says:

        Ah, that was a typo. I was editing my post, & I’d already gone back to fix it, but you must’ve seen it before it loaded.

        And it’s beyond disgusting. I can barely even think of anything to *say* about it.

  6. brin says:

    Yikes….Kaiser, Radar story says Crackie was arrested in NYC for hit & run!

    • jwoolman says:

      Well, there goes Dina’s theory that Lindsay’s long list of legal encounters was all the fault of those terrible people in the LA justice system, that NYC would be a kinder, gentler place for her little pumpkin.

  7. KellyinSeattle says:

    I didn’t know she still had any money left to pay Dr. Phil….he had Michael Lohan on, too, rebuking all abuse/jerk issues. Dina kind of looks like Kathie Lee Gifford in a wig.

    • KellyinSeattle says:

      Oh, I see…she had to pay up. If I had an extra 50 grand lying around me I’d pay the whole family to go live in Antarctica…I think they have enough fur for that.

    • Bubbaang says:

      I think in some of the screen-shots, that Lindsay is already starting to look a lot like her mother (kinda old and worn out).

      Dina should grow-up already, she needs to be a better role model for her kids. I can see why Lindsay does not take responsibility for her behavior.

  8. marie says:

    I dunno if I believe it, I mean the charge came from Michael. He probably thought it would make him look better, less coupable if he said she was paid to say that stuff.. They’ll both say anything to make the other look bad, when they’re both raging idiot arsholes..

  9. Blue says:

    I really doubt she got paid that much. How would Michael know anyway.

  10. Hakura says:

    I understand everyone’s doubt, but on the other hand, Dina would never have even agreed to do an interview unless there was at least *some* payment riding on it.

  11. Ford Prefect says:

    Is there a reason why she’s posing with a toothbrush in the last picture?

  12. NeNe says:

    Why the f*ck was she on his show anyway?? I highly doubt that anybody believes a word that comes out of that woman’s mouth. Dr. Phil is a complete d**chebag!!

    • JudyK says:

      As stated at the beginning of the show, she was on Dr. Phil because SHE CALLED HIM and asked to be on to set the record straight about herself and her family.

      She just wanted to look like a victim; instead, she exposed herself for the drunk crackhead liar that she is, not to mention also exposing the fact that she doesn’t have even a 2-digit I.Q.

  13. Lady Satan says:

    Of course she was paid – does anyone actually think this woman does *anything* without getting paid?

  14. MorticiansDoItDeader says:

    Dina’s mannerisms reminded me of those of Charlize Theron’s Eileen Wornos character in “Monster.” In other words, she was acting just like a crazy-eyed, crack addicted prostitute looking for her next fix.

  15. Blondie says:

    Dr. Phil paid Casey Anthony’s parents $600,000.00 for their interview from what I’ve read, so yea, I can believe it about Dina Lohan getting $50,000.00 for her “fake” interview.

  16. Shelly says:

    My own mother is a manipulative, borderline personality, emotional vampire. She tried to thought-police me my entire young life. Thank God I moved out of her house and in with my dad when I was 15. It’s the only thing that saved me and helped me to turn out fairly “normal”, although I did spend much of my 20s shedding her brainwashing, and it took me until my early 30s to cut her off completely, as I kept giving her chance after chance, only to be let down again and again. She still even tries to get to me through my siblings, but my siblings and I have a strict do-not-talk-about-mom-to-me policy. After watching Dina with Dr. Phil, I can say that this woman reminds me of her, but seems 1,000 times worse. Lindsay never had a chance. And if she doesn’t get away from this delusional and sick woman, she never will. And that is on her. She is old enough to make the decision to better herself and cut off whoever is toxic. Although I somehow think that any good influences in Lindsay’s life are promptly criticized as being something other than that by Mommy Dearest so that Mommy can retain control of and stay enmeshed in her daughter’s life.

  17. jamminatorr says:

    Why is anyone surprised she got paid? Of course she got paid. Someones gotta pay for all that Ambien

  18. Masque says:

    After seeing that top photo I see where LiLo got her Screee! expression. It’s genetic.

  19. rumbleseat says:

    He has no problem paying since he’s not a legitimate journalist, which he’s not? So then what’s the excuse for the so-called real press, who happily shell out six figure sums for exclusives and photographs to people like Casey Anthony, and then lie and deny when the truth comes out? They all do this, and I think you’d have to be a bit daft at this point to acknowledge a line between the sensational media and the “real” media.

  20. jwoolman says:

    I think Dr. Phil denies paying because (like interview type “news” shows) they compensate guests with all expenses paid for travel and lodging and gifts (which can include prepaid debit cards) and paying huge bucks for any pictures. In return, Dr. Phil has them sign a waiver so they can’t sue afterward and also they will be in breach of contract if they storm off the set or don’t show. That’s why Dina didn’t leave and that’s why she asked those odd questions such as “can I go home now?” .

  21. AnnieGrey says:

    “I like youuuuu”

  22. Amanda_M87 says:

    That last picture of Dina is going to give me nightmares tonight.